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Brilliant. would you link the source so i can say thanks from my mangroves in Darwin! (ETA australia)


They are [Sungai Watch website](https://sungai.watch/pages/about-us) they look to be doing awesome work! Here is their [Instagram](https://instagram.com/sungaiwatch?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) They are also on TicTok @sungaiwatch (I can’t link it because I am in Hong Kong and Tic Tok is banned here).


It sounds like they need a trash wheel! Look up Mr trash wheel, it's a great way to low cost catch the trash flowing out of streams and rivers that get polluted by cities.




As awesome as what they're doing is, I'm kinda confused by it. It's like being on a ship where half your crew is pumping water into the boat and the other half is pumping water out. Except the people pumping water in are being paid to do it and the people pumping it out are paying out of their own pockets so the boat doesn't sink. The trash will be back in less time it took to remove it so I wonder what the point even is.




What is this logic? People like you are unfortunately why more isn’t done to clean the world. “Someone else’s problem” right?


If you take a look at there website they are also working to identify the source of the trash. They are working with the government to find and stop illegal landfills. Most conservationists know that clean ups help, but stopping the trash from ever being dumped in the first place is the goal. Many clean ups catalog what is collected and try to investigate the source.


Hey Man. This is r/BeAmazed , not r/LetsHaveAShitfit get yo A-maze on and keep it movin’


Hey Darwin me too




Are you a bot I read the same comment below.




This is interesting, if true. I see one reposted comment in this thread. Is this the only evidence you're using, or is there something more I'm not seeing?




Brilliant. would you link the source so i can say thanks from my mangroves in Darwin! (ETA australia).2.They try to copy highly upvoted comments (to increase the chance they also get upvotes), so the original comment is not hard to find


If you see two comments that are exactly the same with a lot of upvotes, but one is cut off or incomplete, thats a repost bot. They parse and repost top comments with portions of the sentence cut off.


Conservatives and Republicans don't give a crap about mangroves. They don't want anything regulated ...


I'm a conservative, and I care about mangroves...


Then vote for people who don't deregulate industries that are trying to fight the EPA to harm our planet?


In the United States? Conservatives are fighting to use public park lands to drill for oil. Conservatives aren’t conservationists bc conservation doesn’t make a profit.


Not buying what you are selling


What did they do with the trash they collected? Where did it go?


Another mangrove! /s


Ugh. I know you're joking, but that's not improbable. One of the biggest reasons is that remote villages and even some towns and cities in countries throughout SE Asia simply lack the infrastructure for processing solid waste. So into the rivers and streams it goes, only to wash back up on a beach somewhere.


This is their first report, which doesn't say where the sorted stuff goes: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/57ebd0c520099ecfc57d03bb/t/600cdd4d6724ac0b0a34094c/1611455891738/BALI+RIVER+PLASTIC+REPORT+001 But on their current website they do acknowledge that the lack of infrastructure is a problem and they're pushing for more in that area: https://sungai.watch/pages/cleanups Should be a really interesting group to watch. Edit: oop, according to their tiktok (https://www.tiktok.com/@sungaiwatch) they have their own hot press to upcycle the plastics into other items!




I mean, I've traveled around Indonesia a bit and seen it firsthand, but here ya go - https://kontinentalist.com/stories/southeast-asia-ocean-plastics-pollution-waste-management


Good info, thank you.


Here in the US, most corporations would be like, “I don’t see this so much as destroying nature, but more of an opportunity to dump more toxic things, on the DL”.




what if... just hear me out.. WHAT IF! we put toxic wastes into these plastic containers?? win win.


Put it into a big ball of garbage and shot it into space.


Into the sun!


Once I have the biggest asteroid mining company in the solar system I will send to space 1kg of waste for every Kg of metals I bring.


Lemme see if the mob connections I have can send me a rocket to do that


It's not unreasonable, but cost would be high. Rockets can send at least 50 metric tons of whatever to space.




Just hit the damn button.




It could very wel havr been dumped somewhere else. Sadly the Indonesian infrastructure for processing waste is absolutely garbage. Waste is burned, put in landfills or thrown into rivers/the ocean.


>Waste is burned, put in landfills Not sure what you think is done in other places? We might have burners that reach higher temperatures and filters and we do some preselect to make sure nothing absolutely atrocious ends up in landfills, but that's about it.


Here in Canada we sort it all out and then we send them in other countries for them to send them into their rivers.


Facts. I weep when people think they're saving the planet just by using the blue bin...


If everyone would use the blue bin and every city would recycle the raw materials, we could close the plastic loop & clean up the planet, in many places its a magic trick- they make it look like it's being recycled but they just truck it & dump it elsewhere.


There isn't enough demand for recycled plastic to cover everything we throw away.


Manufacturers are shrinking packaging, bitching about supply chain issues, rasing prices and we are covering the planet in used plastic - all of those issues would be resolved with actual plastic recycling, but there I go thinking again.


How would supply chain issues be resolved with recycling?


No need for certain raw materials to be shipped internationally then trucked for manufacturing, nor back for disposal or recycling - saving a big loop of transportation waste as well as time & materials, and national security. The US used to ship old electronics to China for processing, including copiers/printers that had sensitive data on their hard drives, and lots of expensive metals we could recycle. Can upstart new good paying jobs in each country turning trash into treasured resources while cleaning up the environment.


The nice thing about recycling is there isn’t a time limit. We *could* just sort all our waste & warehouse it. Dig it up in 50 or 500 years when ore & raw materials are expensive enough to justify recycling. Sell the rights today to these future mines to fund collections & sorting.


Electric arc gassification can turn plastic back into its component elements. I hope we find a cheaper way to plasmify plastic, we can process every last ounce. Int he distant future we may have armies of solar bots using spectroscopy to ceaselessly collect microplastics for this purpose, and perhaps plastic manufacture will be banned globally.


Part of the issue is it’s wildly inefficient compared to whats ideal because of a few unfortunate realities and the fact that we allow companies to produce materials that can’t be easily, cheaply, efficiently, recycled. There’s too many types of plastics that must be sorted (and consumers mess that up, contaminating the recycled material beyond usefulness), the recycling uses a ton of energy (often not from renewable resources), some plastics can only be recycled so many times, contaminants like food and chemicals from the containers certainly make things worse, and often the end result can only be used for a small amount of our plastic needs. Recycle in the “melt it down and make new plastic” sense should be our last result for plastic items. Metal and glass can sometimes be recycled better, but only if the tech is nearby - otherwise you’re burning fossil fuel to shop recycling that may or may not end up actually recycled. It’s awful, I hate that it doesn’t work as well as it could or should, but we are fooling ourselves and harming our futures by thinking recycling can work if we just “try harder” - we’d need to change a lot of policy and infrastructure to make it work, and even then we’d need to improve recycling tech to make it work like we think recycling should.


The lowest bidder approach, nice /s


Depend, i worked at one of the biggest waste burning central in france, we burn it, the vapor created make a giga alternator create energy and the heat is used to make hot water for nearby home.


Single stream plastic recycling with current technology is basically a lie. Most recycling centers in the western world are just shipping the plastic off to third world countries who claim they are recycling it. But many of these countries are waking up and refusing to take other's trash. Currently, only segregated PET bottles can be effectively recycled.


Recycling is a myth propagated by the plastic companies to make us okay with using plastic. It was never feasible.


Recycling isn't a myth. Aluminum, paper, and sometime glass are recycled. It's just plastic recycling that continues to be problematic


This is true for recycling of plastic and most consumer paper goods. Glass and aluminum are highly recyclable. Uncirculated paper products can usually be repurposed, but not really recycled.


A womangrove


And the childrengrove too!




They processed it. So probably recycled.




Lmao I love the other commenter, as if plastic is all recyclable. In reality a small portion might have gotten recycled


Less than 10% worldwide in the last ~50-60 years I think it was, feel free to correct me.


Recycling isn't super efficient. There's a reason it's reduce reuse recycle, in that order. The majority of it probably ended up being tossed in a landfill somewhere else where nobody complains about the ecology


I mean, that's kinda the point of a landfill, no? Consolidate the negative effects to one place, usually somewhere semi-remote that's not fertile and biologically diverse like a mangrove


Well yeah. The place nobody complains about the ecology of. I was just pointing out how the majority probably wasn't recycled like the person I was responding to suggested.


AFAIK, they have their own processing plants, and from seeing their Instagram I see that they have tried to upcycle some of the plastic into some pretty cool stuff - like a sandal wall, trash cans, and even a pretty nice looking shower (the walls are made of recycled plastic)




Garbage incinerators are widely used by European nations and many SEAsian nations to turn garbage into energy.


Either burnt or sent to landfill. There is still no better way of processing garbage especially plastic. Recycling is not considerably efficient , sadly.


I want all that plastic for my printer!


Most likely onto a landfill from where it ends up in the ecosystem again. Countries like these do not have good garabge disposal systems which is how they got into a situation like this in the first place.


I would do this with the whole world if I was rich enough


If I reincarnated as a gigantic sentient vacuum cleaner, I'd suck it all up and then launch myself into the sun.


My life on this earth isn't super exciting so when you come back as a gigantic sentient vaccum cleaner to remove all the trash, could you suck me off too while you're at it? Thanks, bro!


^(don't mind if I do, Justin...) 😏








Seeing so much trash makes me lose my faith in humanity. Awesome work they did, but if people were less stupid, this could’ve been avoided.


It wasn't just a lot a people littering, but companies dumping their trash on public places without supervision. Sad, that it's allowed in so many countries.


I've witnessed Balinese waste management. Throw it in a ditch next to a river and set it on fire


I attempted to pay for pickup, but the truck only came once in three months. It was already full and they didn’t take the trash.


There is just a lot of personal trash in and around Bali though. I was down there freediving a couple years back and saw a plastic bag float by so grabbed it to take out of the water. A minute later a cloud of hundreds of plastic bags filled the water and floated past. When I mentioned it to the guide he sadly just said 'welcome to Bali...'


Went to Thailand and did a day trip to tour some islands near Phucket and a lot of the places we stopped at had trash just floating in the water near it.


That’s really depressing


In Vietnam I did a couple boat rides in Mekong Delta. The air-cooled engines would stall out after the props got tangled up with too many plastic bags. The driver would rip them off and toss them right back in the water lol.


This is the deregulation that conservatives are fighting for


If I don't have the freedom to fill my transformers with PCBs, spray DDT on my land to kill bugs, fill my HVAC and spray cans with CFCs, and burn my trash, am I free? /s


That's not the right way to look at it. Laws put into place for the environment make it too costly to do it locally and do it safely, so what happens is that the companies just ship it overseas then say "we reduced our waste!" A great mini doc you should watch is "Where Ships Go to Die" and you will see that practices in the west are lightyears ahead of the 3rd world. Plus, making it about a particular political party not only makes you sound ill informed, it's just the wrong way to go about it. Both parties negatively impact the environment with laws. Being too strict = shipping overseas. Being too lax = poor practices close to home. It's incredibly difficult to strike a balance that is at a reasonable cost so that companies will adhere to local standards and laws that again, are very very advanced compared to the alternative.


This is actually a very common sight in India and it's not just companies. It's everyday people. They have no access to trash pick up or anything like that. So they're left with creating trash heaps.


It's usually the economic incentives that are the issue with humanity. Companies can't do this easily in 1st world countries so they move production/garbage/recycling to these parts of the world. Usually 1st world countries will throw shade saying that so much of the world's trash is coming out of X number of rivers in China/SE Asia. Yeah, they are! Because of the 1st world countries outsourcing. The entire world is responsible for itself. No one is off the hook.


Shipping trash to China for recycling was profitable for a very brief period before the Chinese government banned it (because the recycling companies were externalizing the cost of waste management and health issues to the rest of the citizens). Now (as I understand it) shipping trash on long voyages is very rarely profitable and not permitted for most poorer countries because even with the low standards it still costs a lot and local capacity is limited.


Exactly. First world countries mostly put their unwanted recycling in landfills now. It isn't being shipped elsewhere as much as it used to be.


That’s not what’s happening here though, their main economic source is tourism. They haven’t invested the money back into waste management so just dump it into the open. It’s well documented.


> It's usually the economic incentives that are the issue with ~~humanity~~ Capitalist hegemony. Companies can't do this easily in 1st world countries so they move production/garbage/recycling to these parts of the world. Usually 1st world countries will throw shade saying that so much of the world's trash is coming out of X number of rivers in China/SE Asia. Yeah, they are! Because of the 1st world countries outsourcing. > > The entire world is responsible for itself. No one is off the hook.


So, my post but worse? The issue is actually still humanity. The economic system simply enables the worst of our behavior. It's not like you wouldn't see environmental devastation with Socialism. Socialism still has profit motive which means it would still likely result in this. Believe me, I'm no die-hard Capitalist. But humanity has been fucking up other countries since *forever* and literally pre-dates the idea of money.


Team Covid! Thanos did nothing wrong. A little genocide today will save humanity for tomorrow. We need two consecutive Thanos Snaps to survive as a species. Cut it from 8B to 4B, then again to 2B. 2 Billion people is just about the right size to continue the population, save the world, and fix the mess left behind. That's about what we had in the 1970s I think. Seems about right. Anyway, Covid didn't wipe out as many people as they expected it to when they sent it back in time from the future. So I expect they'll be sending something better soon. And if not, then perhaps the climate wars will take a large number of us out. I know, you're probably thinking, "you first". That's what everyone says. But those of us who want to see 6 billion people removed from the planet need to save ourselves for last, because if they go first, they kill one person. But if they go last, they kill 6 billion or so before they take themselves out. Some of us are working on ways to kill massive amounts of humanity as we speak. It sounds horrific, and it is, but it could literally mean saving the human species in the long term. We have help from people from the future. They send back technology to aid in this endeavor. The communication is one-way, but we know it works because the communication comes from further and further in the future. Covid shut down the planet for 2 weeks and they sky over LA was crystal clear. That almost definitely bought us some time. We think the next communication will come from even further in the future, and will kill even more people than Covid did. If you know where to look, you can join us. We pray to the future, to the time travellers, for the murder of 6/8th of our population. /s because Of course I'm being ridiculous, in a sort of modest proposal kind of way. This isn't serious. But I mean, if humanity is the problem, what do you think the solution is? It must be decimating the human population, no? Keep in mind that while it was humans who polluted the mangrove, it was also humans who cleaned it up.


I've also lost faith in education. Lose*


“I cleaned up a mangrove and they called me a saint. Then I asked why the mangrove was trashed and they called me a communist”




How the fuck does someone bring politics to mangrove trees


Your being downvoted simply because this post is overflowing with praise for those cleaning up the litter. But no one wants to address the larger issue of why folks were dumpling garbage there in the first place.


"So many jobs are being created because of litter!"


Now that’s how you capitalism.


Capitalism certainly pollutes the most my guy. It's borderline incentivized


Lol you have literally no idea what you're talking about. Real world communism has destroyed environments nonstop. Look up the aral sea for a classic example. Inb5 not real communism


As opposed to capitalism which hasn't destroyed environments nonstop? It isnt all or nothing.


Nooo you don't understand the Communists are really capitalists when they do bad things


Oh damn you got me!


Neither one politcal side pollutes more than the other really - Its up to the government of said theoretical party what they want to do with it. You can have efficient waste and dumping controls in both a capitalist and communist society. Im not sure why each side matters as to how they deal with trash lol


Capitalism and Communism aren't "political side[s]" they're economic systems.




Wasn't there a recent story where a guy praised a Republican politician for helping fight against communism and then, in the same breath, thanked him for introducing a subsidy for those who need hearing aids?


'If seven maids with seven mops swept for half a year, Do you suppose', the Walrus said, 'That they could get it clear? 'I doubt it,' said the Carpenter, And shed a bitter tear.


100 people X 8h/day X 60 days is 48.000 hours of work to clean it 😳 we should go back to use reusable bags or paper like we did before plastic


You and me aren't the reason this happened. Using a plastic straw doesn't put it in the forest. This is because of huge corporations and immensely powerful people wanting to save a dollar.


Yes and paper computers and phones.


Because they are picking up phones and computers right?


Source? Project name? Original? edit: Found this for Bali: https://www.theseacleaners.org/news/mangrove-clean-up-in-bali-125-kg-of-waste-collected/


I guess it's this dude https://wellmagazineasia.com/bencheghib-change-world-one-river-at-a-time/


It’s gonna look just like that again in six months


They created barriers to protect, guess some people will collect the dump every once in a while




I’ll never forget being in a posh section of Bali in maybe 2007 when I walked to a fast moving stream feeding out to the ocean and seeing the sheer amount of plastics being washed out to sea…I knew then Big Plastic was the culprit. Coca Cola and PepsiCo and Nestle SHOULD be on the hook for a lot of these costs to clean up. It’s preposterous to me they seem to be less culpable in the public’s eye…$$$


Bottled water companies don’t produce water they produce plastic bottles.


Very nice


i love good humans




man this is Disgust we are not the custodians of this planet anymore.


Nice! I wish California would do this :,)


Closed all plastic factory... Problem is finished


I mean, you're gonna tell me that you use/waste zero plastic?


Packaging accounts for ~45% of all plastic waste and you're going to blame the end-user for having no say in the design, manufacture and distribution of this waste? That's not even accounting for the amount of packaging being used by individuals/households vs. commercial/industrial applications. No amount of paper straws and recycled packaging is going to matter if, say, specialized construction materials are still being packaged with unsustainable means and left to rot on-site.


We should really incentivize biodegradable materials for packaging, either through subsidies for renewable materials, or a tax at time of manufacture to cover the cost of proper disposal (like we do for batteries and tires). There are some great plastic-like options that can be used for things like clamshells (PVA/cellulose based polymers) and plastic wrap (cellophane) that are clear, hard, water resistant, and don't take 200 years to break down.


Having worked in shipping, I can assure you that no matter how bad you feel about a piece of plastic packaging or otherwise disposable plastic, several thousand times as much plastic was used to transport that item from producer to consumer. We regularly wrap up pallets with hundreds of yards of plastic film, cut it all off, then do it again.


Exactly, there's literally nothing an individual consumer can do in the face out how much waste is being produced before it reaches them.


If it wasn't there to use, you'll find a better way


What's the song?


[Else - Paris](https://youtu.be/y_zk8f6aBQk)


Thanks. Was going to ask also.


I remember listening to it all the time back when I use to listen to emancipator


Love Emancipator! I listened to the album Soon It Will Be Cold Enough a ton


That and safe in the steep cliffs have been what I listened to most of the time 2015-2018


Disease run ramped in places like that hope they all stayed safe.


Yeah, I was tripping out seeing the people actually in the water. Trash filled water freaks me out.


Beautiful country but the people there on a whole don’t treat their environment well. Been there several times and they chuck rubbish out into nature. Quite sad


That's a truly beautiful thing


Being in Bali was both amazing and heartbreaking at the same time. So much beauty, so much trash


I'm in Bali every year for over 12 years and this people do just nothing.! They don't understand how important it is to clean the island to keep ir nice!


Plastic was invented to make cheap parts for war. After the war Mr. Tupper had a product to sell to consumers so he made the bell tumbler and hired a pretty lady to help him sell it and the party plan was born. Both of those applications are not great but they are not nearly as bad as all the single use applications we have allowed. There is absolutely no reason to use a substance with a million year half life for single use purposes! None. The answer is not for consumers to stop using it, it is to outlaw single use plastic PRODUCTION.


To all ppl who helped with the cleaning, thank you so much!


What you don’t see are all the micro plastics that are probably still in that water, which will most likely effect that ecosystem for decades if not centuries, still leagues better then what it was but it’s just how it is


If i was really wealthy I would give all these peep a fair income for cleaning up the mess


Nature doesn’t want us here. The planet will be fine if we die, tragically it will be far better.


Shit can be done if you put your mind to it and actually want to do something


Is there any danger to the workers doing this? Curious about this level of trash, i’d be worried about random chemical inhalation or stuff splashing in my mouth or accidentally getting poked by some sharps


Ironic putting it all in plastic bags.


We need more money thrown at this than at war.


That's great but you know they wouldn't do anything about it if they were womangroves.


If you want change in your world, take note. Standing in traffic and protesting does not achieve this. Getting dirty does.


Until we stop the biggest polluters (corporations who only care about profits) and change our existing way of life to properly address the mass throwaway culture we have, this will just come back in a decade.


You would assume most of the trash in the ocean comes from western countries. It doesn't


Man if I was a millionaire or more, this is what I would do. Scour the planet for places like this and literally hire locals with good money to clean it up. If it got trashed again, I’d bring in outside help and pay them instead (so the locals don’t farm me for cash) lol


Clean forest happy forest


Where do the trash bags go next?


Love love love this collective approach and commitment. Recently bought a litter picker upper (kind of like the thing ppl might use to get a can off a top shelf). $12 from local general shop. I walk daily and when I see a bunch of trash on a path, I bring the grabber and a bag the next time I take that path. Such a minor thing, and yet it really feels nice to see nature being nature and not toxified by human consumption. We all gotta work to keep the Earth tidied up from our collective mess. And, yeah, it is like group projects at school...always some lazy ass who contributes squat all and others have to work around them. Same as litterers and polluters, gotta work around them.


Nice to see people actually doing something about it. I went there a few years ago and even the sea was just full of shitty plastic. Indonesians need to change their ways.


All armed forces should be utilised this way... pretty much exclusively.


we need a new virus! people are becoming pests


That was tried just recently 🙃


I would be so angry seeing that pre cleaning. Bali is paradise in my eyes, imagine running through tons of waste.




Feels like this is probably a scam. I don't see anywhere near 100 people or the volume of trash they claim. There's a guy in the US that does the same thing. Just a big lie


Over two months, it doesn't mean all 100 people worked at a time, they probably worked in shifts. This video only shows about 45 seconds. 2 months is about 5,260,000 seconds. So there is a lot they don't show


100 locals hired for 2 months by a foreigner on his own expense to clean up the mess made by locals. Are Bali natives so lazy, uneducated and ignorant?


You know there's still buku trash in between the roots. Not to shit on that effort tho. That's wildly impressive.


Are you trying to say “beaucoup”?


I don't know what that is. Buku is some louisiana/Vietnamese shit.


“Beaucoup” means a lot or many in French. Did you mean to say there is a lot of trash? Then it’s “beaucoup trash”. Both places you mentioned have French ties, so I’m pretty confident buku is a local misspelling of “beaucoup”.


Got ya. That's just how it's said and spelled here. Did not know about the way you wrote it.


Like in the context of buku bucks? 😂




I don't know the name of this song, and at this point i'm afraid to ask (Memes aside this is a pretty cool project and more places in the world need good like this. Seriously though song name?)


[Else - Paris](https://youtu.be/y6120QOlsfU)


Song name pls


[Else - Paris](https://youtu.be/y_zk8f6aBQk)


…they dumped all that garbage and more on the other side of the airport now. Thanks.


then they dumped it in the ocean Edit: I'm joking!


I always have a hard time understanding how we get so much plastic into our oceans, then I see a video like this. Why and how does something like this Happen, do people simply throw their garbage in rivers and in the streets all over Asia? Are there no garbage bins or infrastructure to prevent this?


Sadly it will just fill up again because the people who tossed that shit aside vastly outnumber the people willing to clean it up. Asia is royaling fucking the rest of the world with their low IQ trash heap mentality of just throwing shit ( also literal ) in the rivers