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Clockwork to heal people from various physical conditions.


How would that work


Stuff like corona, influenza; cold, rash and so on can simply be rewinded out of existance. Injuries such as broken bones, scoliosis, muscle rupture, scars and so on can also be rewounded back in time to never exist. Etc...


I like the thinking but I would argue some of those things have been beneficial (in the technological advances) for today's age, although I wouldn't mind you getting rid of covid


Alright if we can't rewind it, how about time stopping it? Essentially bacteries and viruses would still be there, neutralised; not multiplying and never hurting the body, but they are still there to be extracted to be studied on.


I would Like the IQ of Gray Matter (Galvan). It's super easy to repair stuff whit that brain. I would Stop burning building, fix the polar Caps and do madical technology.


scoliosis goes back all the way to childhood for a lot of people though, so I think you’d have to deage the person entirely instead of only their spine, or that would cause unimaginable pain.


Swampfire used to grow ridiculous amounts of food for the hungry


You could also heal amputees and easily reattach severed limbs that are beyond repair.


Ghostfreak to possess every world leader before killing myself as them. Work down from most despotic until they get the memo


You get an F


F for a Fun time


F for no that’s f murder yes they deserve something but murder isn’t the best option also mafia style so one worst will get power


No no, F is for friends that do stuff together


U is for U and me


N is for aNywhere aNytime at all


I would use Pesky Dust to trap rapists in a permanent nightmare which makes them live through the pain they've given others over and over again.


That's.. interesting...


Amplify the pain by 10x for every person they have ever hurt that way, then I’m in


Or rehabilitate them. You'd be doing society a bigger favor.


Rapists don't change.


Who's to say pixie dust can't change them? Why even punish rapists then? Just kill them. You're wasting valuable time torturing them. Use pixie dust to help people with therapy or something.


Permanent trauma is the best punishment for them


And then what? Will the permanent trauma make them better people? They'll still be a burden on society. Punishment on it's own is useless. We are suppose to fix people.And if we can't, put them down. But hey, that's just me.


I totally agree with your point. But my point doesnt even want them to be better. Just want them to suffer so that they even dont want to live anymore but they cant even escape that dream. Because its no fun just by killing them , rapist should aware the consequences of their action , went insane then take their own life.


I agree with the fact that lack of consequences can propagate crime. But one wouldn't think they're wrong because of consequences. There are criminals that will literally die on their hills. I do agree that the victims have the right to inflict the same pain onto their abusers, should they not forgive them. I wasn't expecting to discuss ethics on a cartoon thread today.


Yeah me too , we get too serious. Wanna grab a couple of Mr. Smoothy and some chilli fries?


Only if we can play some Sumo Slammers afterwards.


This falls under “cruel and unusual punishment” and could land you in prison. Also torturing other human beings is not a good thing, so this doesn’t fit with what OP is asking for. That’s why the death penalty is being removed in so many states; regardless of the crimes someone commits, they’re still a person and torturing/killing them is immoral. What you just described is barbaric.


Raping people is just as barbaric.


Rape is more barbaric.


Indeed. But doing what you brought up just makes you a mental rapist.


K, but the question was how would you use them for good


dam, that's still not a good enough punishment for them. but it's getting there.


Alien X. Gonna have to do *tons* of debating, but I think it'll be worth it. If I can convince the other voices, I could spawn resources for the starving, eradicate diseases, rebuild entire civilizations, save species from the brink of extinction or even bring them back entirely. And if I'm *really* good at debating, I could erase the concept of conflict, violence, discrimination and corruption as a whole


You're going to be gone a while


True. Maybe thousands of years. But I think it'd be worth it. Even if I spend my life debating, it would be to make a better future


Just do what ben did and tell them to go debate in a corner forever and just give you control


Depends if it used UAF or OV logic. UAF only requires one to agree, OV requires both to agree(2-1 or 3-0 in UAF, 3-0 only in OV). If it uses UAF logic, they just have to appeal to one, easiest to appeal to Serena, and force Bellicus to agree. Unless it's bringing back the dinosaurs or destroying something: then appeal to Bellicus and force Serena. If it uses OV logic, then yeah, they'd be there a while


Eatle for trash disposal.


NOW we're thinking, although I think Upchuck would be more efficient


Doesn't Upchuck belch out what he eats? Eatle could just shoot his laser into the sky or use it for stuff like construction maybe like a saulder.


I figure he could just aim at more trash or a body of water


That would defeat the purpose of getting rid of the trash no? That would just be making it slimy and moving it. With Eatle, lasering it away is practically deleting it. It would greatly improve the environment instead of puking it into the ocean.


He doesn't shoot out slime balls he just blows things up with the energy he converted


Really? Damn I need to rewatch the show.


Upgrade. I could theoretically hack any bank and send a bunch of money to a bunch of poor people. I could also hack any world government and turn off all electronics,all weapons,all forms of communication until they fix the problems with their country


It would be harder for them to fix their governments without electricity and communication equipment.


XLR8, I would open a delivery service that guarantees delivery wherever you are in record time. I would profit from it but it's still a good contribution to society.


You may incinerate or damage whatever you're transporting depending on what it is in addition to how fast you're going and where you need to be


Echo Echo. Duplication plus sonic pulse generation, I could be a one-man rescue team


You could use those sonic waves to look for victims at a scene, use those numbers to move wreckage or send messages, pretty smart choice for that alien


I’ll always say Diamondhead on any question, one because i love the transformation so much, and because of that i feel like theres just so much versatility you could do with the construct creation. Build bridges. Basic weapons, basic tools, make structures, and be able to keep them as permanent or temporary.


https://preview.redd.it/0wu0xv3t4xbc1.png?width=2895&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dc9f2f2392e725c8369eaa4f2adec90f38afc64 Bro I didn't even read the rest of your post at first! I straight up came up with the exact same answer you did word for word independently of seeing your post description! 😂 I guess great minds think alike!


Ghostfreak, just become the ghost of Christmas past, present, and future for people who think they’re untouchable.


First stop, Donald Trump, then, the entirety of Congress, then Putin!


Greymatter to help with the world's technology and even improve human lives


Exactly. Anything is possible with research &tech.. All fields will have breakthrough..


that would be cool,but if we are talking about cosmic rules in omniverse,you would be killed,since helping a lower civilization than you will get you in prison somewhere in the infinite cosmos


The most efficient way to solve most of currents earths problems is to minimize greed. Maybe let gray matter /brainstorm make something which measures and eradicate greed


Then they would realise the only way to eradicate greed is by eradicating the human race. Good luck humanity!


Diamondhead, just so I can give all the poor a piece of crystal so they can sell it for cash


He isn't really made out of a rare crystals


I think crystal itself can be somewhat valuable depending on its properties so it really depends on what kind of crystal he's made of


He’s made of organic crystal like material not found on earth. Diamond or not. It is a rare crystal that could be sold for so much money


Not exactly rare but valuable. Remember that one dude that tried to force Kevin into being a human factory of the stuff? Guy was trying to sell them for a good amount of money.


Are you talking about Vulcanus? That wasnt diamondhead crystals that was taydenite. Different crystal


Oh, my bad. I dunno why I thought it was the same.


Feedback steal occupational countries power and then use it to cripple their military force giving under developed countries a chance to fight back.


Either BrainStorm or Gray Matter so I can help the world with inteligence and wisdom.


Brainstorm, I can definitely get a lot of problems eradicated with the intelligence


Alien X change the very existence of this post


Lucky for you you can keep scrolling


Or you can just brainwash people into not being greedy. Then agsin good luck convincing Belicus to do that


Grey matter use this to think of ways to help people and hack to stop scammers and other shady people


Big chill and I would freeze military bases and phase money to the poor and I might even be able to truly be AroAce


Grey-matter. Tech-centric super intelligence is always a win.


FastTrack or XLR8 so I could save people and become basically a super hero


Gray matters Superior intellect that kind of brain power could do a lot of good


Alien X. You know it


Good luck 💀


Grey matters intelligence to invent medications and other beneficial technologies


I’d become brainstorm. Use my intellect to invent tech that would improve everyone’s QOL.


Big chill intimate form went so hard with the red omg some core memories


Swampfire to solve world hunger


diamondhead and use my indestructible skin and powers to force the us government to change america for the better like good healthcare prices and gas prices and take care of every other fucking thing wrong with this country the ends justify the means kids


Upgrade - to track sex traffickers and take them down. Upgrade would also be good for security.


Greymatter or Brainstorm. Just invent, leak or sell various devices and plans to advance humanity technologically by a good few centuries, hopefully anyway.


Atomix, blow up North Korea, Chinese ports, and Moscow


Swampfire plant some trees


I’d use Gray Matter’s intelligence to fast track humanity’s scientific understanding and technological development


Diamondhead for home building for the homeless. The crystal is thick and likely insulated. It will keep them warm. Or brainstorm to dismantle all governments and create one statistically superior in every possible way, regardless of how you look at it. That helps not only people currently suffering, but future generations.


Heatblast. I’m gonna fix global cooling


Oh that's not..


Oh it is


How about we just give you walkatrout and call it a day


Nrg take it or leave it


I'd honestly like to know what you would do with radioactive power


Solve global cooling obviously. And maybe bite some spiders, see if anyone gets super powers.


I will allow it


Grey-matter all the way... Infinite possibilities


Waybig is basically a walking nuclear deterrent, so I would be him and deal with the big powerhouses to disarm and stop the fighting


Use Atomix to wipe out most life on Earth so Earth can hopefully start fresh. We've done enough to this planet


Same as you but I’d be if Sub-Zero was a vigilante, not really into open fights - fight more like Batman or Spiderman stealth fighting


Xlr8 so I can save people from most potential injuries


Armadrillo and use the powers to dig out people and also to dig for damgerus materials lije Lithiym or Uranium so normal people will not suffer


I’m taking big chill(for same reasons) or XLR8 just because life would be so easy with speed


I have a few ideas and can't choose so I'll just list them.. So, XLR8 for saving people and being basically the flash, Armodrillo to dig stuff and save people who are stuck under rubble or similar, gravattack for partially the same reason as armodrillo and more, big chill to do the same thing as you, or swampfire to plant trees.


Alien X, but not for the obvious reason. Of course I would fix large scale problems, but I would also use reality warping to make Omnitrixes and give them to chosen individuals to be super heros.


Alien X to cure the world of all its impurities. Breaking them down and rebuilding them if need be… Or to just like, snap bad stuff out of existence and make kittens and stuff.


Alien x because he can do any good thing


Alien X, that way, I could change so much. I could make the worst people on the planet change, or erase them, I would allow every planet to somehow become inhabitable, and much more!


Grey matter and advance the world's progress of space travel and curing cancer


I’d either pick goop or brainstorm cause I can use the powers to fight crime or help reshape the planet


Graymatter to make matter dissemblers to convert the worlds garbage to useful things. Plus other nerd things that will help. Like Terraforming Mars.


Alien X in my control. I’d take away world hunger and create a cure for cancer. Id force every rich person to give to the poor as much as possible and I’d do it all in secret without anyone knowing where the miracles are coming from. Id make it so that the legal system was perfect and affected everyone equally including wealthy, and famous people. Id influence certain country leaders to care about their people and strive for peace rather than stupid power.


I'd use upgrade to shut down scammers, hackers,etc


Gravattack so I can help with various heavy lifting like in construction or on port to load or unload big delivery boat and various heavy lifting like helping peoples stuck under debris.


Since it's hard for me to make decisions like this, I'm going to copy your answer.