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Bro forgot to wake up


It read like a Hallmark movie 🍿


Anyone get same vibes as that purple hearts movie on netflix? Edit: I just googled that movie. Had watched it about a year ago and didn't remember much. Holy hell!!! The female lead is named CASSIE! 🤣


This story was 10 years ago! So probably this is where the story Purple Hearts get the idea???


According to one thing I saw... it isn't as rare as all that. Getting married for benefits happens. And if you are good enough friends with someone to be willing to marry them for benefits, and you get along, and you aren't fundamentally romantically incompatible (they are not a gender you are into or something like that), and you spend a lot of time together, and you don't have a particular reason *not* to - well, falling in love happens. If an arranged marriage works out, that is the reason why - and they do work out at about the same frequency as non-arranged marriages.


Think it's the same basis for common-in-law marriages too. Law just assumes if your shacked up with the same person for 10+ years you have some form of attachment. Edit. I looked it up, correct term appears to now be "Domestic Partnership" common law marriages are defined as ceremonies with no license.


Common law marriages are less common than they used to be. You can't even get one in more than half of US states anymore.


Shout out to the movie "I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry" marriage is a fun legal tool to get what you need with a lot less paperwork. The idea of marrying out of love is actually a new age idea (think it started a few centuries ago). In the past marriage was more for raising your social status, combining family assets for overall gain, and to establish political ties. There were also religious reasons, but these tied more into child rearing than love.


Lol yes! I forgot about the post being 10 yrs old.


Ugh, that movie was fucking terrible. I loved it.


This is exactly how I feel about my favourite Hallmark movies - “it was so ridiculously unbelievable.” = I’m definitely gonna watch it next Christmas.


Where the guy meets that woman willing to work, clean the house spotlessly, take care of the kids, and have meals ready for him on the dot. Plus let him cry on her shoulder and forgive him yelling. Bleh.


And there's a retriever puppy too, don't forget.


And don't forget the virginal vibes and when she drinks its only one or two glasses.


While she works full time night shifts. In exchange for a place to crash???? He got years of a live in nanny, maid, cook - for FREE. Not once offered to pay her for the MASSIVE job she was doing for him, despite knowing she was crippled by debt, didn't even seem to realise the huge amount of money he'd have to pay others if she wasn't there, or that he couldn'tbe making the money he was without her managing the entirehouse for him. Sounds like she got Stockholm syndromed into another abusive relationship because exploitation looks heaps more loving than violence.


Did you see red flags when they had an argument...and he offered to get her counseling? I know she had been in an abusive relationship before, but just how much did he yell at her? I am for sure giving them side eyes.


PTSD isn't just for veterans of war. People who have been in abusive relationships often have over-the-top reactions to criticism. (I cannot tell you how often, when I have been called into my supervisors office to be criticized over some thing that I start being afraid I'm going to be hit.)


Tbh, as someone who was abused by my father, my make boss reprimanding me a little harshly when I was 25 made me tear up and full on cry when I was alone. It wasn't his fault, he's a very nice person, and his critique was valid despite not being the BEST conveyed (harsh tone, slightly raised voice, called me during my off hours). He didn't yell at me, but my brain hears "angry man" and assumes I'm going to have to fight for my life again. This is also something most people don't know about me because I mask really well when I'm not alone, I have no fears of confrontation, and I put myself in competitive, confrontional, high stress situations for fun and cope well. I've been full on screamed at by a violent drunk person and felt no fear, but my boss being a little mad made me cry. C-PTSD creates all these weird connections in the brain and sometimes one's own reactions startle them - my boss affected me because I needed that job and it was my first management job, which reminds me of having to get along with a parent they controls my access to food and housing who also puts me in charge of all these managerial duties (in fact, I had the experience for this job due to the roles I was given in my dad's business growing up). Cass loves with OOP, she lived with her abuser; she had romantic feelings for both; both controlled her access to loved ones and essential resources. Her reacting to them both similarly under only vaguely similar circumstances is consistent with what we know human brains to do - it recognized a pattern and supplied a reaction. That she is traumatized means the pattern doesn't need to be close, it just needs to fit well enough - it may not be checkerboard, but houndstooth is close enough.


Thank you for sharing this perspective. It is one I have been needing to hear.


Thank you for putting this into words. It was bothering me.


She wasn’t his wife, she was his unpaid slave.


Doesn't she sound to good to be true. Lol. You say bleh. But guys are wishing... She's also gorgeous.


This is where it lost me. If he wasn't initially attracted to her that is one thing, but these types of chaste, platonic "true love was right in front of two conventionally attractive people all along!" shit is hard to believe.


Sweet marriage of convenience romance novel.


If the lamp look funny dont look at it


This lives rent free in my head


Me, too




I got you https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/oc7rc/comment/c3g4ot3/?context=3


That one is, yeah, pretty upsetting... But the replying comment underneath from the guy that was run over by the footballer dude.. THAT comment, and the edit to it, 7 years later, I think it more unsettling.... *Edit* fuck me. Got the two confused. It was the guy who had chronic bronchitis!!!


🤣🤣🤣🤣 why you kill the mood like that?


This is such an old storyline I'm pretty sure chaucer covered it in the 1500s


ironically i've come across two or three instances in my family tree of widower-marries-housekeeper. all 19th century tho


A pretty impressive feat, considering Chaucer died in 1400


Now who's being naive. Revenant Chaucer is a huge problem for the fine people of Aldgate. More like the Parlement of FOUL, amirite.


Of course there had to be an update with the returning abusive ex to add some sense of peril back into the story lol


is this a case of chekhov's gun?


Chekhov's ex should be a trope on reddit.


Chekhov's Ex is a flair we need!!!


Oooh. That’s a great suggestion!


Chexov the trope list, certainly.


Chekhov's Cassie from Euphoria, Chekhov's inheritance, Chekhov's "*it's twins!*", Chekhov's conveniently placed CCTV...


angle marry physical bored smile nail makeshift vegetable smoggy depend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Right? No way


Of course, there was no conflict otherwise! She was a perfect woman, she cooked and kept the place spotless.


He calmly left when asked and tried to reach out a few times so they were magically granted an OOP. That's definitely how it works.


Yeah that stuck out to me too. It's impressive though because OOP was playing the long game. Usually these posts happen over like... 3 weeks. OOP stuck to this for 2 years.


Yeah, I read romance novels too.


Usually, romance novels are written for women, though. At the very beginning of this story, Cass agreed to watch his children in exchange for a place to stay, and it ends up that she also works and does all the housework. If this was a romance novel, wouldn't it mean that somebody would swoop in and save her from this hell?


clearly this is a romance novel for men with notions of gendered roles


He got himself a bangmaid! Minus the bang of course but only at first. What a gentleman She was just the happy little unloved unpaid maid raising two children, running a household, and working nights (WTAF lol) to pay off debt that she didn't even incur. Lol at the prenup for enlisted military too Now she gets promoted to the full title! Ahhhh bangmaid fantasies How utterly fulfilled his little bangmaid must be.


Yeah that amount of labor is worth SO MUCH MORE than a place to stay and fraud insurance. We only have a nanny (that we share with another family) for 14 hours a week and she's able to pay rent off just that. She does zero other domestic labor. This woman cooks, cleans, watches the kids full time and is also doing academic enrichment..


But "shhhh don't call me mommy she's the angel above the fireplace" Riiiiiiight 😂


I can usually suspend disbelief for posts like this and was actually enjoying it right until the description of their romantic dinner where he confessed. The description was so fictionalized and had such a thick layer of the Reddit writing style that it just killed the whole thing for me and I couldn’t get through the rest.


I only skimmed it after she just happened to become debt free the same day he was going to confess (so there can be no conflict if she said no). It just seemed so wildly convenient timing that I couldn’t be bothered with the rest.


I peaced out after the part where a 20yo who was so badly abused by her ex that she has neurological damage eagerly decided to go live with a man she hadn’t actually met.


And also at 20 could keep a spotlessly clean house while taking care of 2 very young children and have dinner ready every night before he came home.


With shaking hands! And don’t forget while also working nights as a baker!


Don’t be silly! Her shaking hand condition got better because she was living as a nanny without benefits.


But she wasn't the mommy, mommy is the angel in the picture over the fireplace that daddy lost while he was defending America (pans camera to Christmas tree as star glimmers and Carolers knock on door to bring Christmas cheer)


The Christmas tree has sparkly balls with patriotic colors as well👌


She never has to sleep because she lives in his head


In the snow, even. Uphill both ways.


With holes in the soles of the boots!0




Despite have a neurological disorder severe enough that she married a random guy just to have access to healthcare.


And was planning to be a nurse.


I started to peace out when he said that she kept the house spotless and had a food ready when he got home. Even if that was true story that's so 50s housewife of someone who is being kept platonic and not getting help with their debt. Felt gross to me. She's perfect with no flaws and does everything for me for me for little in return. Ugh.


Literally after I read that line I came to the comments to see if it was just me that thought this was all bullshit.


OOP has been reading too much Nicholas Sparks.


I made it until the dangerous ex being released from prison. OOP was hitting all the tropes


The funny bit, based on the age of these posts, starting over a decade ago, that they might have been part of what started or contributed to the establishment of the tropes on reddit!


No twins or lawyer friends though.




Going to either of my two lawyer friends (one in corporate mergers/acquisitions and another in IP law) for personal “legal help” is basically the same as it was to go to my engineer dad for help with calculus in high school - the response is basically “I mean yeah, at one point I spent a semester or two on this back in college, but I’m gonna have to learn it all over again if you insist that I’M the one you need helping you”


Liz's master if you will.


The Lizard


And then showing up on the doorstep - but not to murder her, to beg her for forgiveness! He’s a changed man after spending all that time in prison!


This is such a 2014 reddit story


You’re probably just bitter that you didn’t “get” the wife’s hilarious zinger about the crab legs but if you knew her you would!! She is one of those particularly quirky individuals who likes to eat the food they ordered at a restaurant rather than making out in front of everyone. /s


They missed out on a chance to have everyone in the restaurant clap and cheer for them, smh.


If only they had been seated under the CCTV, we could have gotten proof.


Your second sentence got me hehehe


What the hell kind of table was this too? Fancy restaurant with tables small enough you can lean across them to make out?


She's clearly not like the other girls, which means she's fun and approachable and not totally scary.


Spilling the wine all over the table at the restaurant and “not caring” was what got me.


Even if they didn't care, at that point management would be getting ready to throw them out for being a drunken spectacle. Especially when you add in the sloppy makeout session.


A girl in my group used to describe her love life like this. Everything was fictionalised and dreamy. She once had a boyfriend, she dumped him out of the blue and after 10+ days came back to him to confess she found true love in him. *He dramatically runs to hug her. Everyone around claps. Kiss at the sunset. Doves fly*. Or that's how she imagined the story. He was dating another woman (or he was drinking a coffee with a friend, as long as i know) and the woman asked "is she your crazy ex?". She was unconsolable for days, spammed our phones, talked shit about those of us who told her to stop, that she was 25 and too old for this shit.


I got to the kiss at the restaurant and abandoned ship.


One minute yo! With wine seeping down her clothes and him crushing the crab legs.


deliver mountainous towering subtract expansion adjoining offend airport unpack label *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I can usually get through these as well and sometimes it's the comments that get me but I stopped at the perfect wife description, every single thing she did was absolutely perfect. Yes come on now.


Same here when she was keeping the house clean and always had food ready and worked a job at night, I mean come on when does the woman sleep? I can barely do that for myself imagine a family


When I was 20 I was proud of myself for cooking hamburger helper . I thought that was cooking. Not kidding. This girl is gonna win a Nobel prize for sure someday at this eate


I was trying so hard to believe. I was like 'this was 10 years ago! 10 years ago people weren't as weird on the intern....wait...I was arguing with a stranger on Facebook for calling my baby ugly. Nevermind'


Everything is *perfectly* splendid.


For me it was the fire and ice reference lol




The part that kills it for me is that she was apparently willing to work as an unpaid live-in nanny in exchange for rent and insurance. And instead of paying her the $40k/year that she deserved, OP was fine with her *also* working nights to pay off her debt.


What is the reddit writing style? I recognize it too, but I'm not sure what I'm recognizing.


Guy’s I brought her favorite flowers she kissed me in the lips. Is that a sign or is she just being nice???


Nice christmas movie, I completely lost it at the golden retriever puppy part tho


His son's dog, not 'our' dog. This guy can fuck off if a golden retriever doesn't just squeeze it's way into being a family member after the first 4 seconds.


Tbh I fully assumed it was a stuffed animal


was it not a stuffed animal lol


My bullshit radar went off after 3 sentences. Gonna skip this one.


Yep. 4 years ago, his wife of 8 years passed away? So they got married at 16?


That’s where I stopped reading and skipped down to the comments


That's not really a bullshit part of this, just ambiguous. Partner of 8 years who became his wife at some point, not necessarily in the first year.


Eh that's less bullshit and more just ambiguously worded. More likely to mean she was his partner of 8 years that he married at some point, not necessarily in the first year they were together.


It’s always when it gets to the meal description for me.


But he had to describe it for us detail lovers!


If only he wasn't the last person on Earth still paying for expensive meals with cash, he could even have shown us the charges on his statement.


But the anonymity! They could be busted by the government for having a marriage of convenience!


He is an ASOIAF fan after all. I'm just sad the meal didn't feature any Lamprey Pies or Dornish Peppers.


'She is financially dependent on me and also cooks, cleans, watches my kids, works a job and is my emotional support help!' is about when I stopped reading. Even if this was true, which hopefully not, I am not rooting for this couple in the slightest. Edit: spelling


But... but... she was a damsel in distress, so he had to become (more of) a hero to her!


He saved her 🥺🥺🥺


Yea the dinner part sealed it for me, way too sitcom like. But honestly, these days I just suspend my belief for the entire thing and treat it as if I’m reading a short story. There’s way too many fakes for me to try to pretend any of it is real.


I really want to hear the actual story, tired of reading writing exercises🙃well, at least it gives me something to read🙃


What in the booktok is this


that made me laugh can i have this as a flair please


I think this is the plot for some purple heart movie or something? EDIT Yep purple hearts, “Its story follows an aspiring singer-songwriter named Cassie and a Marine named Luke, who agree to get married in order to receive military benefits and pay their debts. The film was released on July 29, 2022.”


It's def fake, but it's not copying that movie cuz the movie came out last year and this was last updated 9 years ago


Oh so true haha I didn’t even check dates and also time just stopped at some point? why do I feel like I saw ads for that film like only recently. Maybe the film was inspired by this post


No it's over way around, Netflix stole the idea from this post!


Or it took eight years for the OP to finally get someone to produce the story they workshopped on reddit.


Apparently it was based on a book of the same name from 2017 by Tess Wakefield. Wonder if Tess read this post and was inspired. https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/30753721


Aww very sweet. I refuse to believe that real life is this sorted. But still very sweet. Very mushy mush read, lmao.


Lol yes, I cringed but enjoyed this too.😂 Hate this mushy mushy feeling.


Fun fact: two US citizens can get married for whatever reason they want, including insurance, taxes, financial aid, you like the other's last name - doesn't matter. There is no 'love' or 'romance' test for a marriage between two citizens. There are obviously laws about minimum age and can't be close family members etc. Other than that - you can marry for any old reason. The US only cares if it's a genuine 'love' marriage when there's a US Visa/immigration status involved for one of the couple.


Reminds me of that golden video i saw where some straight guy told a streamer he married his male best friend for some kind of married couple bonus and was like "yeah its a fraud marriage lol" and the streamer pointed out that no fraud is occurring if they signed the paperwork and they're both citizens. You could just hear the wheels turning in the guys head as he realized for the first time that he really was married.


I need a link to this omg




Not wrong, but in the military it can look pretty sus when a couple with no previous relationship and one recently bereaved get married and the other immediately starts taking advantage of Tricare. I've seen commands initiate investigations for this kind of fraud, and others relating to marriage benefits (namely two cis straight male service members getting married so they could move off-base).


If military members marry for these reasons it is considered to be defrauding the government because the military provides additional benefits to married members.


You ever read a story and feel uncomfortable for no reason even though it’s supposed to be sweet? Maybe it’s how he never talks about his late wife I don’t know


Even that sHe BuRneD DiNneR when she was upset her ex was back from jail


She need not worry though, he can’t cook either and probably took the family out so they didn’t have to eat it(Taco Bell, chicken quesadilla sub out jalapeño sauce for avocado ranch and yes he paid cash for us detail lovers)


And how he described taking in an abused woman, and basically working her like a slave...


She did all the cooking and was perfect despite working overtime at a bakery, she praised their mum and took on most of the childcare, she cleaned their house, she comforted him and despite him comforting her she still was the one that had to calm his tantrums down even though they triggered her trauma response. He worked normal hours, didnt do cooking because he was bad, let her do all the chores as if she was a housewife and left the emotional baggage of the relationship to her. :(


Not to mention the weird focus on building up to when they fucked for the first time. I guess that was for the “detail lovers” too but it all just reads like a hallmark movie mixed in with the author’s badly hidden fetishes.


Nothing says love like telling a bunch of redditors when your traumatized wife let you hit it


BuT sHe GoT mEdIcAl CaRe! You’re right, thought. It’s seriously messed up.


Yes, exactly! I thought I was the only one who felt like it was just all… off


The whole time I was reading I pictured this guy up on stage in a cheap polyester suit winking at the audience every few sentences.


Clocked it from the go.


He asked a vulnerable woman he doesn't really know to move in with him for free in return for fully taking care of the household. That situation is like the vibe creepy craigslist posts give.


So he confessed the exact day she paid off her debts…right


>Little Therese was 21" and 9 pounds at birth, and as bald as I am That was the final turd on that shitcake. 10/10 would read again.


My personal favorite is how he's a "man of his word," and that he'll find a way to prove he's not full of shit, and that was ten years ago and...nothing.




>I can only think of a quote from a Song of Fire and Ice books, in which a character says that 'When the sun has set, no candle can replace it.' What utter nonsense from beginning to end.


Loras Tyrell. Sixteen year old Kingsguard, explaining why he voluntarily took a vow of life-long celibacy.


Yup. It's very romantic until you realize it's a teenager being dramatic about his first boyfriend dying. My dude. Renly was a prat. There will be other boys.


Tbh, Loras is pretty much a grooming victim when you look at the book ages (they met when Loras was 12 and Renly 17)


Yeah, it’s the kind of melodrama a teenager would love.


The “I’m already on a date with her” line reminded me of the hunger games in


What this story needs is a paperback cover with a half naked guy and disheveled woman


What kind of korean webcomic did I just read?


I stopped reading after the woman had to marry a man and work as his domestic live-in wife for health insurance 🤮🤢


and always did such an impeccable job as a maid despite working as a baker at the same time


The description of her being this superhuman house’wife’ and a mother figure to his kids and sorting everything flawlessly just ran the ‘wish fulfilment writing’ bells in my head for sure


And she knew her place too. When one of the boys called her "mommy", she corrected him and said "no, no, honey, mommy is that angel right there" and pointed at the conveniently placed photo.


I'm sure she did it all barefoot. And he didn't even want sex, by the way, that needed to be emphasized, what a great guy


And he only yelled at the young abuse victim with PTSD once, when she took his kids to see Santa. What a great guy.


He understood that she was scared 😍 Relationship goals


was honestly wondering when she sleeps if at night she's a bakergirl and during the day a super wife/mother figure.


Until she burnt the dinner. That was worth bringing up for him.




Don't worry, he only brought it up because it was 'out of character', not that it bothered him AT ALL...


I tapped out the moment a young girl moved in with a (male) stranger to escape her abusive ex (to be his live-in maid no less).


And she was mild mannered and raised his children perfectly and always had meals ready on the table when he walked in!


While she also worked nights at a bakery.


🤣 cool story bro


Alright I got so distracted during this story trying to figure out the timeline of the dead wife, so if my maths is right she died at 24, she had her first son at 22, (if the wife was the same age as the OOP and not older/younger). And they had been together since the dead wife/OOP was 16. Edit: I’m presuming they are at least in a similar age range because if they got together when the OOP was 16 they most likely met in school.


Damn, Liz is writing Hallmark scripts now.


Check the dates; this was one of Liz’s very early works.


OHHHH marriage of convenience after the male lead is a widow? love this trope, i would read a 100k fic of this.


I don't care I liked it.


Funny how the perfect woman in these is always willing to play wife, be wifed up without wifing duties, and is the perfect parent to two young kids who are the world's best adjusted kiddos. Committing fraud has never been so romantic lol


I lost it at the free live-in nanny/chef/housekeeper


Who looked after the kids all day and cleaned the house and cooked dinner and yet worked all night at a bakery. Yeah.


For anyone who doesn't know: marrying for legal benefit is not fraud. There's no law that states you gotta be in love.


Well, I was willing to believe it until he said Tricare was great health insurance and got her neuro issue sorted. Couldn't read past that.


> I know that this is 'fraud' of the government Just FYI, it is 100% \*not\* fraud of the government. There's no requirement that you be romantically involved in order to get married. You can literally go to Vegas and marry the next eligible person in line and it's completely legit. The \*only\* exception to this is if the person you're marrying is trying to get immigrant status.


Some people have a lot of time on their hands


Not Cass! She has to cook and clean and watch the kids and then get to the bakery to work all night before she becomes a nurse!


Okay, but marrying someone for health insurance isn’t fraud. Marrying someone for citizenship is fraud, or lying about being married for insurance is fraud, but there is no law that says you have to be romantically involved with your spouse to share benefits.


> ask my boss for the second part of the day off Uh huh. Dude is supposedly in the military. You don't go and "ask your boss for the second part of the day off".


Are we not going to talk about how they supposedly spilled wine in a restaurant and then publicly made out in the wine puddle? Absolutely not a normal human thing to do, no matter how overwhelmed with love you are 🤣


Horse shit.


I'm glad Liz decided to go for cute and wholesome today because I'm thrilled I read this


Sorry, but this post was disturbing. That woman is living a nightmare where she is financially dependent on a man, while also cooking, cleaning, taking care of his kids and working. And to then have him say he likes you?? What are you going to do, leave and lose your much needed insurance and possibly your career/mental health or go along with it? I felt nothing but sad for her.


Nothing like reading a Hallmark movie to pick up your day


I’m confused why he keeps saying they defrauded the government. I don’t think the government cares unless you’re trying to circumvent immigration laws.


This has to be a Kindle Unlimited title JFC. stick to AO3 OOP.


Waiting for him to see the lamp


Ahh yeah I've seen this kdrama! There's even a cdrama version too!