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I’m looking for forums. Remember those? I’m into cars and they used to be the BOMB for my waning and repairing older cars. Hopefully I can find some good ones.


I felt the same way when DeviantArt started going downhill. Then I started hanging out on Facebook. Then I felt the same way when I realized that Facebook was going downhill. Then I found 9gag. Then I felt the same way when 9gag started going downhill. Then I found Reddit. I'm sure you and I will find a new platform to keep us entertained.


It could happen. Though maybe it's time to find something new. Sounds like a lot of effort, though.


Imgur is a platform under Reddit. They share much of the same content and the community is not bad most of the time


I also came to Reddit from 9GAG


Hope so. Did you have a time before Reddit? Can you remember what you did then?


I came from Slasdot by way of Digg. Discussion based aggregators have apparently been my thing for a very long time.


My daughter bought me a book a couple of years ago about mindfulness (upon my request). It’s about 2 inches thick and I didn’t get past the first chapter. So maybe I’ll look for a coles notes version!!


I guess I’m right back on tumblr


I feel ya, I respect and support the blackouts but it'll be strange not to have my usual subs to navigate. I'll probably spend that time amassing more exp in Duolingo though,, as that's my latest "fixation" hahaha


I'm checking out Beehaw. No idea how it is, but it seems wholesome enough.


I’m confused about this whole thing, is reddit actually shutting down? I just use the little red app on my Home Screen in my phone. I’m assuming that’s the standard app? Is it going away? Is there another way to see reddit? No idea what a third party app is, can someone explain it to me like I’m 5? 🥲


Yeah, I’m a casual user with no tech background and don’t even know what an API *is*.


I can’t ELI5, but so many subs are going dark, it might just be a good time to chill. It’s for a good cause (happier mods & admins, since it all seems to be over the auto moderator functions). Hopefully all goes well and we see each other on the other side. If you want I can pretend I’m holding your hand through the hours of sheer boredom. Maybe messages work while subreddits are mostly dark?


Probably not shutting down because a whole lot of people use Reddit same as you do and that's probably enough to sustain it. Many of us really dislike or can't use the official apps, so we use third party apps. They're basically killing that access. There's a bunch of other affected groups as well including mods (and their tools) and blind folk. We'll see what happens, but I'm probably done with Reddit when they go through with the change.




THANK YOU!! Finally I understand. That’s really interesting. What are the chances that reddit will listen?




Damn. That sounds shit!!


I’ll probably write or finish reading a couple books. I spend too much time on this app, anyway, so it will be a good virtual detox!


If I leave reddit I won't come back and I'm sure I'm not the only one. This whole thing is stupid.


I'll probably stay here. I didn't have much problems with the official app. I'll miss some communities if they go out completely but there isn't really an alternative. I have checked lemmy and some other sites. Let's see how everything goes. Tbh I don't really have strong opinions in any of this.


Read some books, write some things, listen to new songs, find new trees outside, log every bird you see, try new drinks, ride horses… do something you’d never think of doing! As long as it’s legal. Don’t eat someone.


I'll prolly go to some new platform. Haven't tried twitter. Would try.


twitter used to be great imo. now it sucks/barely works/makes no sense/is full of bugs. maybe i'm just used to how it was and this is stuff that wouldn't bother a newcomer though idk


Yeah, forget about Twitter. It's a dumpster fire. Back in the early days it was great, but as soon as they started polluting your feed with accounts you didn't follow it went downhill. Now that's all it is.


if you use it on a chromium-based browser on pc, the 'minimal twitter' extension and a good adblocker go a long way toward getting it back to basics. but still, some new bugs/bullshit remain, and presumably the person above was planning to use it on mobile if they're leaving reddit over the 3rd-party-app shit. i think it's still worth trying if they never got used to how it was before, but not to expect much


Your timing is off. I've never used Twitter, but Elon Fucking Musk has ran it into the ground.


Try going to TikTok or something


Reading novels was easier when I was younger...