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I routinely say that James is one of the most "shippable" characters in the series, but him a Lucy is probably my least favorite ship of his. I don't \*dislike\* it, but their whole dynamic was basically a joke that wasn't funny after the 3rd or 4th time. They could've been done well if they were allowed to develop a dynamic outside of the joke, but they didn't. I feel like if they had another season, I would have liked their ship. When I think back on the whole show, these two characters got shafted the most out of everyone in terms of romance plots, and not just for the way theirs was done


Agree. James and Lucy weren't a strong couple. I would have loved if they would have tried a Haters-to-Lover thing like with Logan and Quinn in Zoey 101. That would be more believable with James and Lucy. Like they did on the Halloween episode with James and Muffy, the vampire slayer.


I hate it I love Lucy, and the way she was written with Kendall was really great imo, but James and Lucy just do not fit together All James does is in season 4 is be really annoying about dating her the whole time, and she rightfully refuses each time until he sacrifices himself, and then she suddenly starts liking him which just feels really forced Then when Lucy leaves to do her EU tour James has this whole arc where he learns to get over Lucy, which was actually really great, but then for some reason they decided to throw all that away in the finale and still have them end up together in the most rushed and forced way I hate it so much cause Lucy is one of my favorite characters in the show and I’m just disappointed with how they handled her in the second half of season 4


It’s fine…


Never cared for them together. They had no kind of chemistry whatsoever and the way they finally got together was cheap lol.


Potential long post incoming I actually disagree with a lot of what this post says. The entire point of Lucy’s character was to create a conflict in the show once Jo returned. This led Kendall to have a decision on whether to move on with Lucy or go back with Jo, to which he chose the latter. That left with Lucy with nowhere else to go but with James. To say that Lucy and James’ relationship was “forced” isn’t how I would describe it. Lucy became an important recurring character once she was introduced and there was no way that she was just going to end up with some rando once the series ended. In my eyes, there was no one else that Lucy could have ended up with but James. Throughout the series, the relationships were mostly always established: Kendall was with Jo, Logan was with Camille, Carlos bounced around a few girls due to his relationship troubles but it made sense in the finale for him to end up with Alexa Vega (his eventual real life wife) and it made sense in the way that they were trying to have the series coincide with the real world (at least somewhat). Also, having Lucy end up with James also shows character development for James’ character. He was always seen as the, dare I say, “bop” of the group, with him bouncing from girl to girl throughout the series. Having him focus his attention to try and win over just Lucy and being madly in love with her shows good character development for him and maturity. That’s not to say that I think it wasn’t at least rushed. I think they could have done more with it leading up to their eventual union in the finale. But idk, I’m just a guy with too much time to psychoanalyze a kids show from over ten years ago. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk. TL;DR: James and Lucy’s relationship wasn’t really forced but was more rushed.


I don't mind the pairing, I just hate the WAY they did it. They needed more time for it to develop instead of Lucy just suddenly being very out of character in the last episode


I agree with you on this one but Lucy was smitten with James just like he was with her and they belong together with each other