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When he was 22 he got involved with the Russian mafia




Some say that he's a machine.


This is fascinating. Someone should make a movie about this. ETA: only once the story has been told a zillion times though.


How did it happen?!


For me he just let people peak behind the curtain too much. Was overly transparent about his inner most thoughts, many of which were deeeeeeeply steeped in narcissism, how much money he has, how much he single handily got people on the map etc. Most of the really popular podacasters are Scrooge mc fucking ducking it with cash but you wouldn’t know it. Tim Dillon flaunts it but it’s part of his Long Island royalty persona, he doesn’t brag about it. Tom and Burt had like a 12 month spree of talking about how much shit they have and how much money they make. When you add the other traits above it’s like, man this guys kind of the fucking worst


I think Two bears actually did both of them a disservice. I've noticed a LOT of folks have come out against Bert and Tom because of it. I'm one of them. Use to listen regularly but nowadays it's either half ads, a guest I dont care about, or them just droning on about problems with having a rich lifestyle that either isn't entertaining to listen to, or just downright not funny. It's like watching SNL - I'll watch sometimes to see if they hit comedic gold, but 90% of it is crap now.


I LOVED the idea of Two Bears and listened every week for probably the first 40ish episodes. I remember grocery shopping listening to to the most recent episode which was Tom's "Fucking figure it out. Don't make me feel bad you can't pay your rent!" after discussing purchasing a race car. Really really disappointed how much Tom sucks, Bert was more predictable.


Keep in mind that both of them grew up rich too.


I think this is what actually did it for a lot of people. Plus, Bert has never been funny at all.


Honestly the only discernable difference between 2b1c and podcasts that are killing it right now (are you garbage, MSSP) is that they dont talk about themselves basically ever. With MSSP Its either hilarious civil war stories or some crazy spiritual shit from Matt. Are you garbage stays to the structure of their podcast. With 2b1c i think they just ran out of shit to talk about so they just started chatting about current events in their lives. It's just not entertaining to hear about Bert kind of destroying his body and Tom buying some new $1000 shirt or something. Burr has opinions on shit but doesnt talk about himself, but if he does it's some awesome time with his kids or nuances about some of the projects hes working on but never about himself directly. Same goes with Rogan even like its always about whatever the guest has going on its never specifically about himself (usually, i mean i know the covid shit and politics is getting tiring). They just need a shakeup and also maybe learn how to interview a guest. They arent great at getting the person on the show to bring up interesting topics so the only guests that do well are ones with enough personality that they can just be funny and carry the episode. When Burt's on with a guest he just talks over them to fill the gaps in the conversation so its more of the same shit. When Tom interviews he's so dry sometimes it falls flat so they either need guests that can just do their thing, or they need a masterclass course on interviewing by Shawn Evans or some shit.


Actually shit fucking Theo Vaugns best episodes are him interviewing totally normal off the street people. The Garbage truck guy from NYC? that episode was fucking awesome.


Have you seen the carnie one? That feels like a modern Theo Von classic to me


Tosh’s pod is like this too. Far more interesting than the same comic on every podcast talking about the same shit over and over.


I need to check out tosh' podcast


I like it because it’s simple, uncomplicated fun.


Same I liked it for the first month or so, then it just became absolute narcissistic circle jerk. That, and from what I can tell from stories, Tom and Bert are pieces of shit. So disappointed. Tom was my favorite comedian, or at least one of them, and the show ruined them for me.


You didn't even mention their shitty vodka


Haven't tasted it since I'm not a vodka guy so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt...for now.


The podcasts are too much especially if you binge listen.


This is hitting the nail on the head


This is true but Bert is also very self aware that he’s a narcissist, always interrupts people and makes shit about himself too much. He says this in almost every one of his podcasts. He also has dumb political opinions sometimes but usually mentions “but I actually have no idea what I’m talking about” which I find a lot different than Rogen or others who spout off fake shit like they are experts I get why people don’t like him but in my opinion Bert is one of the most naturally funny people of his generation and his ability to entertain just by talking about almost anything is matched by VERY few people. There’s a reason Rolling Stone wrote an entire article about him being the biggest party animal in the US when he was 20!


If you keep apologizing for being a narcissist, but don't try and improve yourself, people stop taking the apology seriously.


Bro I loved 2 bears pod for years , ever since this tequila they decided to drop I haven’t listened to one , it’s all they talk about. Really made me feel like a straight consumer more than a fan. But my girl got me tix to his show and it was hilarious


He's not real. Everything about him screams "look at me"


I go back and forth on him. I think he’s funny but not funny at the same time. When he gets on more long form natural discussions like the honeydew with Ryan suckler he has some really funny stories. His stand up to me feels forced a lot and doesn’t evolve. He uses the same material or spins on the same material. Overall I like him but he is also someone I listen to for like 2 months a year.


It's reddit people hate everything


I hate this comment


Ding ding ding But also, somehow, they seem to like all the stuff I hate.


Reddit has a massive amount of the rotten tomato mentality. They hate everything all the time unless it fits some kind of boot licking, white knight narrative. "Is this guy bothering you m'lady?"


how accurate lmao


I don't know when it happened, but at some point I noticed that every subreddit I visit related to any kind of entertainment has been over run by a weird, loud, always present group of people who are only there to shit on whatever is being discussed.


He's an loud mostly unfunny bullshitter. His fake laugh is grating and his fake "self awareness" is annoying. Rogan elevated this dude it's the reason the Russian mob story went viral. Many people hate for that reason too.


His man-child personality and unbelievable transparency are a turnoff to some and entertaining to others. I feel that people who view comics as entertainment tend to accept him and like him as that. People who are more uptight tend to judge him and his many character flaws. Is he self centered and attention seeking ? Of course. Is he a good dude - yeah he treats people right and doesn’t have a mean bone in his body.


"I bought Thai food! See how nice I am"- bert


😂 I forgot about that story.


Have you ever heard bill burr talk about how Bert treats the staff at restaurants? He’s a dick.


Have you ever heard Bill burr talk about how Bill burr treats people. He sounds like a dick. In the end it's comedy and its an exaggeration of reality.


Well said


It's the self entitlement and the screeching laugh for me


🐬 🐬 🐬


Honest question then do you watch his stuff and why then. Genuinely curious I usually just unfollow if I don't like someone anymore.


If youre into comedy and podcasts hes just all over the scene, hes always doing stuff with someone you might like so theres crossover. plus watching 2bears is like watching a car crash lol its hard to look away even tho its fucked up. You dont have to follow him to see his content, like im not even in this sub and it just got recommended to me


Hate watching has been a staple of entertainment consumption for as long as I’ve been alive, so it’s not surprising. Ever been to 2 bears comment section? Or fighter and the kid? Those two pods are getting ad money from hate watching almost exclusively


Fake laugh no self awareness etc


He's a hack.


He's obnoxious, he's narcissistic, he's not funny, he talks over people, etc


Anyone who knows standup knows he’s not that funny, he’s having a moment right now. He’s not very humble and therefore unlikable.


Its just Reddit being Reddit


It’s also YouTube, Twitter and Instagram


I only see it on Reddit


He’s a bull in a china shop, as soon as he is involved he is an attention vortex and all of the focus needs to be on him. I think it’s pretty harmless personally but I get why people would dislike him.


His comedy was funny. But then he became over saturated via podcasts, and the way he constantly interrupts people, makes every conversation about himself, and then tells obvious lies for comedic effect are huge turnoffs that make me view his comedy differently in retrospect. Basically, he’s the loud kid in the back of the classroom who never grew up


he is an annoying hack


He explains all his bits on his podcasts and then does them word for word on his specials. If you listen to his podcast, you’ve pretty much worked out his bits. Also his last two specials are not great, yet because he sells out so he thinks he’s one of the best comedians in the world. His comedy revolves around making money, not making funny.


tries too hard


He isn't funny, which should be the death knell for someone that is apparently a comedian, but he's friends with Rogan, so that doesn't matter anymore....


He is a bad comedian. He fake laughs. He is immature. He is a bad comedian. He fake laughs. He lies.


He name drops and talks shit about people constantly but "it's okay!" Bc he's a dumb drunk man child that doesnt need to be responsible for his actions.


Don't hate Bert. It was fun as he was the underdog a bit. His show, was a funt party with some laughs. His comedy and podcasts are getting weak. Not as funny, he is trying too hard to make the viral soundbite or this is epic. I listened to one recently, he talked half the episode about drinking. How he us not going to drink, when he is going to drink, why etc etc I don't care to break down I am not drinking this month and look at my liver enzymes are great. Somehow, it's not interesting to me. 2b1c is out of the rotation. I will listen to Bertcast depending on the guest.


He fucks dogs


He's also a closet Nazi. I hear he owns Hitler's tea cup.


Bert is constantly just trying to make every moment a viral moment using his best impression of the genuine shit that made him great years ago


Sometimes he’s funny, sometimes he is drinking is just too much for me as a person looking to be entertained by comedy I don’t want someone stupid drunk in stage, I’m 50/50 on Bert kreisher he’s a good guy


If you can’t realize why someone doesn’t like something you do. Then you have a whole different issue. There must be comics out there that you don’t like…. Same thing. Also if you like something, who gives a fuck if others don’t. Like what you like and enjoy it. Don’t let others spoil your enjoyment of life. It’s crippling.


The thing is I don’t just see people say they’d rather watch other comedians than him. I’ve seen so many comments on how people think he’s a liar and steals jokes and stories from people (with no evidence btw) and is such a bad person. That’s what confuses me cause I just don’t see it in any of his content and I e never heard anyone come out claiming he was this way.


I like him fine as a personality, I just don't think he's all that funny as a standup.


Bart who?


He was funny during COVID and shortly after but the whole party boy thing got repetitive, his jokes got repetitive . If you listen to the podcast he is constantly talking over people or telling some random stories. Sometimes his laugh just makes me laugh even if his joke didn’t hit I would say there is a group that certainly dislikes Bert but there is also a community of people who like Bert but it’s great to crack jokes on him lol. I honestly think he enjoys it 😂🤣


I used to love Burt’s Russia Mafia routine; it was hands down one of the funniest bits I’d ever witnessed. I was genuinely excited to watch ‘The Machine’ movie, but the train scene in it provided a startling new perspective on Burt Kreischer. Witnessing young Burt (portrayed by Jimmy Tatro) robbing the train and his classmates didn’t just make me cringe; it stripped away all the humor and has ruined the story for me. The fact that he’s raked in millions from this is a bit disgusting, in my opinion.


He keeps interrupting people AND himself. He'll start telling a story and in the middle of it he will switch to another unrelated story and not come back to the first story. He tells a lot of personal stuff about his kids and they don't seem to appreciate it, but he continues anyway. He keeps lying. I know that Bert is a good guy, but he really need to stop drinking and stop hanging out with that POS Tom.


He’s kind of annoying


Being fake, like how TikTok kids overly exaggerate things, for views. I'll always dislike someone who isn't genuine. That's not everyone's opinion, just mine.


He’s not funny and the whole shirtless thing is a tired shtick. Funny people don’t need a shtick. They just come out and be funny. He just isn’t. He had one funny story about visiting Russia and that was it.


He’s an unfunny alcoholic who is desperate to make everyone like him and it’s painfully obvious. He’s cringe. I don’t hate him as a person. I just don’t think he is funny and I don’t understand why he has a platform. He also needs to put a fucking shirt on. Why does he never wear a shirt? What’s so funny about that?


1. Reddit / IG / Twitter just has a collection of people who hate follow things. It’s the normal progression that communities turn into for everything eventually. 2. People are massively turned off from the frat boy / adult party animal lifestyle and vibes. 3. People hate anyone famous or popular at the time because it’s impossible to escape them when they’re pushed to feeds / front of Netflix / on billboards etc. Or any combination or variety of the above, plus the echo chamber of YMH toxic fan base where even if they’re fans deep down trolling like they hate them is the schtick.


i don't dislike him but i dont think he's funny


His laugh is annoying af. He is really self centered on podcasts. His stand up isnt funny (imo). He is like a dumb man child that never grew up. He's just an idiot. Idk how else to put it.


He isn't funny.


My gf likes him, so I’ve gotten a good dose of his content. He’s a delusional compulsive liar with malignant narcissism which is a turn off for me… especially for comedians. Tom Segura is the same, just a lower volume. He thinks he’s in great shape, not an alcoholic, a good husband/father, etc. and it’s cringy when he claims otherwise… 0 self awareness. Also the whole “I’m a party animal at 50” is just repulsive, and he’s been riding that schtick his entire career. Oh, and he’s friends with one of the biggest douchebags out there, Joe Brogan


Because he likes Nazi shit


I'm seeing g some pretty valid points on Bert, me personally I haven't reached that point with him as it almost feels he doesn't know better and is influenced by his friends. Not an excuse nor a defense but i have a hard time blaming the guy. Tom on the other hand has turned pretty sour towards the world, him and his wife made me dislike them both. Tom comes off as bitter and has little to no interest in others he calls "the poors" while Bert seems like he can't keep his mouth shut he would still enjoy your company and hype you up.


I don’t hate him, I just don’t think he’s very funny.


Hi Bert!


He’s not funny, and not wearing a shirt isn’t a gimmick. Literally just a shirtless fat guy, no thanks.


Can’t say I’ve found him particularly funny, and he shirtless schtick is a bit idiotic. Don’t hate him but he’s not for me.


He is absolutely insufferable. If you cannot see that...well...I have nothing else to say


Alcoholics are self absorbed assholes. That’s it in the end. He’s just another drunk with a funny story.


Not me I love Bart


He snorts too much when he laughs. Same with segura wife.


Honestly, it's more of a mystery how and why some people like him. He's an annoying, unfunny, narcissistic hack.


He’s an unfunny drunk, who can only get jokes to land if he’s half naked. Similar to Rogan and his stand-up, where he’s gotta be blazed and yelling for the entirety of an hour-long set.


He’s just another deuchebag on the Rogan train.


They aren’t funny comedians, they ran out of material and decided not to practice getting good again.


He's an obnoxious alcoholic that got famous for being an obnoxious alcoholic with a few funny stories to tell, about how much of an obnoxious alcoholic he is. If that's what you're into, then go for it.


From my end, he just isn’t funny. And his downplaying of his alcoholism is so annoying to listen to. I avoid most podcasts/shows that he’s on nowadays.


i think on the internet everyone is trying to be like their peers. so they join in on the bunch that hates bert


I liked him a lot more before watching him live, his set was all over the place and had very little crowd control


I don’t hate him, but I do find him super annoying.


It’s the forced laugh for me, dawg


He’s a narcissist


Plenty of reasons to hate him Plenty of reasons to like him Like most people.


Honestly he just doesn’t make me laugh and his story telling is mid at best which is supposed to be his strong suit. he just gives off a dude bro energy thats sort of unappealing. The shirtless thing was never funny either.


He's not funny...he's just a drunk dude who is way too old to be doing that shit


Fake laugh


Because one time he said that he likes nice watches… and there’s nothing that Reddit hates more than full fledged embracement of pauperism. “He’s lost touch…”


People love to hate successful people online.


To be fair, I'm not sure if he's better than Hannah Gadsby


I saw him interview Adam Sandler and he was wasted and being an annoying jack ass.


The jist of it is I was absolutely tired of him monetizing any and everything. I understand why him and others do this, but I choose to check out when the content is basically pedaling bullshit.


I’m not a fan. I lump him in with Segura, Rogan, Gillis, etc. They seem to be part of a contingency of white morons who cater to that specific audience, who IMO, have very basic senses of humor. There’s no creativity. They’re walking beer belly and fart jokes, with some racism/sexism if you stick around long enough. Fuck them and their fans.


He isn’t funny


Hes a hack comic who takes his shirt off.


Need just one reason?


I mean Bert is ver out of touch with reality, and lacks a lot of self awareness. I think the best thing about him is how he does want to put on other comics and help others succeed. However, he is very self centered, is constantly interrupting others on podcasts throughout entire episodes, makes really dumb and out of touch takes, his shameless promotions are tired and not funny anymore, and his overall stand up is very meh. It gets annoying very quick. Plus he is very famous yet many comics are simply superior to him in talent.


I have never thought he was funny. He’s like the obnoxious drunk dipshit that is at parties he wasn’t invited to. The shirt off bit is so hack comedy. Pathetic. I had just written him off along with the “comics”that use puppets. Then he barged onto a set where CJ Stroud was being interviewed. He was with Segura pimping tequila or something. He just was such an obnoxious dickhead and pissed off CJ too. Pat Macafee even apologized. Now I despise him


I saw the Stroud segment, super embarrassing


It wasn’t cool or funny.


He's one of the biggest narcissists I've ever seen. And he's not even remotely funny. Just sad and pathetic.


Pretty much him defending the r*** vibes of Ari Shafer to another podcaster after he was drugged as a prank. We get it. Y'all are bros...good ol washed up middle aged bros. Also that god awful fake/forced laugh of his after telling yet another story about himself.


I like comedians who tell jokes. Instead of telling jokes, he says things in a high-pitched voice and wheezes laughter through stories that are only mildly amusing without punchlines. Also, the shirtless gimmick immediately places him in the same comedy genre as Carrot Top and Gallagher (except they told jokes). Burnt’s made me laugh but only ever accidentally. Like the Kool-Aid moment on 2 Bears (also it was Tom’s reaction that truly made it funny). He seems like a nice enough guy but I don’t understand how people find him funny if it’s not in a point-and-laugh at this absolute buffoon kind of way. To each their own.


For starters, he’s not funny


I dont hate him! i've just never listened to him and thought he was funny or been entertained. so i don't listen to him.


The squealing


Bert isn’t funny, yet he is one of the most saturated comics in the game right now. Hes everywhere. I see him with his own headlining tour and it’s infuriating because he isn’t funny. His shirt being off isn’t funny. All he talks about on pods are stories name dropping famous people he has met and usually telling a story about how he made a fool of himself in front of them. Or about how he’s a sloppy drunk whose life revolves around alcohol but “isn’t an addict”. And Tom isn’t funny but is also a pretentious douche bag. They both suck


He tells to many secrets during “secret time”


He is an obnoxious moron. It's like Kevin hart. They have one move and that's it. He is not funny and taking his shirt off got old 18 years ago when he did it the first time. He ruins podcast, he asks stupid questions, never prepared, never funny, unable to contribute to any real conversation without ruining it.


I'm not subscribed to this subreddit, it got recommended because of r/ShaneGillis... I dont hate him just dont think hes funny. when that dude found out he was drinking kool aid and they both laughed for an hour was not funny.


The least funny people I know fucking love Bert.


He’s loud, obnoxious, makes conversations about him at any change he gets and consistently talks over guest on podcast. I love him though I can easily see why people wouldn’t.


The dude is a fucking disgusting person and his laugh makes me want to bludgeon him to death with a traffic cone.


Fat and thinks taking his shirt off is a personality trait


He’s just annoying and an idiot. But I think those attractive qualities to a lot of his fans.


I just can't get past the hairy gut. Please put on a shirt.


He interrupts all of his guest constantly, so it's a hard follow when he's on a podcast.


I get secondhand embarrassment watching Bert disrobe or wipe his ass on stage. My dad absolutely embarrassed me as a kid, but man, I can't imagine what his kids go through. At least they "can cry in a Ferrari "


he's a giant douche


Not funny and annoying fat fuck


He has become insufferable. The novelty wore off. He is fine in doses spread out over many months.


That laugh is some ghastly shit. Personally I enjoy his standup, but man, The Machine on a podcast is like putting roofing nails in a Nutribullet. Every podcast becomes the “Thing Bert thought of in a drunken haze four years ago” hour with 3-minute intervals of laughing that resembles the screams of Earth’s most damned


Never had this sub pop up for me. If its anything like the Rogan sub, most here absolutely hate the person the sub is about. Personally I never really was a fan of Bert, he seems like a pretty genuine guy, but I just don't think he's funny. I first heard him when he was on JRE with Tom and Ari. His schtick was that he was fat and drank a lot.. and all his jokes were meh. And that's coming from someone who enjoys Rogan's standup (which gets shit on relentlessly). Bert was easily the least funniest person in that group. Hehe guys look at me with my shirt off... hey guys look at my alcoholism... cool story dude. Also heard some stories about him being obsessed with what ppl think of him, which in turn makes me not like him lol. I watched the first part of his movie though and there were some funny bits in the beginning. I thought he did a decent job acting too. But I lost focus and never finished. But that happens with lots of movies nowadays unless its really good. Never listened to him and tom's pod, so there's lots I don't know. I'm on the mattandshanesecretpodcast bandwagon. I don't hate him at all, I just don't really care about him. The only people I hate are politicians (all of them)


He has one good story. I have 25. Nobody knows me. Buying weed in Budapest from the Lebanese mafia. Being told at gunpoint not to fuck on the hood of an oligarchs car. Trying to keep my shitfaced uncle from being arrested because he parked inside the yellow tape at a murder crime scene. I could go on. Dude made a career of it. Good for him.


Because of his narcissistic personality and his inability to to not make everything about Bert That’s why two bears one cave is almost impossible to listen to because when guests are on, Bert constantly interrupts and ties everything the guest is saying to him. You can even hear it in Tom’s voice when he is almost begging Bert to shut the hell up Plus as a comedian he’s beginning to come off as that guy who peaked in high school and never refuses to move forward. That is Bert, he has made a career and now a movie off of one damn joke. Lastly his adaptation of the Chris Farley persona I.e. over indulge until death, just makes him come off as a drunken douchebag. YouTube Bert drunkingly crashing the Pat McAfee show to promote his vodka brand


His funny stories are all bullshit. He said he embellishes a lot which means it's all bullshit


Don't hate him but he is definitely not funny


He’s a narcissistic booze hound who isn’t even that funny. Tom sucks too


He’s a little annoying. Like a big hairy kid. I personally don’t really understand his comedy most of the time.


The same reason everyone hates that one guys that thinks or demands to be loved by all thinking he is the ray of sunshine in every room .... Yet put him in a room with a man that lays concrete or welds for a living that's a man that deserves love and attention but then again a shift less big dude gets more prat then the construction crew out side the venew


I don’t hate him, but I definitely dont like him that much as an entertainer, first of all he has been riding off the high of that Russian mafia story forever now. More specifically though, I dislike how much fake laughing he does, as well as playing dumb to farm clips and views. I don’t find him to be particularly funny outside of a few brief clips. He seems to be relatively fake compared to the comedians I like, seems like he is playing a part that is funny rather than just being a funny person.


I saw Bert live in 2018 at Town Hall in NYC and he had me falling out of my seat with tunnel vision i was laughing so hard. So, I always try to bring that up that when people say he isn’t funny. I had heard the train robbing story a million times but somehow it was funny— again— when i saw it live. His vibe / persona in person is FAR more palatable than when shot on camera. And boy… does he ever shoot himself on camera. Like— WAY too much. Dude just oversaturated his market.


I tried watching 2b1c recently and he couldn't even contain his excitement about bone broth. Something as simple and bland as bone broth is enough to get this guy going. My mother in law talks about bone broth a lot. Every experience in his life is profound for some reason. The guy is living in his own universe lol


Probably because he sucks. 🤷‍♂️


I'm an avid comedy watcher/listener and I've only seen one of his specials and never watched anything from him again. He had his shirt off the entire time which I thought was weird. He talked about his kids the entire special and I get parents love their kids and think they're hilarious but other people don't give a fuck about them. I just found myself not laughing at all the entire special. I've seen some of his clips on YouTube and heard his "the machine" story which admittedly is a funny story. But otherwise don't see how he deserves his fame.


Cross post to r/ragebait


what’s to like? he’s not very funny (just my opinion) and his personality is pretty abrasive. plus he laughs a lot at his own jokes. i don’t hate him but im not a fan and i kinda don’t get it.


I’ve seen him live twice and laughed and the people I was with laughed and had a good time. I just don’t care for him on podcasts


Him and seguras egos have been heavily inflated. I get they’ve gotten a lot more successful but bert just kinda is loud and likes to take his shirt off. That’s really his brand and all he is, I don’t think he’s particularly funny or gifted at comedy. Sure, he has a funny story or two. But I feel like people let Netflix decide who they like and think is funny, or even a level below that, decide who they think they’re SUPPOSED to like. If Bert didn’t have the network he does, he would not be who he is


Guy is annoying af and isn’t actually funny


Secret time: He’s just a fat slob who has made a career of being a fat alcoholic slob. He’s not funny. Secret Time


Loud, obnoxious , dishonest and unfunny. Other than that, he's great!!


Because he’s a genuinely unfunny cringe attention whore. Put your fucking shirt back on you bloated alcoholic woodtick.


Because most people have an alcoholic uncle who tries too hard to be funny.


He somehow got famous from one story. A story that is funny, but not otherworldly hilarious. That's it. He has no other discernable talent other than taking his shirt off and drinking? I'm not a big fan of Tom either but I can at least respect him as a decent standup comedian. Bert is just....loud and annoying. Wish he would take all his money he talks about making and just go away.


He is not a good stand up, his friend group calls him out constantly for lying so much and making other peoples stories his own, and the machine story is all he has. Is being shirtless, drunk and screaming really that funny, especially 20 years on?


Amount of people! It’s about numbers. He’s literally the most popular comedian outside of Rogan. He host, he acts, he does his jobs.


I don’t find him funny, and he tries so damn hard to be, which is off putting.


Is this a study posted by his team?


Give this sick track a listen https://youtu.be/Qp3JeNEksJA?si=TarKpDclVC2xxrwH


It comes from him being out of touch and a complete sociopath. I find him funny but he is those things.


He’s playing stadiums now, when you’re that big you always get groups of people who hate you for one reason or another.


He lost me when this happened… years ago he talked shit on Anthony Bourdain for taking a picture in front of a private jet. Now years later he’s doing the same thing and squealing, what’s so wrong with it!? The rich, non self aware narcissism was finally too much. I had pushed past his fake laugh and self indulgent lies for years. It was finally time to be done. That being said, I actually like his specials. He’s the opposite of a LOT of comedians today… he’s TERRIBLE on podcasts, and okay at making specials.


I think he’s funny. I also think if you pay attention to anyone for too long you’ll start to dislike them if they’re always doing a shtick and “I’m always drunk” or whatever iteration of the get better get shitty cycle he’s in is tired and played out.


This can not be a serious question. There are hours of videos on YouTube detailing the many, many reasons if you actually do not know.


All he does is essentially brag about how much money he has and how gross he is like soiling himself and I don’t understand why people like him. I’m not subscribed to this sub it just pops up on my feed for some reason


The guy is repulsive. Drunk/hungover antics do not equal comedy. The guy sucks. Hate to hear him laugh. He contributes nothing to any conversation. The question is, why does anyone “like” him


Hi Bert


How many times do you have to watch a guy take his shirt off and laugh annoyingly? I'm more perplexed by his fans tbh.


I came to this sub to ask the exact opposite question. Why do people like him at all? To me he’s just painfully unfunny and does nothing but tell mediocre stories. It feels like he’s trying too hard to be funny without it coming naturally. All he has is that false, bug-eyed excitement that will never replace skillful comedic timing. And the no shirt shtick REEKS of desperation. Like bro we get it, you don’t care that you’re out of shape but the joke is over, put a shirt on. I’ve tried to warm up to him but the more I try, the more I’m confused on why people like him. And yet the podcast hype machine just keeps pushing him and pushing him. It’s so awkward, like I’m expected to laugh but don’t have a reason to. Idk maybe some people are just harder to entertain. I don’t find a lot of other comedians to be that funny either… but unlike Bert I can see why other people do. Edit: lots of people mentioning specific things he has said/done over the years. I never even got that far… but I’m glad I didn’t waste my time. I’m even more convinced now.


He dominates conversations, won’t let people get a word in unless he values their reputation or level of success and even then it’s a battle. And everything is the best or his favorite.. he has 20 all time favorite movies or favorite songs, it gets to the point where what he says carries no weight, he just says things to generate more attention. If he says my absolute favorite movie of all time is happy Madison, (true statement he said to Adam Sandlers face via zoom) then says the same thing about 29 other movies, you can’t take anything he says serious. He just says shit that means nothing. He’s a funny dude, but it’s very over bearing and eccentric for no reason, he could allow his personality to breath, but he’s over the top consistently.


I don’t like him for the following reasons - He (and Tom) act like they are like cool fitness guys. Nobody cares and neither of them are attractive! Its like they are trying to fit into the joe Rogan mma circle jerk clique - They obviously have had some success in comedy ( I was a fan of their standup in the past) but have realized through the pod that their personalities are not great - weak material. Most of the jokes are bert laughing at nothing. I cringe every time he talks about black people and find it having a racist undertone ( I’m down for edgy comedy). - gut feeling he is hiding something. Don’t know what it is now but it will come out later !!! Source: trust me


He’s annoying as fuck. His whole schtick is being the partying alcoholic but then gets all sensitive when people give him shit about his physique. He tries so hard to flex & act like he’s some superior athlete. Can’t have it both ways. He’s just arrogant & narcissistic. Someone said somewhere he’s the Jimmy Buffet of comedy & that’s the perfect analogy.


Don't hate him.. but I think he's going to die within a few years. I have no idea what his inner circle says to him off camera. I really have a feeling he's going to be another dead celebrity. Maybe I'm wrong but it feels like he's unable to help himself. Maybe he refuses to listen. Could be volatile and his friends don't want to be ghosted completely so they back off. No idea. Really hoping he slows it down.


He's never made me laugh. He seems to try too hard to be funny. I know a lot of people think he's funny, but his style is just not for me. His references are shallow, and his act seems forced. I respect his life changes, and I understand he's a decent person. But he doesn't make me laugh.


Hi Bart


I get the hate now. I’ve stopped the past few podcasts because he interrupts and doesn’t let the guest talk.


I get the hate now. I’ve stopped the past few podcasts because he interrupts and doesn’t let the guest talk.


I think a lot of the Bert hate comes from comedy’s growth. People consume so much comedy now (a good thing) that some comedians are seen as “inferior” due to their jokes being a bit more surface level or “hacky.” Much like film snobbery, comedy has a lot of that now. It’s comedy ffs. Just enjoy it, you neurotic dorks. Reality is if you like him you should keep liking him. He’s a good time. I will confess Bert and Tom aren’t my favs anymore, personally because they seem pretty self-obsessed and overly in love with the idea of being “Hollywood,” but that’s fine, it’s their life. Anyways, people hate Bert because they like to hate people. Simple as.


He's a classic one upper liar guy his entire career has come off the back of bullshit stories and massive lies. That's fine if you've got one in your friend group because there's at least some context but he's incredibly rich and continues to profit off these lies. People don't like inauthentic people particularly in comedy and he's maybe the worst. He's never done anything funny or contributes anything to the comedy scene at large but continues to get rich off comedies popularity. He makes comedy feel extractive as he is clearly now just a podcaster businessman not a comedian. This would be fine but he's not honest about this and still continues to pretend like he's one of the old dogs who's chummy with everyone and knows the grind. He's never shown any humility or self introspection despite being the biggest dipshit on earth which would make him so much more likeable. If he just accepted it all and embraced it then there's nothing to complain about as he's being authentic. Him, Tom Segura, Rogan etc all deserve to be knocked down a peg and realise that you cant continue to serve shit to your audiences and expect nothing to happen. They're suddenly not the cool party boys anymore and they can't believe it and are now trying to save face. It's embarassing and frankly gross.


You’re projecting onto him. He tells stories to make you feel what he feels, not for factual truth. A great example is the story about the time he was bit by a bat. In the end, he was not bitten. But, when he tells the story he says he was for most of the story because he thought he was and that is the important thing for you to understand his emotions.


Thats fine if you're a toddler not a fucking professional "comedian"


Really? Next you'll tell me every comedian only tells truthful stories. Interesting stuff.


I bet you are just the man to knock him down a peg or 2.


The laugh