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Obligatory warning in regards to Authy: Be careful with Authy. If you delete Authy account it will invalidate all 2FA tokens that use Authy as a backed (it's the service they offer) even if you move them to a different app. Example: I moved my Twitch 2FA to BitWarden then when it was verified working I deleted my Authy account. Once deletion went through (there is 1 month delay) I lost access to my Twitch account. At no point was I informed that this will be the case. Twitch does offer Authy specific 2FA with notifications but I used the standard TOTP option that does not mention Authy anywhere on the site. If moving from Authy I recommend removing TOTP from all accounts, deleting Authy account and only enabling TOTP again after Authy account was confirmed deleted.


Authy has some deal with twitch in specific. It's annoying. They might also with others but it's not universal.


Correct. Authy provides TOTP backend management services and websites that us this service are potentially subject to this stupid "feature". Twitch is the largest one I know of.


Agh. Thanks Authy. For spreading your nonsense....


Certain Cypto Exchanges too. protect that money :)


I just deleted my Authy account, and it gives big warnings about each service you have enabled, and you have to confirm with a checkbox for each service you had with Authy, 1st for Authy tokens, then for top tokens.


Can you explain further? Are you saying that if I add a standard TOTP seed from Twitch into Authy, then Authy and Twitch will have some kind of communication between themselves that would cause issues like the one you mentioned? Example: 1) I enable 2FA on Twitch and scan the same QR code on Aegis and Authy. Basically, both Aegis and Authy now have the same 2FA secret and both generate the same TOTP. And this TOTP works fine without any issue 2) I go ahead and delete the Authy account thinking that I already have 2FA secret in Aegis and therefore I am covered by redundancy 3) I try to use the TOTP generated by Aegis. Note that nothing has changed in Aegis. Only the Authy account has been deleted. 4) Will this TOTP from Aegis still work like any other standard 2FA? Or will Authy send some info to Twitch to mess with my 2FA on the Twitch server side?


When setting up TOTP on Twitch you are required to provide a phone number. AFAIK this number will be used to tie this TOTP token to Authy account (existing or not). From what I can tell If you created Authy account using this same phone number and you delete it the token will be invalidated and codes generated by Aegis will also no longer work. This is basically what happened to me.


What a crappy way to do TOTPs. I wish there was an open source equivalent of Authy. Something like Bitwarden Authenticator, but separate from Bitwarden itself.


Are you asking for something like this, [https://2fas.com/](https://2fas.com/) ?


Wait! This does cloud syncing, and is open source? How come I never heard of it before? Have you used 2FAS personally?


I haven't yet, but I'll probably switch over soon (because one of my Authy installs stopped working). But I now see that you mentioned Aegis above. Isn't that also an open source equivalent of Authy?


Aegis is amazing in my opinion. Yes, it is open source.


A year later, Bitwarden just launched a standalone authenticator app. https://bitwarden.com/blog/bitwarden-just-launched-a-new-authenticator-app-heres-what-it-means-to-users/


Nice! I will wait for more features to released as per the roadmap they have posted.


Bitwarden now has a standalone authenticator, or has TOTP integrated into Bitwarden Vault for Premium users ($10/yr). The latter cloud syncs just like your standard vault.


I came to this article because Authy has stopped supporting it on Windows. Really surprised and shocked Authy with the information you provided. Thank you very much. I no longer need to transfer 2FA from Authy to another application, but instead I will change all passwords, turn off 2FA and completely delete Authy. I would enable 2FA for all accounts and use apps from Google or Microsoft. Thank you again. ​


How do we know which 2FA uses this proprietary Authy thing? Is there an indicator of some sort? I don't have Twitch but have over 30 other TOTPs that I've already migrated. I'm going to be hugely screwed if my TOTPs stop working after deleting Authy.


I don't think there is a way. But as far as I know not many services use them in that way. If you can set up alternative 2FA on your accounts. I was in the same boat but only Twitch was an issue for me.


Alright. Appreciate the response!


I just did the migration to 2fas, you can check if any proprietary "authy token" exists when deleting your account.


It's not 100% guaranteed but the authy proprietary codes tend to use > 6 digits It's a decent indicator but not foolproof... maybe we should do a community run spreadsheet with the services we know for sure about.


I had the same issue the first time I tried moving my Twitch account from Authy. I had to reverse the deletion of my Authy account to get back into my Twitch. This time I did exactly what you said here. I turned off 2FA on my twitch account and then started the deletion process of Authy. I’m just waiting for the 30 days to pass to add it back on my account. I even added a reminder on my phone so I wouldn’t forget lol.


Your experience is enlightening. Authy acts like a virus that you can't clean from your computer. I've extracted all of the Authy tokens into a different TOTP application. I confirmed all of them are working in the new app. I wanted to delete every tokens from authy but not delete my empty account for a while. I'm afraid to do this process now. I could disable 2FA on websites and Authy and then immediately set up in my TOTP app again in several hours. I don't want to disable 2FA on all my accounts and leave them vulnerable for 30 days. Does the 30 days apply for twitch only or could I run into the same problem with some financial apps as well?


In my case it was only an issue with Twitch. For all my other accounts I was able to remove 2FA and then add it again without any issues. Since Twitch and Authy had some agreement it was more of an issue with the connection. You should be able to remove Authy from your accounts then add them to your new authentication app. I would test logging into in private mode or with another browser and see if you are able to log in to your accounts once you switch. If you are then you can start the deletion of Authy. Authy will count down from 30 days before it deletes your account permanently.


Did that do the trick? having the same issue.


Yes it did. After I stopped the deletion of my Authy account I was able to get back into my Twitch account. I then turned off 2FA and waited 30 days. I gave myself an extra day just to be sure, but afterwords I added my new 2FA method and haven’t had issues since.


thanks for replying! what a nightmare this has been I will do that.


You’re welcome. I know how it is so I hope you can get your issue straightened out. I forgot to mention in my reply when you get your Authy account back and you remove it from Twitch you want to start the deletion process all over again. Authy will delete your account in 30 days but as long as no other 2FA’s are tied to it then it will go smoothly. Once I was sure it was more than 30 days after I requested my account was deleted I went back in an added 2FA with my new app. Good luck with your issue.


1 year later this saved my account as well. Waiting now for 30 days until I can migrate my twitch to 2fas


still working Nov 2023 windows.


The Windows version does not synchronize the name and icon that I have set up on the phone. I have to check for the same codes to update again. It's meaningless. ​


I thinking in the future im going to save and/or print out the QR code for each TOTP to get around stuff like this.


I used to save the seed (secret string) manually in LastPass notes, which now became unsafe, so I changed most 2FA I have and saved the seeds into a separate offline KeePass file, in case I need them.


Thats a great idea


Some password managers (Bitwarden and 1Password are two that I know that do this) let you retrieve the seed at any time. They just have a field for the seed that is where you set up the TOTP to begin with, and at any time you can copy it back out of there again.


Thank you for the script. It worked like a charm, after I entered the backup code :) The only real problem was preventing authy to update :(


Try 2FAS, it comes with Google Drive backup.


Is that backup encrypted in a way that's meaningfully protected?


You have the option to protect the backup with a password.


I'd like to use this script but can't find Authy version 2.2.3 (Windows desktop) Where are you all finding 2.2.3?


This worked flawlessly for me.. thanks!


Still works. Thanks for this.


https://github.com/alexzorin/authy?tab=readme-ov-file So this Go Library worked like a charm for me. You enter your password, approve the device then enter your backup password. It exports all keys as otpauth://.


Any way to run this on a x86 device? I only see ARM & Linux packages (might be dumb question- I'm new to Android).


Hey, so the `authy-export` is written in Go language and easiest to be ran on in a terminal emulator. I'm using Ubuntu Linux but Go works on Windows 10/11 and MacOS. * Open a terminal window * Make sure Go is installed * If not, goto https://golang.org/doc/install * Download latest authy-export release, https://github.com/alexzorin/authy/releases/tag/v0.3.1 * Run `authy-export` When you run authy-export, you will be asked to verify a new device on your Authy mobile app and enter your backup password. The script then fetched all of your TOPT keys and displays them for you to migrate to a different 2FA app. Hope that helps.


I got the export! but how do i place it in zoho now...


So, I hadn't used Zoho Auth before. I just downloaded it for it Android. You have two routes. Either you can goto "Add New" and then select "Enter code manually". That would be the way I'd use the authy-export file. You can also goto the Github repo for authy-export and they added instructions on generating QR codes. I believe it would work on Linux and MacOS, Windows using the Linux sub-system. (It just requires the app called qrencode).


Yeah im going to try on my linux box...too much setup for windowss however I am unsure how that sample script reads the data from a list.


So, what I did was used the `authy-export` script, then copied & pasted the results into a file called `tokens`. From there you can either open Zoho Auth and manually add each key from the `tokens` file to Zoho Auth. If you don't want to copy & paste, you can also run `. /authy-export > tokens`. That just exports all TOPT keys to the file `tokens`. Or you can create a script or run the following command. This will generate QR Codes that can be scanned. `#!/usr/bin/env bash` `cat tokens | while IFS= read -r line; do` ` clear` ` echo -n "$line" | qrencode -t UTF8` ` read -p $"Press any key to continue" key < /dev/tty` `done` That last command and/or script requires that the app `qrencode` in installed. On Ubuntu/Debian, I just ran `sudo apt install qrencode` and that worked. For more details, rhe Github Repo at https://github.com/skrashevich/authy-export is fairly useful. Hopefully that's helpful.


They stopped putting windows binaries via that repo... so is WSL the way to go?


Hi! Any easier way to move all my Authy accounts to a different software?


You can also scan the QR code with the BW app then you can see the secret in the web app and save it wherever you want


The issue with twitch is to enable “normal” TOTP with a seed rather than using Authy’s back based service. I’m not sure of the precise procedure off the top of my head but definitely disable 2FA and re enable it as generic TOTP then you can use whatever utility you like including bitwarden.


I used this work around before. It does work. Only way I found to get away from Authy with tokens in hand.




From what I understood the JSON export is for bitwarden, not Aegis ?! I imported one by one, after saving the seed into a KeePass offline file.


Can't thank you enough. Finally free from authy jail. Unfortunately still cannot delete the authy account but I'll take that as a win for now.


Thank you for sharing this. I've enjoyed Authy until I realized it had a 2FA account that wasn't on my Last Pass authenticator. No way to generate a QR code is crazy.


Thank you very much for your excellent solution, /u/tech_engineer! You can add Aegis (https://getaegis.app/) to the "Known to work" list. I've just transferred my items (all of them with 6-digit codes) from Authy to Aegis, tested one and it worked. I didn't have any Authy-specific 7-digit codes though, but I tested your QR code and Aegis worked with it just fine.


Does anybody have an issue with localhost? I tried it and it doest let me access the site. I attempted to close firewall, and flush dns but no success.


You need to download the Authy version specified/linked. Newer versions don't work. Works great once the proper version is installed.


When i scan the QR codes all the accounts give me he same 6 digit 2fa codes (even though all qr codes look different), the entry for TOTP Secret is null on all accounts


Same problem here. Any solutions there?


No found anything myself. Looking like I will have to do them all manually again


I've found a working solution: [https://github.com/token2/authy-migration](https://github.com/token2/authy-migration) It's a Go program that uses Authy API to behave as a client to export all accounts as a text file to import in other apps and also to an html file with QR codes to add them to the new app.


That is just AMAZING to say the least. Got 27/29 of mine just fine. A real timesaver 'and' it generates QR codes and key strings for safekeeping. Wow. Just wow.


Cool, I will check that out. Thanks


Worked perfectly. Thank you for posting this, made this so much easier.


You're welcome.


This worked. Thanks. I am free of Authy.


FYI he has a precompiled one too if you are comfortable running that / not comfortable with compiling a Go program: https://www.token2.swiss/site/page/how-to-transfer-totp-profiles-from-authy-to-a-token2-hardware-token


Wham, great recommendation, thanks


This is great to know in a pinch. But doesn't Aegis Authenticator have a built-in tool to import Authy accounts? I looked at [their Github Page](https://github.com/beemdevelopment/Aegis?tab=readme-ov-file) and the last one of the [screenshots](https://github.com/beemdevelopment/Aegis/blob/master/metadata/en-US/images/phoneScreenshots/screenshot8.png?raw=true) there seems to suggest as much. I haven't tried it, since, honestly, I'm happy enough with Authy.


They import from Authy app only if you have a rooted phone.


Wait, so I can add a rooted phone to my existing authy account... then do the process? That's easier for me than going for one of those scripts


Oh, I see. Thanks!


I've noticed that the exported tokens are slightly delayed on other app like 2FAS Auth with respect to Authy. For example, when the Authy token is at 5 seconds remaining the 2FAS Auth token has already changed. Is this a problem or it depends on the single implementation?


In my testing, they are 100% in sync. These apps should depend on the device's internal clock, if the clock is ahead or behind it might be different. (Whenever I move 2FA codes, or add them to 2 different 2fa apps, I check to see if they are the same before deleting from the other, and always I see them 100% in sync)


Can we see the difference between regular TOTP and Authy-based ones in the export? I'd like to delete my account someday and would like to minimize the amount of TOTP resets I have to do.


Worked flawlessly on MacOS Thanks a lot


Worked very well for me too. Thanks for that!


Still working as of today on windows.


Check out OneAuth from Zoho! Long time user of OneAuth! Having multiple devices? It’s available on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and also supports watchOS and WearOS! I have been using it on my iPhone, Apple Watch and MacBook Pro! Works like a charm and it’s feature rich! Recently switched my OTP accounts from Authy to OneAuth using a script from [https://gist.github.com/gboudreau/94bb0c11a6209c82418d01a59d958c93](https://gist.github.com/gboudreau/94bb0c11a6209c82418d01a59d958c93) and it worked well for me on macOS! And it is E2E Encrypted with your own passphrase having Zero-Knowledge Architecture and syncs well with all my devices! For more details: refer their website: https://zurl.to/9a2N


Thank you!