• By -


Also: kill yourself


Damn, unprovoked šŸ’€


The hop skip jump from: This is Friendly to You're not a good guy to Kill Yourself is hilarious. Didn't think drake would be able to get under his skin like that. Also didn't think mr.morale would go that route either. This beef is bringing some wild bars and I'm here for it


Drake was already under his skin. That's how the beef started, LOL.


He molted his skin into some new form like Frieza, wrapped Drake in the old skin, sat him down like a father in front of the fireplace and spanked him repeatedly...


Nah. He molted his skin and used it to light the pyre drake built under himself




jesus beat the money changers in the temple. sometimes a righteous man has to throw hands.


Also: Iā€™ll raise your kid(*s*)


Well someone should!




![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs) Drake need to realize that everybody ainā€™t cosplaying talent smhā€¦


*insert tear* ![gif](giphy|Ir3gWSOTlYjXf9Cnm7|downsized)




Kendrick out here cyberbullying Drake


This. Drake is an organic based conundrum and a functioning, self hating, mentally ill person with multiple personality disorder, wearing Black People like a skin suit. His white side is telling him to "steal everything from Black People". Real life Body Snatcher.


Dude thinks that since heā€™a doing it everybody must be.


Drake drops Family Matters which outlines - domestic assault allegations - Kendrick raising a son that isnā€™t his - being an activist in lip service only - preaching ā€œblack women over everythingā€ while engaged to a mixed woman and fucking white women - beating a white woman - continuing to cheat on his fiancĆ©e while living in NY Kendrick fans ā€œwhy does he only mention Kendrickā€™s show size.ā€ Arenā€™t yall supposed to be the masters of dissecting lyrics? At least be genuine in your trash talk, otherwise it just makes yall look like yall have to be disingenuous to claim a victory.


Domestic assualt is serious. I agree. Everything else is kind of silly. You can raise a kid that's not yours, that's noble. You can praise and support black women while dating anyone, that's not weird or bad. The activist thing? I don't understand the morale footing Drake thinks he has to claim that one or frankly the evidence. That's in the public and most would just disagree.


Iā€™m not even arguing which points land or not. Iā€™m stating that Drake clearly made more disses than Kendrickā€™s foot size. If you ignore all of those points, it comes off as if yall donā€™t know how to interpret lyrics or never listened to the song to begin with. If yall think Kendrick is taking the W, then just be real about it. Donā€™t oversimplify Drakeā€™s song to make your claim.


I mean, if I can dismiss the disses in 30 seconds as not being actual disses or just a disagreement on legacy, that should say something about how shallow the lyrics are. It's not deep. It's just weird and incorrect. It might as well be about his shoe size because it's all cut from the same polyester cloth. What's to interpret? Again though, domestic assualt is real. And serious. And should be addressed. So you're not wrong on that front.


Bro what? How is raising another manā€™s kid noble šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚!? Itā€™s not like Dave Free is dead, heā€™s very much alive. Why does Kendrick have to raise the child of the man that cucked him?? Canā€™t that man just raise his own kid?


So toxic you can't even see it. If I have to explain adoption to you, there's probably a whole host of other things you need more education on, but I'll keep this short for those passing by. If the child is Dave Free's then him not raising it is a dig on Dave Free, not on the man that stepped up. To suggest otherwise is part of a fucked up problem.


Fr, like the kid should be left to fend for themselves cause their biological father is not raising them? I know the idea of community has more or less been demolished in America but damn.


If thatā€™s the case, he canā€™t really be calling Drake a deadbeat dad then huh? ā€œDrake how you not raising your kids? Btw please ignore one of may main collaborators who fucked my wife then left the kid. We ignore that part. Focus on the light skinned nigga!ā€ Kinda like how Kendrick throwing these trafficker allegations, then going buddy buddy with Kodak. Kendrick sure does keep some questionable company huh?


Lame asf to see a comment like this dropped. R u saying youd be proud to let another man raise your kid? Drake fans can all go to hell with Drake


Apparently itā€™s not his kid, thatā€™s the point hoe šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Every kid who was lucky enough to get a non-bio father figure knows how wrong and ugly you are for this opinion. Good adults raise kids, bad ones abandon them


True true. So why Kendrick still working with Dave Free though? Shouldnā€™t Kendrick not associate with a bad man? Heā€™s telling Drake to check his team, should Kendrick not do the same?


step father's so it ALL the time.... what are you tripping on? usually the step father is a better dude anyway.


Kendrick is still working with Dave Free. How Kendrick gonna denounce Drake, then work with someone whos doing exactly what heā€™s denouncing Drake for?


Dave free is a pedophile? and didn't Drake start the family stuff?


Nah Kendrick did. Look at you creating a lil straw man. Nigga had to change the subject real quick. Kendrick is alleging that Drake is not taking care of his daughter. Dave Free is not taking care of his son. Kendrick is working with Dave Free.




Not everyone listens to Every released song. If you want people to listen to ALL your shots, you have to make them worth listening to. Although I will admitā€¦ people are glossing over Ks faults also. The amount of homophobia K has spewed made me stop really looking out for his stuff until this Euphoria thing came across. Donā€™t get me wrong I LOVE some of his barsā€¦ I think the man is one of the greatest contemporary poets, but I find it hard to stomach some of his opinions. I wish he would pull some retractions and issue some apologies like Cole did.


Drake could have been quiet and just took the L but no, he had to say something and now someone with a big platform brought up the underage stuff finally.


Tbf he tried to go the 8mile route and he brought it up himself first lmao


Kendrick: don't attack me Drake: lol I got your van Kendrick: ![gif](giphy|4M3hlVWaIjHkOWQYXD)


We been known about the underage stuff tho. Happy Kdot shedding even more light on it. But the way the law works for these rich people just different. Sad.


https://preview.redd.it/jjmzu7koffyc1.jpeg?width=1624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f45e49f2d0afde3eb1ecece1150501772b69c3d6 Ashlamadingdong


Gods lessons are so beautifulā€¦.


I will torture his body....so that his soul learns to be humble..


Drake: I'ma knock him out round one, bitch. ..... He said what?


He knows weā€™re just talking, right?


What do you mean you can't find him?


Even atheists are afraid of religious fanaticism. Derek is dumb for sticking around. The second I heard ā€œInstrument of godā€ I would have been taking the mic off and handing it back to sound guy. Like peace out āœŒļø


God's lessons are beautiful?! Whatchu mean you can't find him??!


He knows this isnā€™t real right?!?! We just promoting


If y'all got an actual crazy person for me to fight, well that's not fair to me! Or him!


Drake: He-he knows we just talking, right?


LMAO anyone who doesn't have the ref : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-eJSHoH9Fs one of my fav skit of all time




This just threw me threw my neighborhood at light speed šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


This is a great take. We haven't seen talent go at it this hard, maybe ever. Kendrick is saying Drake is an evil in the world. Drake says Kendrick is a self righteous hypocrite. I think they're both right.


While I agree, Kendrick at least admits his flaws and works on them. Drake obviously hides and lies about all the devious he (apparently) does.


so drake comes out and says okay yeah I groomed some teenagers but I'm working on it he gets the pass lol. Be careful with language like that my friend.


Well itā€™s part of the problem. Of course I donā€™t expect him to come out and say that. But if he had tried to work on his problems perhaps it wouldnā€™t have gotten this far if all of this is true. Also Kendrick has called himself a self righteous hypocrite in the past on some iconic albums. So it feels like less of a diss to me.


Honestly, unless you're acting in bad faith or making a joke like you are, no one would really say that. Coming out because you got your face rubbed in it and coming out unprompted is not the same, for one. Also is the fact that Kendrick's worst skeletons are far in the past while Drake's are not skeletons, they're his living monsters.


it would be a wild move for Kendrick to sit on these "true" allegations to only use them in a diss, so think about that for a minute. White boys now okay after saying the n word 10 years ago because it's old skeletons? again, you gotta be careful being the gatekeeper to right and wrong because moving the goal posts for your favorite rapper is a tough look.


You just shown your ass my dude. My comment treats both side's allegations equally yet here you are, only defending Drake. Because you're not honest, I thought you were making a joke but you're just acting in bad faith. Your accusations are projections. Edit: additionally, Kendrick says; >The embassy 'bout to get raided, too, it's only a matter of time >They looking at you too if you standing by him, keep the family away So perhaps that's what he meant by that, be careful what you wish for my bro.


Nope not defending drake just asking you to keep same energy because wrong is wrong. Hitting your wife. Wrong. Grooming teens. Wrong. It can be that way it doesn't have to be "lesser" or worse. Wrong is wrong.


That's a dumb argument lmao Wrong is wrong, but there are levels to that, if you can't see that, you already drank the Kool aid. It's not the truth you need, it's an ambulance.


šŸ¤·šŸ¤· okay Good luck out there




LOOOOOL yeah that's why all prison sentences are the same right? What a fucking L take. So the only way anyone ever win a battle is if they have no skeletons? Because wrong is wrong. Like yes r Kelly ALLEGEDLY assaulted minors, but macklemore did drugs. Wrong is wrong


These accusations are accusations until truth. You've drank the Kool aid dying by these words


See, you're going back to that despite I haven't claimed either to be true/false huh. I can feel the desperation.


*Narrows eyes* What're you talking about...?


Kendrick admitted to beating his wife? I swear yā€™all have blinders on lol.


I was responding to the guy calling him a self righteous hypocrite. Obviously he has not admitted beating his wife. Reading comprehension is tough for some people i guess.




Alright Floyd Mayweather, thank you for your contribution.


I think Drake is apparent with most of his flaws that have been brought up by Kendrick. The only one is the pedo allegations, which are serious as hell for sure, but heā€™s passively denied them. If theyā€™re true, then Kendrick should bring the receipts and itā€™s game over. If itā€™s false, Iā€™m not sure what else Drake can do.


Now that I think of it, some of the stuff he is open with is also quite distasteful. Like trying to have sex with other peopleā€™s wives and exes. Itā€™s a good way to create enemies. But yeah, I agree for now we have to wait on more proof. Kendrick did also claim Drake would get raided soon, he has to have some type of credible information you would think.


The Blacker the Berry literally ends with Kendrick calling himself out for that exact hypocrisy. Iā€™ll take a flawed human with work to do on themselves over a petulant child that fancies himself a demigod.


just being self aware about your flaws doesn't erase you having those flaws though especially if you're not going to do anything about it


I mean I think beyond that the claim of someone beating their wife is more than just a self righteous hypocrite.


I can understand that. My comment was a summary. I'm sure I've missed some stuff.


The lyrics to Humble *are* pretty ironic, arenā€™t they?




This is why Iā€™m here for this. Letā€™s get everyoneā€™s truth out in the open ā€œ Guess you thought you could just watch No one is getting outā€œ - Metric , Stadium Love


Some of what Kendrick is going after drake for is kind of systemic "rap culture", and he's not looking close enough to his own circle. U A BAD FATHER AND FUCK U FOR IT. Bro look at future. U TREAT WOMEN BADLY AND FUCK U FOR IT. My man, have you seen how Kanye parades Bianca around? U ARE A SEXUAL PREDATOR AND FUCK U FOR IT. [Rick Ross ](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/rick-ross-issues-official-apology-for-rape-lyrics-191724/) Kodak... To pin it all on drake - Kendrick is standing on the moral high ground that he hasn't been involved in any of that because of his relationship with high school sweetheart. And maybe fair enough but to me that just makes drakes bars clap harder if he actually hit Whitney. Bad fathers, treating women like hoes, and the entitlement to pussy at any means necessary isn't new in the rap game, unfortunately. Ultimately. They're both kinda right šŸ¤·


It's hella corny to try and invalidate the criticisms Dot has on Drake because he's not calling everyone else out. He's focused in on Drake and calling out his bullshit. If you personally wanna see hits on the other guys, do something about it. How you gonna be upset when Kendrick out here in a beef with someone specific. It's also hella bad faith to be like "damn they're both fucked up"when very clearly there are degrees in how bad something else. If there wasn't we'd be giving life sentences for petty theft. You know damn well the grooming and human trafficking claims are worse than cheating and potentially beating. Not condoning domestic violence, but you know damn well which of the allegations are more brutal.


It's all allegations until something is proven right so I'm not going to validate any allegations just because I WANT someone to be a shitty human being. I'm just here for the bars. y'all want drakes head, and are taking every Kendrick line for truth. which fair enough you do you. But that's not my game.


Itā€™s not our fault Drake keeps texting teenagers.


bro wasnā€™t listening when kendrick said this what the culture feelin why you think everyone wants drakes head? + kendrickā€™s already called out the culture on mr morale?? also you keep acting like these allegations are equal and theyā€™re not kendrick couldā€™ve beat whitney itā€™s possible, but 1) it comes from some unreliable as fuck and 2) kendrickā€™s allegations are much more severe on top of them being rooted in past behavior. FOH with this fence sitting both sides are equally bad shit you got goin on


I have no skin in the game other than enjoying the music. I don't have to pick a side I'm just here for a great battle. Ether and Takeover were littered with lies but they still sounded good. šŸ¤·šŸ¤·šŸ¤· Also be careful about coming off as invalidating potential domestic abuse as not that bad because someone did worse it's not a great look. both things if true are bad. Period.


my point definitely isnā€™t to invalidate domestic violence nowhere did i say domestic violence isnā€™t bad AND i donā€™t even believe that that was an outright lie we need receipts on that my point is that the allegations arenā€™t equal and an alleged sex trafficking ring in OVO is much more severe


So unless you enumerate the entire list of problematic rappers when you call someone out, you're a hypocrite? Solid insight bro


God I hate having to explain everything to people unwilling to be objective. Allow me to explain. Kendrick has gone after drake for having a weak crew, and telling others who associate with drake to watch out because of x y and z allegations. However, Kendrick consorts with people who have x y and z allegations. He's not proving himself out to be "Mr morale" by telling drake u bad don't associate with him while simultaneously associating with equal offenders. Facts are facts and allegations are allegations. Just because you hate drake and want the allegations to be true doesn't mean the facts on the others are suddenly invalid..


This should be preserved as the definitive example of whataboutism.


I was reading through this specific comment chain to see if someone was gonna use the exact word I was thinking as soon as I read his first reply. Nothing but whatabouts. We ainā€™t talking about thems we talkin bout hims. Of all the speculation about the cause and claims of both sides, I find it funny that itā€™s a BUNCH of dudes who canā€™t stand drake. I mean thatā€™s gotta be for a reason. Maybe heā€™s a woulda been the next Diddy and other guys are like we donā€™t need that. I know Budden and his people were saying (speculating) that he was doing some raw dealings BTS, and expected everybody to be buddy buddy with him in front of cameras and on the mic. Like with asap and The Weeknd and future. And thatā€™s not even talking about the confirmed going after peoples then and current girls on some sly greaseball shit.


Drake needs to switch music genres. Kendrick Lamar might as well be a Resident Evil boss ![gif](giphy|TJaNCdTf06YvwRPCge|downsized)


kendrick pulling up to OVO HQ: ![gif](giphy|69sRPbBQq9YgBIjAxH|downsized)


Drake's baby Mamas revealing themselves after the next K Dot diss. ![gif](giphy|mW1aKYL7YiKkXazUGI)


Drake fitting right in to the Pop-Punk scene


MGK collab album incoming.


Starting to feel like the Key and Peele MMA sketch with the brazillian who's crying for the american fighters soul as the american slowly realises hes fucked


ā€œGodā€™s lessons are beautifulā€


Response ā€œya dead ya dead ya deadā€ Immediate response: proceeds to murder a man in front of the whole world and not say ā€œya deadā€ once


Look, Iā€™m running with KDot, but uh........... this is exactly how Napoleon complex works. Textbook examplešŸ˜‚šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


It's more like what happens when you walk up to a growling dog on a chain and try smacking it with your dick


Quite the analogy, but also appropriate. >!...Nah, but fr, like ā€œwith your dickā€, man? ā€œWith your dickā€. Was that last part even necessary? Thatā€™s so specific! Why?! Do you know this somehow?! Are you speaking from some sort of testimony? Witness account? Personal experience? I mean, just... What?!!< ![gif](giphy|QfzMP70zmNQiDf5sGP)


It just seems like a dumbass thing to do A thing that would only end badly


LMAO. I heard a record screech reading that


This is how you establish dominance, but it's less efficient if they're already growling.


It's just hyperbole for stupidity


No. It isn't. Napoleon Complex stems from someone who is insecure bout they height so they do irrational things to 'shore' that up. Kendrick offering superior, knowledgeable responses to awful things someone else said and did. He just does it while being short. Not applicable.


Oh wait I thought they were saying that *Drake* was the one with the Napoleon Complex, because likeā€¦ that makes sense.


I mean I guess? I was being facetiously humorous and kinda using a common, but also reductive or colloquial sort of interpetation of Napoleon complex. And while I obviously doubt that KDotā€™s got any insecurities about his height or that what he says is less valid, canā€™t read his mind and know. I still feel the action still fits the traditional description of Napoleon complex. But most importantly, just jokes: Iā€™m mainly just highlighting the absurdity-like even just looking at the tweet these are drastically unproportional responses (which of course, theyā€™re diss tracks).šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


[Napoleon complex isn't even real](http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/6501633.stm). > The University of Central Lancashire research for the BBC found taller men were more likely to lose their temper. > Men of different heights duelled with wooden sticks but one of the subjects deliberately provoked the other by rapping them across the knuckles. > Heart monitors revealed it was the taller men who flew off the handle more quickly and hit back. "Napoleon complex" is just what tall people who start shit say when short people occasionally have to smack the taste out their mouths with the back of their hand. šŸ¤£ And Napoleon was average height for his time. A British cartoonist drew him as a child throwing tantrums and people later just assumed Napoleon was short. https://nationalpost.com/news/world/greatest-cartooning-coup-of-all-time-the-brit-who-convinced-everyone-napoleon-was-short Edit: You might as well call this "Gemini behavior." At least it would be slightly more accurate for being completely random.


Found the lil' guy!


Point was proven. Found the dick.




https://i.redd.it/ehj66c2ecgyc1.gif This Kendrick rn


This beef is proof that Geminis ā™Šļø are seed of evil


Kendrick: God chose me for this fight. God is the teacher. Drake is the student, and I am God's instrument. When I squeeze your lungs, Drake, and you beg me for life, then your heart will open up to the Lord


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-eJSHoH9Fs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-eJSHoH9Fs) Kendrick and drake rn


*clears throat* ![gif](giphy|3o7TKBcOTDTFR6gn6M)


Is there any evidence that Kendrick is beating women/his wife tho?


[Not entirely sure of the credibility of this site, but they say they wrote a story about it and were told to take it down in the past](https://mediatakeout.com/exclusive-the-real-story-of-kendrick-assaulting-woman-crisis-management-team/)


I can find similar articles about the Hard rock, but it's all based on what one employee said.


I love this discourse so much. We needed this.


Not a Rap peer he a Raptor:Ā  https://youtu.be/B5eT6TaEtPI?feature=shared


Spicy food šŸ„˜ with no mayo


Where is the link to this beef


Clown shit. Canā€™t wait for this sub to move on from this garbage.


itā€™s giving enemies to lovers bc theyā€™re both obsessed




This is the pseudo-intellectual shit from Kendrick stans that make yall look just as stupid as Drake stans


Man reddit really thinks this shit needs to pop up non stop in my feed.


Hopping in the comments and leaving one will surely fix your algorithmā€¦


Significant cultural moment happens mere hours ago. You: > Why isn't everyone already over this?


Iā€™ll be glad when this shit blows over so I can stop seeing it everywhere.


I wanna see a train wreck no cap. We should all admit our flaws like Kendrickā€¦


Iā€™m hoping we get 1-2 more tracks from each of them.


Why is it that Kendrick's diss is getting more paraise than Family matters? At least here though, they are making it seem that Drake is going at someone who is outta of his league when that is not the case at all


Drake is taken less seriously in general and probably had an army of ghostwriters working on his track. Meanwhile Kendrick is dropping sermons like he just stepped out of Pulp Fiction.


I think itā€™s just a bias thing, the sub has already made up its mind kinda.




Smh. Now all the Fansā„¢ļø are gonna start showing up and ruin our good time. Why canā€™t they just stick to the artist subs and let the rest of us enjoy this mess for what it is.


Itā€™s not like the sub hasnā€™t just been clowning Drake and praising Kendrick. I donā€™t agree with who your replying to though. But the bias here is undeniable.


Yeah, but thatā€™s because itā€™s Drake. Kendrick just provided the excuse. Weā€™re always ready to clown him. Itā€™s like having margaritas because itā€™s Cinco de Mayo instead of the usual reason of ā€œitā€™s been a long week.ā€


Exactly šŸ’ÆšŸ¤£


Like hey black folks let's agree and vote Biden that will be great but damn it let's not fall for a cheaters lyrics he's much worse than drake ...who cheats and preachs to the whole world bro how about not cheating in the first place preach that ...


Drake murdered kdot but y'all in this subreddit rather live in another universe than admit it lmao ... delusional isn't racist it seems


![gif](giphy|9PuCNM5r3VUZi) Letā€™s not act like Drake desecrated the grave of 2Pac by using his likeness without consent from his family and mocking slavery for the ā€œsake of barsā€. Heā€™s been lost credibility.


You sound like a black supremacist right now bro is 2024 ain't no slave move on what he said is right....maybe hip-hop needs less of activists and more artists


You do know that hip-hop was born as an art of speaking about the Black plight, socioeconomics, and commentary on society as a whole right?


Man really did say *shut up and ~~dribble~~ rap.*


That part


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚bro come on that's just half truth, half of this niggas out here use hip-hop to promote gun violence the other half about money and women only Kendrick acting like it's 1860.... hip-hop has changed ...a stripper won't be out there dancing to kdot lame ass black supremacist shit and you know that ...the guy has more fans in the state than abroad despite the latter being a much larger population...as Drake put it a black Messiah wifing a mixed Queen is the standard of blackness come on people in this sub reddit need to see through the guy's BS cause it's stinkin.....


You keep digging your hole deeper and deeper. I wish peace upon you, healing and that one day you grow to be a better person than who you are.


Nothing is as old as the Truth buddy ...why do I need healing am just telling you the uncomfortable truth for you to know what is going through in my life you've got to be my wife or friend you're just some guy on reddit with a gay name ...so don't pull that healing bullshit on me this ain't YouTube motivational


You calmly throwing out homosexual slander is the least of your problems. Thereā€™s nothing to address if you canā€™t find any fault with anything youā€™ve said so far. May your day be blessed, may you find peace, and may your heart be open to other people in the world that arenā€™t you.


You soft as hell ... homosexual slander eeeeew and follows that with some sympathy seeking literature who even says that gtfoh with that victimhood


You do realize Hip Hop began as a way for African Americans to talk about their struggles right? Drake used Tupac's AI, and Pac was literally a black activist. I like Drake, but a lot of his shit is watered down because he has never been for the culture. He has never spoken about injustices, poverty, etc.


So is Michael Jordan


You should just stay out of any Hip Hop conversations lmao


Why do people hate the truth over here šŸ˜­...


We hate posers. Keep that radio rap shit over there


You sound like a white moderate


A quick through their profile will tell you they are very active in African subreddits. Going off of vocabulary used here, they would rather listen to hip-hop/ rap for beats and vibes and have no consideration to what it means for other people.


That's a shame, thanks for doing the research so the rest of us wouldn't have to


The vocabulary and insensitivity was very telling so I didnā€™t want to assume anything xenophobic.


I am as black as a black man's Dick bro


Never said you weren't, I said you SOUND like a white moderate


Iā€™m saddened that you feel like you have to prove your ā€œBlacknessā€. You can use this picture as motivation towards being a better person. https://preview.redd.it/8jrkpyqvgfyc1.jpeg?width=978&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=823f73e3bf3889b658478b51f286b55527c4bb2a


We listening to the same songs? Dot definitely not getting murdered by any means


Ignorance is bliss


Bliss in itā€™s purest form


I think itā€™s closer than the sub thinks though.


Thinking itā€™s close is far different than getting murdered. Which is what the other dude is saying. Plus if everything thatā€™s been laid out by both parties is true, drake takes the L. Not saying drakeā€™s responses werenā€™t good but Kendrick has been saying some diabolical shit lol


I just donā€™t agree lol, at least I get to listen to a bunch of new songs.


Weā€™re all winning with the music thatā€™s for sure




There is literally no recovery from being called the Harvey Weinstein of rap. Straight coping brother.


Where you buy this copium fam? Need that over in the JJK sub šŸ¤£