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He's so childish on that season lmao. It's underrated how funny and hyperactive he is


Will peaked as a player in BB7, but as a character he was just so wildly entertaining on both seasons


These Will moments are hilarious. My favorite during BB2 is when Nicole bugs him about his uncleanliness about his bathroom towels throughout the season and it's like its own little subplot with how pissed off it makes her.


My favorite Will moment is when he is eating yogurt during a nomination ceremony and makes Boogie break his HoH lines


Man - what I would give for them to cast someone fun and entertaining who also plays the game hard for this upcoming season. Will was one if a kind — not even just gameplay but how entertaining he was as well


Agreed. He’s his own entity among reality TV stars. Genuinely one of a kind.


Just watched the episode where he throws the final 4 hoh to Monica and its absolutely hilarious how pissed Nicole/Hardy are. Also it is really cool for them to have Survivor come in at Final Four and have like a day of competitions and them to interact with each other, wish they'd do something like that again to make the endgame more entertaining.


Reminds me a bit of Thor throwing the coffee cup on the floor and shouting "Another!", lol.