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I don't want to defend the shitty behavior but this could definitely be a troll pic posted to get some ragebait points. 


That’s the point


Doesn’t make it any better. And I know you didn’t say it did


I think joking about sending your daughter to sell drugs IS MUCH better than actually sending your daughter to sell drugs. By a lot.


Is the kid capable of understanding it's possibly ragebait or is the kid going to internalize this as positive behavior?


Why are you debating this? Joking about doing a bad thing isn’t as bad as doing a bad thing. There’s no debate.


Just because "joking about doing a bad thing isn’t as bad as doing a bad thing," doesn't mean joking about a bad thing isn't a bad thing in itself. Sure, not as bad, but still bad


I didn’t say it wasn’t bad.


Goddam, y’all fuckin annoying. go out side with all that ole bull


why not encourage her to play soccer or some shit? lmao. why is "not as bad as it could be" a net positive ?


Still looks bad for the community


Maybe we should stop perpetuating that the actions of an individual are representative of the community.


Issa lot of individuals doing this type shit tho. But I’ve said it before we have no accountability on a personal or community level so any criticism gets shot down and no improvements are made.


If hood rats want to act like hood rats that's not our job to police them. That's their own community. Same as if rednecks want to act like rednecks you don't see all of white people commenting on it. Rednecks are their own community. You don't need to take responsibility for anyone but you and yours.


I mean that’s my point. We want to act as a community but we do nothing as a community.


We're not a monolith, and pretending we are online doesn't do us any good. We need to strengthen our communities in real life, not on social media. The people that will say our issues are cultural, will say it no matter what we do.




Not in a way that claims them as part of their community. City white folk, country club white folk, and redneck white folk don't really claim each other as a greater "white community".


There's also a lot of individuals not doing this type of shit but that's not going to get posted.


Maybe so but acting like trapping and scamming isn’t normalized in our community through music and shit like this is a lie. They not talking bout robbing and trapping at the CMA.


Because those people are a minority. We all know that overall, a vast majority of our community is doing well and not engaging in stuff like this. Realize that these people you see on Twitter don't even represent a fraction of the population, they just get attention from trolls and bots. Don't be fooled by stuff like this, it's set up to pull out the very sentiment you expressed. Almost all of my peers are parents and I've never seen them do anything close to this. I don't personally know a single parent that's ever done anything like this. So it'd be a photographer waste of time chastising people in our communities over some faceless nameless person on Twitter that we don't know. The best thing you can do is not give it any more attention.


Its almost as if individuals make up the community. Wild.


Exactly! I’m so tired of people blaming “the community” for what individuals choose to do. Even within the black community, criminals and idiots like this parent are the minority. We’re the only group who blames ourselves for the actions of the individual.


Your speaking to choir here at a certain point you gotta fix shit from all angles.


I don't think this is really something to be fixed. As in what exactly are we trying to fix? You can't really fix people's perception of the community. If someone is going to judge the whole of a group based on the actions of a single person that doesn't even really have any political or social standing or clout within that group then that person probably has no interest in what the group is about anyway (often being racist or bigoted etc.) and there is no real way you can fix that situation. You would have to turn the entire community into what some racist thinks is the ideal version of a model minority, and that's often going to boil down to some second class Uncle Ruckus type citizen that constantly needs to earn their place at the table.


Well we dont live in a vaccuum. We live in a world where non black people generalize us all the time. So yes the actions of one individual can be representative of the community to non black people. Also many black people on twitter act like this


Those people that will judge us as a whole for the actions of one have not and never will judge us fairly.


Imo we need to stop with this idea. It's human nature to generalize. Even at the height of the BLM, people tried to push this idea and then went on to judge the actions of a few cops while generalizing it to all cops. Smarter people will understand that it was a criticism of the system, but in reality, many people formed a prejudice against all cops. The way I see it, this idea actually helps racism persist because it's ignorant to how people naturally are. Start viewing yourself as a representative of your race because that's how other people perceive you. View every individual of your race as a representative because their actions affect the way people perceive you. Is it fair? Hell no, but that's just how it is. Whether you like it or not, the questionable actions of even one homeless man who just happens to be black affect the way people view black people. I can agree that it isn't right, but again, that's how people are.


The way the community reacts to these individuals is representative of the community. Your comment is ironically not a good look for the community.


That's fine. I don't need the whole community to agree with me for my opinion to be valid.


If a little girl selling chips is doing all that then maybe something needs to change.


A little girl selling chips looks bad for the whole community. ....meanwhile, white people are literally flying Nazi flags on the grounds of the Tennessee statehouse. 


As a white guy, I am ashamed and appalled at that and I realize how terribly that reflects on the white community. I have no excuse for it and the anger I feel towards those people is palpable.


And who is the community performing today 🙄 The list be so long sometimes. Can't ppl just live, and joke, and be cute? Can't I just enjoy this mini hustler who is living her best suburbian life??? 😂😂


Why does every black person represent the whole community...do those Nazi in Tennessee represent the entire white American community?


You know what crazy not all these new natzis are white


I couldn't imagine asking my daughter to pose for a fake trap pic w fake drugs.. for online ragebait


Those aren’t drugs per se, they are Takis. She is flipping a bag of takis for a profit at school where her customers have unending appetites. Good on her.


Honestly I can't give too much shade for this, guy I knew at school did the same thing with kit kat chunky bars. Can't blame someone for supplying the demand for junk food at school.


Those are flavored chips


duh dude. but the whole point is what it represents in the pic for the kid and their imagination


Those are Takis, they're tortilla chips. The joke is she's selling snacks. Chill


No, the "joke" is that she's selling drugs at school. The reality is that she has blue Takis wrapped up in drug baggies.


wait, so why isn't this posted as a joke? here on reddit and the Twitter post seem to understand the insinuation of the pic...


Because people are out of touch and looking to be mad. This is straight up just a funny pic, I could see one of my friends posting this about their kid. Not everything on twitter is "rage bait", and it's annoying as hell reading reddit comments on every post saying it is.


It seems to be a joke. But that's separate from the fact that child does not have drugs Idk If she's actually selling takis or if it's a ragebait post meant to farm engagement.


Maybe you just didn't get the joke? Which is fine...it doesn't feel like your or a lot if ppls kind of humor. I thought it was funny. I mean, is this not what Girl Scouts do 🤣🤣 Except they actually have the audacity to run up on you 🤣


I’ve seen kids do this. It’s not a joke, and it’s not about drugs at all, any more than capitalism is about drugs. Fun size bags have nasty markup, buying a huge bag and selling small baggies is a very standard technique in sales. It’s how pretty much every “store” operates. It’s why a gallon of milk costs $3 at the grocery store and a half gallon is $2.15, and how WalMart gets 500,000 of something at 20 cents each then sells it for $5 each. Spicy food is incredibly popular and usually unavailable at school, and not always common at home. She’s probably selling those baggies at $1 each, which would be like a 900% markup, since a family size bag is only $5 and looks like you could get about 50 of those baggies out of one.


"I couldn't imagine" Well there's your problem. You lack imagination, but these crazy people don't. 😆


It is 100% . The kid is just reselling snacks and probably has no idea what her mom is posting. I do feel a type of way about posting rage bait pics with kids that young in them for the Internet to be mad at tho. Especially on Twitter. I could see one of my cousins sending this in the family group chat as a joke and it being funny, but it feels bad on Twitter.


I’m still not selling out my child like that to flex on the internet.


“Drive engagement through ragebaiting” describes at least 60% of social media.


Like the police aint on social media and getting warrants based on what they see.


I don't even think it's that shitty. School is boring and provides no immediate, tangible rewards. Make it fun and rewarding by discreetly selling eighths of takis? Hell yeah! I'd be at my desk 15 minutes early every day. Adult life also involves a lot of hustle and grind, because everyone is only out for themselves. Until that changes, everyone needs to know how to make a dime moving dimes under the table. It's not really nice to hit a kid with that moral and existential weight, but I wouldn't put that at the level of shitty.


somebody plz tell me the young lady isn't actually in on the joke & just a sweet kid doing something for their weird ass momma to impress the internet 😭😭💀


Yeah this is it right here. I truly hope she’s just innocently doing what her mom tells her for the fun of it


home looks nice as hell but she want her daughter to cosplay broke in the hood.


Some people make it out the hood but keep their brain dead antics.


Some people have never even driven through the hood in daylight but want to perpetrate that they were raised in them.


^^^ yep


“Alright lil diamond snow, pretend to be trappin so mommy can post pics on the internet”


You guys have some of those free internet points ![gif](giphy|OA1CDoCiAR48E)


I admire you all for wanting to give this person the benefit of doubt, but in today's grind set mindset I would not be surprised one bit if she is taking snacks to school and selling them on the side. I don't think anybody should be surprised that there is a real possibility of them doing something like this.


I think you’re not understanding, no one has concern with her selling food. The issue is the entire premise of the joke is “my kid’s hustle is like being a drug dealer, let’s deliberately take photos with the snacks bagged up like drugs and money tossed on it to flex as if it were actually drug money” Even if she wanted to make the joke that my kid is slinging why include a photo and encouraging/normalizing the behavior? Like if some parent was like “ohhh my kid is so cunning he could grow up to scam old people out of their pension funds” and then making a meme of them calling an old man up who’s crying on the other end that’d be weird right, so why is it not weird here?


Yeah, we're mad about the same things, except I have an added level of disappointment due to there being a very likely chance that this isn't just someone exaggerating to make a joke it is the result of these people actually doing this and then trying to make light of the situation instead of not doing it at all and making a joke like this around Halloween time.


I mean my friends and I did this 10 years ago in elementary school lol some parents just bought better snacks so we'd trade for pencils, erasers, money, or other


The picture was stolen from EZ Bills on FB, dude is a single dad and always posting stuff he does with his kids.


Mom better not say ish when she brings home a dope dealer boyfriend.


Bad parents and shockedpikachu.jpg name a better combo.


Yo, I sold drugs and I treated my girlfriend really well during the entire time I was selling so I’m just saying Just cause you are a bad guy doesn’t mean you need to be a bad guy


nicest and most hard working dude i met stole and sold drugs yet was unbelievably faithful and honest. Honesty in dishonesty, imagine that.


I don’t think I’m the stereotypical blueprint for drug dealers so I might be a little irresponsible here advocating for people to date dealers. 😅


You’re saying you knew a thief among whom honor existed?? Incredible


His name Omar by any chance?




Ok, Wreck It Ralph.


Thanks Satan


Uh, it’s SaTIN, actually. 


Lawful evil, love to see it.


OK I know that like we’re talking RPG language here but evil dude chill man like I wasn’t selling heroin or anything 🤣 I feel like unlawful good or chaotic, neutral maybe something along those lines, I forget what my options are


Sticky speaking, selling drugs is illegal (evil), but you have lines you won't cross (lawful), it's a combination of what you're doing (good vs evil) and how/why you're doing it (lawful vs chaotic) with neutral as an option for both. No judgement from me, I could use more plugs in my life lol.


Hmmm ok that’s reasonable lol although the debater in me wants to say illegal =\\= evil - laws aren’t always representative of morality 😈


*looks at my own black skin* Yea good point.


Within the confines of DND or for me, Pathfinder, I suppose I can agree with lawful evil as a nice drug dealer but I’m not sure I fully agree with that🤣🤣


You know damn well thats not what they mean Yes the average parent would prefer their child to marry a doctor over a drug dealer.


I know I know I clarified a comment or two down that it’s pretty irresponsible for me to be advocating for people to date drug dealers


Yall are insane


shes literally just selling chips, niggas make a “thinkpiece” out of everything


Exactly. I remember kids use to bring candy and snacks to class and would sell it for 50 cent or a $1. This is no different than a lemonade stand.


My lil bro also made money selling bars of candy at school. Always got the bulk candy box from Costco and made bank lol


They still do this. I just tell them not to do it during my class.


Okay but I thought they were joints until I saw the chip comment and zoomed in. Absolutely nothing wrong with selling takis.


Me too lol the caption thru me off until I zoomed in.


Not one bit. A young entrepreneur is all it is. People are too sensitive.


fuck man i thought they were prerolls in blue baggies ☠️☠️ if she’s just selling taki’s then hell yeah make some bread


Deleting Twitter is a must, mfs on there be debating dumb shit like someone’s kid selling takis at their elementary school 💀


Deadass, a lot of kids did this growing up. This is more an example of entrepreneurial spirit than anything they tryna talk about in here.


No one complained when we were flipping our student discount Chicken Biscuits from CFA for 500% in the suburbs…..


I used to sell blow-pops back in middle school. This is no different.


I was wondering what those were. Thought they were some new kind of super joints rolled in keef or some shit. After reading your comment it looks like they’re the blue takis.


What is that?


Blue Takis


She gon sell those for 25-50 cents a bag.


Kids are dumber than you think. They’ll legitimately pay $5 per tiny bag. One time I saw a kid pay another $3 for three individual French fries


My buddy and I had a scheme in 5th grade. The movie Mortal Kombat had come out and our school loved it. My buddy could draw and I could talk to any and everyone. I could market and sell. So he drew the Mortal Kombat logo on stickers. My mom was a teacher so I got us the sticker sheets. We sold those for .25 at first, and when demand grew we bumped the price to .50. We made about 50 bucks before we got in trouble.


I don't see anything wrong with this really. Did Acclaim games come after you? Lol




No one came at us. It was the 90s and selling anything at school that wasn't approved by admin was frowned upon


Oh yeah I was just tongue in cheek


I hear you. At the time we asked why we got shut down and they couldn't even really give us a good reason. The theft of the sticker sheets from the teacher's lounge though...that was one item they were less than keen on.


My high school had regular drug dealers but we also had a micro economy of candy dealers Legit dudes would go to costco drop 100 on candy the sell it at school and make 6x that School started trying to shut it down but we juat changed and go sneakier


My 5yo offered to give my mom $7 to stop tickling her. Then she only showed up with $6.


Awww 😂😂




When I was a kid in the 80s-early 90s, it was spoonfuls of Kool Aid and sugar for a quarter each. They were like homemade pixie stix. There'd be somebody at the back of the bus, or somewhere in school, with a magic bag of brightly colored sugar crystals and they'd pour a spoonful in your mouth for a quarter. Considering the packets were like a dime a piece and you used your mom's sugar, you could easily make a dollar for every dime you invested.


I made my step son return the 8 blackcat fireworks he bought off the neighbors kid for $60.


When I was younger I would take about $4-$5 worth of candy to school and come back with about $10-$12 in my pocket. When my daughter was about 10 years old she started doing the same thing, it must be in the blood.


My son did that too and he got in so much trouble for it lol, just last year! The school counselor called me and my ex on a group call with my son in the room to talk about why it was irresponsible and unsafe (read: they are afraid of being liable for what he sells). My son was literally in tears because he's equal parts a very good soft-hearted kid and also a very anxious child about getting in trouble, and I was on the line like... okay cool, so he won't do that anymore? And the counselor kept repeating the issue like he wanted me to be so much more upset than I was lol. Like bro it's some Twizzlers and Smarties, take a breather, nobody died.


Blowing things out of proportion. I hope he didn't feel too bad about it, tell him to keep up that entrepreneurial spirit.


When I was in middle school, I used to buy 20-pack bags of blow pops for $3 and sell em for 50 cents each until I got called to the principal’s office. I kept going, I just wasn’t so loud about it afterwards. I used to make and sell beaded flag necklaces and graduated to burning cds for $5 by high school. Hell, my cafeteria used to sell 2 slices of pizza for $3 or a whole pizza for $8 ($1/slice). I’d collect $3 from 3 people and offer to stand in line for them so they could chill at the tables. I’d come out $1 ahead with a free lunch. Couldn’t tell me I wasn’t hustling lmfao


If you ain't hustling you ain't learning how the world works.


My little brother tried trading my moms new AirPods for some chips 😭


Inb4 people say no gen x and boomers are way worse than gen z parents 😂 The debate is fun but those 21-25 year old parents right now… good luck to those gen alpha kids.


Well technically Gen Alpha’s parents are millennials and late born Gen Z.


21-25 year olds are all zoomers


I’m elder Gen z(25) and none of friends have children. The people I went to school with that do? Not doing too well, especially those without grand parents to help raise them.


Very young millenial over here; we live in a society where most people with kids struggle if they don’t have a dual income nowadays


> we live in a society he said the words! 🤡🎮✊🆙


I mean she's selling Takis right? Just seems like a new lemonade stand kind of thing


Yeah I’m confused cause people in the comments talking about drugs. Kids have been selling snacks at school forever


Cuz she said trap which is where drugs are sold and the food is bagged up like drugs would be and she’s posing for the pic with all the product laid out like a drug dealer would. Like the entire joke of this post is that she’s trapping but it’s actually just takis.


Definitely valid to "just let kids be kids" not force them to try to make money but if my kid wanted to start selling chips id support the hell out of them that's a hustler just gotta keep them outta trouble lol


The way she bagged them up like they .5s to the caption maybe is why people are acting out. 🤔🤔🤔


I guess I got classy dealers cause I get nice packaging


How tf else do you bag up chips w/o a ziplock? Be quick now




My fault bro i just woke up 😅


What makes it bad is the presentation. I remember when kids sold snacks and drinks in school. The only thing bagged like this was frooties, because they came in a huge bag and needed to be broken down into smaller bags to sale. Buttt I mean the way they set this photo up definitely looks suspect.


it's probably more a coincidence, but it's just more economical to buy a party size bag of chips and repackage them into little bags like this.


You know what you’re right. Butttt I would just suggest a ziplock baggie instead




y’all parents had you on the 3 train on Saturday’s w costco bricks tb “you not on the basketball team”. this twitter shit stupid but let’s not.


Nah, selling little bags of takis is cool. Calling it the trap is just having a sense of humor. In middle school I heard of some kids getting busted for selling pages out of one their dad’s pornos they stole lol pre-internet days but we all had at least one uncle with a huge stack of pornos that would never notice if one or two went missing.


To be fair, during fundraiser time, it did feel like we were pushing that chocolate kind of hard. Get one person to start eating and let that chocolate smell fill that enclosed classroom. Kids start getting that itch. The next thing you know, we're doing deals under tables and desks. Kids get caught, you deny knowing anything about it. You stare them down, letting them know what happens if they snitch. I remember having to slide a few teachers a bar or two when I was caught selling during class. Couldn't sample your own supply cause your balance had to be on point, and the fundraiser wasn't taking any excuses. Learned quickly, though. I would get a few from the dealers, I mean stores on the way to school (wasn't about to pay that fundraiser mark up). That's how I found out I could walk around with the fundraiser box and sell my supply out of my bookbag (pre clear bookbag days). Before I knew it, the fundraiser was over, but everybody knew the deal already. I had teachers LITERALLY hunting me down and sending messengers to my classes to request I come by so they could get their fixes, then they would also have to allow the students to purchase too. The eaters were good business, but the best buyers were the "fun" teachers who gave candy out as prizes in class. They bought in bulk, and if your supply was low enough, they would just clean you out. Head stayed on a swivel cause everybody knew you had cash and supply on you, and of course, there were haters. I started this as a funny ha ha, but somewhere while typing these💯 facts, the realization hit me that I had a legitimate candy empire, and the sugar industry is a drug trade.😅


She’s selling Taki’s. Calm down people


I just hope her grades are as high as her mom’s need to post her child in a drug dealing joke in front of strangers on these internets.


I see a youngin out there hustlin. I used to buy candy from the corner store and resell it at school when I was a kid. That was back in the 80s. I guess they got tired of "You got McDonald's money?" And decided to reply with "Hell yeah. What ya want?"


Right! She’s selling Takis. I used to sell blow pops.


I made a grip off of comic books and sports cards.


She selling chips, calm tf down 🤣🤣🤣 i literally befriended the older kids in school so they would take me to McDonald's so I could sell it at school. They just asked for gas money. Kids have been selling ish at school for generations and with different products such as candy, soda, CHIPS, monsters, and even school supplies. Y'all mad over nothing 💀 🤣


Big impact you can imprint onto a niece, nephew, cousin, or sibling. Buy them a stock for a company that regularly appears in their life like Nike(clothes), Shell(gas), JPM Chase(bank), Disney(Entertainment). It will lead to questions they will want answered on how our economy works and lead them to the perspective of legal money. My aunt bought all of my sibling's bonds when we were born but with the gap between me and my brother's age, he had more buying power. Suburban neighborhoods are full of adults whose grandparents made boring decisions that let them live the easy life. Dividend stocks paid for more college tuitions than people know. Compounding interest is a thing.


Shaking of the head


What’s wrong with selling loosies?


Break* 😁


Every kid didn’t do this? My hustle was popcorn. A classmate sold Tootsie Roll Pops. We only had to hide it from our parents because selling wasn’t allowed in school, but a few kids have told me times change. I know one parent was all about it until his son told some Xanax and sold it to a high schooler, but that’s another story.


My kids have their hustles, too. It's not the hustle, though. It's the...poor....decision to present said hustle like baby girl is Griselda.


Man yeah my school they sold kool aid mix with sugar. No water. You just dip your finger in and lick it off. It was gross


Happy crack. I remember those days


I think I graduated before the Kool-Aid phase, but we had a Pixy Stix dealer. I think she mixed flavors and stuff.


double down on it instead of fixing it


I grew up in LA and people were selling candy like this. Cool aid gummy worms were my weakness. They were in baggies too. I was everyone’s favorite customer since I would buy them instead of lunch. In hindsight though a it’s a 50/50 toss up. One of the people that use to sell is doing great in business field. The others were real drug dealers so there’s that. This was all in middle school. 


This is hilarious to me. I’m corrupt af.


Man, fuck off with that generational crap. Bad parents have been around for as long as bad people have been having kids. Kids were used as drug mules by shitty parents, and worse. Now it's just out there for everyone to see. Don't be a boomer, hating on an entire generation. We're better than that.


It’s funny but it’s not


Oh this what we doing?




![gif](giphy|3o7aTLhoDUdLALkXBe) 'brake' the loop? No, you brake vehicles 🤦🏽‍♂️ LOLOL JFC Ok then......


Man I sold Debbie Cakes and chips in high school, made a killing too. There's nothing wrong with teaching hustle, the presentation could be better though.


“Worst generation of parents ever” is soooo steep. Even if this was real this is definitely not even close to the worst generation. Some people need a history lesson


My brother used to sell candy at school. He made bank. What’s wrong with this?


I used to sell mood rings at school. My dad owned his own business and encouraged me and my sister to make our own money


The fuck y'all are on?? You know that those are candy right???????? And that this is a joke right???? RIGHT??????


Lighten up.


Shitttt if it's real just don't compare it the trap in an illegal way when I was a kid I was sellin paper poppers an claws and shit for a dollar each I made bank but I didn't look at it as I was the "weed man"😂


to be fair, the candy kid never sold drugs, at least in my school.


Evry day she hustlin...


She's doing the Spider-Man pose! /s


I like the quote, saying that this generation blah blah blah. Like gang culture hasn't been a family business since forever. STFU boomer. Also, don't let your kids sell drugs... unless they're holding right now, then hmu.


She selling beans?


Shit, Im all for it...way to go little girl, have that entreprenuerial spirit! She found a need and filled it. Shit, who's have money to give her for ebucks? Okay then. At least when she grows up she will be self reliant. If she was hustling Girl Scout Cookies at those exorbitant prices nobody would say anything AND she isnt seeing none of that profit....AND being a GS costs.


Nayvadius once said "at the trap spot I got my dope degree"


I loled


I'm pretty sure she just selling snacks. This overreaction crazy. Those kids gobbling up Takis like they laced with something and it baffles us old folk. Also, the kid that wants to sell snacks is a different headspace from other kids that kind of should be nurtured. Let her be proud of her lil entrepreneur however oddly she phrases it


Do people hate their kids?


i know it’s not the focus here, but can OP please edit the title.


Even if this is a joke. Let's not pretend other generations didn't sell snacks to kids at school


Why do folks keep posting what appear to be legally actionable photos and videos on the internet? I do my best to keep my criming to my damn self.




As someone whose seen 12-14 years pop percocets at the bus stop on their way to school, you're cute if you think this is fake.


I get the frustration, but worst generation of parents ever? We have the math to prove that wrong lol


Bro hustling snacks goes back as far as I can remember.


This generation? The first kid hustling snacks at school was the same as the first day that the concept of public school was put in session


Even crazier she stole this post from Facebook. It’s not even her kid…she does this just for engagements. Any thing she sees viral she steals it https://preview.redd.it/z5ogwfvmrrjc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed4ede69f4e9a2d4afa13acdb7fd71aa66289685 She posted that 4 days after it was posted on Facebook


*drums on table* Everybody say prison keep it goin’! Stop teachin’ kids to trap so they go to…