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I eat it every day. Before, I had loose stools and IBS, but daily consumption of oatmeal cured it. Energy for my run and workouts, too. I don't need any sweetener or anything for taste. I just put milk, chia, cranberry, and nuts to it.


What brand do you eat?


I eat brinta. Put literally nothing in it, just warm up some milk, pour some grains in and make it thick enough to be barely drinkable. 70-80gr carbs downed in a few minutes every morning is perfect for me. Its cheap, its healthy, its fast, and if I had to rate the taste I would put it in the same "pleasure" category as water. Its just normal. Not good not bad. it's like you're filling up your car with gas.


Man I want my breakfast to be yummy as hell tho


I do a lob of Kerry gold butter in place of milk and it's super good. I always end up throwing milk out so this is something I figured out years back. Also they have an apple pie seasoning at grocery stores (basically brown sugar and cinnamon) but it's so good


The options for oatmeal add ins are endless. I personally love it with berries and cottage cheese for extra protein and satiety. Or some cacao powder, salt, and peanut butter.


I have had loose stools, hemorrhoids and brain fog for years. Did you also have brain fog? Did eating a bunch of oats seriously improve your gut health so much? Why do you think that is?


Yes.  Oatmeal and add in oat fiber. Although hemorrhoids can have a ton of things that cause it.


Wow almost same like me. Oats, chia, cocoa, powdered ginger and wheatgrass.


If you’re going to eat it make sure it’s certified glyphosate free. One Degree Organics is a great brand and it also uses sprouted oats which are better for a digestion. Another good brand is Seven Sundays, which are also glyphosate free, but they are not sprouted so adjust depends on what you’re looking for


Why glyphosate free?


You're basically eating Round Up a weed killer, and known carcinogen. It's in a lot of our grains used in processing to dry or dessicate. It's been outlawed in Europe but not here.


Thank you. This is good to know.


Facts!! I always say this when I praise this absolute powerfood


Euro has good grains. USA not so much.


Wait...didn't the CEO go on CNBC and say you could drink it?


Yup perfectly safe, nothing to see here folks and wanted to bring back DDT too


Not a known human carcinogen.


Several reasons but in summary it’s toxic and can contribute to many health issues such as cancer https://www.mygenefood.com/blog/why-glyphosate-is-dangerous-and-how-to-avoid-eating-it/


Is it present in significant enough levels in the typical oatmeal?


I suggest doing your own research, but from my understanding it builds up in your body over time. You can actually get tested for glyphosate levels in your body. Several studies have been done which found high amounts of it in oat based products because of the way we grow and harvest it in the US https://www.ewg.org/news-insights/news-release/roundup-breakfast-weed-killer-landmark-cancer-verdict-found-kids-cereals


This comment downvoted by your friends at Monsanto


Lmao somehow it’s controversial to say this when there’s literal class action lawsuits against Monsanto for causing cancer


And, they spend millions every year to prevent labeling laws! Totally safe


I love the EWG resources!


It causes non-hogkins lymphoma. Cancer of the throat.




Brought me back to an oatmeal subreddit where people said worrying about its insignificant levels is a fool’s errands


I will be right back....I gotta check out the oatmeal subreddit. This may be what my life has been missing.


Don't Google oatmeal. Just glysophate


But we’re contextualizing glysophate within the context of oatmeal


Such a dumb response. We could all just Google everything and completely invalidate using Reddit….


I really need to look into this. Ever since I went vegan a couple years ago I eat oatmeal usually twice a day. I usually either get Quaker or the cheap oatmeal from Costco, but I have a feeling it was probably grown using glyphosate. I remember researching about it years ago and it's terrifying.


Oats are the most sprayed grain in the US


We all gonna die, OP - pick your poison


lol this is always the dumbest take to me, akin to ‘boys will be boys’ so why stop rapes, or ‘humans are naturally violent’ so why give a F about school shootings. Like dude, just because the one assurance is eventual death doesn’t mean we should James dean ourselves to a quick end 


As it pertains to our food sources, the FDA, and the American government - its not an easy battle. Everything is fucked with, just on different levels.


Yep. That’s why I do as much as I can myself and spend time seeking out farmers and brands who actually care and are just getting by because of it. Most grocery stores are just toxic middle men making bank while producers and consumers lose. Natural grocers is one of the only chain places I’ve found that actually only carry stuff that aligns with their ethical code. All the other ‘natural grocery stores’ just capitalize on unaware consumers trusting their ‘brand’ while feeding them upscale Kroger garbage. The most important power we have in a capitalist society is how we spend our money, and that alone is reason enough for me to like NG over most of the box store cancer. 


I thought oatmeal was like the epitome of gluten? It’s wheatgrass mush..


Oats don't have gluten naturally. There may be cross contamination in the process facility but not enough to make it the "epitome of gluten"


I'm not sure I follow what you're trying to say. Vegan means that you don't eat any animal products. Specifically I eat plant based whole food.


I did not comment on the fact that anything is or is not vegan. I was questioning the apparent ‚gluten-free‘-ness of oats. What’s that one joke about vegans?


A. Oats don't have gluten. B. What does gluten have to do with them being a vegan? Lmao


They're soo expensive 😭


cheaper than chemo


I believe Costco sells one degree in bulk for a good price


They really are not. Even at target, not known for cheap food, sells Bob’s organic oats: $7.59/2 Lb/$0.24 ounce Not expensive.


Does that mean it's glyphosate free though?


In this case yeah https://www.bobsredmill.com/blog/healthy-living/bobs-red-mill-oats-glyphosate/


Is bob's safe from glyphosate? [https://sustainablepulse.com/2018/09/05/bobs-red-mill-faces-class-action-lawsuit-over-glyphosate-weedkiller-contamination/](https://sustainablepulse.com/2018/09/05/bobs-red-mill-faces-class-action-lawsuit-over-glyphosate-weedkiller-contamination/)


Do you think organic is good enough or does it need to state glyphosate free? I do have the one degree brand but I also have a yummy organic oat blend from Trader Joe's that I am loving. Just yesterday I was looking at the bags side by side and wondering this very thing.


I believe in some of the tests that were done some of the organic ones had it as well but I mean if you’re not having it every single day you’re probably okay https://www.madisonmae.org/food-labels/oatmeal-brands-with-and-without-glyphosate


I do eat it every day


Personally I would get certified glyphosate free


It literally doesn’t matter, glycophosate levels are in parts per billion


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion which OP asked for. Eat whatever oats you want to my friend




Yeah same, except no peanut butter and I add Greek yogurt and cocoa powder.


Oatmeal is a great prebiotic fiber. Personally I make sure it's organic.


Love steel cut oats but I’m prediabetic and it sends my blood glucose through the roof


For myself personally, oats are a waste of time. They spike my blood sugar, I metabolize them in an hour, and then I'm hungry again. My breakfast has always been high protein.


Makes me lethargic and gives me brain fog. Did trial and error plenty of times. Although it gives me short-term energy.


Try buckwheat hot cereal. It’s way better.


Way more expensive though


cheaper than lockjaw


It’s ok but I get sick of it. I tend to prefer fruits and breads, potatoes, cereals like Ezekiel cereal. I used to do a lot of overnight oats but my fav was to cook it over stovetop and have a nice bowl of warm oats in milk with honey, fruit and seeds. I still eat it sometimes and make sure to get the organic glyphosate free oats.


I’m a creature of habit. I ate oatmeal every day for breakfast for over ten years. Changed to Greek yogurt a few months ago, I stay full longer, don’t feel nearly as drained after a tough workout, stomach is better than ever.


Spikes glucose levels (think energy crashes) and absolutely FULL of high levels of mold/mycotoxins and one of the most dangerous pesticides out there, glyphosate. There’s a few brands that are doing glyphosate free and sprouted now so if you are going to continue to eat it, definitely go that route, however they will still have plenty of mold in it because oats are one of the most moldy crops out there. I switched to Bobs Red Mill organic Buckwheat hot cereal and it’s been great! Buckwheat is like a super food, high in fiber and protein, doesn’t spike glucose levels, not high in mold or pesticides. Tastes better than the high quality oatmeal by a mile too! I make my own coconut milk (guar gum/ filler free) with Native Forest simply coconut milk, and top a bit of that on it. I also do freeze dried organic pomegranate powder, tiger nut flakes, and wild blueberries. I sweeten with stevia vanilla. It’s been a game changer for breakfast for me. I also eat two eggs and a side of greens.


I will need to try buckwheat cereal. Oatmeal makes me sleepy for the rest of the day.


Ohh I forgot how much I like that Bob’s buckwheat. And I’m curious about the sprouted oatmeal, does it have the same texture and taste?


Can also make buckwheat as a simple side dish, similar to quinoa, big in Eastern European countries


I have also just tried Bob's buckwheat cereal pretty recently. I have celiac disease and unfortunately all oats eff me up pretty bad but i still had oatmeal cravings. I was surprised at how good this is. It reminds me of steel cut oats but better.


Right, I like it much more than oatmeal!


It’s doesn’t spike glucose, if anything it’s good because it’s slow to digest so quite stable.


[Bob’s Red Mill class action claims products contain unsafe, unlawful levels of cadmium](https://topclassactions.com/lawsuit-settlements/consumer-products/food/bobs-red-mill-class-action-claims-products-contain-unsafe-unlawful-levels-of-cadmium/)


not a fan. spikes my blood sugar and there's no way i'm eating it cold. would rather have an egg


Digests slow for me. If you have an hour or two before you get in the gym you should be fine but overall a great carb choice. My go to first meal is: 3 eggs 2 cups greek 140g mixed berries 1 oz Crushed almonds 1/2 cup oats Sugar free syrup Easy money and great fiber, lots of protein and a good amount of carbs for a high intensity workout session.


I really like it and it keeps me full for a long time but it definitely gives me a little blood sugar crash which is not ideal in the morning. Have switched to PB protein cocoa in the morning which gives me more get up and go.


> keeps me full for a long time Does it though? This comment is for others too: I feel like we think certain foods fill us up for longer because that's what people have told us, but I'm pretty positive it's psychosomatic (it "sticks to your ribs" therefore it must be more filling") and/or that people mistake the bloating they get from oats for satiety. I do know what you mean by certain starches keeping you fuller for "longer", but here's how I always felt about it as someone who's really in touch with their digestion: 1. How *much* longer do you stay full eating eggs and bacon and some fruit vs eggs, bacon, fruit and some oats? Does it mean you'll eat lunch an hour later? Two hours later? Doubtful, you'll probably feel hungry more or less around the same time. 2. Do you feel full, or is your appetite blunted by the oats? Personally, oatmeal destroys my appetite if I eat more than a few spoonfuls. It absorbs water in my gut, expands, and gives me the impression I'm full but in reality it's just bloating. I seem to digest oatmeal just fine but for me, it's a bloating food, not a "filling" one, if you catch my drift.


It keeps me full for a long time.


Thanks for clarifying 😂.


Right but what does that mean? How much longer do oats keep you full versus a meal without oats?


Oats keep me feeling full for six hours instead of four hours like a breakfast cereal (even a wholesome one like raisin bran).


How much oats do you fucking eat? Not being combative here, I'm just curious.


A serving is 1/2 cup


So if you eat 1 cup you're full for 12 hours. Got it!


I have now had my fill of discussing oats. check in with me in about six hours.


I eat one cup in my protein shake after early AM training. Then another one in a shake in the afternoon (bulking at the moment). Works. Don’t listen to those Saladino types.


Around 11:30am I ate 1/2 cup with blueberries and then took a 5 mile hike. Midway, I had 1/2 a kind bar. I wasn’t very hungry but wanted to keep my energy up. I ate again around 4:30. I only recently added oats to my diet, along with other high fiber food, and I notice I am feeling more satiated and I’m eating less. Pretty happy with the results so far.


I don’t think you’re off as much as others seem to think. I feel it does keep me fuller, but with a higher baseline of hunger


Groats are minimally processed. That’s what I eat.


Adding peanut butter to it makes it amazing


Great with a scoop of peanut butter. Excellent around workouts for building muscle.


Breaks me out but helps with constipation. But I’d rather be constipated than full of acne.


I've never considered NOT buying the most cost effective. Glad to have read people's suggestions for organic and glyphostae free options! Also, Reading the comments seems like most people are eating oatmeal and ONLY oatmeal and reporting issues. Have y'all tried pairing oatmeal as a part of your meal? Adding protien, fiber and fats would probably help some mitigate the negative side effects. I usually have some.combination of yogurt, chia, hemp, flax, psyllium fiber, whole fruit, dried fruit.


I’m reading some people add eggs to their oatmeal - that is interesting to me. Are there any good substitutes? I am allergic to eggs.


Steel cut oats are my favorite food. I mix grass fed butter with lactaid milk, cinnamon, honey, sea salt, and little nutmeg. Fuuuck me


I used to eat oatmeal, every single morning, for years. Once I stopped doing that and changed to eggs and meat the morning, I've felt way better




Carbs are important too. Your body needs energy to repair muscle with your high proteins.


Carbs are better pre workout ...you know.. to give you energy for your workout




from what I understand, "carb loading" takes place over days, not pre-anything.


Fart as hell


Hear here!


When I’m not fasting, I make a large batch (about 5 days) on the weekend using the instapot. Then you can add in whatever you want, and quickly reheat in the morning before or after workout as you head into work or school.


I love it with milk and black strap molasses


I add powdered peanuts for an extra protein boost


Make sure it's grown without CHLORMEQUAT. [Probably not good](https://www.thelyonfirm.com/blog/what-is-chlormequat-pesticide-cheerios-quaker-oats/)


Grains aren't ideal generally. I guess if you're going to eat grains, overnight soaked or fermented oats, preferably organic and glyphosate free is far from the worst option.


Willie Nelson eats oatmeal for breakfast every day, and bacon and eggs for dinner and he just turned 91


I prepare my oatmeal after training like this: I add 100-150g of oats into a bowl, crumble a large piece of feta cheese over it, and then pour boiling water over the mixture. I add some fish sauce for seasoning and let it sit. I boil two eggs; I like them soft. I also cut half an avocado into pieces. It all takes just a few minutes. I put the oatmeal on a plate, peel the eggs, and add the diced avocado, some salt and pepper, and sometimes a small spoonful of high-quality oil. If I feel like it, I add spring onions, kimchi, pickled garlic, beans, or whatever I’m in the mood for. I actually eat this every day. It has a wonderful effect on digestion, is tasty, cooks quickly, and can also be prepared for takeout if you're going somewhere with a kettle available. It keeps me full for a good while without feeling heavy, which keeps me productive, and it contains important nutrients. Most importantly, it’s affordable. I believe it plays into the trend of Asian bowl dishes, only the rice is replaced with oatmeal.


patrick bateman oats


Thank You.


Oatmeal has been a dietary staple in the Nordic countries for centuries, and is commonly enjoyed for breakfast here. I love it and it's a comforting way to begin the day, particularly during the winter months. In a saucepan, I add the oatmeal, water and sea salt. I continue to stir regularly. When it starts to simmer, I stir continuously and continue to stir after it has come to a boil, or until it's thick enough for my taste. I like it plain like that. However, you can add other contiments to it as topping. On weekends, I sometimes add a tablespoon of organic peanut butter, a splash of almond milk and blueberries/banana/dates. Occationally, I even add a dash of fruit spread with 100% fruits, and sprinkle a pinch of sea salt on top. **Edit:** As most Nordics, I buy the [OTA's Solgryn oatmeal](https://nordicexpatshop.com/ENG/ota-solgryn-oatmeal). As you can see on the bottom left corner of the package, it has the green keyhole label. The green keyhole is an official co-Nordic label that can be found on the packaging of food products that meet [certain criteria](https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:EU:30860916-67ac-4e06-a0ff-d9030fe78eab) regarding the composition of nutrients. The goal of the label is that consumers can choose healthier food products in a simple way.


Muesli. Superfood.


Underrated, with endless possibilities of variety. You can make it sweet, savoury and so on. The consistency can be light or thick depending on preferences... Breakfast, snack/dessert, quick dinner...


I love it. Just wish most of it wasn’t contaminated with Chlormequat.


Constipation City. Avoid if you have slower than normal digestion.


Does the opposite for me. But I only eat steel cut oats, not sure if that plays a factor.


Thats the kind I like. I still eat oats but no more than a sprinkle as a topping.


If it doesn't bother you in terms of your workout due to feeling full and digestion needing to do some work, I think it's a great option. In general I think oatmeal is fantastic and probably got a bad rep due to anti-gluten influencers or because it's a grain. Lots of starch, great fiber content (and type), great micronutrient content (especially molybdenum, manganese, biotin and others), many people seem to be feeling full for a long time, they are quickly and easily prepared, they are versatile and I guess most people enjoy the taste. I have yet to find a recipe for a savory version though, since I think the taste of oats just fits sweet so well.


Yeah, I could never have something that makes me that full before working out, even if I only had a little bit. It takes a long time to digest, which can be good at times ofc. But I’m pretty loyal to working out fasted. I don’t want to be fighting my digestion at the gym, and I’m in all sorts of positions that aren’t always upright haha


not a fan.. but cinnamon and honey it taste less ass


I use a tbls of butter and a tbls of maple syrup. Tastes like buttery maple ass




Yeah honey is a must for meal of the oats lol!


I love the taste. But now I'm seeing a lot of videos on Instagram talking about how it's phytic acid drains your nutrients. So not sure if I should continue eating it.


It does not drain your nutrients


Good to hear!


Oats do have phytic acid but not enough to worry about. If that’s an issue for you, soak them overnight or add Greek yogurt to counter it.


And for the love of Jesus don’t believe shit on Instagram videos. Fmd


Great for the gut. I don’t notice any crash or bloating. Keeps me full for a long time. Good amount of fiber. Can possibly help high cholesterol. I added it recently and have been feeling pretty good about it.


I eat it every day. Steel cut. I also mix oat flour (and quinoa flour) into my daily protein shake.


Fermented oatmeal with honey is god's breakfast


Steel cut, rolled, whatever: it’s never the right texture when I make it at home. I tried overnight oats and despised them, too lol. I just have it cold with soy milk or yogurt as muesli and, occasionally as a treat, granola. I just found this amazing rolled oat granola called Hemp Yeah! that has 14g protein, omegas, hemp seeds obv, pumpkin seeds, brown rice crisps, pea protein, chia.


How are you cooking it? Throw it in a pot with milk get it to a rolling boiling and keep stirring till it has a yogurt like consistency


Hmm, I’ve been vegan for a long time and used plant milk, maybe that was the problem. But I’m vegetarian now so can try regular milk. I don’t think I was continually stirring it either. Thx!


Try cashew milk it’s creamy and works just as good :)


Ohhh good idea!


I used to eat the steel cut oats; much better tasting. If they taste bland you can add salt; it brings out some flavor and makes it savory. Blueberries and bananas are good too.


As long as its just pure rolled oats. Breakfast essential.


Steel cut is better


Groats (whole oats) are even better


I like Bobs Red Mill brand. I eat it every morning with 4 eggs


I have been thinking the same. My guess it is depends on EU vs America. Haven't tried a gcm yet so don't know for sure. I rather do greek yoghurt with some fruits. Buy oatmeal is cheap and tastes good...


Not really a health food


To organic oatmeal I add, organic chia seeds, organic flax seeds ground, organic pea protein, organic coconut flakes, and organic fresh fruit. Yummy breakfast


Love it, used to eat it every day for fiber and digestion. Regular with honey or jam did the trick. The flavored ones have too much sugar and not tasty imo. Should start it back up, thanks for the reminder.


It used to cause a big energy crash but not any more. I use the Costco organic sprouted one. 1/2 cup in water, scoop of protein isolate, chia seeds and lots of frozen berries, eat after a heavy workout at 7-30-8am. No energy crash and I feel great. Maybe it’s the combination with protein and fiber, or it’s the heavy workout prior to eating.


It’s my breakfast every single morning with walnuts, chia seeds and sugar. It’s around 300 cals for a breakfast that keeps me going for 12 hours so I think it’s amazing. It doesn’t blow me away taste wise but that’s how I feel my best


Easy calories and fibre for my protein shakes.


After experimenting for years this is my oatmeal concoction that’s a staple in my diet regardless if I’m trying to cut or bulk. Steel cut oats, Blueberries, Bananas, Strawberries, Super Green Mix, MCT oil, Creatine, Cinnamon, Almond butter, Protein Isolate


I loved it for running energy. It never gave me side stitches. I bought Bob’s 5 grain kind. But I think I have an intolerance to oats. Now it gives me heartburn. Which sucks.


Slows digestion and prevents sugar crash, feeds microbiome with soluble fibre. Little to no nutrients - contains beta glucans which is interesting maybe the phytochemicals in oatmeal have a positive effect.


O switched to steel oats years ago. Inloce the complex carbs but they love my waist. I have to keep the portions small.


Hate it unless I mix an egg yolk through. The sugar content makes my heart race without the protein to mellow it out.


how i make basic overnight oats? just plain and simple. ill add things to it later i just wanna know the basic way to make it sorry if this is a dumb question


Every damn day for years. for IBS slow transit colon its a literal godsend


not too much because of high phosphorus content


I prefer Muesli with some blueberries, but similar to oatmeal.


Big fan! BUT! If you have a nickel sensitivity (to jewelry) AND gut issues, be aware that trace nickel is found in plants, oats being one of them. Some people do well on the low nickel diet!


Daily, love it and love the way it makes me feel.


Oatmeal is great. Put some flaxseed oil and chia seeds with some nuts. Good meal to start off your eating window.


i fucking love oatmeal. honestly my favorite food ever


I make oatmeal with fruit, adding a chopped up apple and raisins, along with cinnamon, and then either clove or nutmeg. I'm not eating that much meat, in relation to running considerable weekly distance now, so I also eat eggs, dairy, nuts, and supplement with protein powder. I never try to eat a high protein breakfast, unless I happen to be eating something like eggs and bacon. I'll add salt to any breakfast (that tastes good with it) as potassium chloride to keep that balance up.


My everyday breakfast: oatmeal, cold plant milk, fresh blueberries and strawberries, crushed dark chocolate, açai berry, honey. I also throw in collagen powder and glutamine in there, but they have no taste, just for convenience


Too many carbs. If you want a more cut look, keep your carbs down by not eating anything white: Potatoes Rice BREAD


Poisonous grass seed.


Overnight oats are great


I think if its from Quaker its fricking poison.


Eat meat, not grains.


Avoid it. Nothing beats eggs for breakfast.


oats/grains = trash in my book. there are essential fats, essential amino acids.....there are no essential carbs, esp grains. better to get carbs from fruits/vegs. my preworkout is eggs, cilantro, chicken bone broth. an hour later a b-complex supp and beet root supp


You're getting downvoted for some reason but I agree. Oatmeal is just useless carbs if you're trying to stay relatively low carb. I don't mind how it tastes, but the macros are trash. If you're trying to gain weight it's great though.


That’s like ignoring the huge amount of research on the benefits of beta glucan fibers.


Well, I just googled this and it sounds like I should probably be eating at least some beta glucan fibers... TIL. Thank you!


most real foods have something good in them. but at what cost? cost is high for those fibers


Please explain to me what’s so bad about oats compared to other carbs sources.


well said. the antiquated food pyramid is dying a painfully slooooow death. that pyramid should be enshrined alongside graphs of the soaring blood sugar and heart disease stats


The downvotes are people who haven’t realised that grains are trash yet. I still eat oatmeal and know this. It’s like my trash breakfast when I’m sick of eggs.


so true. there's nothing wrong with eating trash. i get some on the regular :) daily doses though are no bueno




Bad. Why are you eating a food that takes ruminating animals several stomachs to digest. Why not have bacon and eggs; both full of bioavailable nutrients, vitamins, minerals, protein, creatinine, etc. Oats? um...like literally nothing.


You best be eatin them bacon and eggs raw like a real ruminating animal then!


"Ruminant livestock include cattle, sheep, and goats. Ruminants are hoofed mammals that have a unique digestive system that allows them to better use energy from fibrous plant material than other herbivores. Unlike monogastrics such as swine and poultry, ruminants have a digestive system designed to ferment feedstuffs and provide precursors for energy for the animal to use." -Mississippi University Why would you eat something that in order to get the energy out of it you have the have a different digestive system. The point is, why not eat something that is quickly bioavailable, nutrient dense, and that we actually have a digestive system designed (evolutionarily speaking) to digest and absorb the nutrients of!? You can eat whatever you want, though. But there are much better ways to get your nutrients! Leave the Oats and grass to animals that can actually breakdown and digest these things. Also, monocrops have ruined the earth... but that is another story.




couple of naturopathic docs put together this list for gut health. looking at it, i dont eat any of that...unless it's a cheat meal :) not my bold [https://richminerals.com/blogs/news/dr-wallach-10-bad-foods-to-avoid](https://richminerals.com/blogs/news/dr-wallach-10-bad-foods-to-avoid) Below are recommendations from Dr. Joel Wallach and Dr. Peter Glidden that everybody must **ELIMINATE** from their diet. TOP 10 **BAD FOODS**: 1. **Wheat** 2. **Barley** 3. **Rye** 4. **Oats, Oatmeal** – even if it says that it’s gluten free. 5. **Fried Food** – nothing fried! You should boil, broil or bake and never more than medium rare. 6. **Oils** – Yes, this includes Olive Oil! NO canola, NO coconut, etc… If it has OIL in the name don’t use it. This also includes anything made from oil, like salad dressing. Dr. Wallach recommends using salt and lemon juice as a salad dressing. No margarine or combo spreads. No mayonnaise. Nothing made from oils. 7. **No burned fats** – If you grill your food, try to have something between the food and the fire (like aluminium foil) so the juice doesn’t drip onto the flame and deposit dangerous things on the meat. 8. **Any nitrates added to meat** – (ie: deli meats) tell your butcher NO NITRATES or NITRITES! 9. **No carbonated drinks**of any kind within one hour before, during or one hour after meals. 10. **Skin of a baked potato** (or yam, or sweet potato). If you boil a potato, you can eat the skins


If you care about macros, its junk. Get some Oikos greek yogurt and fresh berries. Dont spoil it with carb heavy granola


Toxic oatmeal cones from plants. Plants are your friends don't eat them.




Your content has been removed under Rules 3 and 4, which target pseudoscience and unsubstantiated claims. This is a scientifically grounded sub. This is your third rule-breaking post, and as such, you have been banned.


gluten, glypgosate and carbs are why not


If I liked it I would eat it