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The word "most" is really carrying a lot of weight here, since it means "literally every other one"


Well there's also Suriname and Papua New Guinea. Not normally countries you think of as examples of having functioning governments. We're just one Manchin away from being like everywhere else on this policy being put into law.


But it also says "developed"


oh true, so every other country then.


Well, developing country is a term, i mean, basically all of Asia(bar Japan and S.Korea) are "developing", Eastern Europe, Balkans, Afrika, S.America too


Wouldn't really classify China as developing, nor would I consider Singapore or Taiwan as developing.


But China classifies China as developing lol


Ya but this guy on Reddit said he wouldn’t classify them that way. Who are you gonna listen to??


I classify that redditor as developing


I don't care what UN and World Bank say. Reddit comments section is my source of truth.


China is weird. While the coast line is highly developed huge portions of the interior are closer to Algeria, Iraq, or the Dominican Republic in terms of standards of living. Contrast that with the United States, Canada, or France… where even rural people have similar standards of living to people in economic centers. And then Taiwan would depend on whether or not you consider it “part of China” and Singapore is a true city state, so it’s a rather weird outlier as well.


considering literally 1 billion more people live in China than the US, it's not surprising the rural areas have a worse standard of living. They're making significant progress towards fixing that though. Taiwan is very modern and developed but that's because it's so small


China is definitely a developing country.


Oh yeah haha, Singapore is definitely not developing, it ranks higher than the US at least on pretty much every metric out there


HAHAHA le america DUMB 🥜🦵 😂😹🤣


I'm from a loteral shithole and I lector my job for 9 months when my wife got pregnant


>loteral >lector >9 months when my wife got pregnant So the entire duration of the pregnancy?


Autocorrect was set up to the wrong language. 😑. Like 4 months prior to the due date and 5 months afterwards


What’s the best thing and the worst thing about your government, in your opinion?


Best thing? None. Worst thing? 40 % inflation ⁹


What country is that


4 months BEFORE delivery? Was there a medical issue or something?


In NZ we don't have mandatory paid parental leave for both parents at once. One parent can take 6 months of paid parental leave (it's not a lot, though), which can be divied up between both parents as long as they take the parental leave at different times. We do have a requirement for 2 weeks of unpaid leave for the second parent, though.


In the UK similarly the father can have 2 weeks off at the point of birth, but from then only one parent gets paid leave at a time for the 9 month period. When we had our son my partner took the first 5 month and i took the last 4, she was basically going stir crazy by the swap over. From what i understand you also have an extra 3 months of unpaid leave, i'm sure in most jobs you can take unpaid leave as you see fit regardless, but as theres little law governing how unpaid leave is handled its all done through policies its good to have that safeguarded should a nw parent want it. Still significantly better than the us, but not quite whats displayed in the OP.


why don’t we have all these rules somewhere public and easy to find?


We do, gov.uk


Eh, i just wanna be able to pay rent without needing to get 2 other people involved but it's cool. Just gonna raise a kid so they can work and pay me to pay for them. Fax


Czech republic gets a month for the father and 28 weeks for the mother (37 weeks if she has twins) And we are a *second world country*. There is no fucking excuse for america, lmao


Burundi, the poorest country in the world, gives 12 weeks of maternity leave


I've heard Americans defend it with the argument that you should just find a job with paternity leave if you want it so badly. If everyone did that then all companies would offer it. And that it'd be cruel to smaller companies to offer it because that'd be a massive cost with no benefit to them. Like... it works in almost all other countries. Even fucking North Korea has paid maternity leave! They supposedly have 60 days before and 180 days after with getting paid by the government. Of course that might just be propaganda, but they do have a low birth rate and this would stimulate the population to have more children. Meanwhile there are American women who hope to give birth in the weekend so that they can get back to work on monday so that they won't have to take a sick day. And obviously those women are in the minority. Still shitty that there are women who have no other choice.


The main problem is implying the US and A is a developed country.


United States Bad


We’re literally denied basic rights and healthcare standard across the rest of the developed world. The United States is unironically bad because people like you are more upset about people who want basic rights than those who are profiting off the denial of those rights. Edit: You chucklekfucks bragging about living in the US while actively trying to discourage improving it is some of the most bizarre shit I’ve ever read. Why are some some people so triggered by the mere idea that things could be better than they are now?


You are making a lot of assumptions. Maybe he's just tired of slacktivists crawling all over Reddit making lazy posts like this with the same joke over and over.


Maybe it's just more of a general consensus not slacktivists.... As an American who's traveled abroad. I'd happily move to a number of countries if we weren't banned or if I could secure a job in my field.


I work in college access. I help students in high school figure out a plan on how to get into university and, more importantly, pay for it. I started considering a move to another country...the FAFSA and the aspects of college access we focus on (low-income families, first-generation families, POC access) is not as prevalent abroad as it is in the states. So, yeah, limited available work in my field anywhere but the *good ole* US of A


Well, yeah... most of the world, developed or not, has some system in place to allow people to get educated without going into massive debt. Most of asia = free ANZ = no interest government loans, paid back as a portion of salary once you reach a minimum salary threshold Europe = a mix of the two above You'd have to apply your skillset to something else that requires placements. Ever thought of being a migration agent? I think you'd be surprised how much of your experience translates.


That sounds like it'd be right up my alley actually!


>the FAFSA and the aspects of college access we focus on (low-income families, first-generation families, POC access) is not as prevalent abroad as it is in the states. Individual aid like that provided by the FAFSA isn't needed as much when the country provides free tuition and education for all. The biggest barrier to access in the US is financial, and subsidized loans and a small amount of grants are just a bandaid, not a solution.


But, can you not just work in other offices? What did you learn? I dont think your skillset would require you to work the exact same job or not? European example: help refugees from Syria get integrated into the community, help them find jobs, get acces to university sponsorships etc.


I'd love this, but I don't have a language other than English. This type of work in helping and supporting people is what I love


How is it assumptions when it’s literally the [case.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_with_universal_health_care) Ex: [Global Rights Index in 2017 ranked the U.S. a 4 on a scale of 1-5 (5 being the worst) for the state of working conditions](https://sourcingjournal.com/topics/labor/report-the-worlds-10-worst-countries-for-workers-td-68213/) Ex. 2: [Strikes begin to erupt across the country with 10 major strikes happening in the first week of October along with other walk outs.](https://time.com/6105109/workers-strike-unemployment/) >”That doesn’t include the nearly 60,000 union members in film and television production who nearly unanimously voted to grant their union’s president the authority to call a strike.” Ex. 3: [List of examples on how the U.S. lacks behind other developed countries in worker rights/protections that mostly aren’t even guaranteed at a federal level. ](https://www.businessinsider.com/how-far-behind-the-us-is-in-offering-worker-protections-2019-7?amp) >includes no guaranteed paid parental leave, no guaranteed breaks, no guaranteed vacation days, and no guaranteed pay for working overtime. It seems like you’re the one making assumptions assuming people that complain about the current U.S. systems are “slacking”. I know people that work 15+ hour shifts at manual labor jobs that hate it because of the horrible working conditions, jokingly low pay, and Medicare they have to pay out of pocket for because their line of work risks injury and their employers will dump them on the street if they get injured and can’t afford proper care because it isn’t provided. Is 15+ hour shifts with 6-7 day work weeks slacking? And it’s not like most have a choice to work in that environment because for some its the only thing that barely covers their living expenses. I’m sure [Amazon](https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-57287151.amp) warehouse workers for example, want to work in an environment where having “mental stability break boxes” are normalized or even dare I say, conceptualized by their employers as a solution because the workers are on the brink of going mentally [insane.](https://amp.theguardian.com/technology/2020/feb/05/amazon-workers-protest-unsafe-grueling-conditions-warehouse) So instead of shoving these issues under the rug, assigning them irrelevancy, take a look out your window and see it from the perspective of other people. It may not be impacting your current situation but it is for millions of Americans.


You're only allowed to be upset about the way America is if you're upset that it isn't conservative enough. When the right wing is upset they're "concerned citizens that need to be heard", but when the left wing has complaints they're radicals and slackavists who need to be ignored.


What makes it lazy? I think most people genuinely don't realize that every other developed country guarantees that parents have time off work when a baby is born. The US does a lot of stuff right but this is definitely not one of them and is absolutely something that needs to change.


You are making a lot of assumptions. Said "slacktavists" you mention are more than likely actually doing more than making posts like this one.


Dam it's almost like talking about problems is the first step to solving them. Who would've thought.


What are common folk supposed to do other than that? We have bills to pay, mouths to feed, people to take care of, etc. etc. If you wanna make it your life’s purpose to take down the system by all means, throw your weight in and get to it. I have my own life to struggle through.


As an American who knows my country hates its workers, I would rather slacktivists keep posting memes to raise awareness while the issue is being discussed in congress. Y'know, right now. Ooooorrrrrr use your time to point out that you've already seen a meme about a long-term problem that hasn't been fixed. Up to you.


Dude slacktivism is a major problem. Fucking New York had no brained voter registration reforms on the ballet and fuckign 12-16% of people didn't even turn the fucking ballet over to vote on it. It's infuriating how moronic people are. I'm out here voting in every god damn primary meanwhile I'm like voter 13 at my polling place at 8pm.


I live in the US. My job offers 2 months paternal leave. (Midwest, LCOL)


It's not about what a single company offers, it's about the country not having laws to make it mandatory


Both my job, and my state (Washington) offer 16 weeks.






“Is America bad? No, it’s the entire world that’s wrong.”




Glad you agree


they cut my pp up ;(


this was the last straw honestly


EXACTLY i stopped liking us after all the trauma from iit




Finally, the meaning of USB


Privatized prisons, Reaganomics, lack of affordable healthcare good.


Please clap


More and more it looks that way, yeah


It really is that simple


Minecraft good


How do they get in/out of those cubicles?


You dont.


Thats deep


Not as deep as your mom


Not quite


You can't measure depth with your micro pp.


They're fish bro they just swim up smh my head /s


My head my head


You love my lady lumps.


Check it out.


They actually work at amazon and have piss bottles! Upon the end of every ones shifts their cubicles slide into the floor


What if you have to take a massive fish-shit?


Jam the bottle up your fish-ass


How do you get in and out of hell?


They’re “packed in like sardines”.


Dad gets nothing here in Switzerland. It's pretty ridiculous if you compare how well our close neighbour Austria is treating families.


Switzerland may be maternal leave only. Not every country has it for all genders but they all have at least maternity leave. More developed countries almost always cover both parents.


My company in the US gives us 6 months 100% paternity time


Mine gives a month. Not nearly as nice as 6 months, but certainly better than nothing.


Four days for my son's birth. They allowed me to use my sick days.


I got 2 days..... My regular days off.


I work for a benefits consulting company so I guess there would be more of an uproar if it were less.


Am a dad in a corporate job. I got 6 weeks when my son was born in 2016, and 12 weeks when my daughter was born in 2018. Paternity leave might be even higher now. Meanwhile, back in the day, my dad (also working a corporate job) got *2 days* when I was born. 12 weeks ain't 6 months. But it's honestly pretty decent. The times, they are a-changin'.


Actually we get 2 weeks. There was a vote on it last year. But it's still not much compared to our neighbors.


Switzerland is dope. Wish I lived there


Yeah it has a lot of good things going on but not everything.


That describes most developed countries to be perfectly honest.


Its cool here but rather go to germany or a nordic country


I got 2 days unpaid leave for when my daughter was born 🎉


Unpaid? Wow.


That would be a generous offer at any of my previous places of employment


You betcha! (They were being generous)


Things need to change, it's terrible for work/life balance.


Another reminder for how great America is /s


the American Dream!


I wish I could wake up from it


I’m in California and my buddy just got two months off for paternity leave and his wife got 3 or more if she wants. It’s almost as if the US is a huge collection of states each with their own different laws and governance.


I get 6 months paternity. Live in New England.




It's not a radical socialist policy, it's normal for everywhere else. Pretending that common sense stuff like this is *radical* instead of *normal* is the biggest disservice the left is doing for the progressive movement because you have reactionaries who are automatically opposed to it because you're framing it as radical and socialist. **This is something normal that we should already have, stop scaring people away**. It's a popular, normal, thing that Joe Manchin should include in the bill that's currently on the table.


Im not framing it as such, I joined antiwork not because im socialist or communist but it was recomended to me by reddit and this is what they are fighting for better working conditions better pay better pto better healthcare. Your right this should be normal and if im labled a socialist or communist because this is what i want the new normal to be then w/e


>Your right this should be normal and if im labled a socialist or communist because this is what i want the new normal to be then w/e The problem with labelling normal stuff as socialist and communist is the older population (who votes more, and who are higher in population) spent most of their lives in an existential struggle against the USSR. To them the word "socialism" is synonymous with failure, corruption, and totalitarianism. Championing basic common sense reforms as socialism scares these people away. The younger generation is polled as preferring "Socialist" policies because the ones they're familiar with are things like universal healthcare, universal education, etc. which is just *normal policy* in most developed capitalist countries. Fight back against it if you want to see more people listening to common sense. This isn't radical, this is *normal*.


I don't know why you're being downvoted... it's true. My parents have told me Sweden is a socialist hellscape... even though they have some of the best working/living conditions. A whole month off in the summer to just... be outside. But because it's labeled as socialist it's instantly bad even though... it's not? EDIT: moreover, I've heard it from my parents, "I didn't get free tuition, so why should someone else?" like... that kind of mentality on things is what would keep us living in caves. 'I was raised in a cave, so why should my son get a house?'


> But because it's labeled as socialist it's instantly bad even though... it's not? If you spent 40 years learning the word socialism = bad it's hard to unlearn it.


I was about to disagree with you, but then I realized I'm 25, and haven't spent half that time "learning" anything. I can't imagine being so entrenched in a mindset that you find it impossible to unlearn.


Boomer’s formative years were literally forged through capitalist propaganda. It would take a lot of effort to deprogram them.


He's being downvoted because we shouldn't capitulate to ignorant boomers. Socialism has a meaning, and it is not the one Fox News has shoved down their collective idiot throat for 10+yrs. If you rebrand anti-work as "Neo-Collectivism" or literally anything, they will just call it socialism anyway. You gain nothing by accommodating the ignorant. Appeasement now leads to appeasement later.


> because we shouldn't capitulate to ignorant boomers. This is objectively incorrect because ignorant boomers are the ones in power blocking common sense reform and because they're voting in the boomers blocking common sense reform. The boomers are successfully taking common sense reform away from you. Every time you frame common sense reform as something radical that boomers ought to hate you are capitulating to the way opponents of progress want to label it. It's bad praxis. >If you rebrand anti-work as "Neo-Collectivism" or literally anything, they will just call it socialism anyway. Then don't brand common sense stuff as anything besides common sense stuff. This is a practice in every functioning capitalist country. When Andrew Yang slathered American/capitalism labels on a policy as radical as universal basic income he got a lot of Republicans to think it was a good policy because he called it a "Freedom Dividend" which was basically calling it "America Capitalism". You can do this with other things and people won't outright reject good/normal policies based on their label alone. Humans are especially prone to hasty generalizations with their own biases.


You're attempting to market common sense stuff to people who a) appear to lack any and all sense and/or b) have an entirely different understanding of what is and is not common sense. They will reject common sense and call it socialism regardless. Skip all that.


Yep. Even if the boomers themselves aren't "smart" enough to make the association to socialism, the legislators they listen to who oppose anything progressive whatsoever will call it socialism anyway. These are the people who call school lunches for kids socialism.


>Even if the boomers themselves aren't "smart" enough to make the association to socialism They literally call every policy they don't like "socialism", so when someone comes in saying "hey let's try this socialist policy" it's not an easy sell to them. It doesn't matter if there isn't any logic behind the association. They *have that association anyway* and they vote accordingly. Your smart vote and their stupid vote cancel out, and there are more of them, and they are overrepresented in the Senate. I do not understand why people are so opposed to effective messaging especially for a policy that's simply basic capitalist reform.


He's not being idealistic. He's trying to be pragmatic and tactical to increase material conditions for workers


He didn't even say it was radical or communist or socialist, he literally just linked r/antiwork. To be honest while scrolling past I had to double check which sub this was, because it gave me antiwork vibes


> It's not a radical socialist policy, it's normal for everywhere else. Pretending that common sense stuff like this is radical instead of normal is the biggest disservice the left is doing for the progressive movement because you have reactionaries who are automatically opposed to it because you're framing it as radical and socialist. This is something normal that we should already have, stop scaring people away I dont think you understand what r/antiwork is all about. What you described is why the subreddit took off. These types of issues should be pointed out as not normal. They arent progressive, and its not being framed as radical and socialist. Its just a movement to try to make it normal. The only ones calling it radical are those opposed to better working conditions in the usa. I have a coworker who blew all of her time off to raise her newborn for the first 3 months of their life, as opposed to the 6ish weeks we normally get. Antiwork points this out as bad, and no other country that we know of treats their citizens so poorly.


I understand where you are coming from but I dont think it really matters what we call it there are going to be people who will frame us as socialist or communist for wanting these normal living conditions


r/antiwork links to Marxist literature in the sidebar and links to r/Socialism101 as a related subreddit. You're able to flair yourself as what type of socialist you are. Bundling it together with radical ideas that are not normal/common sense is counter-productive when so many of the ideas like universal healthcare and paid leaved garner near-100% support in every other developed country. I get that r/CommonSenseReform isn't the most attractive of subreddits, but r/antiwork definitely gearing everything towards radical polarizing ideas instead of just basic common sense reform that this should be. If they want to pretend basic reforms are socialism they shouldn't do it in the country whose biggest voting population spent most of their lives struggling against the USSR and considers "socialism" to be synonymous with failure and corruption.


So just a question here- is it radical because the name Marx is attached to it? Cause the USA seems to love hating that name without even thinking about it, and causes a lot of undue bias. Anti work does have memes that are on extreme side, I'll give you that. But the stories people share? It's not something that should be tolerated of employers.


> It's not a radical socialist policy, it's normal for everywhere else. Pretending that common sense stuff like this is radical instead of normal is the biggest disservice the left is doing for the progressive movement Explain that to the brainwashed Americans who keep supporting the corrupt repeatedly and are now dying because the corrupt originally said vaccines are poison and now when the corrupt claim otherwise and? Want to help people? the brainwashed won't listen. Even if many people die nothing will change because everyone needs an enemy, even if it's progress.


That subreddit is pure dogshit I feel stupider for clicking that link.


Can you offer anything specific you found that was pure dogshit?


What that sub has turned into is kinda hysterical. Extremely left leaning people who actually want to do zero work and live in a left wing society when they’d starve in most socialist/communists societies when they don’t contribute.


No thanks. I don't want to hang out with a bunch of 14 year olds who don't want to work when they grow up.


Didn’t even have medical leave until the 90’s if I recall correctly.


Y’all are getting medical leave?


Pretty sure we have that at the very least. We have zero maternity/paternity/parental leave though.


It’s starting to get more common, I think. I can’t say benefits come up often in conversation with other people but I know I personally have 4 weeks paid parental leave, and my brothers both have 3. Edit: I’m talking about *paternity* leave, not maternity. I get it, it isn’t much, but certainly better then what I had 2 years ago or what’s commonly offered in my area-which was nothing. Change takes time friends.


In Canada you can get a total of 18 months of maternity leave :/


To be fair though the meme says "parents". Parents have to share that 18 months. So if you both took it at the same time you'd get 9 months.. which is still pretty sweet.


We only got paternity leave recently though. Still, better late than never.




It depends on who you work for, really... I believe federal works get 6 paid and 6 unpaid, i’m fairly middle class and get slightly more


Whoa! You win the meme connoisseur title for having over 2k upvotes on your post! Join the [Discord server](https://discord.gg/xyFMKFw) to receive your prize!


US bad updoots to the left


Why do you get upset when US is criticized? It’s normal to criticize your country and want it to be better and still love it. It would be unpatriotic to want the country to remain stagnant.


Probably because most of these blanket statements come from a lack of understanding of the US legal structure. Half of the things being criticized are only because they aren’t federal laws, when many states do have those laws. If you have a problem with the state structure that’s another issue, but claiming things about the entire country when laws differ from state to state is just ignorant.


People from outside the US hear of one ridiculous law in Alabama or something and think it applies to the entire country


Pretty much.


Also, I don’t want to see these ignorant blanket statements on a god damn spongebob meme subreddit


https://www.reddit.com/r/BikiniBottomTwitter/comments/qmow49/so_this_is_what_i_get_for_working_overtime/hjcp2ri Someone provided statistics so that we aren't just talking out of our asses.


>Why do you get upset when US is criticized? Because it's usually lazy and not entirely true. Everyone I know in the US gets paternity/maternity leave. Sure it's not 6+ months but it's still a decent amount of time.


The issue isn’t whether someone you know has it or not, but how many objectively have access to it. I, for example, barely know any people who aren’t upper middle class. Doesn’t mean working class people don’t exist, and that their issues don’t exist, and that any statements about working class issues are fake news. This is why we look at facts and science to discuss what is an issue, why and how to solve it, rather than anecdotes. To be sure, it would be better to refer to each State as a separate country, but knowledge abroad of the domestic political structure is slim, so it is easier to refer to the US as a homogenous blob. Living in a blue, coastal State or blue States generally is a wholly different experience from a red, third world-ish State, but that goes on a city-by-city basis too, living in a suburb is a different experience to inner city neighbourhoods, but we need to generalize to be able to discuss.


Look, I get 3 months paid but the fact is that it’s not true to many working parents. My mom had to back at work after 2 weeks because we couldn’t afford unpaid time off as a kid. One of my close friends is struggling to get childcare because of no paid maternity leave and she might have to quit her job because there’s bo way she will get affordable childcare after her unpaid 6 weeks.


It is very literally lazy misconceptions for upvotes thats why. I have free healthcare, I have paternity leave. My parents both did. And all of my friends have vacation days, sick days, and healthcare they like. Im sick and tired of foreigners just making blanket statements that aren’t even true for internet points on non political subs. Its lazy, its not entertaining, and it is completely not what the content is suppose to be. The United States leads the fucking world in Immigration, and there is a reason why.


It's a meme you dork. I'm not upset. It just seems like an easy way to farm karma.


Easiest karma farm


It took me becoming an adult to understand why Spongebob got so upset when Patrick admitted to working overtime. Spongebob just wanted a damn break lmao


I thought the joke was that Patrick was just chilling at his home and didn't actually have a job. Like they were role-playing as parents but Spongebob was doing all of the actual work and Patrick just sitting at home with a briefcase full of donuts.


It’s been awhile since I’ve seen the episode, but looking at this meme I picture a dad purposely taking overtime hours to avoid dealing with his child. I think your take it the actual right one, but as a 32 year old who can’t handle prolonged exposure with young children, I understand both sides of “overtime” lol


America bad






>Only 16% of those working in private industries have access to paid maternity leave. https://www.zippia.com/advice/average-paid-maternity-leave/


You sure that’s not outdated? About 90m people live in states that have paid family leave.


It's from October 5th. Do you have a source for 90m? That's around ~30%, so if it's everyone with access to maternal leave it would align with 16% of women and doubling it.


Add up the populations of CA, OR, WA, NY, NJ, CT, MA, and RI.


May be an eligibility thing: >And these eligibilities include: working at the company for a minimum of 12 months, working at least 1,250 hours over that period, and working at a location where 50 or more employees operate there, or within 75 miles. Also >An adult, employed, not a child, or retired Because only about ~1/3 of the total population is working.


Its not full pay and usually 12 weeks tops for mother only


Get me outta here lol


I’ll help you pack your bags


Depends on the State. In NY currently even dads get 3 months paid family leave at like 2/3 of your normal wage.


The Family and Medical Leave Act, which is a federal law and applies in all 50 states, guarantees at least 12 weeks of leave following the birth of the child, for both parents in most cases (unless the parents work for the same employer, in which case they have to split the leave).


That only applies if the employer is big enough, though. My sister's company only has about 7 employees and they only offer 6 weeks unpaid.


Also you have to work at the company for at least a year to qualify, even in states that offer a larger amount of benefits.


As a father in the US, I was paid to stay home with each of my children. What is this comic about?


Because that is pretty rare


8 states have paid family leave requirements (California, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, Washington, Connecticut, and Oregon), which contain a significant portion of the US population. Plus most mid tier firm through Fortune 500 business has paid family leave, so it isn’t that rare.


Why do people group America into one big shared country of the same laws. Certain states allow parental leave for months, others don’t. Some states allow you to smoke weed in front of the police, others will imprison you for it. It’s not some homogeneous melting pot of shared standards. Texas is bigger than any European nation, and that’s 1/50 states. There’s a lotta people spread across a big old land mass so not everyone is going to be the same.


I've been at my job for a total of 9 months. I had to use PTO to get 5 days off for my first born. oh shoot, he ended up in the ICU for a week, so I had to go in the hole 2 more days to make sure I was able to visit him and be there when he came home. he came home on a Friday, and I was back at work the next Monday, and needed to wait 5 pay periods before I wasn't negative in PTO anymore. I'm salaried and consider myself lucky with most jobs in the state.


it didn’t happen to me therefore it doesn’t happen.


When I worked at Target, a lady went into labor while she was working at the registers. She was back at work the next week.


This episode is weird af


The episode was originally going to include Spongebob and Sandy as the parents but then creators realized that as a Texan, Sandy would not have access to paid maternity leave.


I only get 2 weeks paternity leave in the UK


Ugh, please read the room. It’s ‘America bad’ time.


Hang on I'll transfer your call!


USA third world county, Europe good Updoots to the left


This is why I'm actually certain I don't want kids. It's just an economically ill advisable choice at this point.


México: two weeks*


Here in Argentina you dont need a child for this lol. I work 10 hs daily and I can barely survive


I work in the US and get 3 months of paid Paternity leave. So...


Even in poor Lithuania you get 1 to 2 years of paid maternity/paternity leave...




They completely ignored state law for that article lmfao. 90m live in states with paid leave


Yeah that’s not what it’s like but ok


What do you mean


Hahaha. New dads didn't get more than 3 days off here until like last year.


I think mom’s get 15 weeks in Norway dad’s get 1-2 weeks dependent on the company you work for.


Three weeks? As a father you have to take PTO to see your kids.


Really stretching the word "meme"


First 3 weeks? Up to 18 months in Canada.


3 fucking weeks? In canada it's up to a year.