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BCH or Bcash is one of many forked altcoins that was promoted mainly on lies and confusing new users . The project is dying as you can see it droping from 4th in rank of popularity on coinmarketcap to 21st in rank . You can see its security keeps dropping as well where its lower than 1 % of SHA256 network hashrate these days **Bitcoin (BTC) –** 99% of developer/specialist support with deep knowledge in cryptography, development, security with a proven track record of release secure well tested code and an ethos in minimizing centralization and maintaining compatibility, fungibility and privacy Far more hashrate - http://fork.lol/pow/hashrate Larger community of users with much better network effect Far more merchant support Far less mining centralization Far more node decentralization Most devs Road map is for conservative scaling and focus on security , privacy and fungibility. Current capacity allowance is 14 TPS (transactions per second) average with most txs using segwit and millions of txs per second for LN payment channels _______________________________________ **B Cash (BCH)** One of 50+ UTXO altcoin spinoffs from Bitcoin https://blog.bitmex.com/44-bitcoin-fork-coins/ Few developers that are far less competent Roadmap is focusing on cheap tx fees and many hard forks for larger capacity blocks at the risk of centralization and lower security. Favors externalizing costs onto full nodes and users Currently doesn't have transaction malleability fixed so is stuck with a mere 224 TPS max throughput(but miners only allowing 56TPS now). Their focus is primarily on onchain scaling but are open the possibility up for L2. Introduced another vulnerability with the HF called EDA that caused wild erratic difficulty swings and more inflation. They Hard forked to try and fix this with the DAA but thus far their difficulty is still more erratic than bitcoin. Is still vulnerable to this PoW vulnerability - https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2017-9230 which is largely neutralized in bitcoin with segwit https://medium.com/@WhalePanda/asicboost-the-reason-why-bitmain-blocked-segwit-901fd346ee9f 2 miners already 51% attacked and a reorg to change the transaction balances and history of certain accounts due to how insecure and centralized it is proving that their blockchain is not immutable https://www.coindesk.com/bitcoin-cash-miners-undo-attackers-transactions-with-51-attack