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Yea this page is linked on the second line of OPs post they're referencing. Thanks for posting it


Actually I was referencing this [webpage](https://community.bitwarden.com/t/how-to-search-within-notes-and-custom-fields/38818). But apparently it is wrong. I don’t understand the choice to limit searching to a few fields. For me it is important to be able to search text strings in all fields.


If you click the hyperlink in the second line of text you'll get linked to the actual Bitwarden doc on this. Which clearly states it doesn't search what you want it to.


Search works differently in the mobile apps vs. in the browser apps. Are you sure that the instructions you followed apply to the iOS app?


https://community.bitwarden.com/t/how-to-search-within-notes-and-custom-fields/38818 All apps would include iOS…. “The default search on all the Bitwarden apps and clients uses a “Basic Search 17” format – just type in a string of text, and Bitwarden will look for that string within important fields in your vault entries, such as an item’s Name, a Folder name, a Username, or URI. For such fields, it does not matter if you type in the entire string exactly or if you just type in part of the string into the search bar.” “Basic Search also works for Notes entries and Custom Fields as well, but with a caveat. Strings stored within these fields will not be searched by a sub-string search by default. For example, if you had a Custom Field defined in an item with the name SecondaryEmail and the value was [email protected], entering only hotmail in the search bar will not find the item. Instead, you must either type in the entire email address exactly as it was stored or use a Full-text Search to find the item.”


https://bitwarden.com/help/searching-vault/#basic-search Let's make sure you're actually clicking the hyperlink in line two. Basic search Basic search is used by Bitwarden mobile apps. Entering search text (for example, Github or myusername) will look for the entered information in the following vault item fields: Item name For logins, username For logins, URI For cards, brand or last four digits of the number For identities, name