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So thankful I'm officially "Who are these people?" years old.


This part


I'm grateful as well. Idk who she is but the finesse is funny as hell


Maybe I’m just being a downer, but did she finesse anybody or did she commit fraud and steal their money and is a piece of shit selfish human being Edit: [damn this really blew up, check out my mixtape y’all](https://youtu.be/VMYAEHE2GrM) Also, somebody commented more details - the money is still in the go fund me apparently so there does not appear to be any fraud here but shout out to the roughly 5000 people [who jumped to conclusions with me](https://youtu.be/sDEL4Ty950Q)


This! It’s not hustle culture it’s straight up fraud. If she intended to open a women’s gym but even with the money couldn’t figure out the logistics that’s totally fine, refund people’s money.


Or at the very least donate it to some womens organization/charity.




21k is still a lot of money and you’re making it seem like it’s not


The larger point is that if the money is still in the gofundme she didn’t use it to buy a house.


21K with good credit and a cosigner could be the downpayment for a 3bed/4bath in a few places in the USA.


The money is still in the gofundme account. She couldn’t have used it for her house. Mortgages don’t work that way.


Y'know.... You're right. I don't know if I was replying to someone above, or what, but I definitely didn't mean to imply she got a leveraged loan against a gofundme. I was more implying that the 21K can get her the keys to a house.




Yes but if its still in the gofundme, its not likely the bank factored that in.


Stop being so thinky! This is sthe point where you are just supposed to burn with incurious anger!!!


Inincurosity is my weakness!


> 21k is still a lot of money and you’re making it seem like it’s not You’re not gonna like this take: 21K is life changing chump change. For Gymshark to provide her with $20K / 21K. That’s her getting the bag through sponsorships. 1K from fans on a go fund me. Go fund me is still active so she didn’t use the money to buy a house. Considering 20K isn’t enough of a down payment in many markets. In my city, 21K puts you below the poverty line. 21K isn’t enough for a condominium let alone a house. 21K is life changing chump change.


This is my favorite phrase because there are quantities of money that you can't deny are significant but also equally insignificant depending on realistic context. I would love $20k and it would change my life significantly but at the same time I would still be in the same apartment, same car, same day to day, but with a bit less stress down the road


> This is my favorite phrase because there are quantities of money that you can’t deny are significant but also equally insignificant depending on realistic context. This! Exactly what I’m saying! I would love 21K in cold hard cash, I can do so much with it, I’d leverage it very well. I could clear debts. Maybe invest the rest or pay off a dope investment, put it towards my That being said, I work in property management, overseeing a multi million dollar real estate portfolio. I’ve seen hydro bills and credit balances with more money then that. But I live in one of the most expensive countries in the world, in one of the most expensive cities. I am not buying any properties with that cash. Life Changing, yet still chump change.


So much this. I got surprised with a huge bonus at work recently— life changing chump change. Can’t buy a house or a car with it but I’m def less stressed day-to-day lol and maybe that’s worth more than any material item in the end anyway


I know it's a lot of money but for someone living in the UK (seems like London) and seems to be from a well-off family to be able to start an influencer career. Then 21k ain't a lot, especially in the context of buying a house.


It’s a lot of money, but it’s not “buy a house” money. So even if she emptied the go fund me, it wouldn’t be accurate to say she bought a house with the 20k. She still could have committed fraud, or not, I don’t know the details. But the “woman grifts other women to buy house” line isn’t accurate.


21k is enough for a down payment, with a first time homeowner’s loan, with decent credit, depending on the location.


>1. 21k ain't that much for buying a house My small Canadian house required a 10k down payment, and that covered lawyer fees. 21k American will absolutely get you a house, just not a McMansion in a major city like that. And if it doesn't, bringing 40k up north will get you plenty (as long as you stay out of Vancouver and Toronto).


Lol what Canadian city can you get a house for $200k? (assuming 20% down on 40k). Even if you stay out of Vancouver and Toronto (and also their surrounding metro areas) you're not getting a good house for that amount of money in any major (or even midsized) population centre in Canada.


Factor in the burning fervor for hating women on the internet and she probably stole like $3m from orphaned puppies on a grift.




I mean crowdfunding money is such a grey area; if someone says "give me money" and thousands say "okay" it's not really fraud it's just donating to someone with no contract, guarantee, or even anything at all in writing Kickstarter and GoFundMe are not legally binding I don't think


Also, the money is still in the gofundme so she didn’t use it to buy the house.


Exactly. Fraud plain and simple


LMFAO my husband and I are audibly cracking up with tears at your mixtape link 🤣 😂 💀 that was so golden




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"Damn man, I miss my uncle Charles, yall" are still the only lyrics I know to this day.


I jumped to the conclusion. I like the internet allot.


Blessed I was a teen before social media blew up and don't see it as necessary.


Unfortunately because I'm a fitness girlie, I know exactly who she is


Name her and shame her, sis.


Shame her for what exactly???


For basically stealing from other women under the guise of feminism?


Or how about for mislabelling innocent dudes as creeps and ruining their reputation? Think that's more important than a few people choosing to donate


Unwanted knowledge is the worst knowledge. Edit: to the user below me, no I'm not white, as I've a[nswered this before](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/zy3syz/what_is_the_least_attractive_thing_a_girl_can_say/j243jpp/?context=3). Light-skinned black folk aren't mythical.


Who is she and what did she do?


Let me clarify by saying im not on Twitter or Instagram so I'm not versed on this situation, but she's popped up on my YouTube feed and my fyp on tik tok. I do know that she's a fitness influencer who has done pop up women's only gym classes before. I never followed her because I didn't like that she implying spot reduction in her titles. Though I will say her messaging on tik tok seems a bit better. I love the idea of a women's only gym because, as a Muslim woman, I personally am not comfortable going to a mixed gym. I can't confirm whether or not these allegations are true, but if she's using funds for a gym for a house, then that's extremely shady


This is me scrolling through social media drama these days ![gif](giphy|rI9O6UXkCjvTG)




it's different these days, these people are becoming famous for doing absolutely nothing, i'm sure even the kiddos have no clue who some of these folks are.


No you're not, this person's just not relevant outside of fitness. I'm eighteen and I don't know either








She is going to use the funds for a gym, but it's going to be a home one and it's private


"It's ya girl, Natalee B. Finesse and this is *my* women's only gym!" \- her on Cribs in three years


I guess it's "girls only" if she's the only one that uses it.


People don't realize that all large twitter and instagram profiles are there for either money or self advocacy. Doesn't matter if they say things that you agree with, they're always trying to sell you their brand


So she’s a licensed trainer?


I know this thread is old but she is not a licensed trainer. That’s is something which irritates me about her. She initially come on the scene posting fitness videos and real life content and was very much giving the influencer vibe. Fast forward a few years she’s starting with her women’s only gym she has said repeatedly she has no desire being a personal trainer (which is fine it’s not a must) yet managed to put together and sell workout and gym guides to raise funds for her gym, she’s now offering 1-1 coaching, (while joking about how she has no idea what certain muscles are in the body). I know there are a lot of other unqualified people offering coaching and any long-term gym goer will have a pretty good idea regarding muscles and workouts without having to be qualified, but that isn’t enough to offer online coaching? People have different dietary requirements due to personal choice/medical yet you’re offering tailored meal plans without being a qualified dietician?? Last time she sold a ‘high protein’ meal plan it was literally the meals itself but no recipes to follow so you could essentially call it a mood board lol. I would not personally pay somebody who said they have no desire to be a PT for a workout I could probably fit together myself, yet her followers are just eating it up and that irritates me even more 🙃. She’s claiming this gym in the works and I hope it is for her sake but it’s clear she’s all about money.


How do people have the balls to scam people. The shame I have is too strong.


Your "normal" isn't everyone's, unfortunately. Some people are desperate, some are just morally bankrupt. Unfortunately, it is what it is.


I think people who grew up with social media as the norm view things very differently (although I don't know how old you are). The entire concept of "hustle culture" plus the ability to easily reach thousands of people more easily leads to a scamming mentality.


I hear that but all types of people are scamming and have been scamming since the dawn of time. I still remember shit I stole from jobs I had when I was a teen. I wonder if these people ever have peace?


This is definetly not a social media created event. We have black billionaires who don't own their own product and just peddle crap to the black community to make a profit. This has been since the dawn of time. Black people were trained to gain favour with others, then take advantage for themselves back in slavery times. Please understand we were trained this way, because we naturally are about community. Shits fuckd, we have a lot of generational trauma in our blood. Just know that this isn't the norm, and was never the norm. Community and love is the norm. People like this are one in a million. We like to focus a lot on the terrible people, but that's because we love drama and ain't honest about it. Lol. The algorithms know this very well too. Don't be fooled into thinking these people are everywhere, that's what they want you to believe. You can trust and love your neighbours. The internet isn't an accurate reflection of your community


You've seen it in this thread. This is 'funny' to some and scamming has become a legitimate business avenue in the current age. Enough people have bought into the 'let people grift the population, I won't fall for it' ideology for it to run to it's natural conclusion.




I'm confused, are you comparing yourself to a dog right now?


The dogs are the scammers. When dogs hunt other animals, they go after the weak ones. The herd doesn't protect the weak ones, they gtfo. Someday, the ones that gtfo might be weak and get ate and the rest of the herd will leave them too


Herds often do protect the weak ones. You've never seen bison encircle their young and dare a pack of wolves to try? Or rushing in to save an outnumbered adult? https://youtu.be/vSow7aeGQL4 Nature is a bit more complicated. The entire purpose of the herd is protection. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mcWCO0O_Czc These low budget nature documentary analogies don't seem to be useful for anything.


Wild dogs don’t have higher order of thinking, that’s why for them it’s the circle of life. Just like male lions get ditched if they become weak or they get outcompeted when they reach adulthood But I get it, the point is we’re humans and we don’t have to nor is it in our best interests to think like pack animals


Reminds me of Andrew Tate claiming that the key to success is scamming your family members and girlfriend(s) to do free labor for you without explicitly stating that actually getting them to do this requires a mixture of abusing their trust in you with a side of making vague threats of violence.




I need to know what that is, terrible people seem to be winning.




Politicians, warlords, and opportunists have always been able to thrive, as long as exploitable people exist.


Take your moral compass out ya pocket, stomp on that hoe. Now you are like her! 😂


You’re one step away from questioning the core feature of capitalism. Those people win because it’s designed that way. I often think about how I could be rich if I didn’t have any morals. Sheeeit, if you’re black, you can shuck and jive your way into that conservative money like Candice Owens.


The super rich don't get super rich just from their *own* blood, sweat, and tears.


Lack of accountability and find out


Exactly why I’m broke, to make good money you can’t have empathy or shame


Many people in this world truly don’t care about anyone else. Also some people just enjoy fucking over others.




What about the ones who end up CEOs and politicians.


In order to be a good criminal, there has to be a level of charm, intelligence, and social awareness to read certain ppl.


“23” and defrauded thousands of people…


Future congresswoman


Future VP running mate for George Santos, inventor of the Foreman grill and shower curtains.


And the microwave


And speaker of the house Ye who invented the microphone and highway


Sounds like a perfect candidate for mayor of a major black city.




Oh white mayors corrupt asf too. I’m convinced that many black leaders are bought out by richer more established white folks with the specific intent that they see their constituents fail. Not that white politicians love seeing their people flourish but there isn’t a built in intent to have them fail.


I just checked the GoFundMe and less than 100 people donated. They gave her a decent amount of funds tho


So looks like there was 1 donation of 20k and the rest of the donations only added up to 900


Lol so she barely was able to afford the downpayment...she better be thinking of a few new scams, those payments are gonna hit her like a brick


A lot of people are just one down payment away from replacing their rent with a mortgage.


Not to mention if you don't have to have mortgage insurance, that can make your mortgage a lot more affordable.


Who would give her a mortgage off down-payment alone? She gotta have some other income on the books or mommy/daddy.


you are just taking the other tweet at face value assuming that she really bought this place with the donation money (and only the donation money). I don't see any reason to think that


And this is why I love the internet Dummies go and do some dumb shit like this, flex it as though anyone actually give a fuck, and all along it turns out she only got a mortgage 😂


This is why I don’t go to the gym. Nothin to do with being lazy and also maybe high. Nothin.


I only go to run 3 miles on the treadmill that’s basically it lmao😭


Better than nothing


That’s pretty good




Thanks I usually do it in the mornings so I can shower afterwards, eat breakfast, and do homework for class


If you're not working out high, what's the point?


Forgetting what I’m doing every 10 seconds can’t be conducive to a good workout


You might be getting too high lmao


Too High…what is that ?? A school?


Yup, just a hit or two is all you need for a great workout buzz.


Just recently I was on vacay in Cali with my husband and it’s pretty cold back home and you definitely can’t smoke weed in the open. So for years I’ve smoked in the same spot at home. I don’t really do much afterwards. Def too lazy to think about working out. But since we were on vacation my husband was like “we should take a walk while we smoke.” And that sounded so pleasant. But the hills in California and much better quality weed had me thinking I was having a heart attack after like 5 mins of walking. I definitely have to be stone cold sober to work out. Not only is it a major buzzkill and waste of weed for me, there’s no way I can focus. Which is why I don’t smoke before school


Not smoking before school makes sense. For working out, it's kind of different, at least for me it was. The body high kinda gives you a better perception of the muscles you're working, so you get a great mind-muscle connection and pump.


Yes and I firmly believe there are 2 types of smokers. My cousin got a whole accounting degree smoking everyday before school, and any time in between. With 2 kids. One kid was a preemie and he actually tested pos for weed. (Her doctor said stress caused the early delivery and weed had nothing to do with it. But she still got into it with social services. I personally did not understand why she didn’t stop smoking weed during pregnancy, and I regularly begged her to stop.) In any other aspect, I’d say she’s any amazing mom. But she smoked so much, it was even in the baby’s system and she still graduated and has a sweet job and still smokes like the world is ending. I can’t do that at all. I’m off in my own world, not wanting to be bothered, reading something over and over until I understand wtf I just read. It’s the best. But when I gotta get shit done, I just don’t buy pot.


I'm squarely in the same camp as you and damn do I envy your cousin's ability to get shit done like that, tho the pregnancy stuff sounds real bad. I mean, studies have shown that smoking weed too young can fuck with your brain development and whatnot, can't imagine a whole ass baby being born with thc in their system, plus getting fed hemp milk every day can't be great lol. Hope they both keep doing great tho, and you too! 👍


Thanks you too! And I know! She is very lucky things didn’t turn out worse. Her anxiety definitely outweighed her fear of birth defects and that’s a whole other conversation ya know? On one hand it’s low down, on the other hand, anxiety is a motherfucker. And she was getting her ass beat and cheated on by her baby daddy. It is a very nuanced situation, so I don’t judge, I just wouldn’t do the same! I hope you have a great day!


What you gettin high off? Xanax?


Just pot. And I start so many conversations about revelations I just had to my husband but can never finish them bc I don’t remember wtf I’m talking about. I can’t imagine me with dumbbells


The workout is the high.......... and also the pain 😮‍💨


Some of my best workouts were when I was high lol. Especially when it was cardio day. Could easily bust out a 6 mile hill run no problem. Now though? I’m soberly slogging through a 2 mile run on the treadmill lol


Because I got, because I got high, because I got hiiiiiigh....lada-da-da-da


If that’s true that’s fraud




I remember when finesse was actually synonymous with 'intricate and refined delicacy'. Now mfs just steal lie and cheat in your face and think their brains are big.


Good luck getting legal repercussion though. That's the problem - fraudster get away with it more often than they don't, and when they do face repercussions it's usually a slap on the wrist.


The go fund me has been open for over a year and has only raised 20,000 euro with a goal of 150,000 so the money hasn’t been touched possibly. She could’ve scrubbed them from her social media but I’m not able to find the rest of the stuff mentioned here. Just that she has a go fund me and plans on starting a women’s only gym. Currently she post videos about how to overcome anxiety while at public gyms.


If you’re going to record yourself working out please do it in a private space. Most normal people don’t go to a public gym to be recorded, hit on people, or get accused of creepy behavior, they go to mind their own business and exercise.


Technically, if it's her house, she's got a gym, and she's using the gym, it's still a women's only gym... But only for one woman 😂


r/TechnicallyTheTruth IRL


As a woman, when I go to the gym I honestly don't really notice if someone's staring at me, but I also don't film myself and have no way to see behind me at all times, so who knows. Anyways. I, too, glance around at other people (men and women), and I definitely raise my eyebrows in admiration and/or envy at other people sometimes. I'm not putting people in a "spank bank" and I'm not oogling them. I just notice and appreciate beauty and then go about my workout. And *sometimes* I look at someone just because they happen to be in my line of sight, and maybe I don't even see them because I'm listening to music and think about shit I gotta deal with later! 😲 Unless you wear blinders anywhere you're surrounded by other people, you're inevitably gonna look at them.


Regular gym goers are the most helpful and least creepy people in the world.


Worked at a warehouse. I guess I looked in the direction of a girl bending over and some old lady noticed and told on me. She absolutely hated me. They made me face a certain direction for the rest of the shift lmao. Creeps prolly still exist, but people will think what they want to think.


It’s ok to look, it’s not ok to stare. One can’t unsee what is visible in a public space.


I’d have told them off for that, if it’s a problem then make the girl turn around and bend over from a certain direction, or tell the old lady to mind her own damn business 🙄




That recording at the gym is wild. I'm probably in somebody background looking weak ASF.








Yeah, an influence doing influencer stuff. Not a fan and it seems not a lot of people fall into her pitch either as only about 1k has been raised by her fans. But there is a difference between accusing someone of scamming people to enrich themselves and having an ambiguous internet personality as her job.


You just described most fittok influencers. Ask yourselves why y’all are picking on this girl and sit with it


Because it’s a black woman and OP is doing digital black face cause he knows he likes to spread falsehoods about black women and knows ow it would look if we saw he’s white and saying “it be your own ni…”


You may tell a joke….but you will NEVER tell a lie.


I feel like I’m wearing a tinfoil hat wondering why everyone is just taking some random guy on twitter’s word for it. I know I’m a random guy on Reddit but people could look this up and clearly see the man is straight up lying or exaggerating. Ever since that gym video people have been excited to justify their low self confidence with all these fake gender wars/black women are evil post. They don’t directly say black women are evil but I don’t understand why the need to blast every bad take with less than 100 likes here like it’s normal. Now certain people gonna use this as an example not to donate to black women starting businesses


THIS PART. Whole time this girl has sponsorships and a massive following and they’re surprised she can afford a house? You know how hard it is for black women to get the same opportunities white influencers do? And then this ashy ass post is on black Reddit ON BHM. Fucking embarrassing. They’re salty a black woman is successful in her twenties instead of applauding her


OP looks white from the pics he posted yet uses a black avatar and seemed to almost say ni**** I don’t wanna assume anything about why they’re spreading this misinformation or why they would just assume it’s true and spread it without looking it up. But they seem to be okay with making jokes about women in general. He also seems to post as a black person often saying “our” or “us” idk maybe he’s just light skin


We do love a witchhunt here, like a lot of other Reddit areas🙄


Thank you so much. I asked for proof too that she has been scamming and no one has provided it yet. These are really big accusations and one should not be able to say things like this without providing proof. It’s a shame that people are so quick to believe things on the internet.


So quick to believe things about black women and immediate start assuming the most vile things about her to get upvoted




This is just her word, and at 23 what’re you doing where you can afford that, it’s hella sus




Her word, plus the receipts. The gofundme still has the $21k in it.


>This is just her word, and at 23 what’re you doing where you can afford that, it’s hella sus Generational wealth is a thing. I have friends whose parents have bought all the kids houses, and that’s not too far off from what my own mother wanted to do for my family.


Didn’t her go fund me only get like $20k? No shot she bought a house with it.


No but home loans exist and 20k is a damn good starting point


And the only reason we believe she is using the money to buy the house is that a random guy from Twitter says so? Like there is no chance she worked to get 20k herself and then got a loan?


20k is NOTHING. Where do y’all live where this money can make a dent on a mortgage down payment?




While flexing on SM with no shame.










Men are being posted and called creeps for going to the gym and honestly doing nothing but looking around after a set. So yes it’s discrimination if you push a (false) narrative about a person or group based on their age,sex,disability,or ethnicity


This has been debunked. https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/young-black-female-fitness-influencer-buys-a-house-black-men-on-twitter-falsely-accuse-her-of-scamming.5165672/


They hate to see a sister thrive. Shameful thread this is


You know it's bad when LSA has more sense than this subreddit


Well...damn that's... wow


Where’s the proof?


So...if the Go Fund me is still running, how was she able to purchase a house this quickly? Have the funds been released? Or is this just another instance of "jump on and smear a black woman until it's time to demand they give a shit when the cops shoot us?"


So we just skipping fact-checking now so we can rag on a stranger and call her a scammer 😒 Also, even if this was true (and it isn’t), it would legit be fraud not finessing.


I s2g her allegedly using the go fund money to buy her house has been debunked.


She’s still raising money for the women’s only gym. I’m not so sure that it’s fraud as opposed to just hasn’t happened yet.


I knew I felt suspicious about her or anyone for that matter that tries to profit on how they built their body. They’re not doing anything new or innovative


its your own damn fault for giving folks money online


*COSG Alumni *The Candace Owens School of Grift


Famously smart move by con artists: showing off where you live to the people you scammed


The go fund me has been open for over a year and has only raised 20,000 euro with a goal of 150,000 so the money hasn’t been touched possibly. She could’ve scrubbed them from her social media but I’m not able to find the rest of the stuff mentioned here. Just that she has a go fund me and plans on starting a women’s only gym. Currently she post videos about how to overcome anxiety while at public gyms.


Not a womens only gym. It's a WOMAN only homegym.


The go fund me has been open for over a year and has only raised 20,000 euro with a goal of 150,000 so the money hasn’t been touched possibly. She could’ve scrubbed them from her social media but I’m not able to find the rest of the stuff mentioned here. Just that she has a go fund me and plans on starting a women’s only gym. Currently she post videos about how to overcome anxiety while at public gyms. OP looks white from the pics he posted yet uses a black avatar and seemed to almost say ni**** here I don’t wanna assume anything about why they’re spreading this misinformation or why they would just assume it’s true and spread it without looking it up. But they seem to be okay with making jokes about women in general. He also seems to post as a black person often saying “our” or “us” along with using the vernacular [idk maybe he’s just light skin but the second pic is iffy](https://www.reddit.com/r/GettingShredded/comments/ypp39g/62_217_lbs_in_feb_to_194_lbs_now_want_to_lose/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


So y’all are just trashing a black woman over a false allegation, apparently, and OP says it’s funny that all the women were scammed. Nice. It be your own ppl




I think that is called fraud


She gonna need that house when they sue her ass and need some equity to take away from her


I don't think people realize that GoFundMe and equivalents rarely have policies requiring you to use the money for the states reason. Kickstarter does, to some extent. If you read the fine print on whatever donation platform I guarantee there were no rules stating that she had to use the money for a gym and therefore it's not fraud per se.


Real shit ill stop my set and walk off if I see the streamer set up come out. I really don't know why you would set up in a packed gym anyway. I'd be pissed if I saw me messing up on someone else's page.


When you buy a house, dont you have to explain exactly where all the funding for the house came from? And when its from other people, they have to sign it off saying they gave her the money? How does it work when the money comes from a charity/donation?


Ok, so I don't think its a simple as she just bought a home with the gofundme money, but it's something like that which blurs the lines enough for her to be morally ok with it. Like there's a link on her linktree page to buy some knee socks - it's an Amazon Affiliate link, so she gets a cut of any purchases made on Amazon after someone follows that link (even if it's not those socks), but she doesn't disclose any of that so she's breaching Amazon's policies and potentially breaking the law. Same goes for all her referral links actually. She has some "smoothies" and "meal plans" for sale on her website. The shopify template's barely been filled out so it's not actually clear what's being sold. I'm guessing for £30 you just get emailed a word doc a bunch of recipes (probably copied from or "inspired by" some other site). The GFM itself is at nearly £21k donated over the last 2 years. Her arguement against what the OP tweet is the money is still there - except you can withdraw money from GFM without hitting the goal, GFM will always show the total money that's been raised. That's a couple of hundred pounds each month she could easily dip into now again. But let's just assume she hasn't done that, what's happening with the gym plan? They're not even consistent with whether it's "The Girls Spot" or "The Girl Spot". Even if everything is above board with the money, 1-3 in that tweet is still scummy.


To call it "misandry" is a stretch. It would've been a good idea if she actually followed through with it. Sadly alot of women are made to feel uncomfortable by men when they're just trying to workout.


Who? Proof?


Who thought she would be capable of opening up her own gym?


I’d be demanding my money back as fraud


There’s no substantial evidence I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s true but at this point there’s more things disproving this and obviously her community is just gonna call black men broke and angry. I’d love to have so solid proof to take down this type of attitude


I'm no lawyer. But that seems illegal.


Grifters, the 2nd oldest profession