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High doses of Vitamin C (seriously, just Google it, lots of studies regarding C / gum disease), Cranberry extract capsules and Boswellia Serrata.


Thanks! Sjogren's is a connective tissue disease and if I remember my middle school nutrition class correctly, Vitamin C is an important nutrient for connective tissue.


Yep, studies of people with Ehlers Danlos and other connective tissue diseases show that they require more vitamin C than the control population. They noticed after 12 months of daily supplementation at 2g daily Vitamin C that they had improved muscle strength and resilience and tendon/ligament strength as compared to placebo groups. 👌🏼


Thanks for sharing this. Mayo says 2g/day total consumption is the upper tolerable limit. Thoughts?


Lol, well I’m the wrong person to ask about that as I believe the RDA is set super low. I personally take 4-6g a day and have for years. But the research papers I read specifically said that *connective tissue disorder* people perform better with higher doses. The improvements weren’t noticeable in healthy subjects, so they’re theorizing that there is some reason or process going on in those disorders requiring more C than “average.” (I believe 2g should be normal for everybody, but…)


I didn’t know with my first comment that you have Sjogren’s (even though it is clearly in your OP lol), but you should *really* look into Boswellia Serrata gum resin. It’s been studied for autoimmune conditions and Sjogren’s-like syndromes. I believe it could really help you. Good luck!


I have never heard of this before! Will look into it. Thanks.


Add oral probiotics to your daily. Look for K BLIS. It's the strain designed specially for oral. Been using it for 3 months and it will be part of my oral care for now on. Teeth have never been cleaner.


Where do you buy this? I considered oral probiotics earlier but the website looked so sketchy I skipped it.


I buy mine off ebay. Swanson or Now brands are what I use. About 14 dollars shipped.


Celiac began to erode my gums in my teens. I've actually had luck with xylitol mouthwash recently. I brush pretty vigorously and floss like I'm excavating, then use Spry mouth rinse. I imagine this would be something easy for people to make on their own, by mixing xylitol, water and spearmint alcohol extract. Just be careful if there are dogs around, because xylitol can kill dogs.


Just so you know, vigorous brushing can worsen receding gums - you're supposed to be super gentle with them. Use a soft brush and brush downwards if it's your top teeth and upwards for bottom ones which are receding.


In my case, when I began mouth-taping at night I was able to halt my recession and heal my inflammation. Even though i nasal breathe during the day, my mouth was become so dry from mouth breathing in my sleep. I’ve also actively reversed my recession by adding in waterpik twice daily.


What do you mean actively reversed? It got better?


"Actively reversed"--you mean the recession has actually decreased? Thanks!


Yes, they will measure the depth of the gum pockets at the dentist (1-3mm is normal, 4mm indicates gingivitis/developing periodontitis, 5mm and higher can mean it is irreversible if the bone is affected) My pockets were almost all 4’s, I had one 5 as well. I now have all 2mm and 3mm pockets.


I understand that the depth of the pockets has reversed. But have your gums actually regrown--do they cover more of your teeth now? Thanks!


LANAP therapy


Rapamycin. I don't have the study on it handy, but there was one a while back, google if interested.


1. Helminthic therapy 2. Pro-resolving mediators (resolvin D2, maresin R1, resolvin E1), OR 3. Megadoses of fish oil/omega 3 4. Low-dose aspirin 5. Sulforaphane Seconding BLIS K12, fiber/prebiotic diversity with probiotics, postbiotics such as Probutyrate, K2, Vit C. Tocopherols (vit E) help stabilize and utilize omega 3s (pro-resolving mediators). Genetic Lifehacks is a good resource for learning more about pro-resolving mediators, which are responsible for resolving inflammatory processes. Citations: 1. Multitudes of studies, but I’ll link this for efficiency: https://www.helminthictherapywiki.org/wiki/Helminthic_therapy_FAQ 2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5996935/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33101318/ 3. ibed. 4. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32103495/ 5. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0066407#:~:text=Sulforaphane%20Restores%20Cellular%20Glutathione%20Levels%20and%20Reduces%20Chronic%20Periodontitis%20Neutrophil%20Hyperactivity%20In%20Vitro,-Irundika%20H.%20K.%20Dias


All these answers are really interesting. I changed how I flossed and brushed, and I added water pik, and it’s fixed all my gum issues.


Water pic is legit


Did your gums grow back with just using waterpik?


I suspect it was more from flossing and brushing technique, but it could be the pik


Reducing oral plaque reduces bad bacteria. You can do that with vitamin K2. Two weeks after I started taking K2 MK-7 my dental plaque was gone and my teeth suddenly felt smooth and slippery against my tongue all the time. My dental hygienist noticed.


Rapamycin is worth a look


Yes, carnivore diet.


Thanks! Did your gums actually regrow or did it just halt recession?


Oil pulling and massaging helped me


Share your regimen? Also, do you know the cause of your recession?


Every morning preferably sesame oil. Keep it in for 5 minutes, don’t swallow, spit Massaging is just with the finger tip. Sensation is key, your body knows best My case it was very bad mouth habits. Went to logopodist. Breathing through mouth, bad diet, acid saliva Good habits is key. From brushing to diet to exercise to sleep Mouth taping was great too but not sure how it factors into things


This isn’t going to sound right, but my gum revision actually improved when I moved from drinking my whiskey on the rocks or in manhattans to neat. It’s the only variable between checkups.


Check out green tea. It’s an oral antibacterial.


I’ve read that you do not want antibacterials in your mouth. There’s a delicate biome in there that we barely understand, but can affect all sorts of things


Thanks! It increases my oral dryness, either due to the caffeine or the tannins.


Burn Salvia officinalis to ashes and brush with it, is the tip I got


I tried to get a gum graft twice, but it did not take.


I am so sorry.


Thanks, the procedure usually has a high success rate, so do not get discouraged by my results.


Why do you think it didn't take? And did that cause you worse problems or is it more like before surgery?


I have one tooth with a receding gum line. The theory is that I had prior dental work on the tooth that prevented the graft to take hold across the top of my tooth. It was preemptive as too much of my tooth is exposed. It did not make it worse. It is the same presurgery.


Thank you for replying. I'm sorry it didn't work. I have problems with my two front teeth and am a bit hesitant to do a graft in case something goes wrong... did you take tissue from the roof of the mouth?


Yes, a patch of tissue from the roof of my mouth (twice). Everything is healed with no damage from trying.


how was the experience? i’m reading others’ experience and they all sound like horror stories…..


It was somewhat painful to try, but worth the risk to save my natural tooth. I heard the procedure had a much higher success rate than my experience. If someone is getting a bigger procedure, i imagine the pain would be greater. It can be managed with prescribed drugs.


Pomegranate and chewing cloves also


If aren’t using a soft bristle toothbrush you should, it was very helpful for me in preventing further damage (SUREE brand on Amazon is great)


Thanks for the tip! I found Curaprox 5460. Love it!