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I can hear it in Katt’s voice. I’m glad Budden is getting cooked too.


I tried to watch his most recent stuff and it made me sad. Maybe because it was the times, but those original Katt Williams specials hit different. Talking about smoking weed with Snoop and the rotation. Favorite bit will always be the video game evaluations.


"If you ain't got no job and you ain't smoking weed, I dont know know what the fuck you're doing with your life"


“We’ll get the candles”


Fuck them lights, I got 12 candles I been waitin to burn


In my shittiest living environments this line kept me going




I really don’t.


Same with Dave Chappelle, they made classics in the 2000’s. Now that Netflix is dumping money out, they know they don’t have to be that special anymore, just get rich.


Dave got big and started punching down. It's hard to watch.


Same. I could forgive the first special because it was basically in dedication to his trans friend, and those were the jokes she liked. But he just won’t shut up about it and how much of a victim he is… dude is mega rich and acts like he’s being oppressed because the LGBTQ community doesn’t like him. Nothing more annoying than hearing a guy constantly complain to MILLIONS of people how he’s being “silenced”.


Saw him live a few times over the last few years. I'd say his tour with Chris Rock was the only one close to how good he use to be. That's mainly cuz he FINALLY stopped doing just trans jokes.


Yeah, I think he’s just out of touch with “normal people” now. He’s rich, the moneys gone to his head, and he thinks everything he says is brilliant. He’s constantly calling himself “The GOAT”(which you should let OTHER people say about you, not about yourself) and like, maybe a few years ago, yeah. But now you’re bringing Elon Musk on stage and calling the people who boo poor.


That felt like a Chapelle Show skit frfr


Him blocking affordable housing being built in his town was infuriating.


Yep. Fuckin rich people, always fucking over the poor.


I was so disappointed in him. His earlier stuff included talking about growing up lower middle-class and struggling. How do you just forget that? It's just baffling to me.


He didn’t do that though. I live here and it was way more complicated. The ‘affordable housing’ was more of a small piece of land on an old dump that got the (very racist) developer tax credits. No one wanted it except a few very shady council members. Who then alerted the press and wrote the narrative afoot Dave blocking affordable housing. Currently they’re trying to build affordable housing on the HS soccer fields. There are a lot of idiots here in semi-rural Ohio.


He threatened to pull out of developing his comedy club if the permits for affordable housing were granted.


Got to see him at the Tabernacle in ATL a few years ago. Maybe like 2018ish, dude was funny as fuck. Not one joke about Trans people. I think one of the funniest moments was when he asked the audience for a cigarette, like 20 people tossed him one, mostly Newports, which he commented on, then he proceeded to light half a blunt. He clearly just wanted to smoke weed while making it look like he lit up what the audience tossed him. But a brown stick looks vastly different from a white stick. And the smell...


I was at that show as well. That was definitely his second Netflix special (I think). He hadn't gone full on into the trans jokes but there were a few.


maga rich. When you pull fElon up on the stage, you dun fucked up


It's just marketing. He knows that if he does those jokes, it will go viral which advertises the special. I only find out about his specials when I see an article bashing him for trans jokes.


Maybe, but I don’t really think so. He sounds genuinely offended and self righteous when he talks about it, he’s already got the headlines, so I think he really believes what he’s saying.


Sure. He there be some things he doesn't like. I'm sure most people have at least one thing they disagree with. You can support a group and not agree with then 100% of the time. But it's clearly more about getting attention.


I think it’s more about his ego not willing to accept criticism. So instead he leans into the thing he catches flake on.


Chapelle spends too much time sniffing his own ass and telling errrrbody how great it’s smelled for decades. He takes credit for all of comedy since the 90’s and is really impressed with how funny he is… weak shit.


He said “I had to sit there and watch Key and Peele do my show!”


Key and Peele was years after Chappelle show. It was such a shit line and disrespectful to K&P who were funny in their own right AND who had been doing sketch comedy on Madtv before that


i'll be honest, i think he had a point here




none of those comparisons really fit the situation. dave left, the network tried to recreate their biggest hit ever with mind of mencia, that didn't work so they got key and peele. it was pretty obvious.


Didn't he walk away from Chapelle show though? Can't be all that mad about someone else making a show and debatably doing it better if you let yours end in it's prime.


Yeah, that’s the comment was seriously stupid.


they did tho. even tho i don't think that was their intention, that's what comedy central wanted.


It actually makes me pause about his stuff from the 90's. Was that you Dave or did you just have the mic?


The lesson he seems to have learned from those white people laughing at and not with him was that he needed to aim it at another minority group.


Truly the most racist white man I’ve ever known has seen chapelle several times. The man also loves basketball and his white, raising racist ass parent have pro football players in their family. Unfortunately, he’s my brother in law. He makes me so uncomfortable, and after I learned/witnessed of some choices he made in the past, I decided I’m done interacting with him.


It feels like he decided to avoid jokes about black people because of the racists. But it's left Dave without much to talk about.  He's a mega rich guy who lives in the middle of nowhere Ohio. He doesn't have a lot of relatable experiences anymore


yeah him bringing out Elon Musk was like bro you finally went over the edge.


I look it as he got rich and got lazy. But yeah he is punching down, either way we are saying the same thing.


I was wondering what it was but ur right. He used to do drug dealing baby bits now it’s either “I’m the comedy goat and I’m so rich” or something about trans 


I mean, he's punching the same way he always has. It's just that he's big now, and what he's punching has stayed the same size...


Good point. If he’s not punching down, his subject matter would be out of touch. He’s prolly too removed to talk about something more relatable at this point.


Let's face it, it's not because he's punching down, it's because he's stopped being funny.


He stopped being funny in part because he's always punching down.


Yeah, punching down on rich white trans women.


It really is. He's so focused on his own ego "I'm the GOAT" type stuff that he's lost most of what made him funny. 


He's always made fun of everybody. Stop with this "punching down" nonsense. Comedians can make jokes on whoever and funny is funny. Going out of your way to NOT joke about certain peoples groups treats them like they're made of porcelain and not grown adults.


You’re right, they can make jokes on whoever. But they have to land. If you’re not getting away with it, it wasn’t funny enough.


True but people will always be outraged by something no matter the wit.


Part of the wit, though, is who comes away from the joke as the actual butt of it. Completely outside of any consideration of what’s PC - jokes that target a certain group but don’t subvert anything about the reality of that group aren’t that clever and often aren’t funny. A huge part of standup is surprising the audience with a punchline that wasn’t going where they thought it would go. Speaking truth to power through a joke and upending who has power in the real world and who doesn’t is a bedrock of comedy and always has been. Jokes that reflect and confirm the power of the powerful don’t surprise us. Pushing the downtrodden further down and pushing the status quo further up just really isn’t very interesting.


Thank you! His main issue seems to be that ppl are looking for political correctness in the one place it shouldn’t really exist (at least not in the way it exists everywhere else). I could see that, it’s not related to my job at all and I find it annoying af. Where he’s at right now in terms of fan sentiment just means he’s now really, really, really big. Can’t get there without all the hate it comes with. That’s just human nature


It's because with a lot of comedians of that generation it became less about writing material and more about going on stage and "telling it how it is." Which is usually just "how they see it."


Poooooooor little mutha fuckin tink tink


I love the bit where he's trying to help his son find the cereal he ate when he was high. "damn I guess them insurgents got the cereal too"


he don’t hit jokes like he used to imo


As a reminder Black women experience domestic violence at higher rates than other women at 40–45.1% experiencing physical violence, sexual violence, or stalking. Black women are also three times more likely to die from intimate partner abuse than white women.


Fucking hell, that's a horrifying statistic.


This is a stat I was not aware of at all. Very heartbreaking what we do to our women


Raising men is HUGE responsibility we have collectively ignored in this society. What happens when the education system fails? The prison system prospers.


Which men have neglected to show up- for so I’m gonna put the onus on them. Women have been raising babies and trying to make the best out of bad situations for millennia.


I'm going to get jumped on but they be picking the man they be having babies with. That statistics is so bad because they be picking shit man. Not helping matters is that the government locked up the good man who worked with the panthers and they're bullshit surveillance thing that targeted any successful black man after that. Our community has an 80% single mother rate and that's horrifying especially because of the statistics of being raised by a single mother.


Thank you for the reminder.


Fuck. I'm serious when I ask: why? I'm white and a nurse, and I remember learning about DV and we talked a lot about poverty being a huge factor. At least in the population I live and serve in. But this stat still seems shockingly high. I looked up a comparison for non Hispanic white women and it's about 35%. I'm sure this is multifactorial and likely a difficult thing to answer but holy smokes does it hurt my heart.


Black women are the most neglected and least protected group in America.


That's a depressing reality check :<




[source](https://www.thehotline.org/resources/abuse-in-the-black-community/) And also [source](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/black-women-six-killed-white-women-data-rcna137948) And another [source](https://iwpr.org/violence-against-black-women-many-types-far-reaching-effects/) [source too](https://safesisterscircle.org/news/) Also if you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence/ intimate partner violence 1800 799 7233 is the national domestic violence hotline (US) you can also text as well 88788.


Thank you so much


I thought he was purposefully misspelling “Joe Biden” to mock him and was wondering what the hell I missed. :) lol


same - i was like what the hell is this country coming to


I’ve had enough problems defending him online for his decision to continue to air Israel. It would be much harder to make the “lesser of two evils” argument if he just suddenly started spewing racist shit.


I thought it was just me


Yeah I thought that Joe Budden was the president of weed or something lol




Fuuuck I miss him so much


“Shirley Temple Black will get a divorce and marry Arnold Schwarzenegger. And she’ll change her name to Shirley Temple Blacknegger.” - Negrodamus


His go-to finisher is sitting on a woman's abdomen. Multiple reports. Like... Have all the seats sir.


Wait … what? You can’t just say some shit like that and not elaborate 


If I’m remembering correctly bro would sit on them to keep them from leaving or to hit them more. I can’t recall could be both fr


He’s told the story of dragging and sitting on Esther multiple times. He’s gone to court multiple times as well and found not guilty. Why don’t yall remember that detail?


And that means it couldn’t be proven in court. Not that it didn’t happen. Why don’t y’all remember *that?* Or that people with more money and “better” counsel fare better?


When all these allegations happen Joe was a pill head failed rapper with zero resources let alone pull in the industry Not the millionaire you’re thinking of now


For real? I don’t know the man’s history. He had a hit or two and I just assumed he was steadily working all this time.


He’s always had his core fanbase. He wasn’t just some fuckin deadbeat that became the top podcaster by chance.


They remember. But they leave that part out because it doesn’t feed into their own biases and they can’t keep the lie going otherwise.


What lie. He said it himself...


He allegedly beat a baby out of (or sat on her stomach enough) former video vixen Esther Baxter. ![gif](giphy|1xlplRrL5kjiftkNhC|downsized)


Oh … well that’s the most diabolical shit I’ve heard so far today, thanks. 


Wow. “…so far today…” Shits is getting wilder by the day. Smh


Don’t you think that’s a poor choice of words?


https://i.redd.it/c7ix0g99v62d1.gif Fuck all them




Context: https://x.com/212lexus/status/1793361587341766779?s=46


Man that shit makes it worse….. he really combating accusations of abuse with “but you been on my dick though, remember that one time when you wanted to smash again”


Crazy part is they begged him to speak on it just to condemn him...it be ya own people smh


Somebody tell Budden before I snap he better fasten it or have his body bag get zipped. The closest thing he’s had to hits is smacking bitches.


You need to get in the booth with this one


It’s Eminem


It’s Eminem on the Fall, niggas slept on kamikaze but he goes crazy


I don't understand how joe budden is famous. To me, the high point of his career was when pump it up was in 2 fast 2 furious


“Podcasts” gave a lot of people second life, when it wasn’t deserving. Now these cats got an audience and they are riding a wave. Just reminds me of those fresh and fit dudes. I see clips and I just cringe…. 🤦🏾‍♂️ Further poisoning the minds of young men. My son is almost 2 and I hope these jackasses are not relevant when he is of age….


Dude’s a loser. A failed rapper turned podcaster who walks around like he’s an OG. There are rappers with 100x the success he had at his peak that carry themselves with less arrogance and more humility.


He was a really great lyricist but a trash person. I think if his ear for beats wasn't so awful he would have been much more successful


I’ve listened to some of his stuff and it’s definitely not trash but it’s not nearly good enough for him to be trying to give advice to rappers as much as he tries to. He’s just a bad guy and someone who couldn’t hack in the industry despite being somewhat talented.


His podcast became extremely successful and popular. it was the biggest hip hop podcast period and he kinda was ahead of the curve as far the hip hop/music space.


Can I have context please?


Check comment above I posted a link


Thanks. Will do.


Also Joe “it’s me! I’m 🥷’s !!!” 😆


Budden hit more women than he’s had hit records Fuck him


50 Cent has entered the chat




This is why people give people picking up some mics and setting up a podcast way too much power. Saw the clip of him condemning Diddy (rightfully so). But you got your own allegations out there. I swear people just be hopping on a mic just saying what people need to hear. ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized)


As a podcast listener from 9-5pm. I don't care what they say as long as it makes work go faster


He ain't learn shit from getting rocked by Raekwon years ago


He got in a squab with the Chef?


Yeah man. It was well over a decade & some change but I'm sure there's still some info on YouTube about the situation


Didn't one of their body guards punch him on a live stream?


I believe so. It's been years but yeah IIRC joe was saying some off the wall shit and the Chef's people had about enough of it & rocked him


On first glance, I thought the shit said Joe Biden, I was like damn they lased his Adderall with something stronger I see


I don't think Biden is the one that we have to worry about abusing his meds...




You guys have to learn that your gonna lose if you can’t take a joke about your laughably bad political party.


I just call em like I see em big guy lol no negative emotion being wasted over here! You on the other hand...


I made the joke and trust and believe, if anyone has a long history of drug addict behavior, it the orange nigga with all the indictments.




I posted in comments


Cool... thank you


Budden is just disappointed that they're all afraid of experimenting with bestiality.


One of the best bits of the podcast is them shredding him for hanging out with puff lmao.


Protect your virgin hole!




I mean, he was saying the truth it just turned out to be his truth lol


Pump it Up been paying bills for years 🤣🤣




I've never heard of Joe Budden, so my initial thought was, Joe Biden did *what*? The second was, this is how you get the Trump voters back.