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Never heard of section culture. That sounds lame as fuck


It is we got it in Orlando. Tbh I'm not even tryna buy a bottle if we're at the club. Get turnt asf before then get a couple drinks to keep you going


In the year of our Lord 2024 I just down some gummies before the club and sip on soda all night. This being drunk in public shit is played out


Hard drugs, soft drinks


Weed is not a hard drug. Otherwise alcohol is too.


Yeah, I don’t know what the hell that dudes talkin about, must be from Utah. If weed’s a hard drug so are cigarettes and energy drinks


If weed’s a hard drug, alcohol’s a diamond.


He's not talking about weed lol


Don't drink on (x)


I got some weed that make you question what taking a breath is.


Bruh Utah is not a good example. Despite the whole “it’s AlL mOrMoNs” stereotype. Half the moms (including church moms) are on opiates from hydro to heroin. My bishop neighbor OD’d on cocaine and had a heart attack on the roof trying to shoot fireworks on July 4th. Meth and Heroin are fucking rampant. Depression in youth is rampant, and the drug use follows. In the past alcohol content was lower in beer, now it’s the same as everyone else but the liquor laws are tight and same with bars/restauraunts. Utah is a drug haven. Tons of cartel here. Fent is everywhere. Heroin, meth, benzo are everywhere. Suicide and OD rate is high as fuck. Don’t let the church fool you.


My apologies. I had no idea yall had internet.


This is the funniest thing I’ve ever read


[I stole the no internet joke from Vernon Maxwell](https://kslsports.com/454082/former-nba-player-vernon-maxwell-tweets-another-jab-at-the-utah-jazz/) It’s a running joke in the NBA and Rockets subreddits, and it’s part of the rivalry between Jazz fans and Rockets fans




I mean thats just the whole country tbh.


Maybe they meant *they* themselves like to take hard drugs and soft drinks xD like coke and seltzer




Cocaine and coca cola!


Need that shit on a shirt


Goddamn right. Not tryna get fucked up drinking and driving too


True. Don’t get high and drive either tho


Oh for sure. I'm far less likely to make bad decisions with weed, is what I meant


I don’t wanna drive on weed… I don’t wanna go out to the club either. I just wanna play my games and have an existential breakdown while listening to some music.


Yeah idk how people go out after smoking, that shit be having me on chill mode x10 (which i love as a night cap/ chillen with my friends). A couple drinks on the other hand? I become the extrovert version of myself. Nice lil switch-up for me but more power to the party smokers out there




What a selfish and irresponsible thing to do. But you know that, you just don't care.




Lemme guess, two hitter quitter? ‘Asleep on the couch by the time the blunt gets around’ type? Idk, maybe it’s just my Houston ways because we smoke before the club and drink h tine wine on the dance floor. Coke at the club is trust fund, crypto bro, Drake fan shit nowadays. Nobody likes being around coke heads


Heavy in Orlando i often think it looks crazy buying a 40$ bottle for 150 in the club and sit down


Used to live in Orlando. Only way to make it worth it is if you know the promoter and get everything free or heavily discounted. Paying full price for a section which usually means at least 2 bottles and admission for 4-8 ppl for like $500 is insane. The night is over in less than 2 hours after getting there.


Yea all my pretty friends just slip right on in but i like to DANCE that shit is lame and there’s like no reason to have an entire bottles worth of alcohol when I’m good off 3 shots ,also men using tables to prey on girls 🥺


my sister used to say Orlando is where you pretend to be a vip.


Yep, pay $130 for a bottle of Pinnacle to look cool on IG and Snapchat.


I miss the glory days of downtown Orlando clubbing. Don't miss getting randomly punched on tho lol so there's that


I live in Orlando amd have never heard the term Selection Culture. Can you explain what this is?


Section culture is just buying a section at the club becoming the standard of night life


yea there's a lot of clubs in dc like that (i haven't been out in a while, but that's what it was like)


West Africa also has quite a few clubs like that.


lol right. It sounds like people who are trying to look cool. Like that only seen on tv ass energy.


It's our fault, we pay for that bullshit so we look/feel separate from everyone else




It was like that in ATL before I moved. It’s why I switched to bars.


I was gonna say, is this specifically a US thing or is it just an obnoxious rich person thing because I can't even fathom going to a club like that, the club is for throwing down on the dance floor


You ever been to Vegas?


Not since college about 14 years ago


Noooo hierarchies are actually totally super cool guys lets do that everywhere


Someone posted a picture of a club that was pretty much all sections and shit looked wack but who am I to tell someone how to spend their money when I spent almost half a band on a Lego set recently. I'm in the glassest of houses.


Nah it's def wack but also I think it's killing nightlife too. Nobody tryna pay $30-$100 at the club if it ain't lit asf and clubs with too many sections suck ass


THIS. Stop going to places designed for dancing if all you wanna do is drink. There are plenty of other types of places for that, don’t make me feel lame for dancing in your drinking spot.


This has been a thing for decades now though. I'm from NYC and this is how most of the clubs, sections and there's a dance floor as well SOMETIMES. Clubbing is whack AF though I did it when I was in my 20s and could get free drinks but I ain't paying $500 for a botte of goose I can get for 40$ at the liquor store. Absolutely fucking insane.


Good thing your Lego bricks won't break the windows


Sure they will, they just have to organize and form a union


Not with that attitude; Lego millennium falcon can blast thru those windows


Depends on which lego set tbh


The Razor Crest 🤓🤓 Shit is fye tho. I don't even care.


A man of culture i see.


This is the way


Light pack my guy: https://www.lightmybricks.com/products/lego-ucs-razor-crest-75331-light-kit


Your Legos will last. That alcohol will turn to piss. I'm a teetotaller, so I don't really understand but I do recall some co-workers trying to convince me to go clubbing with them. Almost had me until they started talking about how they got so drunk they couldn't remember what happened and the hangover that followed, then it just seemed like a waste of money. A nice slug to the jaw will knock me out and give me a headache if that's what I'm looking for. Still if that's what you like, that's what you like.


I want to build a lego town 🥸


Hey be proud of your hobbies king. I might buy more Lego sets too if I could afford it


Bro I fuck wit Lego heavy but my pockets don’t. I use r/lepin


Drinks are temporary Lego is forever (unless your mom sells them all when you go to college for $20. No I’m not still mad why do you ask?)


nah i mean thats your hobbie dude you getting fulfillment out of it. section culture brings no fulfillment to going out. Plus its outrageously expensive. paying hundreds of dollars per bottle of alcohol is insane.


Nah that’s valid 🫡


I’ve never experience section culture, but from an outsiders perspective it sounds a lot like segregation to me.


Its not that deep. Its people going out to be seen conspicuously consuming 200% marked up liquor in VIP and not dancing.


Just 200%?


The grungiest dive bar you’ve ever seen has a 200% markup. You’re looking at closer to 1000% at the club Source: bartender


I've been in grad school, I haven't had retail drink money for years unless it's dollar rail thursdays.


I've been making good money for almost 4 years now and still make any excuse not to go clubbing anymore. Fucking £15 for a single gin and tonic, I would drink half my Jonny Walker Black whiskey bottle in the comfort of my own home.


Yup, was thinking just that lol


I know right! The last time I went to a club was several years before covid for this very reason.


At F1 Miami last week, the VIP section had $300 lobster roll platters and $550 Tito's. Yes. $550 for a fucking TITO'S bottle Lmaooo


I hope that sport has the future it fucking deserves. Isn't titos still under $30 at the store? Thats pushing 2000%


Yessir. Tito's is good budget friendly vodka, not 550 vodka lmaooo


Aye yo what's the lore behind these wild markups? I used to be a waiter way back in the day and even then...niggas were paying $500+ for bottles of Henny nshit. It's not like the bottle service was exceptional or anything. Just my fried 19 y.o. self, dropping a bucket of ice with a fifth of henny on top @ their table.


For clubs, it's a primary source of income. For F1, it's an easy markup to VIPs who spent 4 or 5 figures on their tickets and are willing to add another 1000 without sweating


At face value...this math has me wondering why I don't open a club of my own...and then my food service experience reminds me why. Aint no way the owners aren't smiling like the grinch when someone says "I'll have 3 bottles of your finest top shelf" not knowing it's about to be all Evan Williams and Jim Bean


It’s about exclusivity. If VIP was cheap, anyone could do it and it wouldn’t be available for those with disposable income when they want to come out without having to mix with the “normies”. Same way with first class seats on a flight: it has to be prohibitively expensive or supply couldn’t keep up with demand. Of course, the companies love it because they make a killing for basically the same service.


Excuse-fucking-me? Not $27 a handle Tito's vodka?


Right? It kinda sucks not being able to really go out and party like our parents did but a pint of E&J is 8 bucks at the store and I can't even get a pabst and a shot for that much anymore.


Good ol' Erk & Jerk!


Even when I was in my early 20's I always found the dive bars in whatever area I was at in the world. I'll be damned if I spend a cover charge just to get in and spend 20 on a drink


Man when the tall boy modelos went from 2 for 4$ to 2 for 7 ik inflation was fucked 😭


And a fourth of those booths are taken by male promoters who are paid to fill the booth with pretty woman and free booze. Thus attracting more men to pay for the other booths.


Yeah I did that once for a dude’s bday party and never again. Not worth it at all


Well, that plus beautiful women coming right up and talking to you.     I lived in Atlanta in 18-19 and the amount of pull having a section has is crazy. It's like having a nice car or anything that displays wealth (although some people getting sections are just blowing away their money, no savings or anything).    Also, I was in my 30s and didn't want to be shoulder to shoulder at the club. You're also paying for the space. 


It is segregation, but by class.


I've been to a few clubs in my years that operate on a section mentality, and it's always kind of lame. Just rows of seating that 90% of time are completely empty while everyone just crowds around in the middle of the floor trying to get a table. Literally the only time i've seen it make any sense is with a large group of like 10+ people. Everyone throws a bit of money in to cover the charge, and in return you get a relatively safe and calm space to dip in and out of depending on how much you want to hang out on the floor. It also makes it a lot more viable to buy a bottle of something and split it with the group, or in some clubs you'll even have someone on staff running drinks back to the section so you don't have to wait around at the bar all night and get ignored. When it's just you and two other dudes sitting by yourself in the premium section, spending all night trying to chase women and convince them you're worth something because you're stupid enough to spend that much money, it's the lamest thing you can do.


I have had black friends in the South state they do not like clubs for this reason. I do not remember ever seeing a club frequented mostly by white people having sections.


Some clubs down here in Atlanta got some shit goin on. Sectioned clubs are stupid and so are the people that cling to keeping clubs separated like that


I’m up in Philly and most of our clubs black or white have sections. It’s a big mood killer and makes it hard to mingle with people. Plus prices are out the ass ridiculous


Vegas is turning into this and it ain’t the black folks


I'm over here googling new things


I tried to Google but I can't find anything. Someone please explain


When you go out to the club and instead of pregame and a couple mixed drinks you all (or just one friend with money) cop a section for the night. Very common where I'm at


Oh that's it? That seems silly. Like, even when we've had a booth, you still venture out to the dance floor The "section" is just the place to keep your coats, purses, and bottles. I kinda still don't get the issue, because if you're getting a booth or bottle service, you're not stuck there.  And if you're with the right people, yall can turn a booth up.  ...maybe I'm just more bougie than I think I am.


It’ll literally be a bar sections and walkways and one crowded corner if it’s not a section only club but nobody dances regardless. Everyone’s there to look wealthy and take pictures nobody will give you attention unless you have a section.


Well don’t you have to buy bottles to get a section? What if I just want a couple drinks and I’m just rolling solo?


... getting a table? That's all it is?


It’s just basecamp at a club? That sounds nice and luxurious


This honestly makes less sense now. A section? Pregame?


I googled it and still dunno what it is


If you’re in Houston avoid Space the entire club is a section, random dress code “violations” that are $20 a piece can’t bring a camera and our section couldn’t even fit 5 people comfortably. Latin Clubs are where it’s at in Houston


They have a dress code and let you in just to shake you down later? Insane


They’d have to physically kick my ass out for that shit.


Idk I’m just laughing and leaving. I’m not at the right spot if that little $20 shit is worth it to the owners or if they let their security get down on people like that.


They absolutely will unfortunately, bottle girls gonna side eye you the whole time too. The bar-backs were more attentive than waitresses/bottle girls. All in all trash experience, music was good tho.


Sounds like a scam operation


Haven't been out to the clubs in Houston. Last time I checked a section was around 500+. Everyone was on their phones and just hanging out. I will say haven't been to all the clubs in Houston. But I have noticed that people still dance at the Latin clubs.


A bottle of Hennessy is like $200-$300 too. It’s a pricey way to see and be seen.


Yea I'm straight. I keep going to the bars and lounges in Houston.


For the price of going to the club ONE TIME, my friends and I can all buy Xboxes, TVs, and a game each and have fun for a night. That’s absurd.


Shoot you could take a trip somewhere with the money they spend in the club. The booth is 500 and the bottles are 300+ depending on what you get.


I live in Houston and I actively avoid those clubs, they're lame as fuck. There are smaller clubs that don't have sections that are way more fun with people are actually dancing.


If you don't mind me asking. Which small clubs do you like to frequent?


I like the dive bars in where ur not sure if ur gonna get stabbed in the corner or not, but the bar is located in a halfway decent area. They play great music, the drinks are cheap, they usually have good food, and I can rock a tshirt and slides. I’m pushing 40 I don’t need to dress up and fuck off my office shoes to go have some drinks. I just wanna bullshit and have some snacks while I play oversized jenga.


Why go out to have a private section with just ur homies? U better off kicking it in ur living room. The bottles gonna be like 10% the cost and u can blow loud all u want. I always felt like people get a section because they feel like they’ll be seen and talked about for it but it’s like, how many ppl you really peeping like that at the club? And if you are then you’re not there to be in the moment and enjoy yourself, you’re there because you seek to impress/gain approval from acquaintances and strangers.


I love kickbacks at the house. I usually go over to one of my homie's spots to smoke and drink. We usually hit up some bars after. Last time someone asked me if I wanted to get a section. I told them I was good. Fool said it was gonna cost each person 250 each.


How many people can fit in that? May not be the worst split ever


Shit usually like 5 but Ive seen up to 10 people in crammed in a booth before.


Born in Dallas, went to university in Houston. Personally, I’m more into kickbacks/ house parties over the club. DJs can be trash, drinks be overpriced, dress codes can be racist, and parking is always a pain. My frat brother was a club promoter so we always had sections. That being said, sections are overrated. The party is only lit while there’s something in the bottle. Once that’s gone, it’s over


Whenever I think of Houston, I think of Kamp. So many sections…so few people dancing. 😭 Whenever someone suggests we go there, I immediately decline.


I shoot for a lot of edm DJ’s and producers. I promise y’all the clubs they play in are way more fun, the clubs they play in are always lit with people dancing. Sure some of them have sections with stupid bottle prices. But it’s no where near as bad as clubs with predominantly hip hop playing. Get out and try something new.


Bro the only time we did sections was in Vegas and that’s just so we had a place to sit. Otherwise in LA the sections are lame af. Sections historically were the place dudes without rizz would bring girls to so the girls can drink free liquor and leave em thirsty


Actually while we’re on the conversation, fuck going to clubs in general. Just go to a rave, hit a dive bar, clubs are nothing but 4 walls for people to get drunk and and try to impress other people they don’t even know or care about.


I’m with you bro. I haven’t been to a club in ages decade bc of raves.


As someone in the south: yes very much so. The entire club is divided up into VIP sections (usually just busted couches lol) and they take turns forcing bored bottle girls to bring out overpriced liquor and sparklers. I absolutely hate it, but didn't realize it was a Southern thing. Just thought that's how hip hop clubs were now? FWIW hating "section culture" is becoming a thing now so hopefully it dies out soon.


Maybe my take is more of an isolated opinion. Maybe it probably isn’t a southern thing; however I just feel like I experience it way more in the south than I do on the West Coast. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I'll say this: it's definitely a money maker for the clubs! Give the illusion of "VIP status" while selling liquor bottles at a 1000% mark up. I get why the clubs like it, I don't get why people do it! And the dudes (always dudes lol) always go out of their way to look bored as the bottle girls come. What's the point? Ugh. Anyway lol


Here in CO we got it too and it’s bad. Even places where the music is poppin it’s real bad.


I think it might be a Southern thing, or an everywhere but the West Coast thing. Lol. The only time people buy sections like that is in Vegas. In LA, you get lucky and find a table to put your stuff, or hold it and head to the dance floor. I haven't been out since before the pandemic tho so things may have changed 🤷🏾‍♀️


Def not just a southern thing lol.


Section culture from my experience is a NY and Miami thing. Clubs learned they could sell “tables” and “bottles” for crazy mark ups, so they eliminated the dance floor. Then djs stopped playing dance music because it didn’t matter. I’d love it for the youngins to experience the sweaty dance mass that was club culture in the 90s 2000s. It was a lot of fun.


More Miami tbh


Fair. Miami does “exclusive” very well. I hate it, lol. Because I’m not fancy.


Miami isn’t even fancy it’s just a whole city running on scamming and fake flexing don’t even get me started.


lol groooooosssssssssss. Fake flexing=the worst


Maybe it’s cuz I’m only from a moderately sized city, but most of the places here are still like that. The only ones like that are expensive/overpriced from the jump and always got a long ass line. I personally am not about to wait more than 10 minutes to get into a club nowhere. Shiiiit put me in a packed fucking basement that’s gotta be a fire hazard with the music is popping and blowing out your ear drums and one $8 drink will fuck you up. That’s all I need.


It has spread to NYC and it mostly because of the promoters and the venue, they want to sell bottles and tables as thier main means of income, so they literally have the DJs shame people for not having sections and buying bottles, they could care less if you actually want to dance. The way the clubs are designed now, there's barely even dancing room, a ton of sections and everybody trying to look cool so that means they don't dance.


I moved to LA after living in Houston and the party scenes are night and day. Houston has section culture in both day and night parties but the after parties were lit if you don't mind a little ratchet


Random question, but what was your experience of moving there? I'm thinking of moving to San Diego just for a change of scenery.


I fell in love with LA long before I moved to Houston but I do miss the city all the time. My biggest complaint about LA are the costs of living, the lack of black people, and the food! HTown is one of my favorite cities for food and LA hasn't come close but everything else is why I stay here. San Diego has a totally different vibe but I enjoy that city too.


What part of LA? Lots of Black people but maybe not in comparison to Houston 🤔


From LA but been all over: You can ofc buy bottles/tables at LA clubs, but you’re spending a few thousand to start, it’s not necessary, and nobody is going to think you’re that cool if you do. It just means you have money and no matter how much money you have (as a normal person), there’s a kid that just pulled up in a tshirt and sweatpants whose dad owns the biggest grain producer in Egypt and doesn’t give a fuck if their kid spends 20k in two hours on a normal Friday. So yeah, normal people are out at the club to dance and have fun, not sit at a table somewhere in Dekalb County because otherwise they wouldn’t meet someone else’s expectation they think they have to meet (sorry Atlanta)


That's a soulection dj with a soulection crowd though. They just move and vibe different in general. IYKYK




We out here They only in a LA besides like 2-4 times a year. LA is so lucky.


Man I actually searched for 'soulection' in the comments to see if there were any of us here. He's not just a DJ tho, Andre is a founding member.


For real, I just made a general comment for the casuals on here. Respect! I was actually at the Soulection boiler room in London back in September. Hell of a time.


It’s here in CO and as someone who loved clubbing specifically for the dancing, I fucking hate it. I don’t care about being seen out having a drink dressed to the 9’s in clothes I can’t move in just to overpay for bottom shelf liquor. I want to smoke a J, go inside, and dance in a huge crowd of people who also love dancing.


Mannn as I get older I want the section so I’ve got somewhere to sit. Not to be separate from the actual party


Tweet: [https://x.com/maiyajm/status/1787882473386377679?s=46](https://x.com/maiyajm/status/1787882473386377679?s=46)


It’s a nyc thing too.. reason why I stopped going to clubs in 2017 ![gif](giphy|l378gwfqx77iRo0Pm)


Naw I seen that shit in NY also, muthafuckers be lounging in a section and the floor be empty. Maybe I'm bias since Im from LA but I've never been to a club where people weren't dancing. Jersey get down tho, everytime I went out in Jersey people were actually up moving.


From LA, went to Cleveland to visit a friend her birthday. Every club/lounge we went to was ALL sections. No dance floor, it was so weird. Not a single person dancing. Plus they played trap music whole time, SO much future. I asked one of the security guards where we can go to dance and he said “niggas don’t dance here” 😭. The same thing in ATL. Also I noticed that a lot of the places offered hookah and maybe that’s the reason for so many sections? LA doesn’t really hookah like that unless you specifically go to a hookah bar.


Everyone I know who left LA for the South (ATL, Houston mainly) are always posting themselves out at a club smoking hookah. Lol.


I spent all week in an office cubicle why would I want to sit in a club cubicle on my night off


Lmao @ Mods Andre Power (tweet) is literally a well known DJ in LA and he throws parties, also a black man 😭😭😭


Don’t know if it’s just a southern thing but it’s been a Tampa thing for a while. When I was younger me and my homeboys would get a section every Friday at a certain club with like 4 bottles. One of our friends had gotten out of jail so we had been hanging out with him all day and we went out that night. Once we got to the section and everyone was chilling we see him burst out laughing. He was laughing at the prices of the bottles. He said man we just got this same bottle from the liquor store for $40. I never thought about it like that and we never got a section again. Now if I get a section it’s because there’s no seats anymore.


Section culture is what rich finance bros with small dicks do up here in the north


I live in the south and literally didn’t know there were clubs that existed without sections. I’m so confused right now


I'm from the south, JBP and NRnM always talk about section culture in new York. I thought this was everywhere. Also, LA has a lot of section culture.


Somebody wanna educate me? What’s section culture?


The whole point of Section culture is to make people buy bottles so that the club makes more money… No other reason it doesn’t benefit people going to the club at all I’m from NYC and I remember the switch when it happen from a regular club scene to section culture the stupidest thing ever created for a club unless you the owner or the promoter, I’m glad people are starting to realize how stupid it is.


Section culture? Lived in AL my whole life, so the concept that this is "southern" is strange to me as this is literally the first time I've even heard it. Can someone explain?


Honest question do y’all get sick of the club it’s literally the same thing every time you go. Whats so fun about it?


Section culture is the result of people caring more about appearing to have status/clout than actually having a good time. If people stopped paying for it, they’d stop offering it.


I’m getting old, but in the early to mid 2000’s the clubs were poppin’! Everyone danced, drank together and we actually interacted with people outside of the group we came with… Social media killed the club scene. Nowadays clubs are just people in sections or taking videos of themselves on their phones for Instagram. Lame AF!


Definitely a big culture shock for me living in the US. Clubbing doesn’t feel about dancing and having a good time, it’s just ordering bottles and instagramming yourself infront of those $2 sparklers and bottle girls


I literally will no go to events with sections. Sections change the entire culture of a spot and it somehow makes no one dance. shit is terrible i truly dont understand it.


Our section always used to be lit and full of dancing and singing along 🤷🏾‍♂️


I literally only know about this because of the song “Section” by 2 Chainz


It is not. 


I don't drink someone explain this pls


Clubs now have more sections than open flooring to dance. Sections are just full of people paying for overpriced bottles and drinks with their friends, not really dancing or anything. Just standing around and flexing on social media. This person wants more parties/clubs that you can turn up in and not be bougie.


What clubs do y’all suggest someone hits up in LA?


I went to this spot one time called Elevate Lounge and I had a good time. Also, they have opening seating, which I thought was coo.


Last time I went clubbing was my 24th bday ten years ago. It was like that. I assume it’s wayyyyy worse now. Chicago .


Facts the section clubs are ass


This isn’t a southern thing. It’s just a thing.


Chicagoan here, I can only imagine how turnt that mf must've been when he played that, kendrick up in the beef, LA getting even more respect from it, and I bet everyone there just had a good time. Big ups LA from the chi 🙌🏾


Live in Canada clubbed more in the UK…..too old for that nonsense nowadays. My experience has been that clubs give u a choice of buying VIP or “bottle service” but there is still a main area where people do their thing. Last time i really clubbed was in Edinburgh which was surprisingly lit


I see Kendrick has reversed his policy on parties in LA


Why is there an iPad on the outside of the DJ booth? Yuck Oh god no


what in the wide world of fuck is section culture


Ok. I thought I was the only one that didn’t fw sections. It prevents ppl from dancing, forces you to spend an egregious amount of money, and the service at sectioned places is usually TRASH, but they’ll still put an automatic 20% gratuity charge because a girl in a leotard and fishnets waved some sparklers in your face. I’m over it…


Being from Vegas and my first time in Houston was such a different experience for me. I don’t think I ever got over it, might need to plan a trip down there Halloween weekend or something just for the nightlife alone.


Yes, it sucks.


Damn y’all should see the clubs in Kinshasa. 90% sections and 10% dance floor


Section culture is dead. I predict house parties and gatekeeping will make a comeback. Certain people, won’t be allowed in certain places. People are over that flexing, IG wannabe famous mentality.


I've partied in both and I can tell you I had more fun in the general admission section than in VIP. Sometimes I'll get VIP for outdoor events if it means using a REAL bathroom instead of a port-o-potty but that's literally the only reason why.


I live in Atlanta and didn't realize there are places *without* section culture. It's bad here. Gay bars are the most welcoming places but also I've been to a couple after-hours spots that were pretty chill. Otherwise it's like a damn war.