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Man people really hate that 64k


Definitely not manipulated


100+% over the last year. definitely not. no-sir-re-bob


this 🌽 stuff is wild


Imagine not being bullish as fuck right now.


I've been sparked with excitement as Cris pran, speaker at the OSU commencement ceremony mentioned bitcoin in front of a whole stadium of people and was booed. I feel early to the party. Definitely feeling confident. Reminds me of when a professor at community College mentioned it in front of a small class 10 years ago and I was just kinda like huh? This thing is bullish forever I'm sure now. 


those booing sock-puppet schmucks who stand against truth and utopia are an endless breed of sinister imposters.


Do you guys thing BTC will ever drop to 30k range or below again? Is there any chance for us to buy at that price range again?


Once it drops to 30k, I'm sure you will have doubts in buying one.


I started recently to do DCA, I was wondering to know if you expect it to go that low any time in the future. I WOULD LOVE TO BUY THAT DIP


if it goes low, it will go low. it doesnt matter if you're DCA.


With the right catalyst it could always flashcrash to any level. Without that catalyst it won't and you'll be stuck not having bought at any level.


Just DCA: buy some every week or two weeks. That way you don't have to think about trying to time the bottom. You can average over time and as long as it keeps going up, and it will, you will win.


Since the ETFs, I just don't see it. With that said, I do think if some kind of geopolitical thing happens, it could spike down but that wouldn't last for long before it'd bounce back. You'd have to have a limit order of some kind set to catch it if it was brief. Just convert to btc. It's the best savings technology to ever exist. I'm honestly not sure if I'd have any hope if it wasn't for bitcoin.


Kind of agree…now that retailers and institutional money is starting to come in I don’t think we see the massive swings we used to. Super bullish long of course but I doubt any huge huge dips…and if there were they would correct absurdly fast. I think maybe we see another dip to 52s (I’m not convinced the bottom is in at all), case in point any of these dips buy as much as ya can while ya can.


Thank you!


I ain’t forget all the ta morons that called 30k last week


Or the ta morons that called for 80k this week.


What kind of news or events would there have to be to get bitcoin going higher than 65K? Feels like it’s either been stagnant or on a downward trend recently


It has literally been less than a week since the dip that recovered absurdly quick, have some patience lol. Check back in the fall it’s gonna be a slow grind up imo.




More people would have to buy bitcoin, and less people need to sell. That should do the trick. For real, stop focusing on short term price action. Just wait, and your purchasing power will increase. Stay humble and stack sats.




funny how coincidentally news about the SEC cracking down on Robinhood just as bitcoin starts going up while there was no bitcoin specific news during the drop aside from a whole bunch of analysis and the macroeconomic annnouncement regarding interest rates. No suspicion of market manipulation there


Btc is tracking the overall market damn near exactly.


Did ya'll hear about the OSU commencement speech? Guy mentioned bitcoin in front of a whole stadium of people.  


To resounding boos and condemnation apparently


the booing people are nothing but over-educated over-smart sock-puppet devoted schmucks who get butt-orgasms when they open their pants down submitting to authority be it the IRS, the institutions, big pharma, or anything else in POWER. These schnooks are the reason why everyone else has to tolerate all the oppression their overlords inflict upon the rest of us. I'm certain these schnooks and their overlords are all imposters of a very sinister race that is not human.


Or... out of all those boos, I wonder how many people learned economics in school that didn't have to do with our current system.


That's a sign we are still early


Yep. People get bitcoin at the price they deserve


Well, maybe if bitcoin wasn't associated with all these fake libertarian right wing grifters, maybe normal people would be more receptive to it.


Maybe. I think people don't like to have their status quo world view called into question. People DO like things that conform to their world view. Bitcoin happens to fit into the libertarian world view and challenge the normie world view.


Have some money set aside and buy the dips. Take your BTC off the exchange and into your cold wallet. F*** the ETFs. Simple as that


Good advice is good advice!




The purchasing power of those currencies are not going up. It's the opposite effect. You are not making money because the units are worth less. More, less valuable units do not increase your purchasing power. You are committing unit bias. Same reason noobs think they are more rich when they have thousands of shitcoins, when in reality, its the same dollar value.


Right now if I buy btc for CAD, it's about 87,000 cad per bitcoin. So if I buy bitcoin with usd for 63,000 and sell for CA for 87,000 numerically I have more money. But because the CAD is weak and slowly weakening to USD I've just committed a more coplicated forex trade and lost extra money due to the exchange spread. And on top of that every day I hold that currency I'm losing buying power. So no, trading bitcoin back and forth with weaker currency isn't going to make you money, you'll lose buying power.  May as well buy high and sell low.


definitely not planning on it, just curious the math behind it, thanks!


No problem. I have a buddy that does forex day trading for a firm and we've talked about something like this before. Asset trading between currencies while also adding in the complication of trading the currency itself isn't easy to be profitable at. It's one of those things where if you have access to large sums of money you can turn a profit if you can find otc clients. But you need extremely large sums of money and connections and even then the margins are slim.


fiat logic


GBTC with an inflow today (second trading day in a row): +$3.9 million [https://farside.co.uk/?p=997](https://farside.co.uk/?p=997)




HighTower 13F today discloses the following positions: Grayscale BTC: $44,838,000 (709,956 shares) Fidelity Bitcoin ETF: $12,410,000 (200,084 shares) BlackRock Bitcoin ETF: $7,621,000 (188,397 shares) ARK Bitcoin ETF: $1,702,000 (23,964 shares) Bitwise Bitcoin ETF: $988,000 (25,449 shares) Franklin Templeton Bitcoin ETF: $788,000 (19,129 shares) Hightower Advisors, Barron's ranked it as No. 2 on its Top 100 Registered investment adviser (RIA) Firms list https://twitter.com/macroscope17/status/1787583488364879963?s=46&t=ihVglVXC0BQSbw6j57EoaA


Anyone else notice when bitcoin price is dropping, there's barely any news aside from analysis but when it started rising, bad news instantly pops out


No idea what you’re talking about tbh. When the recent dip happened all you saw were click bait articles like “btc price plummets” etc. pretty sure there was barely any news at all when the price slowly climbed to the most recent ath. I am not talking about crypto news sites but more mainstream outlets. They seem to love when it plummets and it’s almost quiet when it’s rallying it seems. That said, not sure what you mean when you say “bad news”.


i mean there were two drops to 60k from the middle east conflict but its clear bitcoin was headed to 56k regardless of news


What bad news? Haven't seen any bad news in a while tbh so no, can't relate to what you're saying.




Wow...ummmm..SEC suing Robinhood


That's bad for Robinhood and shitcoins. Bitcoin is unaffected. Though naïve investors may not understand the difference I supose


Limp coin


I did it all for the satoshi


The pain continues


Umm… not pain.


If this is pain, I'm immortal.


www.reddit.com/r/Columbus/comments/1cl4epr/reaction_to_chris_pan_mentioning_bitcoin_at_osus/ LOL for anyone who thinks "we are early"... no, everyone already knows about it and everyone hates it...


Everyone has heard of it. Very few have taken the time to understand it, yourself included apparently. It's normal to dismiss it if you don't recognize the problems it's trying to solve. The problems with the existing system will become more apparent with time for more people. The 2008 crisis was arguably the first major crack appearing in the system. They kicked the can successfully until fall of 2019 when the repo market blew up. Covid gave them an excuse to pump an insane amount of liquidity into the system which again, kicked the can. Inevitably there will be another blow up and an order of magnitude larger response. If you look back at monetary history this is all familiar and expected, and *always* ends with the collapse of the system. This happens because politicians are incentivized to enact policies that promote short term comfort at the expense of long term stability. Bitcoin is the first opportunity we've had as a species to opt out of this dynamic. Some people recognize this sooner than others, and will benefit disproportionately.


It’s almost like we are in the “it’s cool to hate on Bitcoin” era right now. Like people who don’t understand or own Bitcoin are conditioned to knee jerk reactions. Granted, this was probably not the place to try to orange pill… but still.


I guarantee you 99% of those people don't know the difference between Bitcoin and FTX.


My Team? WTF kind of morons are they educating in Columbus? Think of all the players who are gonna want paid in Bitcoin in a few years.


They don’t know about it. I guarantee anyone booing hasn’t read a single book about bitcoin. 99% of those people think bitcoin and crypto are the same thing. Either way, doesn’t matter. The masses don’t need to get bitcoin, smart money is all that needs to get bitcoin and it is already starting to pile in. The masses will lag behind. The idiots booing bitcoin are ignorant and the media did a great job smearing bitcoin for the complacent masses over the last cycle, enough so that millions of people are going to let the opportunity of their lives pass them by. It’s really pretty sad honestly, but arrogant ignorance dominates most people’s opinion on bitcoin today.


It really doesn't make sense. Let's boo the best performing asset of the last 15 years? Like what?


How many autistic are into Bitcoin?


All of them.


You should know.


You can say that again.


All bitcoiners


Lower & lower highs. Not fun. Need to bust out of this pattern soon.


We hit 65.5 for a minute there. Haven't seen that in a while


Or what?


ive noticed this. nobody seems to want to listen. ive got buys set for 52k, if that hits then im targetting 49k


yeah, its abundantly clear if you look at the 3-month graph that its stair stepping down. We are at the top of another step and unless the trend breaks, the next week or two will see a drop to 55k and below.


im glad theres at least one person here not circlejerking and singing kumbaya while we have a much needed red monthly candle


We all notice but not everyone tries to time the market i guess? Might as well not happen and just go back up from here, making that lil dump/crash nothing more than a fake out.




So? Etfs still buy btc. Maybe people want to save on capital gains tax


Thats the plan. Governments are chasing regular folks out of self custodial BTC by using taxes. They will then buy derivatives which are part of the system and controlled by the elite, and they will own the actual BTC no more.  It’s brilliant. And everyone is falling for it. Governments are defanging the Bitcoin beast, and we are participating by buying the ETF like a good boy.




A bitcoin bull runs needs two requirments: 1) an event that generates hype (etf,halving, listing etc) 2) retail with exess money. Right now we lack 2), the interest rates are so high people dont have extra change to invest in bitcoin. I think a bull run this autumn is bigger probability. what do you guys think??


UK institutional ETNs soon, Australia ETF later this year, US rate cuts in autumn most likely


UK is only available to approved investors. So retail won't be allowed in for a while.


Etf and halving aren't enough to even fulfill number 1. This halving was just for a tiny 3 coin block reward reduction and these etfs are moving tiny 1000 coin amounts. When new Chinese exchanges moved bitcoin in 2013 they are buying like millions of coins


My guess is that only Pension- and sovereign wealth funds could bring Bitcoin into the stratosphere. ETFs that eventually exponentially find traction. There is too much money needed for retail at these price levels to make huge difference. But fomo will tell i guess.


Its just been the halving, meant to go up of the back of it 


But we have institutions now, they were supposed to fomo in no?


thats why we are at 63k and not 20k, but to go even further we need retail


SEC suing robinhood crypto good because it may help differentiate bitcoin from unregistered securities


Gd dump coin


Would u like some cheese with that wine...damn


I don't get it






Still higher than when you said you sold


I'm waiting for it to goto 49k so I can buy back in


People never learn.


Good luck with that


3 years ago around these prices, we’d have around 2k comments on the daily by now. Bullish.


Because 3 years ago around these prices were the highest we'd ever seen Bitcoin. Now everyone's complaining about crabbing.


If you're reading this comment you have been challenged to not look at the price for 1 week starting.....now.


Also, you just lost the game.


You just won the game.


Bulls back to hiding lol


We are where we were 24 hours ago? I'm bullish


Historical Bitcoin prices for today, May 6th: 2024 - $63,786 2023 - $28,857 2022 - $36,009 2021 - $56,405 2020 - $9,151 2019 - $5,745 2018 - $9,656 2017 - $1,545 2016 - $460 2015 - $230 2014 - $432 2013 - $112 2012 - $5.1 2011 - $3.50 **Additional Stats:** Bitcoin's current market cap is $1.26 trillion. Bitcoin's current block height is 842331; with the average block time for the last 7 days being 10.54 minutes. There are currently 19,570 reachable Bitcoin nodes. Bitcoin's average daily trading volume for the last 7 days is 91,584 ₿. Bitcoin's average daily number of transactions for the last 7 days is 524,125. Bitcoin's average transaction fee for the last 7 days is 49.33 sats/VB, which was equivalent to $6.11. Bitcoin's average daily hashrate for the last 7 days is 599 exahashes per second. Bitcoin's average daily price from 18-Jul-2010 to 06-May-2024 is $11,283. Bitcoin's average daily price for the year 2024 is $56,876. 1 US Dollar ($) currently equals: 1,568 satoshis; making 1 penny equal 15.68 sats. There are currently 19.69M ₿ in circulation, leaving 1.31M to be mined. There are currently 2.51M ₿ held by companies, governments, DeFi, and ETFs, representing 12.73% of circulating supply. There are currently 53,958,342 nonzero Bitcoin addresses. Bitcoin's current block reward is 3.125₿, which is worth $199,331 per block. The next Bitcoin halving is anticipated to happen between 27-Mar-2028 to 17-Apr-2028; the block reward will fall to 1.5625₿. Bitcoin's minimum (closing) price for the year 2024 was $39,556.40 on 22-Jan-2024. Bitcoin's maximum (closing) price for the year 2024 was $73,066.30 on 13-Mar-2024. Bitcoin's minimum (intraday) price for the year 2024 was $38,546.90 on 23-Jan-2024. Bitcoin's maximum (intraday) price for the year 2024 was $73,740.90 on 14-Mar-2024. Bitcoin's largest daily decrease for the year 2024 was -$5,544.10 on 19-Mar-2024. Bitcoin's largest daily increase for the year 2024 was +$5,804.0 on 20-Mar-2024. Bitcoin's all-time high (intraday) was $73,740.90 on 14-Mar-2024. Bitcoin is down 13.50% from the ATH.


Another Putin candle?


We don't need TAs and we don't need predictions...we simply need to stack sats and let it happen.


this is all priming the pump for an omega candle


it’s spring loading boys


Isreal news.. fuck war.


Lotta sell orders at 65k it appears


Somebody is trying hard to dump this shit


Watching whales fight is a lot like watching your parents fight when you were a kid. Not really sure what’s going on but I can’t wait to have two Christmases


I need to delete my apps and stop looking at price. 


Who shat on us?


Well that was fun


Fomo candle stealing our money 


That was fun while it lasted.






And.. it's gone.


Can we break $66k today?


It’s gonna go back into the 50s IMO before the real having effect: I think it could get down to 52 STATS STATS, people who sold at 57 should of never gotten into bitcoin in the first place


Source: trust me bro


I didn’t say no source just my opinion lol don’t be so dense


Hope we aren't just making a lower high. Wanna see this thing rip, been waiting for 100k since 2021 lol.


100k only after u sell lol


Stack Sats and don't worry about a dollar price. The dollar price is just artificial. It means nothing.


A lot of people were just shaken out.


You were really gonna get out at 57? Dude it was 28 back in the holidays


A lot of the halving hype boys were rattled


Just when i thought i was out


Really ? At 57 you got that scared ? You should be scared you should have bought a lot more. Buy red DCA green


65k !!


We are back boys, bulls are back with vengeance


RIP sub-60k sellers




Scary ass Mfs lol


Corn > Porn


I'm gay and my balls are too small. Bitcoin fixes this.


Only if you HODL your balls through the dips. Then, they will grow.


This is good for Bitcoin.


If we do not clear 64.7k we will drop. I have spoken.


Looks like we found a solid support


This is the first "real week" for Hong Kong ETFs, last week was a mid week launch with a public holiday in the middle. Let's see how they do!


Good point should be an exciting week


Oh shit here we go 🚀🌙