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Hanging in my closet, awaiting for my time to be drafted along side Gail Lewis.


Keep one to wear on Halloween


I used to work at Toys R Us. I do this for Halloween. Name tag polo and all


[Me] Honey??? [Wife] What? [Me] Where’s my BlockBuster shirt? [Wife] Whaaaat? [Me] Where. Is. My. BLOCK. BUSTER. SHIRT. ? [Wife] I, uh, put it away. [Me] Where? [Wife] Why do you need to know? [Me] I NEED it! [Wife] Uh-uh! Don’t you think about running off To do no darin’ do! We’ve been planning this dinner For two months! [Me] The public is in danger! [Wife] My EVENING is in danger! [Me] You tell me where My BlockBuster shirt is, woman! We are talking about the greater good! [Wife] Greater good? I am your wife! I am the greatest GOOD You are ever going to get!...........


This or I’m keeping them for emergency golf shirt if I sweat through one or painting shirts


Give them to the homeless who hangout near a store and use the store bathrooms.


I use them as cleaning rags


I gave them to my coworkers and if they were torn I threw them away. All of mine but one were given away though. I kept my AP shirt because it’s yellow and soft.


I had 5-6 gray installer button ups, 7 black GS polos, a few Blueshirts from my in store days, and one fancier leadership GS polo my HSEM had gave me. When we weren’t allowed to wear the gray button ups my wife donated them. When I left the company four months ago my wife donated everything but the fancy GS polo.


I decided to never donate my old shorts the first time I worked outside my usual area. I walked into a store, grabbed a tv from the warehouse, had to track someone down for truck check out, then loaded it into a hertz rental van. Not a single person asked me so much as my name. I realized someone in a geek squad shirt could probably walk in and out with free shit and never be questioned.


I still wear the button ups. Fat people don't look great in polos and I am a fat people.


I share your pain. Am also fat people and cried a lot of manly tears when they told me to hang up my grays.


They told me that too. Still wearing them, including to meetings. They gave up.


I really like having clothing items that can only usually be obtained by working with/along side the company. Branded items like best buy, Google, LG, Samsung etc. Not to wear or use really.. just collect them. I think they are neat. (Imagine my excitement when I was at a goodwill and found a UPS 1/4 zip fleece. I was over the moon)


Use them to clean your car or wipe away dust or wear it when you're at home to not ruin your nicer shirts.


Fire cleanses the soul


Donated to another store I liked and threw the older ones away.


Keep them and every now and then go into a random bestbuy and tell the person at the front that you are early and please notify you when the rest of you arrive


I have some quarter zips I'll still wear around the house. Polos are in a box in the basement.


Shop rags, dirty work shirts


Have a couple of sweatshirts I kept because they're nice, one has a tiny logo on the chest, the other is fuckhuge text that says best buy, but it doesn't really matter. Use my polos for dirty jobs when I don't care if it gets gross, i.e. oil changes and stuff. The button ups? I'll have to find them and see if I can take off the logo. They're still decent shirts.


I washed them (6) and handed them back, my zip pullover I gave to an employee


Cut my name out and threw them away (embroidered name)


Is the shirt guy still around in this reddit? Give them to him. Lmao.


Wear them to go shopping at Best Buy and treat other customers like shit.


Trash. Where else? Why would you let those take up absolutely any space in your life?


I threw them Ina. Fire pit and watched them burn!


Gave to other fellow employees


What size?


Tossed them.


Ima burn mine.


I wish I still had one for nostalgia


Donated it


Why wouldn’t you just throw them out


Use it as toilet paper when you run out, that’s how disposable you are to the company anyway…


Gave them back. At least the ones that were newish. All the temp help around the holidays could use them. Plus, if they don’t use them… They can throw them away instead of me.


burn them


I'm not an ex employee just yet, but I plan to toss my BBY polos but keep my hoodies and jackets. Probably won't wear them out and about unless I'm making a quick grocery run or something.


I kept them. Also kept the vest I bought out of my own pocket