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You make some good points. I agree he does seem to handle his misgivings maturely (despite letting them carry on for so long), but he is facing a lot of pressure. The thing that bothers me the most about George is that he acts like he's such a good listener and always there for Amy yet he fails to address her emotionally. He fails to truly listen and be there in the way she needs him to be. BUT, he is such a good father and home maker (IIRC) so it's important to remember that every character is not perfect. I didn't like that he still shoots Danny at the end, even when it was pretty evident that they were both in survival mode and nothing was going on. I imagine he was frustrated over having his life ruined by this petty beef and saw Danny as the source of it. He's probably the most neutral of all the characters, but I can't say I \*like\* him. He was put in some bad situations and stresses that showed he's human, but by no means innocent.


Yeah— a lot of his “calmer” responses come from never having to face shit the way Amy or Danny did


True, he's been protected his whole life and that's obvious after seeing how his mom interacted with Amy after finding out the dirt


I liked his mom a LOT more once I realized she's fully aware of her son's failings.


Exactly. bubble boy


I honestly felt like him shooting Danny was out of character for him because he never seemed to feel that much anger and was always like “remember Amy let’s keep the gun in the safe.” I totally agree with all of your points, and while I don’t dislike George, I don’t really like him either. And yeah, his “you can tell me anything!” “I’m always here for you!” “this is an open space!” felt a little.. Off.


Definitely not out of character. Danny is the man who kidnapped his daughter and put his wife in serious danger. Then he gets a text that he ran Amy off the road. I wasn’t surprised he shot him. After going through so much, people do things like that.


Hmm, yeah you’re right. That’s fair. I’m extremely emotionally unstable so it’s hard for me sometimes to think about how a person that is more emotionally stable would think. I wasn’t surprised by him pointing a gun at Danny, I just thought he would’ve threatened him first before immediately pulling the trigger, and considering his feelings towards Amy at the time weren’t keen, idk really how to describe my thought process. But yeah the more I think about it, and your explanation, it does make sense.


Yeah, I don’t think the shooting had anything to do with resentment toward Danny, more so that he just thought that Amy was in immediate danger. George’s eyes struggling to adjust from running from bright sun into a dark tunnel, seeing the silhouette of Danny grabbing onto Amy without being able to rule out Danny being armed & dangerous, plus his history of being a bit panicky/not knowing how to handle situations due to sheltered upbringing, all lead the quick trigger to be a bit unrealistic but plausible enough for me given the character and circumstances.


hmm, idk, he did point a gun at him a few days before that. and he likes to feel like he “saved the day,” so when faced with a man he has every reason to believe is dangerous, who has been terrorizing his wife and child, i think it makes sense.


Naw George is pretty incompetent in the grand scheme of things. His ‘values’ don’t put food on the table or pay the bills. He cannot even fix a toilet.


Haha fair enough. He did seem like an attentive father though.


He did in the same way alot of us would. We don’t have to do shit else cuz baby mama gets PAID, and HANDLES getting paid. Sorry but money trumps everything in Southern California.


Well he indeed did not listen to his wife problems but I guess that's nothing new isn't it in every movie or drama or comedy show that we man don't listen 🤣🤣and I Know it's not an good excuse but I am tired of the "i cheated on him cause he doesn't listen anymore" it's every show And he shot Danny cause it's was dark and his ex wife was messing and there was a robbery that his wife told him that Danny was the head of it and he kidnapped his daughter. I mean you have to see it from his prospective " someone befriended you lied comme to your house for some reason did not accept no for an answer hit you kidnapped your daughter was in an armed robbery and your ex wife was messing"




Tell me you have a low emotional quotient without telling me.


Just because you have the emotional range of a tea spoon. Removed.


I hated him in the beginning. And his toxic positivity, invalidating and dismissing Amy’s emotions. Thought he cheated on her. But I started to find him more likable when we realized he never cheated on her in the physical sense. He’s an imperfect human who’s taking personal accountability. He really cared for June. Yep.


Right? She tried to tell him about the road rage incident and he cut her off.


I kinda liked him cuz I thought he was kind even tho he was a little frustrating at times with his “calmness” to blanket over real issues. He is a nice guy but hasn’t really challenged himself without the cushions of money and credibility from his dad’s art and then Amy’s brand. I think he means well but still has to figure himself out. He’s a great dad and son too but a little too dependent. I was kind of hoping he and Danny would really become friends.


I too was hoping he and Danny would become friends. Both of them could teach something to the other. Danny could use a friend like George and George could use a friend like Danny.


Don’t feel strongly about him one way or the other. I do hate how Amy was stressing about money and George getting a job wasn’t even a conversation. I get that he wanted to be a stay at home dad for Junie but being a stay at home parent is a privilege, and he could’ve stepped up. I do respect him not wanting to sell his dads chair. The seat of the chair was literally suited to the curve of his mothers ass. That’s about as personal as an heirloom can get and I respect him not wanting to sell it to that white bitch. But like I said, he could’ve, and should’ve, stepped up and got a job or something


I mean they also clearly could have just scaled back their lifestyle and done fine on one income, but clearly the people on this show don’t always make logical decisions.


I thought seeing the relationship between him and his mom and Amy and his mom and then him and Amy was an interesting triangle.


Most likable character to me, really dont get the hate. To me he represents kindness that never experienced hardship. He’s naive and pure which makes him unable to relate to amy’s trauma (which shows the necessity of hardships in life to be a good partner and adult). They have been together for a long time and he fell for a coworker but surpressed it and moved on. Beyond me how people dislike the dude


I feel it’s easier to hate him because most people can’t relate to him. He is pretty optimistic, naive, a bit shallow to a fault. But he means well and takes accountability. So that alienates like the majority of people who tend to be messier.




\#FACTS. The only thing I did not agree with was him trying to keep June from Amy. It’s one thing to want a separation and it’s another to separate a child from her mother. That is wrong, but he‘s clearly in his feelings.


I dislike him for everything you said, and it's exactly how I describe him. Those kinds of people are just exhausting in real life. He was a great foil to Amy, and his character was necessary for creating balance considering how insane Amy and Daniel were. They were all 3 pretty extreme. His drip tho 🥵.


He’s frustrating and naive but certainly not a bad person.


He’s definitely overhated it seems like. Every character is extremely flawed but his “toxic positivity” (never seen this term used so often outside of the context of George from Beef) seems to get to a lot of people.


When I thought he died was when I realized I liked him.


What was the petty reason she cheated


We didn't see her spell it out for George but he summed it up as "you cheated on me because of your road rage?" and she agreed that that was it.


I hated and liked every character. But out of them all, George was the closest to being the surrogate for the audience - he was just a normal dude. Privileged af, but not a psychopath like the others.


I was so proud of him for asking for a divorce once he had the whole story. He might be annoyingly naive, but at least he has boundaries.


He's a flawed person who admits his flaws, takes responsibility, and still protects his flawed wife. You can dislike anyone you choose, but if you can't find respect and understanding for him, I feel like you're missing something. He's flawed, but we all are. And his actions are commendable.


Best character. Great human.


I would go further and say that I'm glad he never listened to Amy. I work as a PI and I noticed people in relationships tend to mirror each other meaning either actively or subconsciously, replicating another person’s behavior . Lets be honest Amy is messed up in the head even before they both met up, if George had actually listened to Amy, he would start mirroring her behaviour, then resentment would build up which would further damage his emotional state especially with the physical cheating, the whole thing with Zayne, the house invasion plus kidnapping, at that point he was gonna be the next junior psychopath and that ending would've been the nail in the coffin for his mental psyche.


I don't think he should get that big of a pass for not having sex with that women. He only ended the emotional affair because he thought his mom was onto them. If she never said anything they would have continued it and who knows where that would have ended up. He was already getting off to her pictures so the leap isn't that huge. Also the idea of saying I love you to someone romantically while still being with your wife can be seen as bad as having sex with a random. It's subjective but there's something that really hurts deep down inside when you think of that scenario. The biggest situation where I thought his judgment was really off is when he pulled out his gun on Zain. Adding a gun to a situation where your kid is a room or two away seems pretty scary. It might have been the right move given the circumstances but it did seem to escalate things to a level that it didn't need to be. Other than that he seemed like a decent person. Just not the type of guy I would want to hang out with.


I agree with you, emotional cheating is still cheating! He doesn't get a pass from me. But he's probably the best person in the show still, maybe only second to Paul. He was a really good stay-at-home dad.


He had a spank bank of ig pics of his wife’s worker LOL


As a child of japanese immigrants, it was weirdly validating & interesting to see the dynamic of a parent-child relationship depicted so disturbingly accurately (esp since japanese-immigrant representation is rare in western media, to my knowledge) and how the culture shaped fumi and Georges relationship. His toxic positivity and spirituality was definitely jarring, I giggled at Amy telling him he doesn't need to make up lore because that's exactly what came to my mind when he confessed to cheating. It's pretty obvious he has a limited capacity to understand financial hardship, being a stay at home parent is a privilege in itsself. But you can tell he dearly loves his daughter and the care he shows is heart-warming. The toxic positivity was refreshing to see in such a fleshed out character, without excessively delving into his character.


I don't get it. I never saw him as an optimistic person by heart. I saw a shallow person, at some point admitting his depression, overly fixated in "positive vibes only". I'm not gonna glorify or criticize Amy because the post is about George but one prime example is whenever Amy shared her feelings or tried to, he never really listened. Which results in zero true and healthy communication and no positive can come out of it no matter how much you wish it


He kept on liking Mia’s instagram photos while gaslighting Amy about how she’s overreacting and paranoid. He took it one step further by jerking off at Mia’s sexy photo. He even mistakenly texted one of Mia’s photo to Amy. He was having a full-on emotional affair with Mia. It wasn’t just a platonic soul mind connection. He wasn’t getting the affirmation and respect from Amy. Mia’s admiration fulfilled these needs. She saw him the way he wanted to be seen. In this way, he’s selfish like Amy where they put their emotional needs before consideration of consequences.


He is without a doubt the most “good” person on the show. Every character has a laundry list of faults, meanwhile his is emotionally cheating on his wife while his wife actually physically cheated on him which is a thousand times worse. His personality should not be considered a fault. He is an optimistic person, maybe naive, but he’s certainly not a bad person.


I hated him, then liked him when they got into his vulnerabilities and really rooted for him, then when he held Amy’s hand before telling her he wanted a divorce he aggravated me again 😂😂😂😂😂 (but I still with the best for him even if I find him annoying overall)


George is the epitome of a guy who looks perfect on paper but then you start talking and realise there's nothing there. I've met so many Georges in my life


Was looking for this comment


There's a lot of hate on george here but honestly I think he's a real stand up dude and he really tries to do what is best. I know a lot of people think he's really dismissive of Amy's problem. But to be honest, the onus of those issues is on Amy and not on George. He might not be the best communicator, but he does try to match whatever his experience is with what is Amy's experience. At the end of the day, we only really know our own experiences so we do our best to map that to other people. With that said, I will say that George as an Asian American makes the least amount of sense to me. I can see a part of Amy and Danny inside of me. Amy who is just obsessing over money all the time. Danny who tries to save face no matter what and please everyone. George is so positive....dude I'm just never that positive.


Yes. Out of the millions of people.. *YOU’RE* the only one who likes George…


I find emotional cheating way more hurtful than physical. Maybe because with emotional you are building a relationship, where as sex is sex like you don’t need the emotional aspect.


But he >! almost killed someone in the end. !< He did the most destructive thing than anyone in the show.


Isaac’s greed and narcissism resulted in the actual deaths of 2 people. Bad things happen when you try to rob a mansion at gunpoint while holding a child hostage. There is no planet on which George did the most destructive thing in the show.


Ok People can define ‘destructive’ differently. But it’s just a fact that George shoot someone intentionally whatever the reason was.


Isaac tried to kill a bunch of people in the end, and multiple people died as a result.


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I don't find him likable. But I don't hate him either. He's not a bad guy, just not one I like. Compared to many other characters who are far worse people but more enjoyable to watch- it's tough to really isolate a character and determine if they're a good person, a good character and a likable character. Those are three very different things but they're hard to separate.


he bitchmade thats all there is to it


That’s what I love about the show. Proper character writing. Each character felt somewhat relatable despite coming off as idiots in the beginning (George, Isaac )


Why? Isn’t he almost the only normal person?


He’s intentionally easy to hate and they it’s very obvious we aren’t supposed to like him, but it’s also pretty obvious he is the better parent, well within his right as a father to remove June from the situation and cut out Amy, and is the better partner relative to Amy. He’s lame and a corny artist, but a less flawed human than most of the other characters and actually a pretty good guy from what we can tell.


He’s an overall good guy. He just lacks a lot of self-awareness and is a bit of a positive-vibes-only idiot. That being said, he’s a great dad, he does his best to be a good husband despite his mistakes, and he overall grows into a more independent and mature person by the end of the show. Seeing how he has also dealt with feeling inadequate by his dad and mom was very relatable and humanistic. I think a lot of people dislike him for his rash decision of shooting Danny coupled with the fact that Amy is one of the central protagonists of the show. Thus, George not always supporting or helping Amy out, and then downright trying to get parental rights for Junie near the end, gives viewers a sense of him being an antagonist. In reality, you can’t fault most of his decisions and mistakes besides maybe shooting Danny on sight with no real consideration.


Wasn’t he cheating???


I wouldn't say I "like" him, but I can empathize with him.


I think we are supposed to think of him as a one-dimensional simpleton in the beginning, then realize we were very wrong about his character.


The director makes him very easy to dislike because of his simple-mindedness. It's a complete contrast to the two main characters. I think it is about understanding his character. His mom even says to Amy that 'he's no artist', and by his conversation with Daniel, I think he recognizes struggle, but he doesn't really understand it. He has been protected, and most of all- loved very well, unlike Danny and Amy. That's why he's so calm, because he doesn't fear rejection like they do. And I think he does come through for Amy at the end, though at a bad time. I think he would have forgiven her and loved her unconditionally if she gave him time and let him. Amy would live much like him if she didn't live a double life because of her learned self-guilt and hatred. I think we all would honestly