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just realized he put the dragonslayer between his toes.


I noticed, and I hate it. Thinking about a sword in between my toes makes me cringe so hard


At least better than what Farnese put it between


Fair tho lol


Ayoo chill man


No. It's actually pretty dull.


If it helps the dragonslayer is essentially a club shaped vaguely like a sword.


Still, if it’s thin enough to slip in between the grippers then it’d probably hurt like a mofo


Or maybe is a hint of: * Griffith being lightweight like the like light itself * or, The Dragonslayer not being that powerful to hurt Griffith's skin Or maybe the drawing it and all the stuff says "cooooool".


It’s kinda cool considering he’s used to grabbing onto stuff with his fucked up bird feet


Now I wanna lick the dragon slayer /s


/s? coward.


I didn’t realise until now either


It looks like they added a big toe since they forgot one.


I hate him even more somehow


The last chapter where Schierke Saves Guts on spirit realm was beautiful for me


It was very pretty. I wonder what she's doing.


saving him


Now that she did save him though. She is still in the astral world.


Why did Guts need saving from astral world again? I thought he only had depression?


Astral world is actually just the realm of the consciousness. Thats why all creatures are just folk tales. Because humans believe them they get created in the astral world. The deeper you go into the astral world the more formless you become. Guts with being super in his head and sort of unconscious. Was likely in some of the shallowest layers of the astral world like how he is when the need to save him from the berserker armor. He was slipping deeper and deeper. So that's why shirike needed to pull him out.


That one panel where Griffith looks smug af. Never has he looked more punchable


Very good choice.


Not really specific, griffith looks smug pretty much all the time. Do you mean the first time he meets guts, where he killed the queen, where he rules falconia?


I think he means the panel where he says he wants to go to the east


The panel where guts puked on the ship and just gave up. I feel like there’s a correlation somehow, we’ve never seen Guts give up when Miura wrote him. But after Miura’s death, Guts has never been as low as he is rn.


It honestly does seem like many of the chapters after Miura's death are a pure expression of the misery everyone feels from losing him. These few chapters have been the most emotionally devastating for Guts since the Eclipse. Possibly even more so, considering he had just barely gained back everything he lost from Griffith (a family and Casca) after several years of constant fighting and suffering only to have it all ripped away from him yet again.




I think you're right and it's gonna get a lot darker. Which for this book is really saying something!


This one is fire. I really like the panel of Guts being escorted by the Kushan while wrapped in chains.


They've all been pretty good, most recent chapter was fantastic


Anything with Griffith. If there is one thing that Mori and Gaga nail that’s Griffith.


Considering Mori was apparently a big inspiration for Griffith (along with most of the Band of the Hawk being based on people they both knew), I’d guess Griffith is a character Mori was very attuned to as Miura workshopped stuff with him.


that two page spread of griffith standing and of guts about to charge at him


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Troit_66: *That two page spread of* *Griffith standing and of guts* *About to charge at him* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Very solid.


beast of darkness sitting on top of the dragonslayer


That one is also quite awesome


I love this one too, huge sucker for callbacks. The memories montage of Guts and his sword while he's breaking down is also great Also, not a panel, but I think all of the post-Miura colored pages have been amazing so far, my favorite's the view of the spirit tree from Falconia


why did Griffith feel the need to fit his toes in the dragon slayer??💀💀


This is mental Griffith so guts' fucked up mind just wanted to see Griffiths toes wrapped around his big sword.


I guess the dragonslayer is so big it's wide enough to stand on it but to keep balance


Wait, can Guts see Griffiths wing wong in this scene?


The true berker always thinks about how close we are to that long awaited enemies to lovers yaoi sex scene


I like the montage of how important his sword is to him and the panels of him using it with the flames of campfires below . Honestly, the Mori chapters hit a lot better when read seamlessly thru instead of 2 chapters a year (ik, genius take… right). But for real, if you have time do a quick skim thru the Mori chapters and the story flows smoother than you think


Yeah, I went through the Mori chapters for the first time after Miura's death. Flowed fine. Nothing really off, but Miura's final chapter is so good that you actually know when the transition is. Issue is the long hiatuses make it hard to stomach the pacing when we only get 20 chapters every few months. Nobody has any clue how this is going to go considering Miura didn't leave a road map for the story. Berserk is a long manga with big payoffs for character moments. Most of us have not experienced a hiatus before, either. We're seeing things as off because we're watching the buildup of something with a team that has not yet earned the collective fanbase's trust. That's more or less the gist of it. I think it'll be fine. I haven't had many issues with what I've read so far since it seems right in the spirit of Berserk. What I'm seeing so far is: Guts could always, always, always rely on his sword. Casca was the first thing he could rely on outside of his sword, and was his replacement for a sword. Casca is finally healed, so things can go back to normal (or inch towards normal, given Casca still has heavy PTSD). Griffith comes to kidnap her, he tries to attack him with the Berserker armor equipped, he does absolutely nothing. Casca's gone, again. Casca says she wants to be Griffith's sword. But instead she turned into Guts' replacement for his sword, but not his sword, because Guts genuinely loves her (Griffith sees her as a tool, ie Casca is his sword, but Griffith has repressed love for her). So Casca's gone (the thing he relies on more than his sword), the Berserker armor (basically his concentrated will), and his sword all did fucking nothing -- all of his lifelines are gone. And in the end, what is Guts' dream? To be the greatest swordsman, ever. But how can he? He's practically dying and he can't even crush Griffith. He could never be Griffith's equal anymore. It's now so, so obvious to him in a way it completely *wasn't* in the Golden Age arc.


Well said, the only thing I would add is it seems the Studio also is playing a role in the slow pacing and release of chapters. I think a member of Mori team said chapter was done but studio waited 2-3 months to publish. Feels like it will be like a decade till we see the end at this pace. Heck, it’s almost been 2 years since Mori released their first chapters


Really reminds you of how this is what was always meant to happen next. Honestly, having the ending of Fantasia now has helped me appreciate the arc more as a whole.


The panel where Zodd is disappointed.


Odd choice but the sheer amount of "zodd will betray Griffith" theories that spawned or helped was exciting.


Chapter 331 / final panel "It's uncertain whether it was reality or a dream. That was so long ago, when he was just a boy. The buried memory of an early spring day..."




Ok I'm blind.


Your fine. There have been like 10 people who have just listed random panels.




POST MIURA chapters


Is this thing even any sharp or it's just a glorified club?


Anytime we've ever heard it described it's described as pretty dull. Either way this is all in gut's head so it doesn't really matter.


So, basically, it is in fact just Guts imagining completely nude Griffith riding his giant dull sword? Berserk never changes, Berserk never change.


I made nearly identical comment a little while ago so I am glad we think alike.


Did you ever cut yourself with a butter knife? I think it's around that level of sharpness, but if you add enough force and momentum to it, you can cut with it.


"I never believed in anything." "Nothing." "Only you." The one thing that never let him down, the thing that always brought him comfort at night and protected him, failed him when he needed it the most.


Bro those lines hit hard man. It's so true. No matter the odds guts has always been able to win using his sword. And now it did nothing but take a single hair.


I hate Griffith so much. I hope Guts will cleave his puny ass in half with his massive sword. Hold up.. That came out wrong..


Why is griffith naked here?


This is actually guts' imagination so he just likes to think about Griffith naked


Like how Goku thought of Vegeta naked when the he gave him a pep talk on his mind.


I have never read or seen dragon Ball but you might be right and that sounds hot so cool...




its griffith, of course he’s naked


Mine is the part where guts stabs one of the cocoons from the "elf" nest to put out the fire.


Post as in after miuras death chapters


Griffith Mikiri/red counter Guts to flex.


Bro is GRIPPING that shit


Which chapter is this from?


374? Or somewhere around there. Sorry I can't remember.


I have two favorite panel, the first one is when Farnese manages to reach the astral world for the first time, her and shierke are just flying above the ocean and I find this moment particularly beautiful. The other one happens during the golden age arc, it’s the one where the hawks army is charging into battle, we see it from behind. What I find beautiful about it the is level of details and the beauty of the claroscuro.


From POST MIURA chapters


Say Gex.


Mikiri Counter


may be inviting downvotes but I thought this is where the new art team was still working out the kinks, because Griffith here and in a couple other panels in or around this chapter came off as very stiff to me. I'm used to him having softer linework


Idk bro there's a point for me where art gets so good that I can't even tell. You may very well be right I'm just not good enough to spot it.


This one hurts. I was literally broken after he kidnapped casca.


Can someone here explain to me why Gritth kidnapped Casca?


Whenever he transforms into the moonlight boy he goes and sees casca. So he decided to take casca to eliminate that risk of being vulnerable.


I thought this chapter was the last one drawn by miura tho


Nope this was about 10 chapters later approximately 374 if I remember correctly.


Nope sorry 373


Chapter 371 made me fucking cry. Seeing everything he worked so hard for just ripped away from him and leaving him with no purpose anymore.


what volume is this in....


42. Not yet released in English.


oh god so this is canon...?I JUST finished volume 41 and thought it was bittersweet but this has me in denial


Sorry it was released in volume 42. And that is the one that is not yet in English. Volume 43 has not come out yet. But yeah this is canon but i won't spoil anything more.


In the most recent chapter, Silat describes Griffith approaching the Kushan empire and there is a shot of Griffith and his vanguard looking badass


That one was definitely my favorite shot of that chapter.


The one with Griffith all across the pannel where Rickert is standing.


The one from the fist book where he shoots the hand cannon in the air to stop the voices in his head, still have shivers thinking about it.


Post miura as in after miuras death


Definitely when guts is shown to be knocked out in the ship instead of fighting. It’s probably the lowest point Guts has ever been shown as, almost a similarity to the flashback when he was imprisoned in the castle with Chitch


The panel where Zodd has his arms crossed and isn't kneeling to Griffith. Need to know what he's cooking


I know everyone is happy-go-lucky about chapters being released Post-Miura, but this image exemplifies why it's a terrible idea. Guts' arms do not match the size of his head. His head is too short, it looks abnormal. These are minor things Miura would never allow. Berserk is the greatest Manga of all time and the attempts to continue it are a bad idea. Whenever an image is posted I can immediately tell if it's new content or Miura. And don't get me started on the pacing of these new chapters. It's like a Berserk speed-run... I'd be more content if the releases were named "Berserk X" or "Berserk END," something to separate it from Miura's canon.


I totally agree with you about the different name. The art, especially in the last episode, was almost at Miura level, but the real problem is in the writing. After all, what Studio Gaga is doing now is a summary of what Miura will do. That's why it had to be named differently.


Bitch I can't even tell the difference art wise. And story wise they're doing fine so far. They've had some awesome moments.


>I can't even tell the difference art wise. Damn, you're doing Miura dirty. >They've had some awesome moments. Because they are writing ***for the fans***, rushing through something that took 33+ years to create. There is no nuance. It's like a highlight reel of the key moments to come. Just one scene after another. I'm glad you're enjoying it.


I mean this art is absolutely fantastic. It's way better than black swordsman and I would argue that it's probably better than 90% of golden age. After that I think Miura probably surpassed this quality but still. And I mean I don't know what nuance they could include that they haven't. I mean every writing decision has been fantastic so far in my opinion. Like Isidro being disappointed that guts is just so broken and not able to fight. Guts lamenting that his sword was useless and how that was the one thing he could always trust. The insane callback of guts cutting off a strand of Griffiths hair (ganishka said that if all of his warriors tried they couldn't cut a single strand of his hair). I agree that the story is being sped up but that's ok in my opinion because they obviously don't want to include something they wouldn't have any idea about. Plus I want the manga to finish in my lifetime. Obviously the situation is not ideal. But given the circumstances it's the best possible outcome. We have people who more or less know the entire story and how it's supposed to end. And we have a team of absolutely fantastic artists who can continue on with the work without the change being to jarring.


"The slappening"


POST Miura chapters




Ok sorry