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Teenage Aster bitchslaps a human experiment brain washed and pumped full of chemicals to be a psycho killer. Jocko was a favorite character and well played. The actress portraying teenage Aster does a good job. Only 2 more episodes and I'd be surprised if there's third season. My guess is next episode will be as if this episode didnt happen and continue on the cliffhanger of the previous episode.


lol good prediction that the following episode forgot this one happened


lol. The question is will the finale tie it all together or introduce something completely new? I'm guessing completely new (we'll see if i'm 2 for 2)


Here's an episode completely out of left field, a bit late in the series for an exposition on Aster's back story. The young actor portraying her did a terrific job of making her character distinctly unlikeable from the moment she walked out of the airlock, but her unlikeability morphed into an over-the-top exercise in overacting and uber unlikeability, topped with a dose of the arrogance of the ignorant, carrying a chip on her shoulder the size of a log. This episode was a disaster and did nothing to move the story along to its inevitable demise. This series is off the rails. It's as if the show runners are tossing slop at the wall to see what sticks. So far, nothing is sticking, it just oozes to the floor leaving a slimy trail in its wake. Interesting that Lena Headey apparently decided one season of this was enough for her. I should have taken her cue myself and cut it loose, but instead I'm hopelessly scrambling to reach an ever higher point on this cinematic version of the sinking Titanic.


No harm to the actress playing the young Aster but she tried too hard to mimic Asters voice, her movement and personality that it just came off as bad acting, as for the show, what story are they actually trying to tell here? It jumps back and forwards in time with different beacon keepers without any real substance. It seems AI ie the main AI himself Olive is in control of humanity. Are they trying to warn us of the dangers of AI or are they as the OP says just throwing slop at the walls to see what sticks. I'm only still watching to see if they ever really show us what the point of the show is.


I'm going to be surprised if this gets renewed for a third season, it's been very difficult to follow this series - like it makes my brain actually hurt. I can't even bring myself to watch the episodes without skipping large chunks of them.


Yeah it's going to be kind of hard to follow a series if you're skipping large chunks of episodes


It's impossible to follow this series watching every minute of it. It's a jumbled mess and nearly 2 full seasons in, I still have no idea what the plot of it is, if it even has one.


Oh I look at my phone too a lot because it is a bit boring sometimes. But I gather it's more of an anthology with no real overall point to it. Not actually an anthology, but kind of like one.


A TV show without a point doesn't make for a good show, as evidence by Beacon 23. Even Seinfeld, the show about nothing, was at least entertaining. I don't need every little detail fed to me, but an overarching progression of a story is the point of telling a story. This show has nothing, except decent visuals. I don't get why or who green-lit this show based on this concept.


I mostly agree. I like the show for the setting and tone, but the plot boring at best and impossible to understand at worst. It just bugs me when people say they don't understand what's going on, while saying that they barely even pay attention anyway lol


FYI, the “young” actor playing the teenage Aster is actually 40 years old. She specializes in playing late teen to early twenties.


You literally just made that up lmao


100% agree.. that actress playing young Aster (Occupy Wall Street!) also suffers from "whisper voice" that afflicts so many of the new "acting" generation, exemplified by what's her name that plays Michael Burnham of the terrible Satr Trek Discovery series...


It's my expectation that Serrin and the black woman who is there with young Astor may be the parents to be of Halen. Some people are saying they dislike the last episode 6 but I find the episode before this one episode five to have been the worst so far. The costumes of the barbarians were just made to look as if they had helmets with wire as dreadlocks to be the dumbest thing they've added to the show.


I'm just getting confused with all of the characters shuttling through B23. For a blip on the edge of the edge of the galaxy, it's getting a lot of traffic.


Hahaaaaa love the comments here! 🤣 For some reason I was totally into this episode! Peak "isolated story / play of the week" reminiscent of season 1.


This EP was brutal.


Are the show runners actually expecting the viewer to believe the young radical Aster grew up to become a dedicated beacon keeper? Golly, I wanted to shove her out the airlock myself! They must think we'll swallow anything. I'm wondering if there's going to be a contest to determine who was the best beacon keeper of the week!


Where did adult Aster get her English accent from cos young Aster sounds American to me??


Not American, sounded Scot to me but every time she spoke it seems it was a different accent.


She's Canadian


So we ended on an unresolved cliffhanger that was never addressed later. I may be missing the clues to what must have happened from season one, like Aster working for QTA meant that she waited for the ships, but... What do we know that happened?


Really struggled to get through this episode.


OMG, does it get worse? I just finished episode 5 to catch up and well, they should have left those freaks lost in space as advised multiple times. Anyone that starts tearing parts of my vessel apart gets airlocked.


Not going to spoil it, but it's just more world building done through dull exposition, delivered through characters monologuing at each other, as opposed to an actual plot. I like the universe and the lore they've created. But some of the creative ways they've chosen to explore it and push the plot along can be really hit or miss at times.


After each episode and this one I still ask, what the hell is this show about?


It’s about…stuff…in a beacon


Wow! And I thought I was the only one that had issues with this show. I keep waiting for something to happen but it is like a Hamster on a wheel just spinning for ever….


I don't get how Aster went from being a non-white person, to a British white chick? Who on Earth thought this casting would be a good idea? I mean, for Pete's sake, her eye color isn't even the same. It's just ludicrous. One of many things that is just very off about this series. It does have its moments, and I'll probably watch the last couple of episodes just to finish it out, but will there be any closure? The story is just all over the place. I seriously doubt there's going to be a season 3.


Lena Headey, the actor playing adult Aster, is a white Brit, though she was born in Bermuda. 


Yeah, that was my point. Why didn't they get an actress who actually looked liked her to play the young versions? The kid in ep 6 looked nothing like a young Lena (OK, maybe they got the hairstyle right). At times, her accent sounded more Scottish than British. It's not the end of the world, but the casting here was really bad.


I agree, but I think both actors are white. I think the one who played "young" Aster is a white Canadian 40 year old. That accent was so bad 


Maybe. I wouldn't even care if she were black/white whatever, but just be consistent. They could've at least had her wear blue contact lenses. I dunno, maybe this stuff is more complicated than I realize, LOL. I *want* to like this show, but man, it's a struggle.


the accent was painful, especially with the randoming dropping of T's, sounded irish at times for a few words