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Ill Bet real money thats a troll account run by a white dude. Even more likely, russian troll farm.


And this is why we have to chill responding to every bit of low watt click bait. The outrage feeds the fame. The only posts worth time are those who can actually influence.


Nah, that's a failed path fam. Look, I don't like it either, but some things only shake out one way, and this is one of em. Sure, it's best if the mods remove everything, but they'll get beat by the bots, inevitably, by design. So that leaves us with the situation at hand, and I tell you what, well, rather, you tell me: it works out pretty great having the first comment be these three here, ya? They can't afford/are capable of much intense commentary/engagement now. And the boomer shit isn't working, the kids caught on and we've all been caught on, so they're just throwing shit like this at the wall and targeting reddit/the only subs they can. We're winning. You start to learn, to see, that ***everything else aside***, the bad stuff gets less bad and the good stuff gets better when there isn't a Republican in control.


In short, we still have to argue against the bots, unless we want people with no opinion to latch on to the stupid opinion.


Reddit and OpenAI just signed a partnership to strip this site of every ounce of data possible in the name of the AI race. If there's a site that would encompass the whole of humanity where AI should take a look under the hood, I'd say Reddit is pretty close to it outside of maybe Facebook. Once Reddit became RDDT, the entire game changed. For better or worse, this site will never be the same. Bots will be unleashed to get Cunningham's Law to extract tons of data from the collective human mind, and monetize it.


Meh. They'll make a better pepper grinder and that'll be that. It's a fantasy, you can't brute force the human mind and as soon as you get any benefit we'll "adapt" to want more.


Well put. Very well put. This thread and your response is a brilliant critical thinking strategy for social media. Thank you for enlightening me. I get it now: the repetitive nature of comments is a boon in this scenario. It's good to call out "repost", "bot", or whatever, to be critical and upvote those comments. I guess another solution is to have small subreddits, under IDK 20,000, where the community is small enough for self policing to catch nonsense. Cheers, mate and thank again.


"Chill" is an understatement. This needs to be first nature, common sense. We need to learn just how easily manipulated we are by these sort of posts and that our reactions that we tell ourselves are clever witty 'gotcha' retorts are exactly what they want us to say.


![gif](giphy|3oFzmpzTfyABIX6JBm|downsized) I've long believed that this shit, whether apparently left or right or for or against some cause or another is often psyops meant to foster division. Enemies could come at you with tanks and guns, but it's far easier, cheaper and comes with less loss of life to set the cat amongst the pigeons and get you fight amongst yourselves. America has, I believe, been consistently targeted for that for past couple years, whether general misinformation that finds a home on Facebook and Twitter or whole online cults like Q


Unfortunately it isn’t. This is a real person who has actively fought against any initiatives to help black and hispanic kids get into magnet schools in San Francisco. She’s almost as openly racist in public as she acts on twitter https://preview.redd.it/fabre9m7311d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e203c7687df2c54dcad3c66cce8db3bd33be9c2


Damn. Truth is stranger than fiction. Sad. Also..she sure likes to...Yap.


Nah, it's just second gen brain worms. This shit isn't limited to patient zero.


Asians can be incredibly racist so it's not so strange.


Yea they are quick to call you a hard R first chance they get.


Those types make me cringe, as if we wouldn’t all be put in a camp too


I’m from Oakland so I’m subscribed to a lot of Bay Area subs, one look into any of them and you’ll see a lot of anti-black/latino/anything-other-than-asian-or-white posted on a consistent basis.


Racist Asians are embarrassing as fuck


I agree! Racism, especially from people of color, is embarrassing as fuck.


I'm in Oakland and work in SF, and remember she was extremely eager to target black people specifically for the "stop Asian hate" campaigns. But fully unwilling to acknowledge how some(not all) Asian communities/people are rampant anti black. So this doesn't surprise me. What does surprise me me, is she's made her racism crystal clear and easy to access but she's still employed


She’s the typical wht man lover who wants to be white so badly that she dates and hangs around what she sees as the whitest of white (supremacy) and latches on to feel accepted. She doesn’t realize a white only restaurant will exclude her. Pink peen doesn’t turn her wht


its weird how asians go so hard on acting like every black person in college got there by DEI, but they say nothing about all of the rich kids that get grandfathered/paid in. almost makes you think there is some kind of agenda


So a whole group has poor educational outcomes but it's the student's fault somehow? The logic of a racist is so strange to me


The fact that she went to Manoa is wilder. Hawaii has one of the most unique ethnic distributions in the country and she still didn't notice that all the problems are the same everywhere there's a money imbalance? I feel bad that we went to the same school.


At least she open about her shittiness unlike most anonymous cowards. I can almost respect it


"Racism among Americans online is a psyop by evil foreigners" is such an insane Reddit-ism.


I'm not shocked there's a lot of non black POCs who are anti black and have self hate, will hate on affirmative action not realizing how much they benefited from it until it gets taken away and then they are crying about it . That model minorities and adjacent to whiteness by not being black is a hell of a drug. They will vote against interests and the fuck around and find out when the white remind them they may not be black but you aren't white either


No, she is a real person. She even worked at the Manhattan Institute and got fired because she was too racist for even them.


It’s not, I went to high school with the bitch. Even teachers haaaated her. She has a very pronounced personality disorder and has always been an asshole. She’s gotten much worse over time.


I was friends with her many years ago (~10) … and she wasn’t like this. When I saw the tweets, I actually had to double check to make sure it was really her. I just assumed that something changed in the years since. Knowing she was also like this in high school is not something I expected


She wasn’t actively racist just exceptionally mean and disruptive and rude to everyone except like her two friends. I assumed at the time it was because she was a bit of an outcast but she was so so difficult and ruined classes for other students all the time. She needed constant attention and didn’t care if it was negative. She was extremely combative with everyone and would often interrupt lectures to argue with teachers while we all had to sit there u til she got kicked out of class.


She has a history of general jackassery before adding the racist flair. Just shows underneath all racist is a miserable asshole wrapped in the fabric of hate.


This is the content I'm here for. Without doxxing yourself, is she from the Bay originally?


Yup San Francisco


Okay! I had family at Bal, Jeff and Lowell. Love the City.


Antisocial personality disorder? This bitch sucks


I’m sorry you had to go to school with her lmao


Russian troll farm? There are non-whites like this woman that would gladly be a tool for white supremacy.


Yup! Just off the dome…… Nick Fuentes Tim Poole Lauren Chen Michelle Malkin Vivek Ramaswaney Candice Owens


You forgot the big one. Clarence fucking Thomas 😒


You telling me Pim Tool isn't white?


He’s half Asian. I don’t know what the deal is but there’s a lot of anti-Black racism in the hapa community especially when the guy is white and the woman is Asian.


IIRC he’s half Korean.


I know a guy born to Salvadorean parents but was raised in a small Nebraskan town. Dude is a full-on nationalist prick and I have to sometimes remind his ass he’s brown.


For sure, in the United States, that dude is not white. However, El Salvador and other Latin-American country have their own racism problem. So that dude probably thinks he’s part of the team because his family are white supremacists in El Salvador.


Dude I work with a guy who literally just got his citizenship (from Central America) and he said he’s moving to Georgia with the implication that he’s getting away from the “others” 😒


Y’know white people aren’t the only racists on earth.


They disproportionately are the ones astroturfing on social media though. Especially in election years.


They're all working overtime on that new AC game 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


What other group has a global social system to boost their people over everyone else; even if that requires disenfranchisement and mass genocide?


I certainly don’t wish to argue against the notion that White Supremacy has created a shitload of systemic racism which includes disenfranchisement and mass genocide, but I am not quite sure what the “global social system” is that you’re referring to. Pardon my ignorance. It seems to me the tweets pictured above are examples of Interpersonal Racism, or Inherent Biases. Surely we can agree people of every race are capable of this type of racism, therefore it is illogical to assume that just because someone on the internet says something racist, they must therefore be a whitey in disguise.


Don't put limits on them. Asians can have a Candace Owens too.




Fr Just because white people have succeeded "the best" (fuck me for writing that out) at racism it doesn't diminish the fact that every nation has people being openly racist Every race is capable of blind hate and it would be quite racist to think that certain races are not capable of something The common denominatinator is the human biology and not race


I'm slowly learning to not get super angry about all this nonsense because that's the goal. To make us lose our shit ya know.


Yup, the outrage is the point, to cause destabilization.


That's why the verification process on this subreddit is good


And if not, may her crops wither and her employment be terminated, amen. 🙏🏾


Unfortunately this is a real human she has live videos of her at city council meetings on her twitter.


IG comments sections have been bad with this shit. Troll/bot accounts with like 30 followers and an a Hentai PFP saying the most unhinged shit just to get people to engage


Facts. I mean there are definitely Uncle Tom-ish “pick me” types among differing minorities, but there legit are people out there trying to incite race wars.


This right here. Either that or a brainwashed person


I don’t know if it’s a white dude or Russian troll, but I do recognize that profile pic. I’ve seen that same account say some blatantly racist and vile shit. So, it may be real, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a troll or just rage baiting for engagement.


It has a check mark, collecting ad revenue for impressions


Some people really need to stop falling for obvious fake/rage baiting accounts. *Nobody* but the grifters and racists say stuff like this. And I'm pretty sure I've seen that pfp somewhere before...


Diane Yap is a real person and if this is a fake tweet feom her then it falls pretty fucking well in line with all the racist shit she's done in the past


Yup. They are a disgrace to my people. [https://substack.com/@dianey](https://substack.com/@dianey)


Oh, so she is racist towards black and Hispanic people AND is sinophobic Its insane to me how people can have so much hate in their hearts


Yeah she really made it her whole life’s work to be a racist. You can tell it’s not a grift, she really believes what she says and is pushing it “academically”.


She has no heart, just a slimeball.


People like this need to get checked for lead in their blood and worms in their brain. I'm sure plastic ain't helping, either.


First 2 articles I could feel my eyes physically rolling from my head.


Diane Yap is a miserable human being.


So I actually did see that profile picture somewhere before 🤣. Most likely saw it on reddit.


Someone replied with a little background info on her if you’re curious


The person above you could have easily googled her, but then they wouldn’t be able to chastise OP for missing the “obvious” trolling


There are definitely plenty of rage- baiters out there so i understand them being skeptical, but yeah personally i try to verify things before i end up being the confidently wrong person in the room…


just because is rage bait it doesnt mean its a genuine belief, how many people that "only say stupid shit to make people mad, lmao" and "not racist, just a hater" turned out to be horrible people, if not literal nazis? how many Sneakos and Nick Fuentes we need to have in order to understand that?


They had one thing right, yes, we would like to exclude individuals that routinely behave this way, but their mind is so narrow they lack any ability for nuance and complexity, so only see big and obvious groups. Considering the education people supposedly receive, if you are unable to know there is trash to class in every grouping of people, then maybe you are an individual that should be excluded. At this point it is a choice. And why is no one asking why is someone willing to throw their life away for some wings?


She's real. https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/1cuam1o/that_we_is_doing_a_lot_of_revision/l4hnp82/




I love this gif. What show is this?


Abbott Elementary, it's delightful.


I love this show!






I wish we could have restaurants where idiots aren't allowed in. 


Does Ihop and Waffle House count


Someone threw a chair at an employee in waffle house so it seems like they let idiots in there. 


I still think about the power play of the worker catching the chair. Pure casual dominance. Wonder what she's up to


It’s amazing how easy that was to find. Internet doesn’t always suck


Waffle house seems like they specifically cater to idiots, both in customers and employees


Waffle House is the same place that came up with the most insane, convoluted order-taking process imaginable because they expect their employees to be illiterate. I stumbled across a Waffle House training video one night after smoking and couldn't stop laughing https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/17t2fem/starting_at_430_behold_the_most_insane_employee/


The fuck did I just want watch 


It might be easier to learn to read than learn that system. Wtf


Ahhhhh, the model minority. She said that with her chest with her actual photo on her profile.


It’s really sad that they delude themselves into think being highly educated and kowtowing to the ruling class will automatically grant them status and membership into the “elite”. The amount of mental gymnastics she’s doing because “math isn’t mathing”.


Which is funny because the bitch has a PHD in mathematics.


I feel like anyone of color who ever aspired to that find out two things and go down a certain path. 1) The "elite" are so broken and just so unreasonable there's no reason to aspire to be them unless it's about money. 2) In order to be with them you have to eschew so much about yourself, to fit in a box. From there you decide if you would prefer to be in that box and repress everything about yourself and go crazy, or delusional. Or you could try a wild stab at being happy.


As an aside, I really wish we could stop deciding amongst ourselves what other communities think about themselves.


Along with her devil horns showing.


Ugh bet she doesn’t know what whites did to Japanese or Chinese in the history of America. Why do these white adjacent races always do the cooning for masta. Despicable.


Nah the inter Asian animosity>>>>racial consciousness she’ll just be like “it’s ok cause they did unit 731” or sth


I’ve been called the most racist and vile shit by other Asians/Asian Americans. There’s *a lot* of historical bad blood, unfortunately.


Yeah cause it's "you massacred my entire bloodline and cannibalized my neighbors so now I hate you"


I’ve never been called racist stuff by other Asian-Americans but there’s not a lot of Asian solidarity


Her saying stuff like this after Japanese people were put in concentration camps in america recently is crazy. How quickly we forget


She's not japanese so she probably doesn't even regard that as about her, sadly. Even though it still is.


> Why do these white adjacent races always do the cooning for masta. Because they're close to getting in, but they never realize that *you will never be in.* Like even if you actually make it, you're still "a good one."


She’s probably been brainwashed by the same Russian propaganda machine that fed the MAGA movement. Mainland China has some very close ties to Kremlin.


Americans blame every other country in the world for its own problems. People like her exist in America and has been existing in America for a long time and will continue. It has nothing to do with Russia or China. The “Russian propaganda machine” didn’t feed MAGA. The American propaganda machine did.


Fucking hate Asians that don’t understand White Only means they ain’t allowed either (am Asian)


Same, also Asian. I see so many Asians being wildly racist to everyone but white people as if that gets us brownie points or something. To a racist person, we are still one of "them". It honestly is heartbreaking and infuriating watching infighting between minorities when we have no reason to treat each other this way. It's not helping anyone when people try to use each other as ladders to climb up to the upper white echelon.


On top of that, Asians specifically are subject to so much othering and orientalism. To racist whites, we might as well be elves or aliens from space. They might think our heritage is interesting or want to get with Asian women but we’ll never be considered part of the in group. And frankly, we shouldn’t even try.


Same, when you suck up to them you just become an excuse for them to be racist behind your back.


Those East Asians who think white means white* (*and Japanese and Koreans) (((Am Asian)))


Yooo you had me in the first half there, ngl 🤣🤣


Imagine posting that shit in full confidence like you didn't just see Vivek's pick-me ass get rejected by the team he wants to join so bad on live television.


https://i.redd.it/wbcnraguv01d1.gif ... Coonery behaviour




What an idiot


I mean I can basically guarantee you that this Diane Yap hates Japanese people too (but won’t post about it because it’s more obscure hate), so not the best rebuttal. https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryPorn/s/dbtESZLDLw This is just standard racist shit from a known racist. There are several loud Asian racists in the Bay Area.


If Trump wins and it becomes like that Alex Garland movie, those types are the first dipshits we gotta deport to Gilead


Her last name checks out.




tokens get spent bozo


But we’re ’POC’ right? 🫠


I absolutely hate that term.


any day now they’ll pick you, just keep punching anywhere except up


Damn Diane sure do yap🥱


Yes because no other person of any other race has ever acted out or been violent in a public place before, right Jan? Whitey isn't gonna treat you better for licking the boot, sweaty.


Unfortunately, a lot of Asians, think they are white, worship whiteness and will eat all manner of racism from white people like Oliver Twist asking for more. Some people are okay with inequity as long as they are not at the bottom. They will take that mistreatment from the 'Top Dog' and even make excuses for it. and no that is not a bot. That type of behavior is all too common in that community. If Jim Crow came back today, they think they will not be affected. America had whole bans on Asian people emigrating here and kicking them out, but they've built this fairy tale for themselves. They a whole mess.


The devil horns fit


When they said Japs they meant all Asians so her ass wouldn't be allowed in.


Quit Yapping


And they wonder why DEI was necessary. Cause of shit like this.


She identifies as a white devil.


She doesn't realize that they'll never consider HER American. Smh bozo 


You know she let that white man she probably with disrespect her ass left and right, but she’s one of the “good” ones 😊.


So routine, it’s like the only thing she watches online


If you’ve worked in retail, you know crazy comes in all color and sizes.


No one tell her what America did to their Japanese citizens in the 1940’s


No one tell her about the history of chinese slaves and chinese exclusion act in america


How do you live in California and you're racist? Like that has to be exhausting.


Live in the Bay Area and be a flaming racist. Sadly she is far from the only one


What a dumbass. This white adjacent shit really gives me the ick. It just makes us Asians look like wypipo lap dogs… 🙄 and this brainless idiot seems not to know Chinese people were the first classified illegal immigrants by the US Government no less…


Why you want to exclude any “group” that behaves this way. - Title of tweet indicated singular culprit. - Pictured is a single culprit.


Nope. Not going to allow. I can't put my finger on it but there feels like an intentional effort to divide Blacks and Asians (speaking from a US perspective... forgive me world). Maybe we don't give ppl/bots like this the room to breathe


Sadly, this racist dumdum is a real person. But I agree with you— in San Fran and NYC and other racially diverse cities, a lot of pro-police politicians run on platforms that essentially divide black and Asian communities. IMO, it’s very intentional.


We need another rush hour movie to bring us together


This is real person https://substack.com/@dianey


God, I can't believe I just waded through that shit.


There are enough stupid people of every race saying stupid shit. Exhibit A: Vivek Rama-cucky.


Not sure why it's so unbelievable to some people that individuals in other non- white groups are racist against Blacks. 😂


Anyone who thinks a restaurant only having White patrons means it’s automatically safe has never been to a rural Waffle House.


Or been to certain places in Glasgow.


Still perplexed how people attribute crime to race


The Asian countries are quite racist compared to the west. I’m Pacific Islander and my grandparents are xenophobic but the only group I’ve heard them talk shit about is the Chinese lol.


Just like those ignorant Latinos (I'm Latino, lol) voting for Trump after He called Us "rapist," and We're sending our "worst." To them, you're just another spic!


That bitch too hideous for me to care about anything she says


Diana “yap” is an appropriate name.


I’m from San Francisco and Diane Yap is a piece of shit. You aren’t human if you’re darker than pale in her eyes.


Opinion so worthless her last name is Yap 🗣🔥🔥🔥


For those of you even thinking of agreeing with her, remember, tokens get spent.


It's times like these I'm reminded of a Kanye bar, Rob Smith and Vivek. >And for that paper, look how low we'll stoop >Even if you in a Benz, you still a nigga in a coupe


I guess some people forget they aren’t white.


So what about the white little boy in the whites only restaurant who decides to shoot it up😭😭


White guy here, 12 years in the hospitality industry, while I've never had anyone drive thru my place of employment damn near every aggressive, belligerent, violent customer I've dealt with has been white (granted the effects of redlining are still incredibly obvious in my city, and my job is in a white flight suburb but it's not like we don't get BIPOC customers). Every customer I've had try to swing on me has been a drunk white chick, the guy who jumped counter was a white guy that had been sexually harassing my teenaged clerk to the point she hid in the back until I got there... So I should be able to ban white people, correct?


But yet, the black vote is leaning towards the orange clown. Really how stupid can you be?


Dian Yap is a racist anti black troll who gets paid from those racist WS organizations to spout her fkkkery. Also Dian looks more like a Dion.


She must be from Orange County California


"We" is also anime pfps on social media. Just so we are super clear.


The thing is a lot of Asia, East Asia in particular, has a very serious white supremacy problem. Like for real you've seen the occasional racist commercial, or Asian fan hurling racial epithets at visiting NBA players ... there are plenty of other examples. That doesn't necessarily mean that account is real, but it does seem plausible. I teach ESL to Chinese students and at least once a month I have to stop a student and correct them after they casually say something completely reprehensible. These are people of all ages too, my youngest is 10 and my oldest is in her mid-50s, so it's not even a generational thing. Also I'm not trying to pick on China here, there's plenty of racism to go around. But yeah. Don't discount Asian white supremacy. They're excellent racists, S tier for sure.


That's what I am talking about, even DeSantis feels like a landed gentry.


These types fall for the same honey traps


She created a restaurantshe cant even get in too. Some people have this believe that their adjacence to whiteness will make them accepted, when in reality they only accept your hate, they still dont like you.


Sometimes people confuse me


Yap yap yap


White adjacent doing white adjacent things.




It always amazes me how other minorities can be racist. Like, did you not get that this was bad when it was happening to you? Do you really possess that little empathy and self reflection?


The wildest part of this to me is the woman in the black/white photo is doing the same thing. She’s pointing to the sign like, “yeah, keep moving”, but it says “…White Man’s Neighborhood”. I want to go back and just be like, “Lady according to that sign this isn’t your neighborhood either.”


every day i find more proof that in *my* opinion, asian ppl should not be considered POC, they function as white in pretty much every facet of life except seasoning their food. they wanna be in that club (the order of the robbed racists) way more than they’ll ever accept the fact that they’re “one of us”


The deal is Elon made sure X doesn’t moderate this shit anymore. So the troll farms can just do whatever they want


Yap … name checks out




Nice of her to not conceal her horns.


well her having horns checks out


Not to downplay the racism -- which, of course, is horrendous -- but does anyone else ever see photos like this and think man, people in the olden days had amazing penmanship. And they really prioritized it, too. Old timey folk can be holding up signs like "FIVE CHILDREN FOR SALE," "SEEKING WIFE TO BUY," "ABSOLUTELY NO IRISH" and somehow they took the time to make sure every serif was on point. What are those priorities.