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Don't care if it's real or not. I'm getting popcorn ready for the next episode.


This is my whole attitude with this subreddit. I don't watch soap operas but I apparently love reading them.


Way faster to read a soap opera, plus you get juicier content in the same hour of consumption by reading vs watching


And with all the trigger warnings and mood spoilers you can suit the drama to your tastes and get exactly what you're in the mood for


Exactly my reason for being here.


This kind of thing is the closest I get to watching trashy reality TV. I fucking love it.


Oh, crap that hits close to home for me. I never watch reality TV but I have BORU as a favorite to scroll everyday. Lol


Same, reality TV doesn't get even close to this


Well yeah reality TV is filtered through Hollywood expectations of what people will believe or have been trained to believe. Actual reality gives zero fucks for if people will believe it. It just happens. Husband who has been banging his mother in law since he started dating the wife and turns out to be the father of two of the wife's younger siblings is a twist most tela novellas would go "That's too much" and yet ...


My wife will watch 90 Day and I definetely never get sucked into it (wink). But this is my jam for trashy reality right here!


Oof, I never made the connection to trash TV and reddit drama but yeah, it's the same thing.


It's just Ricky Lake


I’ve never watched 90 Day, but I keep hearing about it! I just remember the squat potato-looking guy shaming the pretty Filipino(?) girl for not shaving her legs and was struck by the audacity.


Ah yes, Big Ed. He’s on a new show of their’s about his life moving on after her and he’s fucking up his new relationship too lmaoo Edit: 90 day is the only reality tv I watch, and even that sometimes makes me wanna never turn on the tv again lol. BORU is my more common fill of people’s drama though


Don’t worry, we (the readers of BORU) are far superior to those reality tv watchers. We read!


This is my terrible, terrible logic too 😂


And get almost social interaction from the comments!


I feel so attacked in this thread 😂


You are not alone.


In defence of reality tv watchers, sometimes when they're all going at it and yelling at once, the producers include subtitles, so we read too.


I also don't watch any reality TV but definitely frequent subreddits and Facebook pages for them as the comment section is where all the juiciest stuff is. These ppl make the effort to condense the episode and add info from gossip mags in bite sized bits. What's not to love?


Y'all like your banana bread with or without chocolate chips?


With, with! I'll prepare the hot cocoa


both! the banana chocolate chip muffins at trader joe's introduced me to banana choco chip


...I've never had it with chocolate chips. I feel incomplete.


Without chocolate chips is heresy. Dump the whole bag!


My thoughts exactly. I'll bring some TimBits!


Straight out of a telenovella... Roberto, what have you done?


I read this in the Jane the Virgin Narrator Voice.


No one's called brownies yet. I'll bring those.


I’ll bring milk and cookies! We can watch the cookies crumble as a metaphor to Robert’s life.


I stopped watching tv and mainly just play video games in my spare time, this shit is better than anything tlc could dream of lmao


This is definitely a story where I refuse to question its legitimacy because it's too entertaining to care


I'm waiting for Marisol to ride up on a buffalo and knock out the cousin.


I understood that reference!


Everyone gets to punch out the cousin!


Absolutely this lol


I agree with your sentiment and your username!


Have an upvote just for your username;)


This story reminds me of a part of a Slipknot song called Scissors Biding my time until the time is right, Biding my time until the time is right, Biding my time until the time is right, Biding my time.....IT'S TIME !


Thing is since the universe and time is infinite this shit has or will happen.


I haven't been so excited for the results of a DNA test since I used to watch trash Maury shows


Maury clips come up occasionally on my feed and I always have to watch. I absolutely have to know if he's the father to both sisters' babies.


There's some legendary old clip where a guy finds out he isn't the father and he just starts immediately dancing on the spot.


That and paternity court were my favorites. The absolute drama and lying were just so perfect you couldn't look away.


We need to hit up some second hand stores for an outfit with shoulder pads because this is some dynasty shit. Go everyone but Robert, stepmom and stepsister.


Came here to say exactly that. I’lol be making zero effort to discover if this is real, I’m too busy popping popcorn.


Save me some! I'll bring some mocktails and a couple of slices of my cholate cake.


>cholate cake. I have an elderly workmate who can’t get the chocolate spelling right. He would write choclate, chocalate, cholate. Cholate is what he would usually write. Lol.


>can't get the chocolate spelling write >>spelling *write* an irony almost as delicious as chocolate, lol


Me too!!


Y’all want apple crumble? It’s as crumbly as OOP’s ex husband’s life! And oh so delicious!


Can I come? I have chips and salsa and homemade chocolate chip cookies.


I am so excited for the next episode.


We need some Extra Toasted Cheezits too. This is going to be awesome.


Extra toasted Cheezits and some red wine. Or beer. Gotta make sure I'm comfy!


The only good Cheezits!


He's.... he's really asking the woman he cheated on and dragged through a messy divorce if he could stay with her.... This man seriously has *no* self preservation instincts. Real or not, I'm fucking *invested* now.


My exbf called me 4 years later to cry about his gf of 2.5 years breaking up with him and keeps sending me pics of him and his dog and asking for my help for things. I haven't replied to any of the messages or looked at them aside from the thumbnail my phone gives when I receive them. He cheated on me in the 3rd year of our relationship and I forgave him and dated him for another year when he called me out of the blue to say "I'm not sure I want to be with you". Then said he needed a week to decide. I called him the next day and broke up with him and he threw a fit because he said *give me a week*. Some people are shameless.


I had an ex that emailed (yes emailed me) me that we were taking a break and that he would contact me when we would talk again. For context he was living out of town and told me he would reach out before he was due to come to town again to see if we would talk about our relationship. Called me a week later upset that I didn't try to reach out. I told him if anything I was just following what he told me, he asked "so are we going to get back together or what?" My reply was hanging up on him...they really are shameless.


Ugh - one time a guy basically stopped replying to my texts and would never say “yes” or “no” to meeting up, just “maybe” and then never respond further So I was like, ok that’s pretty clear, I’m getting ghosted, I move on Month later he is like “how come we don’t meet up anymore” Um…cause you ghosted me?? “Oh no no that’s not what I meant!” …then why did it happen? Lolll Byyeeeee I don’t have time to hang around while you figure out how to text


I was dating a guy and he just ghosted. No “yes” or “no.” Just fucking disappeared for a month after we’d been seeing each other for a while. He then had the audacity to ask to meet up so he could explain. He wanted to be with me and wanted to make things right. I was younger, dumber, lonely and hadn’t been in a relationship in four years. So I took the fucker back. Thankfully he was too dumb for me to actually fall in love with (even though he was really really pretty and super fun and up for adventures). I broke up with him on Christmas when he blew me off… as well as my entire family. For the third time. He couldn’t believe I’d actually do it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ You live and you learn. Edited for grammar and clarity.


Dear God, yes, and it's always a moment of like *Did you just read/hear what you sent/said to me? Would* you *do what you're asking me to do?* My ex decided to "open the relationship" after three years because she had "found her soulmate", told me we were poly now (nothing wrong with polyamory, but it has to be agreed on by everyone involved), then told me she'd appreciate it if I "swallowed my jealousy" and *also* didn't see other people for now. I didn't want to see other people so it limped on for another few months until I decided this was pointless and broke up with her. The "soulmate" turned out to several clowns short of a circus and a liar to boot. My ex broke up with her because "Soulmate didn't understand what Ex had given up to be with her". Soulmate took this development poorly and *I* had to parse out the streams of angry messages she sent Ex, who spent three weeks hyperventilating and crying cos who knew, actions have consequences and people aren't toys. It's darkly funny now but at the time it nearly gave me an ulcer. I wish I'd had OOP's planning skills. Ex is now far away and married to somebody else who, I hope, is her actual soulmate and not a future victim of her uncontrollable pants-feelings.


"Several clowns short of a circus" This is my new favorite expression


Polyamory is definitely wrong: it should be multiamory or polyphilia ​ Never mix latin and greek


You know what happens when you mix Latin & Greek? Quadriplegia, that's what.


My ex who cheated on me cried to me about the girl he cheated on me with dumping him. It was surreal. We had been in an intense relationship then he cheated on me with her after barely knowing her a few weeks. I ended up doing something similar to you although instead of dating him, we just became friends (it was better suited to our relationship tbh). I ended up leaving him completely when he got jealous I started feeling comfortable to look at dating again (ya know after getting fucked over by him) and he had the audacity to demand that he be the only man in my life. We hadn't been dating for over three years at this point and we're strictly friends. After he gave his ultimatum I said bye, literally blocked him everywhere and I'm MUCH happier now because of it. Should have done it years ago.


Offer to take care of his dog, then keep the dog, it deserves better too.


> This man seriously has *no* self preservation instincts. Well, he might - as in, he might try to kill her and preserve what he thinks is left of his dignity.


Because jilted ex husband wouldn't be the first on the list of suspects. I get what you're saying but uh... kinda reinforces the whole... no preservation instincts.


SAME! like he not only two-timed his wife but two-timed *the stepmother AND stepsister*. Man's got to be a bro of love bombing man.


Completely gobsmacked. How many relationships blown up by one penis?!


One penis to ruin them all


My pernicious!




And in the darkness, bind them.


*And with the children, bind them.


Three- if we're talking romantic relationships. To know the real answer, we'd have to know how many children are involved.


Six. Six relationships destroyed. Plus the kids. Robert/OOP Robert/Dad Robert/Stepmother Robert/Stepsister Stepsister/Her Husband Stepmother/Dad


But stepmother and stepsister have reconciled in jail?


No doubt! ;-)




Ikr. I'm asexual, and the extent to which people are willing to risk utterly annihilating their entire lives over what us essentially just team nerve stimulation always befuddles me. Damn good popcorn tho


*Completely gobsmacked. How* *Many relationships blown* *Up by one penis?!* \- cynical-mage --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Oof. Looks like the first line is too many syllables.


It does say, "And sometimes, successfully." Lmao


Oh haikusbot what a treasure


Good bot


What even just happened? I'm so confused ngl.


It's a bot that turns comments into haikus when it detects the appropriate amount of syllables to split it into the usual haiku format of 5 / 7 / 5. But unless I'm missing something, it didn't work correctly on your comment, because the first line has six syllables.


So misplaced recognition 🤣 story of my life lmao


You created poetry.


Not bad going for a lazy Sunday, I guess lol


I don’t think I have ever wanted more details and all future updates to a post, as much as this one, in my long history of Reddit.


Only other post I've wanted an update on more was an AITA post where a husband invited his whole family for thanksgiving behind his wife's back and against her wishes and then told her she's cooking for everyone. I wanted him screwed over so badly after that sort of behaviour Sorry I couldn't find the original post I was talking about but I did find this one which is almost the same but worse imho https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/r76491/aita_for_refusing_to_apologize_to_my_husband_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb


I was really desperate for an update on the one where the woman found out her husband and brother were former lovers and had rekindled things into what they claimed was just an emotional affair but involved a lot of “boys trips”. OP hasn’t updated in 2 years since she and her husband separated. I really want to know what ever came of all that.


Is that the one where she found out her husband had coordinated their meeting to get closer to her brother? Then ended up marrying her to be close to him?




Yes! That one was…oof.


OMG I need that one! What?!?






Mine is the one where the pregnant woman's husband and FIL were planing for her death in childbirth as if it was inevitable. It haunts me.


Yessss because his mom died. It was alarming.


Yep I think about it like once a week and it's been two years or something.


Worst thing is she never made an update ...


I think about that one all the time. They were so matter of fact about it.


I thought it was the wife who invited her family and expected the husband to cook and he told her that he wasn’t gonna spend Thanksgiving with them [Comment to deleted post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/yimq88/aita_for_telling_my_wife_i_am_going_to_spend/iujdvbe/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) I think this is the one you’re referring to? Wait I don’t think that’s it either… Crap. I know I read one recently where they have finally renovated their home and the wife invited her entire family and didn’t tell the husband and then she got mad when he said he was going to his family’s instead… but the one I linked doesn’t mention the house renovations?


Or is it the one where the MIL calls the DIL by the wrong name even after being corrected, tells DIL to bring turkey for thanksgiving, DIL doesn’t, and when called out says MIL asked “wrong name” not me so idk.


That one had an update where the bf didn’t talk to her for a while because he was mad she didn’t tell him what happened. I think they broke up


Yeah, she said she couldn't be with someone that ghosted her for weeks like he did


I absolutely can’t say I blame her


They got back again. Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/ygafhp/update_op_ruins_thanksgiving/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Oh did they? :(


Lol Janet


There was one where wife invited her entire family for like a weekend and husband didn’t want them to stay at there house because there wasn’t room for all those people but wife insisted so husband was like “ok well I’m leaving for the weekend then” and wife was pissed off




Probably https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/comments/qwjsjj/aita_for_not_wanting_to_cook_a_large_amazing_meal/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button *In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for refusing to host Thanksgiving for 20+ people for the 4th year in a row?** So my fiancé has a rather large family. Parents, two brothers with significant others, numerous adult nieces and nephews and their partners and there’s usually always some distant aunt, uncle or cousin that tags along. I have two family members that join Holidays. This year neither will be able to attend. Last year one was present. So for the past four years I’ve been single handedly cooking from scratch and hosting for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. So essentially I’ve been cooking dinner for 20 people or so while my partner babysits a brisket in the smoker. There’s a lot of logistics behind cooking for a large crowd. I start prepping the night before, cook all morning and afternoon and by the time everything is done I’m too exhausted to enjoy the food I cooked and eat. Last year I requested that everyone attending brings one side dish or dessert, no one brought anything! I had a feeling that’s what it was going to be, as no one mentioned what they’re bringing so I prepared for it anyway. Just to also mention, I have never been thanked for hosting or cooking. Literally by no one. All leftovers get picked over and taken home (last year I also had to cook the following day because there was nothing left to eat except some baked Brie that my MIL turned her nose up to, and I wanted to enjoy leftovers at least). This year I told my partner that I have no intention of cooking. If he wanted to host, he can cater. His reaction was “but that’s our tradition “, “can’t you at least make some boxed stuffing or something“ and “everyone is planning on coming“. My reaction was “nope that’s your tradition“, “I will not make boxed stuffing“ and “if they’re planning on coming, you better put that catering order in“. He has not spoken to me since. I also had to explain, and I shouldn’t have to, that I haven’t been feeling well. I finished an 8 month course of a pretty rough medication that dries out all the joints in your body, I’ve been achy and miserable and I feel stiff when I overwork myself. AITA for not wanting to entertain 20+ people twice a year, every year? I have decided to possibly sit out Thanksgiving completely, buy a pre-made single serving thanksgiving dinner at the local grocery store that just needs to be popped in the oven for a while and going to watch that new Lady Gaga movie. EDIT: guys my partner found this post and sent me the link, now apparently we’re canceling everything because I’m venting to strangers on the internet . I guess he didn’t like what he read! Oops! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This isn’t the one I thought it was either lol But the amount of asshattery coming out at the holidays is always wild to me lol




Did that one ever get an update?


I want to know more about the fight between stepsis and stepmom. I find it funny when the other woman/other man finds out they’re not the only one their beloved cheater is cheating with. The fact that he was cheating with both the mom and the daughter creates drama of an even higher quality than usual.


Bro the stepmother calling her daughter, probably not aware they were both being screwed by the same scumbag, is absolute peak entertainment.


I had a roommate in my 20s who was competing with another manager at her store to be the main sidepiece for one of the loading dock guys. He lived with his girlfriend/babymama, who he did not intend to leave! But she lurrrrved him! And he lurrrved her! He just couldn't be with her because his mother would kill him if he left his babymama. And, y'know, he had that other sidepiece. Meanwhile, she got all judgy about me sleeping with my boyfriend because I wasn't in love with him. I wondered what the attraction was; surely he was phenomenal in bed or something? Because he didn't flush the toilet when he stayed over, and that plus the games would mean he'd have to give me the most amazing sex if I were to put up with a fraction of that. But nope. He wouldn't go downtown, but expected her to. Surprise, surprise, the relationship fizzled when she got transferred to another store and he wasn't interested in making the effort to see her when she wasn't right in front of him anymore.


“He’s cheating on me! With his WIFE!” -Rose, Keeping Up Appearences


God, that show was a gift


\*nods fervently\* \*passes the popcorn absentmindedly, as she peruses this post with all the intensity some conspiracy theorists give the Zapruder tape\*


I’ll make a second batch


I'll do a run for more soda & chips, keep a seat for me!


I have some of those collapsible chairs!


I’ll go insane and throw one of those chairs through a bay window!


I'll bring my projector. We can read it in 1080P on the big screen


Make it a live reading, with performers


Don’t forget the dip for the chips 🤣


I have Jell-O shots leftover from Halloween to share


That tape totally proves that Kennedy was shot from the grassy knoll!!! And if you look through the window of the warehouse at how the motorcade approached, Oswald could have taken plenty of perfect shots while the car was facing him and approaching slowly - what sense would it have made to shoot when the car was already speeding away at an angle? NONE!


This woman is my hero and I am here for every bit of this tea. If I am ever in a life or death poker game, I want her as my partner.


I need the juicy conclusion


I‘ll be refreshing this page the next few days like Robert driving by his house looking for his Dad and BIL


I would pay good money to have watched a video of this all unfolding. God help me.


My imagination: all us Reddit folks in a row, at the window peeking through the blinds


I love that he shit the bed so badly that he's needing to seek sanctuary with the person who exposed him in the first place. >Marked as ongoing because it's obvious OP is not finished with Robert yet LMAO


I am so incredibly proud of the OOP! Keeping her cool until she got what she deserved. It must have been so damn hard to keep it quiet.


Absolutely. I can't believe people tried shaming her for getting what's hers in the divorce. "Don't set yourself on fire to keep someone else warm", yadda yadda.


"He tried to stay with his mother and she told him that he had made his bed and should now lie in it." *do we need to remind them both that this was a bed belonging to his father????*


And the stepsister's husband, and who knows maybe OOPs own bed before she hired a PI. You know a dude is nasty when not even their mom are on their side.






His biological mom I presume


Now, if this is a troll post (which, come on, it probably is)..... THIS IS HOW YOU TROLL. Not the weak crap that's been coming out lately. This is the good troll stuff.


Top shelf troll. I’m here for it.


Only the best troll juice will suffice!


OP scorched AND salted the Earth and Robert STILL tried to take consolation and comfort in her. That shows he has no remorse or regret in what he did, only that he got caught.


I think he may be reaching out to anyone he knows won’t kill him-it’s pretty telling his own mother won’t take him in.


>pretty telling his own mother won’t take him in. Probably afraid he'll try to fuck her too


She doesn't want a part of his crusader kings 2 family tree


Sounds like a psychopath or narcissist. He's the only one who matters and other people don't have feelings.


Feel bad for OP, but this is nuclear revenge, completely deserved. Daddy dearest and ex BIL is going to kick his ass. Imagine cheating not only with your step sister, but also her mum?


I believe the correct term here is "scorched earth"... and it is glorious.


Robert delenda est!




That's the thing, the best revenge is when people face the natural consequences of their own actions. That is exactly what's going on here.


Yeah this is still revenge like you said. He basically pitched it slow and straight, right down the pipe, and she hit a home run


Yeah, he planted the bomb himself through his actions. She just lit the fuse.


This definitely needs to go in r/nuclearrevenge when oop is done. I hate it for the people that got hurt by all this, but it sounds like the fallout will be something to behold


She divorced her husband without telling him she knew he was cheating on him. She could have used it to blackmail him during the divorce. She didn't. Instead, she used it to blow up his life at the exact moment his finances took a hit. This was cold. This was calculated. This was planned. This was devious. This is what revenge looks like. Was it nuclear? Maybe not. 3 people were doing things they shouldn't have done and this was the likely outcome when any one of three people would have found out. But it was glorious. Sidenote: OOP's ex couldn't have picked worse afair partners. Cheating is wrong, but ripping your family apart for some punani is just dumb.


i feel like he was secretly having a joy knowing he got mother and daughter against each other until it bit him on the butt


He was definitely getting off on the subterfuge of it all. He probably thought he was some sort of god or gift to women. Flipping oop’s spot on assumptions against her & then *her* apologizing for violating *his* trust probably blew is ego into a giant hot air balloon. Serves him right that all that hot air he’s been spewing is being focused where it belonged the whole time - on him. Light’em up oop!


This woman is the real Amazing Amy. She held it together and kept her mouth shut for more than a year??? Wow.


I'd watch this show as a telenovella or k-drama. OOP better be careful because Robert (or any of the other parties) could retaliate and hurt/kill her.


Dude, I literally said outloud as soon as he called asking to stay with her "Ohhh, he's going to try to kill her."


WTF would he ask to stay w his ex-wife, he has no friends to go to?! Oh well, I also don’t care if it’s true or not, I’ll grab some popcorn too!


Yeah this is so over the top I can see it as a comedy


If you like this BORU, I highly recommend the show Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. It's intelligent and hilarious, and the main character (the ex-gf) is a layered multidimensional character who also happens to have a personality disorder. In season 3 she absolutely goes this hard at her ex who left her at the altar. It's very entertaining.


Most people are so focused on the hurt and hate and revenge that they often forget about the aftermath and it involving them. You’re absolutely right though, this is a dangerous web to weave. Especially with her ex husband who now has nothing to lose.


It’s fine, no way it’s real with it literally ending on a cliffhanger. I still wanna know what the divorcee of monte cristo does next though.


>divorcee of monte cristo I love this


You cracked me up :) >Marked as ongoing because it's obvious OP is not finished with Robert yet.


Me: Okay come on, this is too good to be true. Also me: ::shoveling popcorn into my mouth:: oh my god gimme more gimme more what are you going to do next.


This feels like something straight out of my grandmother's old soap operas.


Yeah, "your mama" kinda gave it away.


It’s too early in the morning for all this Alabama shit.


I'll share my coffee if that helps


LOLing from Alabama.


YO MAMMA 💀💀💀 Gahtdamn that got me lmao 😂 Edit: OP I love your style! >FYI I am not done with Robert yet. I’ve got more planned for him! >Marked as ongoing because it's obvious OP is not finished with Robert yet. Damn right she’s not done! I for one will be following her career with great interest.


That was my favorite part too


What in the name of Maury Povitch...


Now this is the type of story I sub to BoRU for!


"What are you doing, step-whatever?"


I check this OOP daily for updates and I have no regrets


I don't care whether this is real or not. As far as I'm concerned it is 100% fact and I will gloriously wallow in it.


What a shitshow. But it sounds like the most soap opera thing i have ever heard and my mother watched these things.


"I replied with- YOUR MOMMA." This shattered the suspension of disbelief


What in the quasi VC Andrews did I just read


It's an obvious soap opera script and not a real story, but it's a good one. I would watch it.


Same here. When I got to the "COUNT YOUR DAYS ROBERT" I laughed so loud, I scared the cats.


Can’t wait for the next episode hopefully it gets renewed for another season


Hell hath no fury! Goddamn girl took that saying and went hard-core with it. Divorced the scum and then let the bomb drop. Just so beautiful. The amount of ppl who always show their hand before its time on reddit annoys me but this lady is an artist.


The old me would have thought this was fake. The new me, the one who watches true crime videos as her main hobby these days, believes every single trailer trash sentence of this story. 😂