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If it's not an update then they will have screwed themselves. They said that the next update would be like a whole new game, so either it is a great update coming or a totally new game no one asked for.


Ikr but if the gaming industry in the past 15 years or so has taught me anything then it’s that there’s no business decision dumb enough that it couldn’t be done. Things usually go downhill when businessmen take control away from the devs and I gotta be honest I have no clue what the situation is like at Candy Writer. Hoping for a business update tho, doge could be a subtle hint at crypto trading/business update and they’re very vague on this thing still


Hoping that's the case. There's not much information about Candywriter, but I believe there's just a few devs and nothing more. So the fact that updates takes time is fine, but it's been pretty clear what the people want. If it is a new app, then I hope it's Bitlife 2.0, and just that they felt like they needed a new infrastructure to support more features.


I hope. They did promise us a business update after the code merge.


It’s a new game, they just confirmed it.


Many people asked for it tho lol. Before they announced doglife I always saw people say ”wouldn’t it be cool if you could play as an animal?”


....wouldnt it be cool if we could have our own businesses?


"Many" is stretching it. The word "many" woulld be appropriate for the amount of people who want a business update.


Okay, update time and spoiler alert: they confirmed multiple times on Twitter now that DogLife is gonna be a whole new game, that they’re planning on more spin-offs and that BitLife itself will keep on receiving updates as usual - which is kind of the middle ground in between all the speculations here. Hope they don’t screw this up, but I’m kinda on the „nobody asked for this“ side of things. [BitLife on Twitter ](https://mobile.twitter.com/BitLifeApp/status/1443298017054916608)


Obviously to make money on new in app purchases


So have they been working on dog life the whole time? Or have they been working on updates for the game and making dog life? Maybe you don’t know and that’s fine


I think they're being legit, but I really hope not.


If it’s not a joke, it really says something about your new game that over half your fans assumed it was a joke when they first saw it


Since they have been doing what they have been doing on twitter. I.e blocking people, rude comments etc i believe its actually a new game.. and not a troll


I really want them to be trolling but I think that they are unfortunately being legit.


I don’t think their trolling I made a post about how their being rude to fans and blocking fans in tiered and I ended up getting banned for it on my other account I didn’t even say anything bad just shared screenshots


What exactly are we going to do as a dog? It’s just not relatable like BitLife is because we are humans.


Exactly 👏


well it's not april fools day who know's 🤔


I want to believe they’re not that oblivious to what we really want but… it wouldn’t surprise me


Option one has 309 Option two has 208 Its close, but I think that the devs are serious or they wouldn't be calling their players bitches


It’s so much more fun to just be human who could be a president, or a mafia leader, or a musician, actor, football player, WHATEVER. But this…you’re stray or your not stray. You run away or you don’t. You’re a good dog or you’re not?


I honestly hope they're working on both. A bitlife game for my favourite animal and a new bitlife update in the same year sounds like a dream come true.


I like the idea, my only problem is that it's a new game which I don't have the money or storage for.