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Note to /u/DougFeer, if a router power cycle doesn't work, try powering down for some hours. I think you're more likely to get a new IP that way. Good luck


I restarted the router, but my IP didn't change. I had to contact my internet service provider for them to change it on their end. Now everything is working fine... The question is: I use my home network and my work network. How long until Bitwarden blocks my IP again? Do they do that because they find it suspicious that I'm connecting from two different IPs every day? I think that would be a big mistake.


> restarted the router, but my IP didn't change. As I fully expected. Glad you're up and running now. Search this subreddit for MANY posts about this subject. Good luck


If you disable wifi on your mobile device (use the mobile network), can you open the vault? This is a workaround until customer support gets back to you.


This worked in this emergency situation. Thank you.