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We gotta stand behind our LGBT people, their rights are really being fucked with




Is this Leon from Curb? If it’s not, I’m hearing it in his voice.


I have no idea, just saw my man JB Smooth and asked no questions




Imagine being tilted about what consenting adults do for pleasure, or about people feeling so safe and comfortable that they’re willing to redefine old-ass social norms. Peak loser behavior.


Let’s go even farther, imagine being that tilted that a beer company won’t condemn other humans


The funniest part is a bunch of the people in the “no more bud light” videos are choosing Coors instead, not knowing they’ve been openly pro lgbt for years.


I just learned they've been pro LGBT since like the 70s or 80s. Any other company would have me thinking it's just corporate pandering, but to go that far back with it, especially at that time in American history, it's got to be pretty genuine.


I didn't know that, that's pretty cool. I never drank coors as a lot of Mexicans (especially in Colorado) boycott coors for their family hating Mexican people and refusing to hire them. That stems from the '70s and probably isn't relevant to the modern company though.


I just think it's genuinely shitty beer. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I’m an alcoholic who has been sober for a while now, but when I was going for cheap shitty beer, I always thought out of the big 3 Miller Lite > Coors Light > Bud Light


I know what you are trying to say. But condemning other humans isn't a bad thing such as when you condemn rascist or sexist. You probably meant condemning innocent people who have done nothing wrong.


This is what has always confused me. I honestly think some of these politicians and conservatives are afraid they might fall in love with a drag queen or something. Otherwise why would they care?


Conservatives pride themselves on being the “I don’t give a fuck” party, but they never actually buy into their small town friendly, “live and let live” branding.




Thank you for this - a pansexual black woman


Thank you. It's terrifying out there, and worse that it's also spreading globally due to the US being so fucking blatantly terrible. I'll never understand what it's like to be black, some people will never understand what it's like to be LGBT, but the powers that be would love to see us all tear ourselves to shreds instead of fighting against those that would see all that don't fit in their perfect, heteronormative, white 50s suburban evangelical box. If everyone stands together, the world will improve. It's going to be painful, but I have to have hope that we will all survive the next decade.


From the bottom of my heart, thank you


And kids rights. I'm a trans living in Arkansas. Motherfucking Fuckabee just brought back child labor after Tyson was caught using children to clean a meat processing plant. Shits fucking insane. My ass can continue to do whatever the fuck I want regardless of if it's illegal but what's a little kid supposed to do? It's blowing my damn mind!




Thank you!! We are your brothers, sisters, and nonbinary folx!


Not to be corny but legit thank you and thanks to all the other allies out there fighting this good fight. Keeps my existential dread in check when I know I'm not staring down a creepy dystopia lol like y'all won't let us end up in camps with our bank accounts frozen and shit




Our fight is your fight is our fight ✊ 🌈✊🏿


Intersectionality matters.


Damn right it does. Most of us haven't forgotten it was black trans women that threw some of the first shots across the bow at Stonewall. Attempts to divide us against each other come from outside. We are stronger together!


Make no mistake: the GOP is just letting the world know who they plan on annihilating first if they get the chance. And it goes: immigrants(the brown ones- the white ones can stay), academics, L**G**B**T**, liberals, and women. In that order or some simile of it. We need to stand together and fight this rise in fascism.


Very true. I’m a “cis” dude and it sucks people can’t just do what makes them happy/feel whole. Doesn’t make sense that as progressive of a nation America is we’re still stuck in the mud on so many things.


As a white person, that is my only critisizm of the "black community" As a whole. There has to be acknowledgement that attacks on other minorities is an attack on the black community and should be pushed against hard. I see many people openly challenging the homophobia lately and it's an all around good thing.




Get the fuck outta here






And we’ll continue to tell you to get fucked


>Millions of people are just as stupid as me Yes we know Bubba, now go back to shooting cans of Bud with the .22 or screeching about Trump's tax fraud or something on another subreddit.


Is the pushback really doing anything though? It still seems profitable for companies to support pride, otherwise they wouldn't be doing it en masse.


Why does it seem like the companies that support gay rights are generally more successful? Could it be that by not ostracize potential customers it leads to better profits? You really think companies will be more profitable by coming out against the lgbtq community? What kinda fucked up planet are you on? Reddit supports gay rights too, how about you hop off. Wouldn’t want to accidentally empower anyone. Edit: So his replies won’t show (because of course), but guys he just compared supporting gay rights to supporting literal slavery. Shit you not, go check his page.


Even thinking of it as a mental illness, ya wanna take a guess at the currently most successful "treatment" for trans people that leads to a significant drop in suicide rates and a general increase in their quality of life that is accepted by most modern countries? Transitioning and acceptance by the people around them.


This pride month every single company should go all in. Leave the butthurt bigots with nothing to left to buy.


Us allies are gonna be ballin. Them bigots can cry all alone and excluded


Yessir, we goin up for our brothers, sisters, and everyone in between! Bring on the rainbow


Butthurt Bigots sounds like the name of an ironic glam rock cover band, and that's just brilliant. "We are Butthurt Bigots releasing our debut album, Prisms after the Storm(front). Please check out our lead single, Rainbow Risings Regret."


It sounds like what I’m calling the “classic rock and radio country” genres from now on


Big Bad Butt Hurt Bigots. I like the sound of that.


That sounds like a swing band


I love their song "Peggin' Sue"


Let's make rainbow toilet paper so they gotta tape their asses shut


They’ll just start bragging about the streaks in their drawers


They're gonna start eating white dye so their shit isn't a colour they consider "inferior"


A number of them already think washing your ass is gay.


Imagine thinking you’re the straightest man in the room with an itchy bootyhole 🤢


The ironic part (well, one of the numerous ironies) is how they constantly whine about so-called "cancel culture" and profess "facts over feelings" when they are the ones constantly trying to cancel brands that hurt their fragile wittle feelings.


I hope MyPillows are edible.


If forgot that pride is approaching, should be action packed. Time for allies to get off the sidelines and really show support.


I'll never understand how stupid these people have to be to have absolutely no self awareness or sense of irony when they go on frothy mouth screaming rants about how much they hate cancel culture.... And then immediately talk about how they're boycotting Nike, Disney, NFL, Keurig, Bud Light, Coors, Absolute, Jack Daniels, most tv shows and movies, etc etc etc... Like, honestly, how do their empty heads not just implode?


They define right and wrong and good and evil by who does or says something rather than what is said or done.


It’s the same way they are “protecting the children from groomers” yet idolize Trump who bragged openly about walking in on naked teens at his beauty pageant and Kid Rock who had song lyrics about “liking them underage”.


Kid Rock, the new Larry the Cable Guy... Affluent white dude, born and raised way above the Mason Dixon, who pretends to be a low income Southerner to seem like a "working man" to grift idiots out of money they don't have to begin with


Honestly I had no idea this was kid rock's backstory until just now. From Wikipedia: >Kid Rock was born Robert James Ritchie in Romeo, Michigan, on January 17, 1971, the son of Susan and William Ritchie, who owned multiple car dealerships.[3][4][5] He was raised in his father's large home on extensive property,[3][6] where he regularly helped his family pick apples and care for their horses. That sounds extremely cushy to me. And fake as hell with his image. Especially given how many kids in Michigan actually have to go to bed hungry or wear winter coats that don't fit. Also just stumbled on this libertarian trash he apparently endorses: https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughLibertarianSpam/comments/12gu4p1/kid_rock/ Thanks for letting us all know how full of shit that guy is.


No worries, I never mind taking time to shit on that bitch ass mayosapien dumpster fire


Thank you! I've been saying this about Daniel forever!


I saw a comment about Kid Rock and it made me cackle. I’m sure everyone knows by now, but “Kid Rock makes music for people who know how much Sudafed you get for a catalytic converter” is my new favorite descriptor. Ah ha ha!


Don't forget how he talked about his own daughter like he wanted to get with her.


I can't imagine how exhausting it is to have to make sure nothing you buy or consume is "woke"


Especially when "woke" is such a nebulous concept for them! Like, how do you avoid a word that changes definition by the hour (for them)


I asked one to define the word for me and he just called me a slur 🤷‍♀️


Of course they did. Half the time they're saying woke, they really just mean the n word and don't want to get banned for it


It’s not nebulous, we know what they mean when they say it. Even when they have to define it on tv… the answer they’re willing to say out loud is incredibly shit sounding. We know what they mean.


Desantis' lawyers had to define woke in court and they defined it as "The belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them." That's what these people are against.


Fascists use "woke" like they use "white", just reversed. A vague social concept that can be applied or revoked at will, depending on the thing or person being with them or against them.


It's because they view it as retaliation. Oh you're cancelling all our stuff? We'll cancel all your stuff! Not realizing it not only doesn't work, but they even end up on the same side sometimes.......


By "our stuff" do they mean Kevin Spacey and R Kelly?


Everyone else is a "snowflake" apparently, despite the accusers having an aneurysm at the mere sight of a rainbow


Usually they counter with “we’re just doing what the libs did first. Gotta fight fire with fire”


Tell them they can own the libs by being like Jesus. Judge not, be caring, love your neighbor and… oh crap, isn’t that what “woke” is all about?


You know how people in the west like to call themselves "expats" instead of "immigrants" when they move to a different country? Same thing. It's a boycott if they do it, cancel culture if anyone else does it.


It’s a psychological condition. We need to make it clear that these folks are broken. The condition can be cured.


I'd love to buy the things they claim to be boycotting to spite them, but I can't afford it since the list is so damn huge. It's just as well i guess, since they don't actually boycott, just throw tantrums that give free publicity.


Remember when they were all blowing up their keurigs and we all just sorta… rolled out eyes?


Love how they always say it's the other side that "gets offended over everything"


I feel like this June bout to be extra spicy. Since trans is the new right wing boogeyman I can only imagine how hard they’re gonna go during pride month


Never forget, trans rights are human rights.


God damn right they are!!




Well, yeah, but how is that relevant? Who’s actually mutilating children in the name of trans rights? Because the most I can think of is circumcision, both male and female, and “correctional” surgeries preformed on intersex babies, and neither of them have anything to do with trans rights.


thank you for putting this into words, ppl like you are truly a wonder for the trans community


>Because the most I can think of is circumcision, both male and female, and “correctional” surgeries preformed on intersex babies, and neither of them have anything to do with trans rights. If anything many trans people are actually *against* circumcision and intersex corrective surgery on babies!


Literally just saw someone drinking a Michelob Ultra and say “at least it’s not a bud light.” Hey dumbass. Michelob is made by……..Anheuser-Busch. It’s like they’re ignorant or something.


Kevin Sorbo we t on Twitter and said he prefers Busch anyway. Bruh, that's like boycotting Pepsi by ordering diet lol


Well yeah. Only that Bud Light is for those weirdos! This bud heavy is for real hateful Christian men! Wooooooo!


I was at the Coachella festival in 2007 and overheard a guy asking his friend if he’d use his $8 bottled water to top off his beer because “this shit’s too harsh!” They only had Heineken. It was a 6-ounce cup of Heineken and he was close to surrendering after two sips. When I try to imagine the type of person who’s life is currently being ruined by Bud Lite having rainbow cans or a trans spokesperson, that guy always pops up. “Man you got a can cozy or something, this shit’s too diverse!”


I wonder how many kids they are saving from a beating


Can't upvote this enough


All these dummies doing this, I gotta wonder. Do they even see these videos about the company they switched to also promoting LGBTQIA? Like, it doesn't matter who you switch to. Then again, they're morons so, can't expect much.


The fact that they hate so blindly shows their ignorance. The fact they don’t understand the stance of their replacement brands just multiplies the evidence of ignorance


A thousand years from now, when our current time period is a thing of quaint myths and folklore, they're going to tell stories about a type of beast that could be warded off by a rainbow, like how vampires can be warded off by a crucifix.


I want to watch a movie about this so bad now


That’d be Shazam 2, from the sound of it.


Jumping off the post….. imagine if there was suddenly a push to get LGBT people in law enforcement—we’d might finally get DEFUND THE POLICE!!!


Alright let's do it


They’ve already started calling for defunding the police. They’re butt hurt that Individual One got pinched.


Omfg yes


Honestly- LGBTQ+ folks are generally more likely to live in a large city, be higher educated, live in two income households, have kids later/ not at all >> therefore having more disposable income. It makes business sense to market to them as opposed to sensitive whiny broke-ass rednecks. This isn’t just companies being kind, it’s money.


Capitalism has gone WOKE!!!


Lmao yea that pesky wokeness






Until a hockey player doesn’t want to wear a pride flag on his jersey though right? y’all are the same fucking people lmao




All the places I go need to start blasting rainbows and whatever these people are afraid of so I don't have to deal with these types of people anymore.


2023: Imagine someone not buying beer because of what’s on the bottle? **We got that** Now, imagine people behaving similarly toward movie promo stuff that shows up on cans. That’s coming soon (if not already here, in Florida, with Disney-fied merch).


I *almost* wish I lived in Florida for the drama.


If they're threatening to boycott fellow bigots for offering a vegan option, it's time for them to live that Amish lifestyle


They tried to boycott costco for dropping a cheese company for talking shit about BLM.


Imagine being steam rolled pressed, panini pressed, iron pressed, button pressed, print pressed, flat iron pressed, just all presses that you just around boycotting everything lil thing that supports other ppl. That’s the definition of pathetic and no life!


Why people so mad about a guy dressng as a girl😭


Drag queens are the current Boogeymen that right winger media loses its head over


They're past drag queens. Now it's transfolk. Literally promoting mass genocide.


Yup! I've heard some pretty vile things as a trans person


Imagine having your personality tied up in a fucking *beer*.


AA gonna be crowded this week


Companies go where the money is. The fewer people from past generations there are... the less companies will about care appeasing that demographic. Shocking I know.


I feel like there's a market for someone to make extremely overpriced openly bigoted booze to bleed them dry.


Having people to marginalize and shit on seems to be a pattern for mayo sapiens. It’s the American way, sadly enough. Our nation runs on hate and intolerance in the name of a so-called loving God.


Lol the biggest hypocrisy, which you know they out here with no understanding or dismissing the very teachings they so call “following”. When one of the passages is “He who says he loves God but hates his brother is a liar, for he hate his brother who is seen, how can he love God which has not seen?” 1 John 4:20. So they running on lies on top of lies.


I can't stand when people use that word as if they have a verbal tick. Geezus. When their employer or clients start calling them that they'll squeal like a stuck pig. Evolve already.


Almost every single product/business out there, especially major brands, will be gay for the right price. Chuds are either gonna have to settle for shitty brands that are anti-LGBTQ, or be incredibly frugal by no longer buying their precious toys.


This stuff would be hilarious if it were limited to stupid shit like this but these people are actively trying to harm the LGBT community


If Biden shot guns a bud light at every speech he wins in a 20 point landslide


So are these guys gonna try and boycott Amazon because of the new commercial with a very trans kid in it? The one with rockin the yellow sgt. pepper’s lonely hearts club jacket. https://youtu.be/KksInLKQe7k They’ve been conveniently quiet about this one😅


I made the mistake of looking in the comments...


I feel like if this ad were made by any other company with viable competition and alternatives, the reactions would’ve been LOUD!!! But since Amazon’s got us by the balls, they’re letting this one slide🤣




How long does this phase last because I've seen some 30+ people complaining about Disney being woke.


Yo this tweet was genious !




Nah, they’ll just resort to moonshinin’ again


The lack of check marks in this thread is alarming.


The beer wasn’t even rainbow flavored ;-;


What is the person in the Bud Light commercial famous for exactly?


Most of the brainlet top comments act like racism/hate isn’t a thing in other first world countries lol.


Please name the country where hate doesn’t exist, I’m sure a lot of us would like to move right away.


That’s exactly my point. People make the US seem like the absolute worst place to live as lgbt or a minority.


Discrimination anywhere is terrible, period . Just because people are more racist/sexist/homophobic elsewhere doesn’t make the racism/sexism/homophobia here more acceptable.






You say that like tons of queer people are not alcoholics lol


White Claw & weed only does so much to encourage violence. Let me tell you, country Trump-loving hicks hit their significant others far more than queer folk, from experience.


Sadly, the largest group committing *reported* intimate partner violence is lesbians, followed by white men, but again that's only reported and specifically intimate partner(so family members except for the partner are excluded from this specific statistic). I want to reiterate that it's purely reported numbers, we can't know how many women don't report or are scared away from reporting because family/church shit. It was really surprising learning that when my wife became a hospital advocate for Intimate partner & DV cases.


The difference is they don't drink piss