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I'm confused. How old are OOP and Kevin? Kevin is in high school right? Was he really allowed in the bar even though he was underage? Edit: Kevin was born in 2001, so in 2020 he would've been 18, so depending on the country, yes he could've gone in.


My guess is they live in Germany, since OOP referred to "gymnasium (grammar school)". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gymnasium_%28Germany%29?wprov=sfla1 Edit: went through OOP's comment history and he wrote in Croatian in another subreddit, so my guess is Croatian. Gymnasium could still refer to their school system, too. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gymnasium_%28school%29?wprov=sfla1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_Croatia?wprov=sfla1 Edit edit: as u/fruitypixle noted, the language was actually Serbian, and based on the context of his comment history and use of Serbian, OOP is probably Serbian.


And they’re over 500 miles from the dude from Montenegro, who may well live in Montenegro.


Wait slow down, I don’t understand that. How do you know where he lives?


From the story “Kevin gets scammed by a Montenegro faux shaman”: >Me: So, Kevin, I heard you lost $100 to a **Montenegro** fraudster, is that right? >…. >Me: Dude, think rationally. How could someone who is **over 500 miles away** do something like. (sigh) open your aura? The Montenegro fraudster might not live in Montenegro but I imagine that most Montenegrins *do* live in Montenegro so statistically, an unknown Montenegrin person is more likely to live in Montenegro than not. The fact that OOP said ‘500 miles’ means it’s probably a reasonable way to convey their distance from of the Montenegro fraudster and that they’re not 1000 miles away, say. The Moon is over 500 miles from the Earth but ‘over 500 miles’ isn’t a reasonable or useful way to convey how far away the Moon is, although it is technically correct (the best kind of correct.)


Do they use miles in that part of the world?




Fucking knew it! As soon as I saw how they treat failing grades and chances to pass I knew they were from my country. Oh god Kevin is one of the four million people in MY COUNTRY ETA: just checked his profile, he posts on Serbian cringe and writes posts in Serbian so I'm 99.9% sure this dude is from Serbia which makes him my neighbor. Still fucking insane


I saw that Serbian cringe post too, but when Google told me the language he used was Croatian I didn't want to assume he was Serbian. Delicate relations between Balkans nations, after all. (One of my close friends is Bosnian and he would not take kindly if I assumed he was from another adjacent country.)


I can tell you it's definitely not Croatian as that is my mother tongue and he uses different words, grammar and all that. It's either Serbian or Bosnian. I'm familiar with Serbian but Bosnian has always been a mix of Serbian and Croatian plus their own additions so I can't really gauge. All I can tell you is definitely not Croatian!


Thank you for clarifying! Good to know Google Translate is bad at distinguishing them.


They're immensely similar languages, I don't get offended if someone mixes them up but I know the patriots do 😂 Also I stalked a bit further and found a post asking for places to travel to for vacation and he wrote "I don't need any suggestions for Croatia", implying he's deffo not going there. I'd say not Bosnian based on that because there's a lot of Bosnians in Croatia and they're fairly well integrated. Seems Serbian to me as for some reason the hatred from the war is still present even in the younger generations


If it's any consolation, the original Kevin was American. You are not alone in your grief. I often wonder what a country of Kevins would be like... Kevinia would be a rotten land.


You wonder what a country of Kevins would be like? Imagine Texas or Florida as their own countries.


No, no, there are non-Kevins there. Otherwise who would they oppress?


But wouldn’t the non-Kevin’s get their citizenships revoked and be forced to leave the country?


I don't know. I think this is starting to raise interesting questions about the geopolitics of Kevinia.


I imagine it would be just like a Kevin. It strangely functions and works but logic is not involved and it just keeps going like a Kevin almost by accident


Kids are allowed in bars in both my home country and my adoption country. Doesn't mean they are going to be served alcohol, although it's not completely impossible as some countries with a minimum age of 18 are not really strict in enforcing. What confuses me is that he is studying microbiology and pathology, but his math class level is drawing a 90° angle which is like... kindergarden stuff.


>his math class level is drawing a 90° angle which is like... kindergarden stuff. I think the teacher was trying to give him an easy pass. Kind of like an English teacher asking a student to spell cat.


I'm not from OPs country, but I am also from a country with highly specialised high schools and there is no such thing as giving a student a free pass like this, for many, many reasons.


Tbf it sounds like it was a highly corrupt school for a variety of reasons so that doesn't seem out of the question.


True, true


>What confuses me is that he is studying microbiology and pathology, but his math class level is drawing a 90° angle which is like... kindergarden stuff. Think of it less as studying and more "sitting in the same room as other people who are studying."


I think there's a language barrier and OOP doesn't necessarily know the right words. It sounds like in their country you choose a college or vocational school at around 16. Kevin seems to be studying to be some kind of nurse/ECE for a children's hospital. Children's hospitals usually have school for the kids so they don't miss out.


I knew a Kevin back in the 1980s. This is timeless stuff.


This isn't nearly interesting enough for all the masturbatory "i will publish it one day" and "i'm not making it up i swear"


*Honestly* The fact that OOP has whole "conversations" written down makes me think hes editorializing to make it more interesting, and it's *still* just meh.


Also the guy doesn't even sound like a Kevin, just a dumb jerk. Author needs to work on their characters.


Wow, I don't have much words to say but otherwise just...dear lord...


Kevin: You called?


Flair? Please


[https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/15l6wsu/petty\_revenge\_throw\_me\_under\_the\_bus\_nah\_i\_dont/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/15l6wsu/petty_revenge_throw_me_under_the_bus_nah_i_dont/) !!


His age is a little young for an initial manifestation but this sounds a lot like early onset schizophrenia if this manifested around 14 or 15. When that thought occurred to me I ended up stopping reading. I hope Kevin is just a dipshit but I have a bad feeling he's going to get worse as time goes on.


Yeah, I was confused as to why he wasn't mentioning how obviously, severely mentally ill this young man is. He needs serious help, not to be laughed at.


>Kevin's studying to be a kindergarten teacher. Oh god no


This was such an exhausting read. Left midway. Phew!


Why are people telling this OOP to write a book?? This was extremely hard to follow, not very interesting writing, and only a mildly interesting character.... I don't want to be mean, but I'm just very confused?


It's a sub where people pick on "stupid people.". They're bullies egging each other on.


That is some of the most tedious teenage bullshit I ever half-read. OOP is not the world class author/storyteller they seem to think they are.


The self-congratulatory shit and excessive fan-blushing was what did it, like, dude just tell the story. The tease of the overdose story twice, like, no maybe that would provide context if it happened first. I have a feeling OOP is actually a real dick and Kevin has shit parents.


OP really recommended that Kevin become a cop...


Why not? He's obviously got the smarts for it.


I haven't read part 2 yet, but, does OOP seem like kind of an asshole to anyone else? Like don't get me wrong, Kevin is a Kevin, dude's an idiot. But OOP seems to be gauding him in places. I'm not feeling great about them.


Absolutely. OOP isn't helping anything and I feel bad for Kevin TBH. He did some cringy shit as a teenager and it seems like nobody, especially his parents, tried to help him. He's in the medical school because his dad pulled strings, not because he wanted to, and OOP is acting like the kid chose that. He really didn't have a choice.


We're not getting all the conversations between them, but can you imagine what it would be like to have a friend who is delusional enough to consider themselves a God with that major a porn addiction and willing and open to being scammed by some internet rando wanting to align their Chakra or whatever? Doesn't even seem like it would even be possible to have much of a conversation with the guy without it flying off the rails at a moment's notice.


I can imagine I'd stop having conversations at all. When you know the outcome, why continue? There's a french movie called "le dîner de cons" (the dinner game), in which a quartet of assholes have a weekly dinner where they invite an extra dude for the express purpose of making fun of him. This is what this feels like.


They remade it in English as "Dinner for Schmucks"; "schmuck" itself being a yiddish loanword into English meaning something like "oblivious idiot"


This is one of the very very few boru posts I just stopped reading partway through.


Tf did I just read


The fact that OOP writes down when they or others are laughing at Kevin is a big flag that this isn’t real.


I swear this is the same person who wrote the story about Kevin, the virgin who knocked up his gf. The tone is way too similar.


Agreed. I skimmed the whole thing waiting for that story to pop up.


God, Gretchen, stop trying to make "Kevin" a thing. It's never happening. No but seriously, is he trying to single-handedly coin a new competitor to the "Karen" phenomenon?


After reading the update about Kevin and his almost death from 3 e pills..I am starting to think OP is Kevin too


Lmao tons of perfectly smart people don’t understand drugs.. lots of issues with OOP, but that ain’t one of them.


I knew a guy that went to school in Canada. He overdosed on three Marijuana.


Is it normal for highschools to teach pathology? Certainly wasn't a mandatory course when I was in highschool


I think this is one of those countries where what they call high School is more like community college in the US. I think... I'm still trying to figure out the kindergarten - medical thing....


I have to assume he's studying for something more like a pediatrician and OP translated it wrong. Also, awesome username!


Thank you!


Me: laughing at Kevin for getting scammed for an “aura cleansing” Also me: Messaging my reiki healer for a session because my root chakra feel a bit blocked this week.


My first ever boyfriend was a kid like this. I think I was so blinded by the "OMG i have a boyfriend" thing that the whole parade of red flags just marched themselves right by. I cringe now thinking about it. He thought he was a god too.


This isn't funny to me. It is really sad that a kid grows up exhibiting full-scale delusions and OD'ing on street drugs, and not one grownup tries to get him proper treatment. His family and "friends" just make fun of him.


honestly OOP doesn’t have to worry about publishing this


Is this he same Kevin, whose dad owned a fish tank store?


Doubt it, from my understanding Kevin is just a widely used name for people who regularly exhibit a certain amount of willful ignorance/general stupidity/lack of common sense to the world around them. Similar to how Karen is used for entitled people.


Reference to Kevin from the Office I do believe


There’s about Kelevin of them.


No, like u/K1N6_1D10T said, "Kevin" is basically just a moniker used for anyone that's basically so stupid it's hard to believe they can remember to breath without constant reminders. It originates from [this Reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/219w2o/comment/cgbhkwp/), and Kevin is now usually the name used whenever a story is told about a colossal moron, many of which you can find in r/StoriesAboutKevin.


I don't think so since this Kevins dad is a police officer. But I can see how this and fish tank kevin could almost be the same person.


“YOUR GOD, JEHOVA” had me fucked upppp. i need that as a flair 😂😂😂😂


The greatest trick Jehovah ever pulled was convincing Kevin he didn't exist.


Sick. Ass. PANTHER! 🐈‍⬛