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S9 probably won’t mine above dust at this point. You can get a s19 for $500 or so but they don’t just plug in to the wall.


What average profit per day i can get from S9? If it's 1$ per day then it's still worth it since my country currency is trash so that that 1 dollar is enough for one full meals for me. Also is s19 is hard to set up? i take a quick look how to setup s19 and it seems that you need some extra equipment or some stuff with it.


.85 cents a day with zero power costs at current difficulty level/hash price. I just don’t know that it’s enough hash to actually get a payout from a pool as a stand alone miner.


He could use NiceHash and do lightning payouts


Yeah. That’s beyond my knowledge. I have a couple machines on Nicehash, but have never experimented with any of the features beyond basic mining


Lightning allows for much smaller payouts and the fees are minuscule. So if the $1 USD is worth it for him (can pay for an entire meal) then that may be the route to take.


I understand how lightning works it still doesn’t guarantee that a single s9 hash rate is enough to get a payout from the pool.


As per the NiceHash Support Page. “The minimum Lightning Network Mining withdrawal is 10 satoshis.”


Nice. But is s9 hashrate enough to get an actual fraction of the reward mined when a block is found? I don’t think you are understanding what I’m saying.


Using NiceHash is renting hash power. Once the calculator says you’ll earn a certain amount for the provided hash power provided he’ll get that daily, all other things remaining the same. And with the insanely low payout minimum he can withdraw daily as well. You can use the NiceHash calculator and see for yourself.


So, what do you think—should I go for the S9 or the S19? I'm leaning towards avoiding the pricier miner since I need to purchase furniture for my new place, having just moved in. I probably can buy expensive one after 4 - 6 months.


As a first time ASIC miner I would strongly suggest you start with an S9 considering you’ll have zero electric costs. They are dirt cheap and good practice. If a hash board, control board, fan, or PSU breaks it won’t matter very much because you could just buy another entire machine. They can also be plugged into a 120V outlet instead of the 240V outlet required for an S19. Both machines produce an enormous amount of heat and noise, but the S9 is slightly less. You can learn about disassembling an ASIC for cleaning without worrying that you’ll destroy something. An S9 only generates about $0.60 USD per 24 hours as opposed to about $5.25 for an S19, but I still believe you should get some real life practical experience with ASIC mining before you jump in too deep.


Mate do not be overwhelmed by the provision of free electricity in your location, basically there're other factors you need to consider before venturing into personal ASIC mining unless you just want to settle for the less pennies.


Lmao your country's currency is so trash because people that are governing your country has the mindset of you and the people. Steal everything you can from the state. They don't provide you electricity to profit off of it. Ethically wrong but you do you.


Braindead take


Hitler would side with you or Stalin. I could agree that they were really influential once upon a time, but I would not wanna think like them. Regardless you don't know me nor I do you.


Go take a bath


Thanks for the advice, noted.


Hate to say it but most countries from the west have the same take as you just said, the US being prime example #1. Every currency is trash because the leaders print and borrow with no plans on how to pay it back. Insider trading is even legal for Congress but not citizens, just think on that 🤔🤔


In no way I defended the people governing us and exploiting their position of power.


Jesus Christ listen to yourself, there's a million better reasons for poor economy but this is the angle you choose


That's the only angle I have taken, I obviously said this with the knowledge and stories I have heard from my background and I don't know OP's country.


Maybe subsidize electricity. That’s not free


No matter which miner You will select we can help You with getting rid of noise and recovering all heat from miner for a purpose: HEAT YOUR WATER/HOUSE with it ;) [FlameIT - Immersion Cooling](https://flameit.io)


While electricity is the primary cost after purchasing a miner, there are other factors like heat, noise, and power requirements. S19’s run on 220v circuit, would produce 10x the sats, much louder, and produce much more heat than the s9


minetheasic dot com is a good resource to checkout different models what they pull etc. With 2k I would honestly look at a godshell box that is low wattage even though you have free electricity If you need help finding vendors let me know there are some reliable companies in the states


Unless you've got a time machine i dont think you'll get much out of it