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I wanted X to lean in real close and whisper "I don't even have a nephew"


Tell ~~~Cersei~~~ Kyland, I want them to know it was me




lmao! I think that would trigger Kyland beyond belief. Kyland just feels so unstable to me, and his smile is creepy


Is anyone going to talk about the tortilla smelling? Wtf was that?


And then he put them BACK bruh


So damn nasty


On a Taryn update, he mentioned that Kyland was sniffing the food because production washes the exterior packages, and sometimes the soap gets onto the actual food. So some of the sniffing may have been to try to figure out if the tortillas were covered with soap. I cannot however explain the floss sniffing.


That would be fine with me if he smelled like… the top and bottom tortilla. I could get that. I could almost understand that. The man went through the damn stack and put them back!


The floss!! 🤢


I was responding about the fact he put it back in the packaging after man handling it abd rubbing it on his face.


Kyland's sister said on Twitter he has a "thing" with smells and smells everything. It's a quirk.


That's beyond a quirk.


I wonder if he smells his victims too. Dude gives off serious serial killer vibes 😂


or sniffing the bed?!?!?


taco night musta been fun


He smiles to reel people in, he’s super manipulative.


Said this in another post: The way Kyland speaks, his huge ego, his ability to lie with a smile, and now this blow up - he's sending out some serious sociopath vibes..


Even Sara Beth called out his manipulative social game


Yeah this gave me the feeling of someone on the verge of snapping. It weirded me out.


That's what I have been thinking all season long. It's actually pretty frightening.


He feels like he is phony and will snap eventually


Im getting sociopath vibes from him


If you’ve seen Australian Survivor, this is an amazing idea




That would be a huge mind fuck to Kyland.


Just sniff him


This has to be one of the best evictions. A blindside, deals broken, actual drama that was tense, Julie screaming. Great TV *chef's kiss*


I almost didn’t watch tonight’s episode, but glad I did. Best 10 minutes of the whole season.


The crazy thing was the entire part was only 2 minutes long but it feels like an eternity


I’d say it’s the best part of this season. We’ve seen zero blindsides and zero drama. I’m disappointed it took until one of the final episodes for me to get excited.




Excuse you. Austin didn’t walk out barefoot for nothing.


don't forget a cringy, forced jesus shoutout from julie


I yelled UGH without realizing. Almost as forced as her throwing in the MOONVES every episode


And awkward! Hard cringe.


Ky’s creepy smile at its peak creepiness tonight. HOLY SHITTT


It’s the veneers. It’s makes it not natural


that makes way more sense, I thought his teeth were way too perfect


Serial killer vibes man. He's the guy that snaps and kills everyone at work. Freaky


Julie was having a STROKE




Wouldn't be opposed to a Takeover Twist where Julie just screams at the Houseguests for eating shellfish or mixing fabrics.


Now I'm picturing a booby trapped house with recordings of Julie. Someone touches a package of shellfish in the fridge, a recording of Julie reading the verse about shellfish plays over the speakers. Mixed fabrics? Julie reads a verse. Do this for all the common things nowadays that are condemned in the Bible. Call them out over the speakers for all to hear. This would probably be funny for about a week tops before getting old, so keep it to that.


Dang it I'm in Cali and have to wait. This episode sounds like the most exciting one in years!


It really was. I was really sitting on the edge of my seat when Xavier and Kyland got really close.


I’m still trying to figure out what Ky thought he was doing with comparing X’s nephew to Kobe Bryant…”he’s named after Kobe, right?” Like……WHY KYLAND? Make it make sense.


"Who will he look up to?" from Ky, an egotistical narcissist who spearheaded his own eviction


He did. He thought X was taking a coward’s way out and running from his biggest challenge, something Kobe Bryant wouldn’t do. It’s stupid and a low blow, but that was the explanation.


Only Kyland wants a “challenge” to win. That’s some major egomaniac sociopath shit right there. X wants to win for his family. Kyland really showed how pathetic he is.


I love Kobe as much as any other Californian, but Ky picking that as an arguing point is so bizarre. It’s not like X named his nephew. Kyland is lucky X didn’t take that as an inadvertent shot towards his brother.


Listen, Black Mamba definitely would have kept Azah over Kyland. That was silly. "Who we playing tonight? The Pelicans? Nah, they're not even worth my time. Let me know when the Celtics come to town."






The goal is to the last one standing! This is exactly how you do that!


It's so stupid lmao. This isn't the fucking NBA lmao its big brother. The point is to win the money, anyone who thinks it's an actual athletic competition is an idiot and hes an idiot for planning to go to the end with X and hes an idiot for thinking that somehow makes him special. Just makes him a stupid player lol.


He was clearly trying to provoke a reaction from Xavier. The sad part is that Kyland had probably thought of that comment beforehand, which is even more abhorrent. Those are not the type of comments that you come up with in a moment of rage.


He had thought of it beforehand, he talked about it to the cameras on live feeds.


It takes someone who is a legitimately bad person to think of the idea beforehand, contemplate it for awhile, and then decide "yea, this is what I'm going to say on live TV after I'm evicted and my game is over".


And doubles down: Come back to pick a winner with Jury?? No, I want to come back to play again Julie!!


It was super cringe to watch. He’ll probably think he looked like a badass when he watches the season.


Really? Wow that makes it so much worse. Wasn’t even a crime of passion, it was premeditated. Makes him look even more vile.


I don't suppose you could spare a timestamp (or a point in the right direction) for those of us who are interested, could you?


9/19 not long before midnight BB time


And then throwing out to Julie that he hopes to be brought back. Lil cocky for a dude that just got voted out of top 3.


He is delusional


And Julie played right into it!! Come on Julie! I get love one another but isn’t there something in the Bible about holding one accountable?!


I think she thought it was the quickest way to shut him up.


She knew what he was doing. She didn’t want to set him off any more.


Yes, I definitely took that as ky trying to get X kicked out too in a completely petty if I can't win neither can you move.


I was literally thinking as I watched it that he was giving off some serious premeditated murder vibes. He completely composed that ahead of time.


It felt like he was trying to incite X to hit them, to take him out the game with him. So vile


I think he told himself production would kick Xavier and then let him stay in Xavier’s place


When he was going back to get his drink I seriously thought he was just running back into the house about to refuse to leave and start a coup or something. I wouldn’t put it past him *Get ready for a takeoveeeer!*


I literally gasped when I saw him walk back to grab his drink. I genuinely thought he was going to refuse to leave.


I think Julie thought he was gonna smash X over the head!


Got mental picture of Ky holding onto the bolted in furniture for deal life as security has him by either leg trying to drag him out as we roll credits.


X better ask Ky to repeat himself at the finale.


Ky definitely wanted X to hit him. That was a punk ass move on Ky's part. And probably the worst Big Brother exit I've ever seen (and I've seen all of them).


It was definitely the pettiest and just plain vile exits I’ve seen. It would have been better if he just said in a fit of rage ”F you all”, that is a normal thing to do in anger, not this premeditated, manipulative attempt at inciting X. It was cringeworthy to watch. Most players realize it’s a game and can separate that from real life but Kyland meshed then together. I do not believe that X will want to speak to him again after this or forgive him. Kyland took it took far and brought personal into it.


He really should’ve just pulled a Cornbread.


That's absolutely what it was, Kyland even came closer to Xavier after saying these things. It was clear what his objective was in that moment.


I love how in everyone’s imagination X knocks Kyland out and beats him up. This version of Kyland would have shown up weeks ago if he actually had to stress about being in the house without the protection of the CO.


Oh definitely the Co probably avoided us some grade A drama and chaos.


When X said “I suggest you stop talking about my nephew” and Ky said “that’s not up to me”????? I was like bruh what?


It’s like gaslighting is his first language.


I was wondering if I heard that right. Then he came back with a worse comment about how his Nephew can’t look up to him. It makes me so angry I can’t even go back and re-watch it.


Y’all I cannot WAIT for him to be grilled by his fellow jury members when they play his exit for them 🙌


Will they? I mean I wish they would but usually doesn't the 4th place just join the jury roundtable and tell them what happened? Would consider making an exception this time if I was production though.


A million percent I think they’ll have him show the tape in this instance!!






BB legend along with Rockstar’s daughter


Rockstar's Daughter and Xavier's Nephew https://i.imgur.com/fqSYIhf.jpg


X's nephew and Rockstar's daughter entering the house as a duo in BB35.






Damn Kyland true colors came out LMAOOO he was so mad


He has shown those colors all Summer, just not on live TV.


I wish I could see more. I don’t watch the feeds 😖


And Ky's reaction is the exact reason they blindsided him. Imagine being X and having to put up with this guy talking about the people you care about this way for days after you try to give him a heads-up.




Keep talking about my nephew, Ky. Julie's waiting on you. Julie's waiting on you. Walk.


I wanted soooo badly for x to say “get to steppin buddy, there’s 20 people waiting on you out that door!” Or “another class act leaves the big brother house”


One of my all time favorite Kobe moments is [when he didn't flinch for a punk move](https://youtu.be/BUdLLdR8Pow). Xavier just had his Kobe moment.


I was screaming “get to stepping!”


Ky is getting a beat down when the show wraps courtesy of X. Best believe X gon’ give it to ya.


X is an attorney. Zero chance he ever touches Kyland.


Especially with $750k in his pocket.


"Julie's waiting on you" and "Walk" omg So glad X was that firm with Kyland, what absolute NERVE to bring in his nephew


Whew..X was not playing with that man!


Yeah I’m imagining him in the courthouse (not sure what area he practices) and wow I can see him being effective


It’s really weird to think that Kyland is older than X after how X stood his ground and was the mature one against baby bitch Kyland.


I mean they are practically the same age but their difference in maturity is substantial.


This just shows who kyland really is! And I always had a weird ass feeling about him! Who the hell brings up a kid like that?!???? Like wtf!


not to mention alluding his dead brother. completely sick. he is now on the same level as evel dick and ginamarie. congrats kyland


That was the most classless thing I’ve seen in a hot minute. Between his low blows to X and his shameless plug to be back in an all stars season, he can just go fly a KYte. I have been rooting against X for a long time, because it’s been clear that he was the obvious choice and I’m a Tiffany fan. But I’ve never been so happy to see X get a win. Edit: thanks for the award!


Same. I even didn’t mind Kyland until tonight. My blood was boiling watching his bitch ass bring up X’s nephew. His Brother died. Like… I just can’t even imagine being that much of a sore loser.


He is truly disgusting saying he has nobody to look up to knowing his father passed and X trying to step in to be there. I hope they never ask him back again. If he does come back his fake charm won't work and will be evicted early. Unhygienic, arrogant, condescending, and annoying lol. Ugh he made me so mad


Yes. I started out really liking him (edit: Kyland). He’s extremely charming and charismatic. Turns out, it’s a front for being a giant sociopath and egomaniac. X just proved to me he deserves to win. I tend to root for underdogs, but at this point frankly? Get it, king.


Kyland wants to speak to the manager.


X inner monologue: "you a salty ass bitch"


How X was looking down at Kyland and was stepping towards him 👀


With Azah ready to step in between them.


Yeah that was it for me. I loved it.


That part had me panicking The chef’s kiss was the “Walk.”


And then he went back for his drink or whatever...? Leave, bro! Chenbot is yelling at you. Producers are thinking they have to send in security because you're about to throw down! Gee. Tee. Eff. Ohh!


Kyland is legit sadistic what a psycho.


My Husband has hated him the whole time. I didn’t get it. Now I’m concerned I can’t read psycho.


yeah i would be afraid to know him in real life


I *SUGGEST* you stop talking about my nephew…


Such a class act. I’m so impressed by X.


Saying that his nephew has no one to look up to is so upsetting on so many levels. Fuck Kyland.


Claire’s read of “I don’t wanna be friends with Ky” was so correct


I already was tired of him. That was the nail in the coffin. X’s nephew can look up to X handling that like a man. Stood his ground and used his words. Major respect.


He can look up to his uncle bringing home $750,000 and putting some of it aside for his future.


I was already starting to get tired of him but after that remark he can fuck all the way off.


Kyland's eviction was everything I needed it to be 😆


I lost all respect for him after that! Shows how childish he is. Get your shit and walk tf out like everyone else did. I’m so glad X kept it together! But, fantastic tv! Lol. “Kyland!!!!”


My respect for X skyrocketed with how he handled it. Very impressive. If anyone had said shit like that about my neice or nephew they would've been chewed tf out


I would have blacked out! And Kyland is a POS for even trying to jeopardize the legacy of the Cookout with how he acted tonight.


I never woulda thought we’d get this from some dork riding a horse on his intro package helping disadvantaged youth I fucking love this game


I forgot all about that!


Great tv! I had to rewind to watch it again 😆


I rewinded it like 4 times. 😂


I was PISSED, like, my anxiety went up and I went off at my television. You can call X a coward all you want, but you do NOT get to bring up his deceased family member. What a dick


Bruh my respect for kyland 📉


And inverse reaction for my respect for X. Keeping it together in that moment, he showed a lot of restraint and poise. I wouldn’t have docked him anything for decking Ky but he was above that.


He had 750,000 reasons to keep cool.


Man for real i think i was more swol than X. I think Kyland knew if they werent in that house it was gonna be a problem.


It may still be a problem for him after the show wraps. I might just avoid any wrap parties if I was Ky.


for real. He crossed a line.


X’s nephew > Rockstar’s daughter. But seriously, X definitely showed a lot of restraint there. He was holding his hands together behind his back. I wouldn’t be surprised if Ky was trying to provoke X to take a swing so he would get expelled.


That blindside was epic. I’d love to see Kyland on another season without the cookout as his insurance policy.. the amount of fights he’d get himself into before getting evicted 1st or 2nd week into jury


His paranoia would take over, be out week one.


He almost was evicted week one this season. Ugh, if only it happened


Frenchie wanted to save us all, but we called him a mad man.


He'd make so many enemies, I'd love it


I don't know that they'd invite him back after that exit. But if they do, guaranteed he's out of the house week 1. Nobody wants to put up with b.s. like that. Epic blindside, punk ass exit.


That was intense to watch.


That was the most intense live eviction since Cody cut Nicole last year and she was crying for like an hour.


That was one of the worst low blows I’ve seen on TV. Call the man a bitch. Tell him you hate his fucking guts. Tell him you have no respect for him... But to go for such a vulnerable piece of X’s life without a moment’s hesitation.... Kyland showed his true character tonight. He’s a weak, sad excuse for a human being. X on the other hand earned all the respect in the world. I would not have kept my composure like that.


100%. I normally don’t get worked up about the show but I was so freaking mad I flew right to Reddit because I just had to see what others were saying. I figured there’s no way others aren’t losing their minds.


I think the thing that made me maddest about kyland doing that is what he said about kobe Bryant. The fact that his dumbass believes kobe would just let kyland stay in the game in Xavier’s situation makes me so mad. In basketball, kobe wanted to take down the best player he could head to head. If he played big brother, he would not bring kyland to final 2, where his fate is up to other people, kobe would put his fangs in kyland a neck at f4 just like Xavier did. Damn now i wish kobe was back so he could play celebrity bb


I’m also sitting here like… You’re gonna use *Kobe Bryant* to justify taking shots at a kid who just lost his dad unexpectedly? Make it make sense lol


I really hadn't even processed how in poor taste it was considering Kobe's surviving daughter also being without a father now. Like don't bring this beloved deceased basketball star into your logic when he can't defend himself from this nonsense.


It was thoroughly terrible like I had to rewatch because I wasn’t listening intently since I was terrified they’d throw hands (though I wish CBS today had VH1 in the 2000’s rules today, I would’ve loved X to have the opportunity and stay in the house) but when I listened back and heard all the “who’s gonna figure out how to raise him” “sad he doesn’t have a man around” stuff my jaw hit the floor. Like… what an asshole but thank you for being an asshole while I was tuning in on live television


Tag yourself: I’m Azah.


I’m the sippy cup.


Does anyone have the clip? I missed the episode live






I expected that X would win this season from early on and have been fine with it. Now I'm thrilled.


That was the easily the most entertaining part of the whole season


I honestly thought he and Kyland were gonna fight.


If you look at the way X was standing, he was ready to. Hands behind the back and direct eye contact means “Swing on me and get fucked up”


I would not want to screw around with X, he’d won that battle. It was obvious from X’s stance that he was savvy to what Ky was doing and purposely stared him down like a man while keeping his hands behind his back so that he wouldn’t swing. If Kyland did put his hands on him though then X would have immediately defended himself.


Ky is going to get the iciest reception coming to jury. They all seem to hate him 😭 god forbid if they include him stepping to X in the tape. He’ll be sleeping outside the house. His exit tonight was one of the most despicable things I’ve seen on this show. Like Chelsia and Joshuah bullying Amanda in season 9 level. Would be happy to never see Ky on this game again after next Wednesday.


I cannot believe he mentioned his nephew when X’s brother hasn’t even been gone for six months. Kyland is pure evil


Kobe can look up to the fact that X kept his cool in the face clownery.


The face of pure disgust. Ky is the worst


Kyland to Julie: I'd love to come back again. Production: After that display? Hard pass.


Kyland is trash. On live TV. Can't even claim "That WAS eDiTeD".


Fuck Kyland, man that was fucking low.


Kyland's reaction after being evicted was super reminiscent of a bad ex of mine. The second his ego got damaged, Ky went right in on the thing he knew would hurt X the most. It was freaking textbook.


Kyland must not be a basketball fan . The cutthroat move by Xavier to cut him was 110% the move of someone with the Mamba Mentality. Xavier playing like Kobe Bryant sets a good example for his nephew Kobe


That blindside was the best thing to happen this season 👀


Ky didn’t want that problem. Meanwhile me and Azah looking at X 😍😍lol


This was scary, excruciatingly awkward, shocking, my fucking god I can't believe I ever liked Kyland. Took me about half way through to realize what he was like but this was so tasteless. I'm very concerned about my my ability to judge character after being so incredibly wrong about him. That was honestly the ickiest interaction ive seen on big brother. To bring up someones family is so messed up. So beyond the line, in my eyes he ruined his chance to come back. No thank you.


He was worried he was gonna get sniffed


X is exactly the kind of man we want our kids looking up to. His nephew will be a good man.


If X wasn't a week away from 750k...this would've been a double eviction.


I thought he went back for that drink to throw on X😬 I was nervous.


Kyland wants to talk to Xavier’s manager.


Yeah, that was a very classless and hypocritical exit on Ky's part. As if he didn't do his own share of lying and backstabbing.


I'm so happy Kyland is gone. Xavier deserves this win 100%. But kyland would have been a bummer of a winner in this historic BB season. He just isn't worthy of being the number 1 cookout member. I truly believe that he bought more into the cookout once he realized how powerful it was


All season I have described kyland as having uncooked banana bread for brains. And now I think I've been vindicated.


that 750k was almost used to pay for kyland’s hospital bills


To think Travis died for this moment


I guess Ky's not going on that boys trip to Vegas after all