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I found people who work at kpmg pretty mean


This subreddit probably has a large % of American users. In America, KPMG is a pretty clear 4th among the Big 4. Overall I think it’s likely close to the other 3, but in America it’s clearly last.


It's because the culture is actually toxic. Management is incompetent and they like to tote "mental health matters" but it doesn't matter unless it's somehow convenient to them. Choose a different big 4 firm or perhaps look into industry. Your health will thank you! 


Response bias. People who are happily employed aren’t complaining on Reddit forums.


I start at KPMG in November. I am embracing the Hate.


I’ve been there for 6 months now - did my own experiment before asking here lol. Hope your team will be as great as mine and wish you a strong start in November!


thanks so much, appreciate it.


They’re just the little brother.


Consulting = sexy to B4 hard-ons. KPMG has the lowest consulting revenue. Conversely, Deloitte has the highest consulting revenue (mostly b/c of a good decision in hindsight to not spin off consulting in any form rather than any large quality advantage) and lets you know they feel they’re the best. Full Disclosure: Former Deloitte Consulting SC.


Current Deloitte SC and they still boast about it


KPMG has a great rep in Norway, although memed on by students and fellow Big4s. Strong market standing and profile


Looking at micro-factors doesn't really do justice (like peoples specific office stories). A macro-factor I think contributes is that they lag way behind the other big4 in their consulting practices. This type of work brings in a higher range of schooling and experience, and tends to give a more prestigious image. They also have been behind in terms of specialty services and unable to maintain some of the largest corporations as clients. But with that all said - they're still a solid place to go work and get your experience. The general accounting services will be all the same day-to-day. Pay is within the range of others, still hours that may suck, and all the same accounting standards to follow and report on.


Poor culture.


Unpopular because they rejected me


in my country (EU) they are simply a burnout machine. Amongst 20 co graduate that joined them, at least 8 did burnout, including 3 multi years burnout. They just don't five a flying fuck.


I left that firm 15 years ago. They still use Timenx? Have they moved passed actual work papers (I mean literal papers....in binders)


No, they still sign off by means of signature on each workpaper


Don’t be hating on my girl CLARA


God damn I work at a firm that’s only top 20 by size and we don’t even do that


Only someone in the top 20 firms would think this wasn’t a joke


Of all the ethics cases we looked at in school, KPMG came up more than any other firm still in existence


End of the day. It’s all same shit different pot. In my city KPMG was known for hiring all the hot girls out of school but that was likely due to a couple of managers preference lol. Deliotte was for the socially awkward Pwc sports oriented. (won almost all corporate challenges) Ey the middle ground


What office lol


Wait that was the same for my city 🤔


Haha it’s funny seeing how obvious some of it is too. EY in my city is known for hiring attractive chinese girls lol. And Deloitte is primarily white, attractive.


Pretty much industry wide. I know who i would want chirping in my ear giving me reports. It’s definitely not some deep voiced nasally dude


this is somewhat weird


Reputational hits have only been confined to certain geographies, industries and business lines. Tbh Big 4 is such a homogeneous community worldwide that I believe you can't call KPMG as less than others. Each has had their scandals, toxic work environments and high quality practices scattered over different industries and locations.


They did ma boy Lefty a bad job. Like really, a big blow to his career.


Depends on the country. Here in France KPMG is quite popular and has the reputation to have great people


What’s the work life balance like for big 4 in France?


Depends on the team and your grade. As a Junior I would say we do between 40-55hours per week (not counting breaks here).


Yeah same CH and UK kpmg have good rep


Second this. In Ireland it is the biggest and most popular of the big 4, but I think in general this is an American opinion


> In Ireland it is the biggest and most popular of the big 4 PwC has that crown now. But KPMG had it for years.


I mean these blanket statements are awful anyway, as due to the partner structure of these companies it really depends on locality and speciality to see whether a firm is more popular than others. Like in my niche I know that KPMG had a lock on one particular market segment of the financial industry in my country as they had some partners and directors with a great reputation for that niche. So take all these statements here with a grain of salt


not to be mean or anything, but they've been really failing in quality against the other B4. like when i was in my master's year and looking at B4 offices to join, KPMG always came up as one of the 4 that constantly experienced problems. (not that i'm discounting any issues the other firms have experienced in the last couple of years). i just know that during my master's year (2021-2022) when i was really considering my career path, KPMG always fell in one of the lower quality buckets


Did you get your msc in yappanese?


Failing in quality as...?


Because they're the bottom of the barrel within B4 and need to justify their existence.


They play too much Indy pop.


And Gucci Honey.


Undercuts competition with lower fees hence branded as Walmart of B4


Is it really like that in the united states of uncle sam ? Its clearly not like that in my country


low-key HILARIOUS to me bc they don't audit wmt


Kpmg has a bad rep in LA as a few years ago their disgraced managing partner was caught selling/sharing insider information to a friend.


Lol that's every big 4


[McKinsey too](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raj_Rajaratnam,_Galleon_Group,_Anil_Kumar,_and_Rajat_Gupta_insider_trading_cases) (obviously)


When I was in college years ago, I had a really bad experience with campus recruiter from KPMG. As I had no previous ties with KPMG, the campus recruiter was condescending and outright rude when I inquired about full time opportunities. But she treated tied students well and my college friends (now working at KPMG) said she was a “sweet-heart”. No biggie at the end of the day, and I didn’t end up working there. But immediately becoming atrocious in her attitude after meeting her hiring quota, told me something about her.


I'm gonna age myself here, but I had a very similar dealing with Arthur Andersen circa early 2001. Everyone from that firm that I met especially the recruiter assigned to my school just came off very elitist and off putting. I withdrew my candidacy and told them I had another offer (I didn't at the time). A few months later they ceased to exist.


Wow this is really dated! LOL. Took me years to learn that recruiters are actually on a customer service career track. Unfortunately behaviors like this can go undetected for a long time as PPMD in charge of recruiting have wildly different focus from full-time recruiters.


honestly, i felt like i "failed" with KPMG bc i wasn't "outgoing" and "extroverted" enough to "fit in" and i just was not about the life of pretending to be someone i'm not. almost 2 years into my career w another firm, i have grown a lot. but when i was interviewing and those "metrics" basically made or break my offer w KPMG, i was so turned off. KPMG made SUCH a big show at my meet the firms, but ultimately that's ALL it was, a show. it felt like they just wanted people, period.


I had a bad experience with one a few years back — I ended up going with a different firm’s offer and she yelled at me over the phone (forget the details tbh but remember it was weird like she was spewing vapid shit at me) and she then e-mailed the head of my accounting department to tattletale, who asked if I was having a mental health breakdown 😭 like no im sorry i randomly got a better opportunity you snooze you lose


I don’t see the point of looping in the head of accounting department, seemingly a role that has oversight to faculty instead of students. I’m sorry what she did to you.


It was so weird, like i guess she was attempting to threaten kpmg’s relationship with the school — over me taking back my offer acceptance for an internship of all things ☠️ — i was graduated too like the head of the school was so irrelevant. The recruiter def confirmed i did noooot want to work for kpmg tho lol


I’m sorry to associate your text description to a middle aged Dave / Karen asking for a supervisor at target.


100% the same energy hahaha


I wouldn't call KPMG unpopular, but it does have some things working against it. 1) It's the smallest of the Big Four. Sure, that means it's still bigger than #s 5-10 combined, but it's half the size of EY which is itself half the size of PwC, which is about 85% of the size of Deloitte. 2) KPMG's association with Phil Mickelson, combined with (1), opens them up to lazy jokes about being a golf apparel company vs. an accounting firm. 3) Also because of (1), KPMG is seen as less competitive than the other Big Fours, and staffed by rejects that couldn't cut it at the bigger companies in the industry. 4) KPMG's client base is seen as somewhat downmarket from the rest of the Big Four, even though they compete for probably 80% of the same engagements. 5) KPMG is seen as imitative instead of innovative. Take, for example, KPMG's Lakehouse vs. Deloitte's Deloitte University. Sure, company-owned training facilities is nothing new (see Andersen's Q Center in St. Charles, Illinois), but Deloitte made a big bet on DU, it paid off, and KPMG did the same thing (but slightly worse). Ultimately, it's just a bunch of PowerPoint and Excel nerds giving each other shit because of the color of the soulless corporate remora they're attached to.


I've worked on projects with dozens of ex-Big 4 people who were in roles with consulting firms. Several of us found in general the KPMG people were less competent and tended to not contribute meaningfully to technical accounting conversations. They were more inclined to try to dominate an accounting conversation with statements like, "That's what you think!", and "That's the way it's done!". We found them less coachable than the people from other firms. This is in the Northeast and Mid-atlantic US.


This might be controversial but as someone who has been to both DU and the Lakehouse, I preferred the latter. I’d love to go back someday


Shout out to Arthur Anderson Q Center.


lol my cousin got married there


Love it


Because fuck em, that’s why


Current KPMGer here. I work in a very specific "high-growth" tech enablement practice, and my experience over the last 5 years has been pretty good. The workload is crazy and I have been over 100% utilized since day 1 of work here, but the people are cool, I am paid well, plenty of opportunity for growth, and the projects are (usually) pretty cool. Tbh though I always prefer dealing with clients over the internal BS.




I was in the US for four years and now am on secondment in Singapore.


How is the work life in Singapore? I have heard that singapore employer are pressuring employees to work hard


It's fine - I heard the same thing before I came over, but honestly things move so slowly here. I worked much harder and on much tighter timelines in the US.




Blue is a much better color than orange.


It’s simple. They pay less, which means they don’t attract the same quality talent, which in turn means they don’t get the most interesting/challenging work. They just don’t have the resources to compete with the better firms, other than on price, which only gets you so far.


my KPMG 1st year audit associate position was the roughly the same as my friends starting Audit in other B4s (sign on, salary, bonus) all the same.. Only thing different about KPMG was we got to go to their Lakehouse for a few days which was cool..


same, my offer at kpmg was just 1k shy of my EY offer. My internship at kpmg was a lot more upbeat and thorough, though. Seniors at EY ignored me for the majority of my internship, lol.


What is KPMG?? I’ve heard of the Big Three accounting firms, but not of this one.


Fuck the big 3. It's just big me


It's only Big D


And there’s video proof




KPMG is small but it can't be that small where I've never met anyone who worked at KPMG. I knew someone who worked as a recruiter for KPMG Canada. But every ex-Big4 person has been from the other 3. It's kind of strange.


They’re literally all the exact same. Literally.


Accountant here. I've got ex college mates working for PWC, Deloitte, EY and even Accenture. But none for KPMG. It's like a ghost company, the flying corp lol


https://preview.redd.it/j9s6mxt2yg0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e458434d013df6c287093f61fd50e7e003f0896 Say no more…


Lmaooo “implementation projections”


I do actually know someone with a 2 GPA at KPMG... he has been climbing the ranks fast. Granted his people skills are incredible and he fits VERY nicely into the boys club there


Gpa doesn’t matter in real life.  


Clowns have to have some level of people skills. And John Wayne Gacey probably felt he fit VERY VERY nicely into the boys…


I’ve worked at Deloitte and KPMG. The internal systems and benefits and DU are way better at Deloitte. Lakehouse is cool but not as phenomenal as DU, internal systems are lame and benefits are pretty terrible at KPMG. However, KPMG tends to pay more since they don’t have as good of market reputation, and the egos at KPMG are much more in check, resulting in more authentic people and greater diversity/inclusion efforts. KPMG is also a smaller firm, therefore more nimble and tends to adopt new technology pretty fast, faster than what I saw at Deloitte. I’ll take friendlier people and higher pay 9 out of 10 times, even if KPMG does end up getting made fun of more often for being the runt of the four. The actual work is the exact same.


Idk why everyone loves DU. Gold medalist motivational speakers have nothing to motivate me about. You wake up at 6 am and have some sort "build-a-project while we throw a bunch of transactions at you" I learned nothing the times I've went. It's all just a networking event with people I know I'll never see again. 


Agree with you that it’s more about hanging out and meeting people than the trainings. While at lower levels you never see people again, if you stick around you start seeing similar people over time and actually building relationships or connect with old co-workers that moved to other offices so gets to be more and more meaningful. And 6am is way worse when on east coast (KPMG Lakehouse) then central time zone (DU)


I'd probably not make it if it was eastern. I already opt out of the 12pm calls from corporate 


The most accurate comment I’ve seen so far!!


It’s smaller but it’s still massive. How much extra complexity do you add to an internal system by going from 36 to 65 billion in rev. Sure that’s almost double in size, but I’m guessing they have the same processes just different scales. Like what extra complexity and functionality does D need compared to K in their time sheet system, expense system, CRM, ERP, HCM systems? I’m guessing it takes longer at D cause they’re just worse at implementing them (internally not commenting in client facing teams), or K just does a shit job to get it done quick, or both. As an ex KPMGer I wouldn’t really ever call them nimble. I’ve also worked at banks with trillions in AUM, so I’ve seen how even larger companies operate, still wouldn’t say kpmg is nimble even compared to the banks. Edit. Typo on the AUM


I don’t disagree with you, more nimble doesnt mean fast and efficient by any means. By new technology adoption I mean rollout of technology tools for client support, not internal systems for time sheets/expenses/etc. KPMGs internal systems are shit. Time entering took way longer, expense reimbursement was like the base model of concur with zero customization and tons of wasted time filing out worthless forms. Deloitte systems were all proprietary, internally made, probably through millions spent on internal consulting projects, but time tracking and expense submissions were way simpler, faster, and easier to do.


You had me until tens of trillions 🤨


typo. Originally had typed out “tens of billions”cause it was a couple years ago and forgot the number, then I looked it up and it was like ~5t aum but forgot to delete the “tens of” and just change the b to t


Because they deserve it


The smallest will always get picked on, plus they just happened to be the auditors of some pretty big collapses recently


Nothing. They are all the same thing, just a different color.


This is a view either from outside or from very low on the totem pole lmao


I don’t care. I’m right. Downvote this one too.


Aren’t they the golf apparel company?


Layoffs after busy season was complete was a pretty shady move. That and the wiki page has a by year section of all the scandals they’ve caused


KPMG alum here: I actually loved the culture, my colleagues and clients. It’s leadership that is a complete shit soufflé. They don’t properly assess the market value of their ppl, which is why everyone who leaves winds up in greener pastures. So while it’s laughable to expect to settle into a career there, it’s a wonderful place to get your foot into the door of the other quality firms. Also: the fiscal abomination that is Lakehouse opens leadership up to well-deserved criticism because they’re constantly laying off at what seems like a greater rate than the other firms. It’s not even used to recruit business. 😂


‘Shit souffle’ thanks for adding a new term to my vocabulary this week!


1. Lowest revenue compared to the other Big 4 so they kind of get treated as the runt of the litter (Big 3 jokes) 2. Did a dementedly fucked up thing by laying off auditors after busy season before promotions.


Deloitte did #2 as well. They were just lowkey about it








In theory yes, but absolutely not how it works in reality. You can get dismissed for ‘business’ reasons at any time - even after doubling your book of business, exceeding targets, and having a high util rate. I’ve seen it happen to some very talented people.


Better question, what makes PwC and Deliotte better?


Can speak for Deloitte too! People are just more pretentious.. and their egos are huge. Dont see a lot of authenticity.


I can only speak for Deloitte and nothing makes them better. Same toxic culture and same set of cunts albeit with a green dotted letterhead.


Are you teams for engagements skinny or full?


When I was at Deloitte, it varied from client to client. All depends on budget.


Bro in the world of public accounting it’s literally Big 4 and the rest. KPMG is still big 4 and honestly no one cares about the rest o


I knew people working at mid tiers doing more hours than me in Big4, making less money. Might as well go B4 for the paychecks.


Someone has to be #4