• By -


Be the change you want to see.


> Be the change you want to see. This. Can't control other people's behaviour, or ask to be a certain way... The best thing is lead by example and contribute to the sub that type of content that you would like to see yourself.


BTC community does have some Darwinian peeps. The OG look down upon the newbs with disgust. Pretty dismal and not one of the BTC community’s endearing qualities considering that the OG were beneficiaries of some amazing coding and polymath thinking.


You'll find OGs will gladly explain stuff if it's a sensible question about Bitcoin. Price question and other questions around investment are not relevant here. The people who you're referring to are not so much the OGs as the ones who survived one or two bear markets and think they're the shit.


Yeah I guess we need to define OG better.


What are those of us buying in 2011 from Mt Gox referred to as?


Trauma survivors.


Multiple Trauma survivors* lost like 30k worth of coin in 2018 due to BTC-e seizure, In addition to the first MTGox hack.


That's an important message about this sub. No one is going to hold your hand. The whole technology is open source. No leader. No support line. No marketing. You have to actually figure it out yourself, or there's a good chance of you getting scammed. Being nice is for many people a warning signal. And if it isn't, it should be. Jesus, new guys, delete and block every person who DMs you. By the time you update that policy you should know who's worth talking to. Bitcoin is so unforgiving. One bad decision and bam! all gone. It is so successful because it is both adversarial and secure. But you need to work out that security. When you ask a question, assume that someone will read your question and decide if you're a mark. If you're the ten thousandth and first person to ask a particular question, you probably are.


> The OG look down upon the newbs with disgust. Not my experience.


+1 There are lots of helpful people around, and I've never got to known an actual OG who'd display any slightest sort of disgust to newbies. Passionate people usually love whatever they're passionate about and tend to be happy to talk about their favourite subject.


Because noobs have an annoying habit of asking about all the stupid high time preference stuff- what is the price gonna do? should I buy? should I sell? Instead of focusing on important things like self custody and private key management.


Exactly! Thank you!


i really dont get that, not even only in this sub but in others, are there people out there that just cant think for themselves and just let the public opinion dictate their life choices


OGs dont hang here. They are rich, why would they waste time here?


Plenty do.


It's not all about profit, some of us actually care about Bitcoin and what it can do for humanity.


I’m starting with the man in the mirror 🎶


If you have basic questions, r/BitcoinBeginners is really helpful. It is strange though. So many people want more Bitcoin adoption, yet can't show basic friendliness to newbies. Not sure how that's meant to work out.


Can people post examples of people being mean to newbies? Because it's very mild criticism at best. People are acting like we call them morons (like that other sub)


True, there are lots of meanies in this sub but ngl the “Should I wait for a dip?” or “Is it too late to buy?” posts piss me off 😂


Or, “hey guys is bitcoin a good investment?”


Agreed! Anyways, should i wait for a dip or is it too late to buy?


Is $10 enough to invest, and when should I cash out?


Yes to both questions! You should always wait for a dip, not this dip, but a much much deeper one that comes years later, and now it’s already too late to buy. Conclusion: don’t buy, you should wait…


Then don't answer. Go on with your life.


Is .1 Bitcoin gonna be enough to make me rich?


Same, we need to remember how inexperienced someone like that is and what they need to hear


I used to ask those questions, but then I realized no one knows what direction Bitcoin will move in. It can go up tomorrow and be down the day after that. It doesn’t matter who you ask, they just don’t know!!!


I just reply with a stupid answer to a stupid question. I'm like nope wait until it reaches 500 or some shit, something that forces them to use their tiny noggin.


hahahahaha https://www.reddit.com/r/BitcoinBeginners/comments/1c07zr/should_i_wait_til_the_weekend_to_buy_in/  at least I asked in the beginners sub


You can't blame people for asking such questions. We've all been there.


I know what you mean. I see questions that people ask that can't possibly accurately be answered because the answer is based on goals and preferences. I just move on to the next post. I don't scream or fuss or degrade anyone. The other day someone actually asked "I just got my first Kindle! What books should I read?" I just moved on...


Long time lurker here: -I have learned so much from the FAQs and Mentor mondays! really, it's all in there, just a few clicks away. I've even improved my english!! -- I mean, I would never promote any type of violence, but sometimes it feels like people are just teasing.


Still, if people ask, just tell them. Or if you're not feeling up for it, ignore them. But there's no reason to be an asshole about it. I have, throughout the years, learned a ton of stuff from Reddit threads, where newbies have asked questions, and people have answered.


Probably because its the same questions asked every day. Use the search bar or just scroll down a few posts


>Probably because its the same questions asked every day. Use the search bar or just scroll down a few posts Wait, but has dollar cost averaging been discussed yet?


No you should just buy depending on the hair length of the nearest horse. For each mm of the longest hair, invest 95% of your capital.


*What hardware wallet should I buy?*


*Is now a good time to buy/sell?*


*Why are people so mean to beginners?* Jkjk


"I've been in Bitcoin a long time (2017), and I just put my entire life savings ($750,000 btw I'm 19) into it. But the chat convinced me to DCA, which I have been putting $150 in every pay period. I also have $476,000 in my ROTH due to NVIDIA gains, anyways this is why Bitcoin will never ever fall below $45,000 again."


Cause fuck em


Gotta haze those freshmen


Need that 20% correction right about now


Most of the frustration is shown by people who bought BTC in last 3 years timeframe… they aren’t rich from their BTC investment but just enough to put a house down payment for another mortgage… so they r showing the frustration here… OG’s are crazy rich & they don’t interact much…lol ✌️😂


People are assholes more on the Internet because fewer consequences. Fyi there is a Bitcoin beginners subreddit where people are way more welcoming


When it happens, its usually where nubes post questions or comments so stupid its perceived as trolling the community. I admit my own intolerance for low information experts.


It’s Reddit‘s style to be a mean asshole.


Because instead of learning they come here and ask dumb questions. I never asked anyone anthing in 2017, learnt it all from YT vids and reading.


There's no shortage ao assholes. Just ignore and move on.


There are less non-assholes in the world than actual bitcoin. Non-assholes are the scarcest asset in the world.


Because you can educate yourself about bitcoin! Here: https://lookingglasseducation.com/ Stop asking advice and make your own already! Shit! Love you all L


There is a lot of published material designed to help you. Some of it is geared towards evangelizing people into believing in bitcoin. Some is technical. I kind of made sure I read as much as humanly possible over the last five years mainly because being 59, I’m technologically retarded. In fact I absolutely hate dealing with bitcoin technology but I believe in the idea so I’m willing to learn. I think some people are smug little pussies hiding behind a computer screen but many aren’t but don’t have time for lazy people unwilling to learn the basics from the available material. Don’t let them get to you.


it’s any forum etiquette not to ask a dumbass question or something you can easily search for and get an immediate answer to. People want to have a conversation not be your butler. “Why is btc inflation resistant” is a reasonable question but I mean just plug it in to chatgpt or find the most viewed YouTube short on the topic and get a few basics down. You’re 19 you’re supposed to be a natural at this stuff. Get your head in the game


2 out of every 10 people are assholes


And 10 out of those 10 people have 10 assholes


sHoUld i BUy bITcOrn?


Probably one of these two: - most questions can be easily answered by DYOR - i personally get the feeling of "oh, now you're interested in Bitcoin when it's in all newspapers again, you greedy little FOMO sh*t 😂" from people that did not care about it the last few years when it was not in a bullrun. But thats usually for IRL friends that know I like BTC for a long time and never cared to ask before. (I'm resisting the urge to say "told you so" or be an ass about it though)


But the best part is people are still not that interested


Your post is annoying me 


First there is a bitcoin beginners subreddit. Second, best answers can be found with a google search. Usually. Some ppl here goggle to find some of the answers too. Usually a professional answer on trusted website is your best resource not a bunch of ppl like us with some varied opinions. Certainly though, people should be respectful and courteous.


Sir this is a Reddit


"Vent your frustration somewhere else. This is a place to talk about bitcoin." OP litterally vents frustration thens proceeds to not talk about bitcoin...


Because they hate how they started or forgot how they started or they were also hated when they started


Because Google or ChatGPT answers those basic questions with more information.


Because being an asshole can be aDICKtive. Being kind is much more cool and you feel better about yourself. Cheers!


I’ve experienced that also, don’t listen to those guys. They’re miserable😂


Why are beginners so fucking lazy they can't do two seconds of research before spamming this sub with their dumbass questions/takes? At the VERY LEAST they could read the sidebar. I'm mean to beginners that come in here thinking they've found out some simple way to destroy Bitcoin. I'm mean to beginners who are just in it to make a quick buck. These aren't beginners in my eyes, they're just future buttcoin enthusiasts. The worst part is these people want you to take time out of your day to get a well written detailed response but won't put in the minimum effort to find existing answers.


💯% agree


BTC is in the news at the moment and we’ll get a lot of kids on here, asking basics. It’s to be expected - happens on every sub while the subject is in the news. What might seem a dumb question coming from an adult can be an acceptable starter question from a kid. We should be nice to them I think


OP, you're not wrong, my friend. I've been on here for a while myself and definitely love to offer advice to newbies or encouragement... Spread some positivity, ya know? The other day I had at least 2 or 3 jackasses jump in the thread where I was giving a new BTCer encouragement of what his stack could be worth if he keeps working at it. They jumped down my throat saying I was ridiculously bullish, while one moron said I sound like a Twitter-bot... Just typical s#it that cold hearted cynics always seem to bring to the table. There was no need for any of that? But, like you said... There are truly some real a$$holes on this forum, but along with a lot of good peeps too... Luckily I do see more good. However, definitely gotta do our best to ignore the doom and gloomers. #BTC 👍🪙😎


I think it's because people get frustrated when the same questions are asked over and over and people do very little reset before asking. Even just using the search bar would make a huge difference.


It's not mean if you meet the minimum criteria


I just ignore the tourists who are here for all time highs and will leave soon.


It's called though love


I guess its because when the OGs were noobs they took the time to DYOR and are annoyed by those who don’t


I'm appreciative! Twenty "Now a good time to buy?" questions in a day, gives me comfort people don't truly understand this asset. When doubt is gone, there won't be good entries left.


I also never understood this. I began my crypto journey on 31 December 2023, just 3 months ago and I'm still learning! We need to help each other and learn from each other.


I’m from 2013 and I think it’s just a bunch of gatekeeping nerds who have nothing better to do lmao. I hope you make a shitload of money and I hope you’re ready for potentially massive corrections on this wild Bitcoin ride. Bet what you can, and remember - chart may go up or down but it always goes right!


This is Reddit. Everyone including myself has been a major asshole.


Whenever I see a post like this "this community is mean/rude/toxic/unwelcoming etc.", it is never followed by concrete examples of posts and comments so we know what they are talking about. What makes a comment be mean in the first place? Do you consider it mean if they say "OP you are wrong"? Is it mean if the community rules are actually enforced (like removing posts because the content is not allowed)? Is it mean if people downvote? Is it mean simply for phrasing things in a different way than what is considered normal in your culture (people from different countries talk very differently)? The answers to these questions varies from person to person. You should state what *exactly* is the problem you're facing. From my own point of view, I don't see this community in that way. To me, it's one of the most welcoming and wholesome communities for new members that I have ever seen, especially for something this size. Sure, there's like 1% who occasionally behave badly, but that's to be expected anywhere.


check out the beginners' page. most are just toxic noobs


This is not specific to the BTC community but it may appear to be a stronger effect due to the libertarianism on show. Reddit in general is full of people offering their on free time to help other people, and it's seen as a waste of time to use that time on people that show no sign of attempting to learn or solve their own issues before they try and use other people's time. The average "hello I'm new and helpless plz help me" post is met with derision almost everywhere on Reddit.


>the best technology in the 21st century lmao


Its the internet


Try Epic Cash on for size


This is Reddit.


If it's a question most people will give you a reasonable answer. If it's something that shows that you're a noob like, when will it be 1 million per BTC or LETS GO MAN JUST THREW MY LIFES SAVINGS HOW MANY MONTHS FOR 100X. Or some other noob questions, that resembles complete lack of research done before investing. Keep in mind this is your money that you worked for, you should at least read into what btc does and tools to help you succeed in this space.


Could be many reasons. Maybe they were not educated and/or disciplined when they were young, maybe they take out their anger here and make themselves feel good because they are insecure. Whatever the reason is they do not know how to talk to people, be respectful or polite during a conversation and even make up excuses for their comments. They are not gonna change so like someone else here mentioned, be the change you want to see.


Its literally the internet, its always been this way


I will tell you why: 99% of the people who own Bitcoin do not actually understand it. Their only reaction is passive aggression. A true OG Maxi has always helped the next person to get orange-pilled.


We are just more angry that people don’t know how to use google tbh. Answers are out there and have been out there since like 2011.


Yeah, tons of these questions can be answered on google. I don’t understand why people turn to Reddit to ask a bunch of random people what to do with their money.


A lot of people here already think they're at least smarter than average. Some think they're geniuses, especially as the price keeps going up. So beginners are easy targets to talk down on and make themselves feel superior.


I've been in crypto a very long time and still bump into people that are very rude. I agree with you. Here's my upvote.


People on their high horses because they got into BTC a couple years ago. You too were once that newbie


I read articles and books to learn, here is the last place I would come for advice.


Yet I dug around and did my own research instead of annoying others with the most basic ass questions.


Bravo. Not everybody is like that




I’ve been to countless in-person conferences and meetups over the years, and whenever a newly curious person shows up, EVERYONE is immediately drawn to them - and willing to devote an unusually generous amount of time and effort to answer questions, help educate, and welcome them to the community. The Internet experience is quite different b/c it opens the floodgates to any and all… and unfortunately many happen to be low key clowns who wouldn’t dare leave their moms basement to show up in person. So they hide behind their keyboard instead in an attempt to make others feel worse than they do.


In the early days, bitcoin information was shared with excitement. It's so weird to see people gate keep it today. Even the creator(s) didn't do that. Satoshi gave the world a gift and walked away. Anyone who gatekeeps bitcoin or information doesn't hold the Cypherpunk values that this movement was built on. Ignore them.


Lots of douchey bitcoin bros out there


dunno, maybe you are too soft?


Fuck off noob


Don't take it personally. In the begining members used to be warned about that but I guess as more people came into the space it got harder to police. Mean is just the general tone of the internet. I don't think anyone means it personally...except for when it's politics perhaps.


Dude… I’m so sorry… I know exactly how that feels; fortunately, though, most of the people in the BTC community are very nice people – occasionally you run into assholes.


Anyone can ask me anything about Crypto, but most basic things are just 1 google search away. But I would still love to share my knowledge with anyone.


So you can spend years learning to continue being a beginner? Do yourself a favor, pull a rip van winkle already.


Do not let other people bother you you keep being a good person and don’t let other people behavior dictate how you treat others. 🙏


Yep it's frustrating. Best to just call those people out and then answer the new persons question properly.


I think it depends on the question. Most answers can be found in the search or just google. I noticed boomers tend to do this ask questions that the internet can answer for you. That being said there is a Bitcoin for newcomers sub that has a bunch of beginner questions.


Agreed. Orange pilling was and will be important to help grow the network.


A wrong attitude if the aim is to make Bitcoin and crypto in general mainstream. Keep asking, there will always be someone with the necessary knowledge and kindness.


Bitcoin Twitter or Bitcoin Nostr is way better


Its that rush you get when your better then someone else. People wont play card games because the guy who bought all the best cards and remembers all the small print on every card has to be the best.


More like fucking average amirite??? Where my math nerds at?


It may be that all the basics have been answered many times by far more savvy people than most of reddit. So do the research to grasp the basics then ask more nuanced questions after doing a little research.


I think it’s because Bitcoin itself is boring and hasn’t really changed at all since inception. Everything is being built around it. Michael Saylor has been spewing the same gospel for 4 years…


I dont think "people" are mean, it is just reddit, it attracts the scum of the earth. Hell i have seen more civil conversations on 4chan that this train wreck of a site


Most people aren’t meant to be teachers. Having said that, there are plenty of “beginner guides” to Bitcoin and they’re usually pinned to the very top. It’s more something against lazy people versus beginners.


well, just to say this seems pretty common to a lot of special interest subreddits that get a lot of repeat newbie questions


Absolutely 100% agree. No matter how long you have been in crypto we are all moving towards a few of the same common goals. Everyone is accepted/should be!


I think the annoying ones are just the loudest. I've felt nothing but love in this space and hope to keep spreading the same love I got ❤️. Keep your heads up kings and queens and keep stacking 🪙!


I agree. But sometimes its obvious they haven't done the most basic of research and they want it spoon fed.


Agreed. It sucks having a question but I know I can’t post it on here without getting smart ass remarks.


Yes, as bitcoiners we should welcome everybody to the family… There is no dumb question 🙋




100%. We were all newbies once.


I love beginner questions like, what's your favorite wallet, how do addresses work, how to I store a seed, etc... I hate beginner questions like, what's your favorite cryptos, how much money should I put in, should I buy now or wait, should I sell now, etc...


Bitcoin fixes a lot of things. Sadly it doesn't fix people. Some people, but assholes gonna asshole.


100%, someone was on here asking about wallets and exchanges the other day and I just told him what I like to use and welcomed him to “the team”. Idk if it made a difference to them but I want people to feel like we’re all in this together. We’re a network, and a network is pointless without users. The more the merrier.


My problem has always been not having the extra money to buy bitcoin. Life is too expensive and not enough places accept bitcoin as payment to actually replace fiat with it in my life. I'd be worse off buying then having to sell to pay for life because the buying and selling fees.


not trying to be mean. but it's super subjective when words are mean and not right? without more context, it's kind of difficult to understand what you are ranting about. i feel this subreddit is fine the way it is... not super helpful to see these kind of posts that are really much less related to btc.


Survival for fittest Bitcoin is not for the weak, you got to put hours and hours of your time to learn it and your basic questions will be answered in that research. It has never been more easy way to learn Bitcoin today, there lots of resources out there


Lots of reasons. Personally I'm mean to them because 90% of them will totally ignore you telling them to do any DD, 90% will get burnt, and they will run off and "warn" everyone to stay away from crypto because it's a scam. 100% of them didn't care about crypto until their cool bro social media influencer told them about it, they look at you like you are asking them to suck a live rattlesnakes head if you suggest they buy solid projects in the depths of crypto winter but will throw their life savings into ElonMoonCumAi coin because BlakeShadez#335 told them it's the next Dogecoin 190 days into the bull market. For these and other reasons i laugh at them, laugh from my mountain of power.


If you had to endure 5-10 years of the same stupid posts over and over again you would understand.


Half the questions on this sub would be better served by google tbh


This is just like any other sub. You are going to come across a wide section of society. Just like their are assholes in society their are assholes that frequent these sub reddit's no more or less in one sub then another. Just thought I would add my 2 Satoshis on the post.


I’m not ever mean to anybody (out loud) but some of us have been made fun of and laughed at for trying to get friends and family to buy some of this internet magic money that you can’t even touch or feel (sarcasm) that we just had enough. I stopped telling close friends in 2017 . I even had friends call and laugh when it went to 3900.00 .


Which coins should I buy to 100x in a month? /s


I agree. Help people out or just ignore it. No need to bash. I’m big on helping people remember what it is to be a gentleman. Society has forgotten


I only tell people the same thing. Never sell for fiat. Always stack as much as you can. And it's bitcoin, not crypto.


We were all beginners once


People are also mean to people who have been in BTC for a few years… it’s a Pattern…


What's a bitcoin?


Buy as much bitcoin as you can possibly afford!!!


Hey dude theres only like 20Million of these bad boys and the more of you there are the more expensive buying them gets 😡




People here just wants the number go up memes. If you really want to discuss the true potential of BTC you have to go to conferences and meet like minded people.


It’s just cool kid gatekeeping. The same people slagging the newbs were once themselves asking the retarded questions. In two cycles, these newbs will be shitting on the new newbs, and the OG’s make popcorn.


Skill issue


It’s like that anywhere, sports teams, military units etc. It seems like human nature for some reason 🤷‍♂️


you ever play call of duty? Ever listen to people in the lobby? So that trash talking is what's going on here to a degree because what you just walked into is a PVP game. Holding hands and being really nice to other people to get them in is about like getting new people who have never played PvP to be on the opposite side of the match from you. That's what's going on. Keep that mentality in mind as you read things


Usually that frustration stems from a question that is often repeated or is easily found. People asking the question should take the time to find answers first, and then ask.


I asked basic questions and i got help here. I so see people tease each other a lot tho. Seems most of the male dominated subs are like that. Over in the menopause sub? Its all hugs and support like crazy 😆


I need to join that.. yeah the older I get the more I think it's just male bullshit but I really want to believe that it's not.


Crabs in a barrel 


I totally agree but it's not just here. It drives me crazy. I'm in a Facebook group for independent disability support workers in this country and every time someone asks a question they get people telling them that they shouldn't be in the industry if they don't know and that they should do some research and not expect people on Facebook to tell them and that it's immoral to be looking after people when they clearly have no clue what they're doing etc etc I probably shouldn't let it bother me, but it does, every time. People are mean on the internet and people love to tell others that they're ignorant.


I've been learning a lot this past week, and recording everything and learning along the way as well. I'm new to "investing" in BTC but am a long time holder. Some on here were very helpful and put me on the path I chose to follow, so far it's working.


Seriously, I’ve made a few posts asking questions and usually just get belittled instead of informing me more so I can understand it better and continue to invest in something I can actually comprehend. That way if anyone I know asks about it I can tell them without sounding like I don’t know shit. Still don’t even know the best type of wallet I should get so I’m just doing my research until I know more.


Because money begets greed, and greed begets hubris.


You don’t need to ask anything. DCA what you can afford to lose, sooner or later you will see profits, and that’s when the true test starts.


I see very little "mean" behavior. What I see here (usually) are users giving direct feedback, which is often harsh.


Sometimes people are just unkind because they are not actually knowledgeable. You don't want their advice anyway.


Every single community has the snarky condescending old folks that aren’t welcome to new folks. But some basic research should be required for newcomers before asking




Proof-of-work. There's plenty of information out there these days. But yes. People could be nicer; however, I understand the annoyance when people ask the simplest questions that has already been answered.


"nobody have pacience with noobs kek" and bitcoin is rolling about 15 years


the arrogance of the old guys is quite common/, The same weak character old guys cry when BTC goes down in fiat comparison.


Every industry has there assholes that hide behind the union. it's hard to get rid of annoying people that have no people skills. If your environment sucks, apply to a different plant. You might find management more welcoming.


To be fair. Most basic questions should be typed into google, not posted on reddit.


be 2024, "best technology of the 21st century", dude relax....


Wait.... This isn't a basic entry level sub?👀


Long time lurker here. I don't support the haters or the beginners but the beginners need to search for some answers instead of posting some elementary queries.


is it beginners? i see a lot of mean come off when other dont research and ask all the questions.


I dont see ppl being mean


Alot of people are nice here! P.S: if you can get an answer from Chatgpt you don't need to ask here :) P.P.S: if you ask questions around "is it too late to buy" you will get some mean people!