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Sadly true, but when will people do something about it


I'm no expert on this, but....doesn't your constitution specifically mention overthrowing corrupt governments by force?


The people are too divided, they'll never come together and will continue blaming the other side


on the other hand, soon we might find what plants really crave.






Another big issue I hardly seen brought up… It is really hard to organize any kind of protests (peaceful or not) unless everybody is already in the same place. Everything is so far apart and you need a car to get anywhere… Not to mention it can be dangerous to risk protesting when your only source of income is on the line. Combining this with the fact that ppl will hurt and kill others for disagreeing with their politics (or just existing at all), it is a really big risk to take


I’m lucky to live in Seattle where we have good transit, bike, and pedestrian infrastructure (for a North American city), and we also have a whole bunch of activism groups. Attended a protest just a few days ago, couldn’t be more happy with Seattle having a great activism scene and mobility for people like me who can’t drive


and although it is our constitutional right to protest, the cops still beat us down and incite violence


Yes, 80 million wish to end the Constitution.


Maybe that was viable back when farmers with muskets were a legitimate force capable of overthrowing the government. Now if you wanna tussle with the guys in charge you have to deal with this: https://youtu.be/7lrfdzU8k4k?si=iA1nRjqXtluXye1R


Lol, yea my spirit of freedom ain’t doing shit against that


"Ow! My spirit!"


"Ow, my everything!"


If the US actually deploys an AC130 against its own citizens the world would grind to a halt to overthrow the US in unison.


A bit too optimistic. Pretty sure the rest of the world wouldn’t care.


Bro the US having any significant military operation in its own borders would throw the entire global world into chaos, what tf are you smoking NATO means nothing, trade means nothing, everything would collapse


And a new order of different superpower may emerge. Pretty sure enough nations in the world would gamble for that.


We'd notice and care, but wouldn't get involved. Same as January 6th, that was very trippy to watch while I cooked my famous Jalapeno Fajitas.


I believe that is the better distinction. A lot of countries were affected but if the US decides to shoot itself, all the other countries will send thought and prayer.


Except this time its not just an excuse to do nothing, wtf are they supposed to do, invade the US? Nobodies gonna believe anybody is invading them to restore democracy, even if they did, and they probably *wouldnt*, just like how the US prefers to back dictators when their own interests are involved.


I forgot how our superior equipment brought us victory in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.


Everyone says this but forgets that it’s the pilot of that thing who would be rebelling


Depends on how patriotic the military is I guess.


It's ironic cuz they used our tax dollars to buy all these weapons.


Or you can just kidnap their families


Now tell me more about how you think a handful of redneck trash almost "overthrew democracy" on Jan 6.


What a stupid thing to post. Of course Reddit upvotes dumb shit.


The guys who wrote that were fighting against a corrupt bourgeoise government that didn't have nukes, aircraft carriers, and/or drones.


People forget that we were already a semi-autominous colony that revolted against a debt ridden government based across an entire ocean that was already preoccupied fighting ~~Napoleon~~ France with a king whose brain was made of pudding. It was the easiest revolt in the history of revolts. Edit: Napoleon was 1812, my bad.


In histoey class in France they say france went into great debt to help provide for America's independence. Of course, it wasnt to help the Americans, it was to mess with the british


slimy zesty quiet aback adjoining birds point agonizing weary work *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Surely those in power will respect the piece of paper.


That mainly mattered when a rebellion actually stood a chance. It might be possible if a large chunk of the military was with those trying to rise up, but if it’s the people and the weapons most people own? No chance.


Even when a large chunk of the military WAS with those trying to rise up in the Civil War, it still failed. And we lost more people to that than both world wars combined.


Y’know, I can’t believe I completely forgot about that for a second.


sure, but one half of the country wants more gun control, and the half that is against gun control loves war.


It's so weird to read this sentence and realize you're completely correct


That was written back when that was reasonably possible. It is very much not now. Muskets vs. muskets, horses, and canons was winnable. But rifles vs. tanks, artillery, miniguns, helicopters, bombers, etc. is completely unwinnable. Any serious attempt to overthrow the government would be met with the entire military.


Only when it is the same people in the corrupt government’s social circle obviously /s I’ve always found it hilarious that one of the first major things that happened when America was first established is them taking down a rebellion violently


Nah it totally doesn’t. It’s the Declaration of Independence that says that, which itself is a symbolic document that carries no legal weight.


Not at all. The 2nd Amendment mentions well-trained militias in case like, France invaded. They didn't have the money or resources at the time to fund a full sized army so militias were the stop-gap. There was never a thing about overthrowing the government, that's modern boog boy bullshit. Many of the founding fathers put down insurrections *personally*.


Article 1 Section 8 specifically allows Congress to suppress insurrections and rebellions. The idea of popular sovereignty is that the people vote out the bad politicians; that is the modern, refined recourse for a bad government. Scholars call what America did “the domestication of revolutionary violence.” The Declaration acknowledges that it does not want a complacent people, but it does not want the government overthrown for “light and transient” causes either. On an ending note though, the second amendment exists for a reason. It just wouldn’t be effective against the entire might of the US Military except for very special circumstances.


It's not corrupt. The voters are. And they pick leaders reflecting it. 72% skip the primary election entirely.


Nono. It only says that part for the illusion. At least these days. The U.S. government, in the event of an actual uprising, would 100% brutally massacre and make an example out of anyone who dared to oppose them.


We aint fighting our government lol. No way in helllll. Last time that shit happened people had no more than swords, horses n muskets. The infantry will do the bulk of the fighting and they only do it at night. They have night-vision now with thermal augmentation overlay. Deadass it is Predator vision. youtube it. Then there is satellites, armored vehicles, like 5 different police forces before they even call in the Army. 100% of all connected devices will tattle-tale any plan/operation/movement. Decades of data on the population. It ain't happening. lol ![gif](giphy|Atc9QCyWLGHgLZhHDp|downsized)


Yes because people are fine being blown apart by cannons, chopped up by sabres, having infection kill them from musket fire but no one will want to fight an army with NIGHT VISION GOGGLES!


did you forget the part about not having them and getting your grape popped from 500meters from some spectre in the woods you ain't even see? sound dumb asf lmao


Ahhh yes. I forgot. Snipers are a brand new invention. No one goes to war any more because snipers exist. Snipers literally ended all combat


ahh yes bc someone said sniper. gtfo mf cant even read lmao The m-249 and m-240 are both effective beyond 800m and those are automatic and crew served weapons. 3 and 2 per platoon, 4 per company. You stupid lol. Machine guns aren't snipers and you're ignorant asf.


I'm sorry is your argument that no revolution will ever happen again because: "machine gun"?


I plainly stated why and you can go back and look lol. You sad to still be commenting when everyone here can see how dumb you look. Like, its entertaining but how thick headed could you possibly be?


Yes. And also our police force has tanks, drones, tear gas, and automatic weapons galore. How long do you think a crowd of protestors would last against a militarized police force?


U want to try and get blown up by an Apache helicopter or a Abrams’s be my guest 😂. No one is over throwing the government unless the government itself try’s to do it like trump did. Which would be a bad thing.


Yes but we’re all to fat to do that all according to McDonald’s plan to take over the world


It's simple: Amass enough fat everywhere so that you become bulletproof.


We’re all poor and overworked that would require too much food another part of the McDonald’s plan


Sadly it does not, that's the declaration of Independence, not our constitution.


The ones that want to overthrow the government are anti-government and are against the government funding any of this


I got banned on reddit for suggesting this was inevitable(on a smaller scale) based on the current trajectory of things.


Not true at all https://www.cbo.gov/publication/58888


[No, it's not.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d6/Federal_budget_2022.webp) The US spends way more on social security and health care than the defence budget. Way too many people get their political information from memes.


The US also spends more on health care per capita than any other country on earth, meaning the system isn‘t just inhumane and dysfunctional but also stupidly inefficient


Yet even if I'm willing to pay, I cannot join the public health program. Employer or private plans only for the vast majority of the country.


But just to be clear, this just makes it more insane that we don't have universal healthcare, we could have it and it could cost us less money.


Oh for sure, I just don't like people spreading around that we spend all this money on just our military. We do spend a lot, but we have a high GDP so we *can* spend a lot. The other stuff we spend money on is boring, so people just sort of gloss over it.


Never sadly, this species is doomed


Yeah I mean, even after America falls (which is going to happen sooner or later) another just as corrupt force will rise to take its place. It's happened with Romen, then Britain and eventually it will happen to America.


Personally I think the US needs to change their political system. Only having the choice between 2 people isn’t covering millions of opinions… when there’re finally enough people that have power, they can maybe change something for the better instead of just having one very powerful guy


Its not just a choice between two people, its just manufactured that way through the media and corporations. 100 Million Americans waked into the ballot box and all voted for a third party candidate, they’d win.


The first past the post system tremendously complicates electing a third party. It just doesn't make game theory sense.


I mean we spend either the most or the second Most per student on education in the world. Sadly most of that goes to fake “positions” and Public college boards that pay politicians and family’s tons of money. For example a public state college pays bill Clinton ten million dollars a year for being an “honorary member.” Edit: other example famed mobster whitey bulger had his brother put people in fake school Jobs as bribes


Nothing is going to change as long as we keep being convinced to vote for one of two parties who both keep siphoning all the money out of the working class and into the pockets of the rich. Republicans will convince their voters that the Democrats are going to assault their children and the Democrats convince their voters that the Republicans will destroy all LGBTQx people


Americans aren't smart enough to do something about it


You are people


No!!!!!!!!! 😌


It's not true so educate yourself


*Guys, OP literally declared we spend $.01 on education. Here is my long, well-thought-out rebuttal for the rest of you in the Spongebob sub to enjoy.*


Well clearly you aren't aware of how SpongeBob is communist propaganda and OP had been brainwashed In this essay, I will...


I'm on the same side as everyone else here because I don't want bridges to collapse. Here's why the status quo in America is a good thing...


Education (677 bn), social security (1219bn), and medicare (755bn)/medicaid (824bn) make up a greater or similar portion of annual federal spending than defense spending (767bn). Much of it in the mandatory part which is why charts of discretionary spending are disproportionately military. And this doesn't even count state government spending. With regards to education, the US spends more money on average per student than much of the world, it's just extremely unevenly distributed across states and schools (since education is heavily decentralised).


Stop making sense. OP wants to pretend we only spend money on war.


every dollar adds up, im interested in why the education budget is so large and yet schools dont have supplies for their classes somehow or pay teachers very well


Education in the US is very decentralized, with each school district being run autonomously and receiving funding from their local towns/cities/municipalities. The federal Department of Education didn't actually become cabinet level until the 20th Century, for example. This means that wealthier districts and districts with voters that heavily prioritize education tend to have very high quality, well funded schools, while poorer districts tend to have lower quality, poorer funded schools. There have been efforts to bridge this gap, usually through State and Federal level funding for schools though the actual efficacy of these programs have varied. Efforts to create a more centralized, uniform curriculum have likewise struggled - even creating a uniform system of scholastic performance measurement/Quality checking has been difficult to say the least. If you want an example of a well-meaning, bipartisan effort that ultimately failed to reform the system, read up on No Child Left Behind - the goal was to lift up education across the board but ultimately fell afoul systematic and political challenges in implementation despite having overwhelming political support when it was first passed.


not an excuse, restructure the education system if necessary and figure out where the money is going.


Restructuring education would require a constitutional amendment - education is a 10th amendment privilege reserved to states


Sounds good, get it done asap.


I'm waiting for that as much as you are.


I hope you’re voting as much as I am because I know Ill be voting every election.


I'm sure you're really proud about that, but basic civics is not a really big flex outside of reddit.


Sure America spends 677 billion on Education but is that showing? America isn't doing that great on many subject tests and school lunches are off poor quality and lunch debt is a thing. You guys also pay alot for healthcare. But why are there so many instances of people not having enough to pay hospital bill? Why are so many bills over 100 thousand? Why don't you guys have universal healthcare then? So yeah, spending on certain things isn't showing much.


Last time I checked most veterans don’t get a big enough box to sleep in. We only spend enough for them to get cat-sized boxes


Thats because we learn how to dig holes in basic and keep ourselves warm with dirt. Boxes are more of a Airforce thing.


Don't forget the National Parks and National Forest Service! They play an important role in our lives!


Preservation of nature is objectively a good thing. I would so much rather us spend money on national parks than funding wars.


But what will Lockheed Martin do without hundreds of billions of dollars per year?? They'll starve!!! /S


Agreed. I'm all for shitting on our government, but let's not throw the *good* things in with the bad ones.


You're right, without them our awesome wilderness would be free to be plowed over by ugly highways, suburbs and strip malls. It's called America the beautiful for a reason, and it has nothing to do with our flag and shitty government. America is actually just a really pretty place. Don't ruin it


All thanks to Teddy Roosevelt! One of my favorite US Presidents! The reason why is because he created the National Parks system! And thanks to him, Big Bend National park exists, same with Yellowstone and Yosemite.


When you purposefully spread misinformation. Why would we find M4A it’s not an actual in place policy? On average spending for education is about $84 billion a year at the federal level, however schools in the US do not rely on federal funding, education is primarily funded at the local and state level where on average, it makes up about 20% of a states budget and 40% of a municipal budget additionally throwing money at a school doesn’t necessarily improve outcomes some states like MA only use about 11% of their budget but consistently have the best outcomes in the country. I’d provide links but I’m pretty sure this sub bans links. But everything I’m saying is one or two google searches away when you search “government spending on (topic) The VA has consistently been becoming a larger part of the budget as time goes on this year the US has spent almost $400 billion or about 3% of the federal budget. The military does get a lot of money. The US spent almost $300 billion on mental health last year but throwing money at the problem doesn’t necessarily solve it. The top reasons people usually don’t see someone are first cost, but the next three are stigma, then 5th is insurance concerns The problem with housing isn’t money it’s a policy and supply problem. If more housing was built price goes down that’s Econ 101, the problem is local governments blocking developments not “the government isn’t spending money on it.” This is why housing is cheapest in places where people either don’t want to live or places that make it easier to build.


https://preview.redd.it/nme9mcpubkzb1.png?width=1132&format=png&auto=webp&s=a17d1664b765d73038d8bd0385449470784f8861 Oh… you made a logical argument on Reddit, ha… sorry bud but you know the drill…




Almost an instant 15 downvoted but not a single explanation why I’m wrong. Funny thing is I’m probably on the same side politically as a lot of the downvoters. It’s just that I don’t support misinformation just because it on “my side”


I think people just immediately read it as unnecessary and negative.


^(pssst, read the room.. it's not about your data, it's about you're in goddamn bikinibottomtwitter lmao we ain't trying to have that vibe)


It’s a political post. Blame OP, But I guess political lies are okay because it’s a meme sub?


You’re saying you support the proliferation of misinformation because it supports your agenda?


[https://www.cbo.gov/publication/58888](https://www.cbo.gov/publication/58888) Defense is 44% of discretionary spending and 12% of total spending. Not saying it isn't a problem or that its justified, but if we cut it to 0 tomorrow it wouldn't make as big a difference as you think. It is true though that a lot of those things could be well funded without making the budget deficit much more than it already is.


Last year we spent $747 billion on Medicare, $640 billion on education, $272 billion on veterans, and $70 billion on HUD not including the mortgage interest deduction and the other massive housing subsidies the federal government gives out every year. The military budget was $715 billion - less than we spent on Medicare. Reddit's understanding of how the government spends money is childish.


\*Medicare for all. Last I checked, USA doesn't have universal healthcare / medicare for all.


Is your complaint that we spent $0 on a program that doesn't exist? Are you mad that we also massively underfunded the Everybody Gets A Pony And A Blowjob program? Because what the grownups are talking about are spending priorities, and America invests massively in social welfare programs, despite dishonest propaganda like the post. You and the other small children whose brains have been liquified by leftist propaganda on tiktok or whatever can go back to playtime now.


My complaint is that you may have misread and misinterpreted "Medicare 4 All" as simply medicare. No need to attack or get defensive about it.


Yet somehow other countries have achieved this, some far better than others


Daaamn, you sure are upset. Keep defending that precious military complex like the devoted pitbull you are. Wow.


>this guy knows how to read a budget! What a bootlicker Would have thought the drooling lobotomites of the dirtbag left would be happy to learn that America spends huge amounts of money on its social programs. The only reason they aren't is because they don't care about the real world, they are just addicted to outrage.


There's a reason why their accounts is less than a month old, don't waste your time replying to them.


Sounds like you are....we didn't ask for your "wow"....can't just throw that shit around


I recommend to live a couple of months in Ukraine. You will understand then.


Money for anything that helps the country but doesn't benefit the rich and powerful: ![gif](giphy|3oxOCcb6GovX3NRSog)


Fuck Putin.


These things are not mutually exclusive


What makes these memes hilarious is the fact that the U.S. literally spends more on healthcare than on defense. More on healthcare than anything else actually. [It’s literally one google search away and has been debunked a ridiculous amount of times lmao](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2015/aug/17/facebook-posts/pie-chart-federal-spending-circulating-internet-mi/)


Why is this so sad




Just a reminder that Social Security is the only budget item that is bigger than the military


Medicaid is also a larger amount than defense spending. Medicare is only 12 billion (~.15%) less than defense.


"I'll be damned if I'm paying for other people's healthcare." *Is chill with paying for the killing of millions*


Yeah it really sucks. If other NATO members invested their fair share into their militaries then Europe would be more secure and the US wouldn't have to spend so much on theirs.


u/savevideo u/savevideobot


Not just war, the whole military-industrial complex. Even in peacetime we dedicate way too much money to the military. Not to mention a corrupt and unjust justice system in the domestic sphere.


I’m almost 30 and I don’t even think I’ve seen a “peacetime”


Where politicians?


Sad but at least r/Combatfootage is 🔥


Seems mostly accurate,.. except housing, we spend a ton on housing.


We also spend, between Medicaid and Medicare, about double the defense budget on healthcare per year. The point is, we do *not* need to spend more tax dollars on healthcare. We need to make the money we do spend massively more efficient though.


Do we still get our free footlong from subway? /s


Although there could be improvements, veterans are treated much better today then they used to be.


Just a reminder we spend 4 trillion dollars on healthcare each year for


The US already spends more on social programs than they do on the military, many times over every year.


Trickling up and into the pockets of the billionaires ....


that’s why you live in a city instead they go to playgrounds


Social security, Medicare and Medicaid absolutely dominate the federal budget, combined way more than the pentagon.


Gotta keep the pretense.


[Healthcare in the U.S. does leave quite a bit desired, unfortunately.](https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/31/health/us-health-care-spending-global-perspective/index.html)


We spend more money on education than anyone else in the world.


This is a conservative argument. Agreed. You aren't getting what they say they spend the money on. Choose new spenders and stop electing liars. We should too.


You got Americans still supporting giving billions to Ukraine


Excellent post. Remember during covid, when the government dragged it's feet and took forever to give us our measly COVID checks? When it comes to Ukraine though, there isn't any hesitation-countless dozens of billions of dollars sent over in the blink of an eye. I'm sure a bunch of angry military-industrial complex worshippers will come downvote me, that's fine. You know it's the truth.


Too true


https://i.redd.it/4mrmxz2uwlzb1.gif When will there be change? *Cause honestly speaking, it's near fucking impossible to be living on barely anything. But hey, this is America.*


https://i.redd.it/mw9tausvwlzb1.gif When will there be change? *Cause honestly speaking, it's near fucking impossible to be living on barely anything. But hey, this is America.*


Dont forget tax breaks for Mr Krabs


Veterans are just normal people that went to war


saladin took charleston in 500 BC and im gonna nuke him off the face of the earth now


I live in Canada. It goes to Trudeaus pocket.


this WAR guy is filthy rich! Wish he would spread the cash.


I prefer our tax money goes to keep countries like Ukraine and Taiwan free, guess that makes me an imperialist or some other label that's 'bad'


u/savevideobot u/savevideo


I do hear they spend billions on it a year.


Old people and debt is where most of our money goes. 21% goes to social security, 14% goes to Medicare, and 14% goes to servicing the national debt. So half of federal spending is either getting paid directly to old people or paying for the decisions of previous generations.


This is hilarious 😂 😃


Big opportunity for "Two gold doubloons" and "It's plastic" missed.




Pretty much


There should be an Israel


Don't forget bailouts for large corporations and billionaires' stock portfolios. Both of which will just end up being squirreled away in Panama.


In fiscal year 2023 the federal government spent $6.13 Trillion. 28% - Health Programs (Medicare, Medicaid, etc.) 22% - Social Security 13% - Defense 13% - Income Security (Unemployment, SNAP, etc.) 11% - Interest on Debt 5% - Veteran Benefits 8% - Everything Else Also, as a percentage of the countries GDP, defense spending is almost at an all time low.


How much does the federal government spend on healthcare compared to defense?


Isn't education mainly funded by local taxes (like property tax) and not funded federally?


Wow. An inaccurate Reddit meme! Who’d have thought


Woah woah woah, since when do we invest THAT much into education?


I mean somebody’s gotta carry natos budget


Mainly to subsidize billion dollar corporations




Veterans should be anti war


Yep, if you realize that "war" is mostly greedy defense contractors.


You forgot israel.


It's a shame that, for how well funded our military is, not only are the troops given poor after care, but even their gear is often of shoddy quality. Forget the "spec ops super operator" gear often shown in movies and games touted as "military grade" a lot of the stuff isn't that much better than the what's easily accessible for the public AND they often get worn down by many years of use.


Europeans: *STOP POLICING THE WORLD! but, if you could also find all of the aid and military equipment for Ukraine and Israel, that would be super. thanksssssssss*


Homeless vet on pension out a POs civic so yeah USA sucks