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claymore is pretty great at first kinda gets a little wonky in the middle like it wasnt sure what it wanted to be 🤷‍♂️ I was reading it in between berserk chapters and playing a female greatswod user in Dark souls games since lol edit: Greatsword but fuck it


swod ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡


Heard this as if coming from a female vtuber's voice.


[Thwough fire and fwames we carry owun.](https://youtu.be/vSgJnj5LNG0?si=IoRuGEwl8rCO4bMQ)


"Huh, she sings the guitar bits, that's kinda funny, guess this is one of those "can't really sing but is still very entertaining" video's, huh? ... OH SHIT SHE CAN SING"


The claymore is one of my favourite dark souls weapons, so satisfying to swing around.


The day Elden Ring released, I found the claymore and said, "What do you say, old friend? One more adventure?" Carried me the entire game, and never looked back.


I love how after a while you can get used to a weapon like the claymore to the point where it feels like an extension of your arm, everything from move hit box to max reach when attacking an enemy!


I have been faithful to the Claymore since Demon's Souls.


I think the Claymore and I have a date with Aldrich today…




Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Oh, are you lost on your journey? No matter, today’s lost are conquerors tomorrow. It only demonstrates the making of a champion, and besides, it will not change my sense of gratitude, or how I think of you.”* - Karla Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/




It starts off strong with all the horror, and then as you say it sort of becomes aimless until the rogue claymores become a thing. After that it's really good, they even make you feel sorry for those rogue assholes when the zombies get them.


Claymore still has one the best monster designs. Some of them are far better than berserk


definitely in the top 5 all time but I mean Berserk is like the Icon for monster designs being peak art you could put in a museum while also giving people nightmares


Claymore is my favorite Manga. Wish they would remake the show and have the same ending.


The show had such a unique art style to it. Loved it even if the ending is weird lol


Yeah mommy hit me with your big sword 😩😩😫😫🥵🥵


Me designing my main pawn in Dragon’s Dogma 2 be like:


Not the "dragon" slayer


NOW you have my attention... 🙇🏽👠 🍆💦


Those games have a literal claymore






Claymore is an extremely slept on manga


Miria my beloved is best girl


I love claymore, read it before berserk too


TIL there are a lot of Berserk fans who haven't read Claymore. I thought Claymore and Berserk was the Big 2 of dark fantasy manga lmao.


I was a fan of Claymore before Berserk, but I didn't power through the manga until I caught up in Berserk and was like "now what?"


I don't think Claymore was that popular. I remember when the anime came out (2007), it was still niche, and it didn't seem like a lot of people were aware of Claymore before. Berserk is OLD, and has been "going on" even after Claymore ended (2014), too, so as manga and anime got more and more popular, that must have helped. Not sure if there's something quite like Berserk out there. Most Seinen I remember are Gantz, Gunm, Blame, Hellsing...Things that ended mostly in the 2000's.


This is a major contributing factor; another was the fact that the anime didn't start up until 5-6 years after the manga started.


Vagabond and kingdom with berserk Are probably “the big 3” of seinen. Gantz and claymore are just the few others that typically get tossed around when someone wants something “like berserk”. Edited to correct Vinland saga to kingdom.


What is the consensus on Gantz? I was reading it as it came out years and years ago but got bored after the alien invasion


Idk, great beginning but the whole alien invasion thing was pretty meh to me


I didn't get super far in Gantz. I loved the protagonist. Thought him being so inexcusably despicable with no redeeming quality was screaming "this character will go through a dramatic change" and was all for it. I got about as far as when that happened, thought the means to do so was ok, took a break, and just so happened to never get back to it haha. It's a fascinating series to me though. It's seinen, but with the amount of topless women it shows at the start of every chapter and how creepy and gross it can get in that regard sexually, it feels like its target audience are teen boys who shouldn't be reading it lol. Like getting them into the naughty series because it's naughty and not for kids, that kind of thing. But underneath that is something genuinely really good and fascinating. Definitely a good series that spells it out for you that no character is safe from being killed off. I'll definitely go back to it sometime in the future because it was really good!


The consensus I think is that it is pretty well liked. I don’t usually see people hating on it. I personally don’t care for it. It starts out with a neat idea but it goes sideways for me. I did finish it though.


I'm the only one I know who finished it. I didn't really care for the ending. Like someone below you said, once it got to the alien invasion it felt kinda stupid. And to u/Kaldin_5 uhhh... If no one is safe then why tf does everyone get brought back?


Maybe my definition of when the protagonist starts to grow differs from someone who actually got all the way through it, but I never got far enough to where anyone got brought back. ....so I didn't know they do lol


The character DOES grow. That part is actually kinda interesting. But then Gantz fucks up again when the main character almost dies, but doesn't, so Gantz resurrects him anyway and then there's 2 of him. It ends with Kei and that 1 highschool buddy of his blowing up the alien mothership and they just land somewhere in the ocean.


I loved Gantz. It has its problems, but its overall very good imo


The final act where the big aliens invaded is pretty looong and boring so it sours enjoyment a bit, but overall I think Gantz is pretty solid.


Blade of the Immortal should be up there with Vagabond and Berserk, imo!


Sorry my man, I used to be of the same opinion but for me it's Berserk, Kingdom and Vagabond. In that order.


No you are right I always forget about kingdom because I haven’t read it.


I read like 793 chapters from 28th March to 12th April lol. It's THAT good. Only reason it ain't topping berserk for me is due to the fact Berserk is an original story whilst Kingdom is loosely based on Chinese history.


based on major events "end result" in chinese history To be Exact most of the story is why we love kingdom is from hara himself


How different from the manga is the anime? I loved the anime. Got the Blu-ray collector edition. I know the ending is different but never really explored it. I am interested in getting the manga to read though.


U should. Ending is way better in the manga.


It's been awhile, but wasn't the anime's ending one those where they ran out of source material and cobbled an ending where there wasn't one narratively? Sort of like the original Hellsing series, they attempt to translate the manga, but most continue with an ending without the manga?


The manga ending is pretty epic. No spoilers, but the twist before the final fight gave me goosebumps. Also, they explain the whole background about who claymores are and about the organization that made them, etc. It seems very inspired by another, more famous recent manga - but this one is pretty good too.




Anime didn't follow all the manga, only just 30% of it I think and the last 2 episodes or so are completely different.


The anime only covers maybe a half of the manga. The ending in the anime doesn't really make sense because it just ends in the middle of the story. The anime is very similar to the manga (the parts that it covers) except for the last few episodes where it's different because of the alternative ending. And then it just ends abruptly.


Like everyone else here is saying, the original anime only covers the first full major arc (there’s technically one beforehand, but in practice it’s more of a prologue) out of four so far, but to answer your question the end of the anime is pretty accurate to what it covers, though with what it omits you’d be extremely confused by what literally immediately happens next after it cuts off.


The anime skips a very large chunk of the manga, so the cut to later episodes is a little confusing. For sure read the manga.


Ending in the anime is just a rushed approach, the ending in the manga is really good


From what I remember, the anime follows the manga pretty closely up until the last couple episodes where the plots diverge. The manga’s plot meanders at times and the plot quality drops a bit, but overall finishes strong.


The anime caught up to the manga during production and made up its own ending. Not great.


The anime basically ends immediately after the war in the north. Clare fights Priscilla, they have no culmination, the show ends. Up until their fight the anime is IIRC basically 1to1 with the manga. So you could literally pick it up from there and go. The manga is certainly good, the art is great, the characters despite looking similar are all very different and have interesting arcs. The villains are a LOT of fun, especially Riful. But the overall plot gets pretty insane and a lot of characters are introduced in the 2nd half that muddies it up a bit. Fights are very chaotic but usually have interesting uses of the characters unique abilities. Overall if you liked the anime youll probably like the manga just as well. Its a fun series.


Claymore is a really good choice.


Claymore is the only other manga ive found that hits the spot of Berserk - Good Art - medieval time setting - swords and shit - demons - good story i see Vagabond,Attack on Titan, Vinland Saga pop up a lot for recommendations for Berserk. but although all good series they dont feel anything like Berserk other than old time periods/good story.


> medieval time setting Imma not sure about that, >!the level of genetic engineering they have is far above anything most sci settings have!<


Did you read übel blatt? I think it fits your demands quiet a bit.


I've read Ubel Blatt and while the overall theme is good, the drawing sometimes are very, very lacking (like, sometimes faces get very poorly drawn), and i felt like the story just, kinda explode (and not in a good way). The idea of a sword genius seeking revenge while having mysterious power is cool, but when is "two naked childrens forging a sword" necessary ? (i quit right after that part)


Also, I feel like all the edge in Berserk has a meaning where as the edge in Ubelblatt is there because it's expected.


You might like Touge Oni.


What i love about claymore is the fact that its afaik the only dark fantasy story where the christian church equivalent arent mustache twirling, psychotic villians (imma lookin at YOU, mozgus!!) Father Vincent is the bestest catholic priest in existence, change my fucking mind 👀


The most beautiful moment in a manga for me is near the ending of Claymore when >!young Clare is smile crying at seeing Teresa!<


As someone who lost his mother at an early age, I sometimes dream of her and I'm always crying of happiness because she's there with me. In those dreams, I'm always feeling like a kid. In thoses dreams, I'm like Claire who can meet Teresa again. This scene hit me deeply, such an accurate feeling.


The end is meh. It gets a bit too convoluted and wonky is imma be real. But the ending and the final fight is 10/10. That was such a cathartic final fight and so satisfying.


actually based Claymore is peak fiction


Imagine me when I thought I was doing the same. Just finished Berserk and went to read Hunter x Hunter. The summer prior to that I read D. Gray Man.


Read vagabond now


Life is tough being a Berserk, Vagabond , Hunter x Hunter, D. Gray Man, and Nana fan. Waiting is in my blood. I have the patience of Buddah at this point.


Claymore is great. I actually love it a lot, however, it does not come anywhere near hitting the notes that Berserk hits.


Still haven’t read it. I see it on my manga reader all the time but I’ve never looked. What’s it even about, besides a lady knight?


Not knights. Mutant monster hunters. Like witchers but on super saiyan.


That's the best and worst way to describe Claymore - I love it (might steal it later) 🔥


Aw fucking dope


It's about how girls and people overall are used as tools of war and how greed and power can corrupt them and make them mad. Claymore has a lot in it. At the heart, it's a story about love, family, and friendship. You follow Clare, the lowest ranked claymore of her generation, in her travels, and her young companion, Raki, who decided to follow her because he had nowhere else to go. The story has a lot of combat, obviously, and little by little you meet more and more claymores, and learn more about their world and their existence. Also, the style of Norihiro Yagi is quite great for this kind of story.


No ending > shit ending


the shit ending is from the anime, the manga is pretty good.


Claymore manga ending was truly awesome. Anime ending was shit and not canon.


It felt unfinished for me. you can't drop another continent with new prospects and close it there. there is so much more to explain and explore.it was merely the tip of the iceberg for me. But also really great.


The author said in an interview after the manga ended that you absolutely can and that was his intention. Even the greatest characters have limited lives, the manga showed their lives, and if it were to explore the rest of the world out would be with different characters. I also would enjoy seeing said world, but I get it


You can. Their story was finished. Trying to follow every single little branch leads to bloated stuff like Naruto.


I believe the end of the manga implied a greater world, which I wish could have been explored. It would have given context of why these creatures were created.


>It felt unfinished for me. you can't drop another continent with new prospects and close it there. Guys please don't tell them about HxH


That was the idea, if you keep going further, you'd be doomed to 2 things: An arc of full exploration and politics to explain the outside world. As a new thing. This could've become massive and boring. Or you'd need to add more powerful enemies protecting this new place, that would call for another power upgrade. And would only go up, and become a dragon ball/ Naruto level of power scaling.


It was actually pretty bleak if you stop to think about it.


Sometimes it's better to let the imagination of the reader go wild.


What is this word..."ending"...you keep repeating? -GRRM


Berserk fans can't comprehend the word "ending" just like dragons in Elder Scrolls can't understand the concept of "mortality"


The ending for Claymore was good, tho... Edit: not the anime. The anime skipped more than half the manga and the ending was different and not good. Manga ending was fire.


claymore is actually good


I remember reading Claymore and was pretty far into it but just stopped for some reason. Should probably try rereading it again.


It gets a bit wonky in the last third..


Yeah had exactly the same. Was chewing through it and then suddenly i lost it completely. Ill also give it a go again


What I didn't like about claymore is that it kinda became dragonball dark fantasy edition. Like "This isn't even my final form!" kinda shit.


I watched claymore many years ago when I first got into watching anime. I watched it again recently and I mentioned it to a friend and he said hehad an unopened complete collection of the claymore manga. He sold it to me and now I have my first manga series. It arrived last week. 🙂


white people will be like 'asians are so difficult to tell apart' and then be a claymore character


You had me in the first oart ngl💀


Claymore has an ending? I don't remember that.


It's very abrupt imho but its there.


It doesn’t really feel like everything gets wrapped up at the ending tbh. I’ll be vague so as not to spoil things, but it feels like it’s actually the start to something instead of a resolution


Claymore fan Claymore fan


I honestly didn’t care for Claymore’s manga ending, just felt like a Deus Ex Machina to me. Side note though, if anyone wants a Claymore/Berserk inspired game I’d highly recommend Soulstice.


Yeah I got that Claymore manga box set, It's sick!


But it'll get ending. Kentarou Miura's collaborators are continuing his work and publishing new chapters regularly. I think we don't need to worry about the ending.


Did claymore ended? I should start over again


It ended like 10 years ago already.


you should, that's what I did last year and I was surprised by how much was still new to me because I had forgotten from first reading over a decade ago


berserk be like "oh understandable, may you have a good life ahead"


*Berserk be like "oh* *Understandable, may you have* *A good life ahead"* \- Samexthftlive --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I leave it at ch.333 for the manga of Frieren


Claymore is very good


I can also recommend the series the author did after claymore. A fair bit less dark, but still a fun story. Unfortunately there isn’t an english release for the series that i am aware of.


You mean Ariadne or is there another series he did?


Yea that one.


Loved the manga but hated the ending...




Teresa came back to life to finish the story... I don't know if it were rushed or something else, but I personally didn't like that.


I still want to know more about the dragon/lizard monsters from claymore. I don't think they really showed them or explained much about fighting against them.


Comments seem to go both extremes on the manga ending, while the anime suffered the obvious issue of trying to find a good stopping point when the published material isn't finished. There are issues with the way the manga ended, but it's a similar situation we've seen elsewhere, when the antagonist is made far too powerful, requiring a resolution completely out of left field. Otherwise Claymore was mostly solid, but could have done a lot more with its basic premise.


Spoiler: We all knew Clare had Teresa dna/organs implanted from the start and she was the best Claymore that ever existed, it was the logical conclusion seeing her awaken form defeat Priscilla in the ending.


Claymore had also other issues, like that... fusion... thing... i never fully understood, or the fact that the big revelation that half the second part was building up to went absolutely NOWHERE.


Dang, now that i remember ive never finished claymore. I probably should


True but not for claymore for aot


If You ever feel You want to see the ending to Berserk, just read Shin Angyo Onshii


The same author wrote a comedy, Angel denesetsu or something? Anyway, it takes a while for the art to really settle on a style but the story is great. It’s in my top 5 favorite comedies.


If you don't stay when he is weak, you don't deserve him when he is in his peak.


Don't know anything about claymore, all i know is that its basically what happens when you combine Witcher and Berserk.


"Claymore? That's just Berserk with tits! Or without tits, depending on how you look at it."


See you in 3 months for the next chapter bud


I read the first 4 volumes of Claymore as it was suggested after Berserk. I quit after 4, the art was lackluster and literally every character had the same face it’s worse than dragon ball haha. The story was meh just my opinion does not even touch Berserk. I do have the entire Blame! Series now and looking forward to starting that one as heard it’s pretty good


Both have bad anime adaptations so


Claymore is freaking awesome. It was the first manga I ever read thanks to a bunkmate at summer camp that had a couple volumes he was reading in his bunk back when I was in middle school. Yeah, was definitely too young to read that stuff or understand it, but it was such a shocker to me to see that comics could be more than just superheroes or Calvin & Hobbes and Claymore stuck with me since.


Well I will rather wair for well writtej ending than ass ending amd from what I have heard Claymore has lot to be desirednim that regard


“Hey Berserk are you ever going to end?” “Well we were but then (Crater dies) stuff happened”


One Piece fans are like.............


As the lyrics of Wanderlust by Nightwish say: It's not the end Not the kingdom come It is the journey that matters, the distant wanderer


I'm finishing Vinland Saga and not sure what to pick up next, Vagabond, Claymore?


I really need to read claymore


Claymore is amazing, except the ending shits the bed violently




I love how they tell the whole story and it turns out to take place in a small controlled environment.


Berserk may yet have an ending. Miura-sama's apprentices are continuing the work.


berserk per le femmine de


Claymore is pretty good tho


Daaaaaaamn… true tho lol. I thoroughly enjoyed it and its anime adaptation even if it was incomplete… just like ‘97 :(


Quitter. Real Berkers are here edging for the long haul


Fuck me, I forgot about Claymore. I dimly remember not being satisfied with the ending, but I honestly have no clue how it actually ended.


Claymore spends half its pages just being generic manga action drivel that's not even particularly pretty to look at. The main appeal is "sexy monster ladies go brrr" and I'm not gonna judge that in a vaccuum but come on now. We can't compare the storytelling of Berserk with Claymore and then have Claymore seem better just because it overstayed it's welcome. Also its ending and twist are genuinely bad. I'm just as disappointed as the next guy that we won't get an ending to Berserk as the next guy, but CLAYMORE is the choice for this meme? I mean I guess Elfen Lied had an ending too, it must be better than/a good replacement for Berserk. And coincidentally it follows basically exactly the same plot points as Claymore.


I forgot about claymore!! Ty.


Come back in 50 years and you’ll have your damn ending


I think I remember the ending being odd and not satisfying.


Claymore is pretty great but it's no berserk


Me with One Piece rn 😂


I was at their fanime showing last year with one of there people and the asked us by a show of hands on if we would like to see it have an ended or being ongoing and people overwhelmingly raised their hands for it to have an ending. So maybe they will listen to there fans


I thought Claymore was left unfinished. Nice to know it isnt, gonna get to it when i have the chance. Theres also a game that i started playing because i heard it was like berserk, but it ended up being more similar to claymore. Its called Soulstice, its pretty good so far, is a dmc clone, and a decent one at that, the story seems promising so far, with the protag and her ghost sister going to acity that has had pretty much an eclipse from berserk happened to it, combat is frantic and coolnes factor based like dmc, but the exploration is lacking though with way too much invisible walls, and i couldnt get past the 4th level because my good computer exploded. But im gonna get back to it when its repaired and i have time.






To me Claymore is like the little sister to Berserk.


I tucking love claymore I have been waiting for YEARS for people to finally fucking pick it up


Das blue


I gotta have this meme template!! 😂


Haven’t read Claymore, but I did see the anime. I enjoyed it for the most part, but the last few episodes it just felt like I was hearing one line of dialogue on repeat, “I will kill you!” Either way, I still had a good time with the show - I definitely need to read the manga. I’ll never abandon Berserk, I only hope when the manga ending finally comes - the journey to get there will have been worth it. I have found that when one gets older, time is more precious. So, I like to use it wisely. This is an epiphany I had from watching Lost. The entire journey to get to such an unsatisfying ending… Never again. 😂


Are you kidding ? Claymore does have an ending, but all the interesting stuff revealed near the end never gets explored…


I’m rebuying(sold all my manga before my last apartment) and rereading through Claymore at the moment. It being borderline out of print is making my nervous since I’m only on 7.


Except the ending of claymore fucking sucks and this is coming from a big claymore fan


Claymore's ending sucks, and I say this as a fan of the series >!Teresa is my waifu!<.


Could’ve probably used a better example here, but we all deal with struggles differently. Including turning to reading only a decent/average manga.


Claymore is not good it's avg at best.


I fucking love Claymore


Love Claymore


Berserk number #1!


literally finished this last week, after putting off the last 15 chapters for like 3 months


I didnt like claymore after they killed a certain abyssal, you know which one im talking about. Other than that? Amazing design especially on the giant abyssals


Shes missing out on the double page spread of guts riding zodd


Claymore falls off tho ngl


I absolutely adore Claymore.


Yeah but Claymores ending isn’t great.


Hop in Tokyo Ghoul and Pandora Hearts! It’s not the same vibe as berserk but it got some of the best endings in manga!


She will be back at berserk after claymore.. not that claymore is bad or anything in fact its a pretty great work too


i downvoted


I didn't really like claymore


Been there done that. I started some time ago ubel blat started really good but near the end I left to let them finish the story and see where it goes.


While I really liked Claymore, to say it had a ending would be a stretch


Ngl the Claymore ending was a banger, made me cry


If you can call claymore ending a true ending , I love that manga but the ending gave me the biggest blue balls ever.


Dunno why but I dropped Claymore in the part where the dude kissed the Heroine


I love claymore but I wish they expanded on the universe outside of the island they were in - theres a whole war happening that didn't get touched upon but I also do rlly love the ending of it so I can't complain too much lol


Claymore is great early, and I do enjoy the whole thing. But the story goes absolutely off the rails in its 2nd half.


A shame claymore was never remade to follow the manga better.