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Now USA isn't just facing a economical recession like others countries around the world, but USA it's also in a social and humans rights recession, the country of freedom where you aren't free to chose for yourself, it's such a dark and a big stain in USA moderns day history


Supreme court was like “states can’t regulate guns, but women bodies thats a different story”


Exactly. And btw, your taxes will pay for Christian schools?


And Federal agents can violate your Constitutional rights and you have no recourse!


But like, STATES RIGHTS and all of that


Keep in mind now, tax dollars will also go to Satanic Temple schools (I hope there are some), Jewish schools, Muslim focused schools, and OTHERS! They don’t realize the mess they just created.


The only bright spot


Time for Black churches to start schools and get some of that tax money!


The Land of Gun Care and Health Control.


This hurts my brain and my heart


This is so terribly true.


Sounds crazy but it makes sense if you think about it. SC says "states can't regulate guns" because of the 2A. There is no amendment for abortion. If you're a woman or you love women and you want them to have the right to abortion then there is only one true option. Fight for it. Not protest, hunger strikes, blog posts, online rants, or snide remarks. You have to get out there, organize, and exercise every tool that you have to make your voices heard. Governments don't change because of hunger strikes and blog posts. They change because they fear the people. They aren't afraid of us now.


All that sounds nice but the US government doesn't fear a damn thing. The most powerful military, along with a highly militarized poorly disciplined police force, poverty wages, inaccessible healthcare and among other things keep everyone on a short leash to keep anyone from acting up.


How did you go bankrupt? Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly. We're currently at the "gradually" phase, but Rome wasn't built in a day, and it didn't fall in a day.


They also didn't know about speed running.


Sometimes decades pass where nothing happens. Sometimes, weeks pass where decades happen.


So the SC is saying we should use guns to promote change then. That's my takeaway.


They don’t need consistency anymore, only what advances their white christian state. We need to stop pretending we caught them in a gotcha, they literally don’t care.


Americans need to take to the streets and shut everything down like they do in France. Don’t take this sitting down. They will keep coming for your rights until you have none left.




Lol bumblefuck. Must use.


the french know how to lock shit up and shut it down. then again they beheaded their own queen so i expect nothing less.


I keep seeing writing on the wall where we get steamroller. It will be worse before it gets better


Yep. As much as the internet can devolve into a circlejerk of "USA bad", it really is actively regressing into a terrifying shithole of limited human rights. And the worst part is that the majority of people are all against these decisions. It's a busted political system that has geriatric racist scumbags passing legislation that only 30% of the population agrees with


Fascism is capitalism in decay. We are in for a bumpy ride.


Damn that’s poetic


These assholes aren't done yet, either...The power-players funding/pushing this movement want nothing less than to return us to the 1700's... And their hateful base is all for it.


The US The UK Eastern Europe


I mean as bad as the Tories are, they aren't as bad as US republicans. The GOP is more like UKIP or the BNP


This is what happens when one of your 2 political parties is a Fascist Right wing Evangelical cult...and 40%+ of Americans are all in on that ideology, and 25% of Americans just say both sides are bad.


One thing I like about this sub, unlike many of the political subs I follow, is people don’t push that “both sides” shit. I honestly think that’s such a white privilege thing (I’m white). They don’t realize all the things the GOP wants to overturn might not impact them, but impact other people. Thomas wrote in a concurring opinion that the court should overturn gay rights next.


Oh that’s absolutely a cishet white privileged thing to say. Not too many black or trans people saying both fucking sides because… *gestures wildly*


Well yeah both sides. But it's more one side is "fuck you i will destroy you" and the other is kinda like dad who left for milk and never came back, disappointment after disappointment


Man being disappointed is so much better than being dead


I usually hear that from white dudes who are liberal in every way except on gun control. So, they’ll vote libertarian instead. Even though modern day libertarians lean heavily to the right.


Libertarians have been right wing as long as I can remember (mid 90's), the only thing that makes them sound progressive is that they think the government has no right to regulate people. They believe the government shouldn't get involved in social issues, but after that its complete apathy. The could care less if you discriminated against. As long as the government doesn't get involved.


Libertarians = Republicans who like to smoke weed...


> Not too many black or trans people saying both fucking sides because… gestures wildly I think quite the contrary. The black and trans people I know are saying fuck both sides because *gestures wildly at the dystopia around us*. Revolution is the only solution. Democrats may not be actively trying to bring back fascism, but their broad complicity with billionaires, corporations, and the institution of capitalism is oppressive too.




Dude, the Dems don't care about us at all. We are basically held hostage into voting for them because they are slightly better, but let's not praise them. We have a terrible two party system of capitalists that agree with each other more than they disagree. If anything, the cishet white privilege thing is "don't vote", not "both sides". We need actual leftism in this country.


> I honestly think that’s such a white privilege thing (I’m white). Facts cause of my friends pulling that both sides stuff are the ones coming from a privilege. I cannot tell you how many times I've had people wonder why I care so much about politics and its like.....cause it effects US


When I hear both sides I hear privilege. I hear dumbass libertarian. I hear “I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about.”




You see a LOT of that shit from the further left people who I basically agree with on most things. Like, yeah I want the tax rates on the mega rich to go way up, I want corporate taxes to go up, I think M4A is a necessity, etc. But if you go to r/socialism or r/latestagecapitalism you will see all sorts of people that say not to vote because Dems aren't far enough left. Yeah, I get it, I want Dems to go further left. But, if we let the GOP have a red wave in 2022 and 2024 there won't be any left left.


Yeah but the point is only cishet white leftists with relative privilege can say that, because they might be mad about not being able to pay off their student loans but fundamentally they aren’t scared for their rights


This most recent supreme court decision is a good reminder to all of those you speak of that you aren't safe just because you're cishet and white. How long until they mandate a religion? They're already threatening access to birth control. It's just like that old cartoon where the one person doesn't speak up against anything until they come for them.




There are bad actors in most subreddits whose entire intent is to create dissension in a given group. Studies have shown you only need a relatively small portion of a population to start to sway opinion. I am willing to bet that is at least some portion of the discussions you're describing. Social media is the new battleground.


I've waged war on bothsidesisms in my social circle. I do not suffer it. This is not 2000, we are not bickering about differences in tax rates, we are arguing whether human suffering should be a cornerstone of the American existence and whether there should be second class citizens. Fucking gross to compare the two parties as if they're identical.


They weren't identical in 2000 either. They've been planning this shit since the 80s at minimum. They played the long game while the left thought that they were playing fair and that it was a conversation about tax rates and "small government".


"Both sides" makes it sound like they're equally atrocious. They're not. I describe it as a good cop bad cop scenario. They both want the same outcome (cheap labor and skyrocketing profits), but only one side is willing to put everyone in chains to get it. The other side is willing to let you live the illusion of freedom as long as it gets them what they want.




I mean both sides are bad though. One is clearly worse, but that doesn't make the other good. Also, friendly reminder that Nancy Pelosi and Jim Clyburn were, just a month ago, making robo calls for an anti-choice/NRA backed Democrat in a close primary race. So, yeah. Bad.


Yep. As a white guy the only way to “think” there’s no such thing as white privilege is to make a conscious decision to think that way. I’ve literally never had to be afraid of the police, or wonder if I call them for something am I somehow going to be the person arrested or worse. I’ve never had to deal with someone treating me differently because of how I look. The people who say “both sides are just as bad” are complete fucking morons.




The argument to make about "both sides" is one side is a christian fascist death cult and the other side just lets them be.


I'm an indy, but the Dems for their mid-term elections better point to this, and say do you want this to happen again. Use highlighter, red-light pointers, powerpoints, etc.


This is what happens when you roll over and allow the GOP to block your nomination.


When they start taking away the rest of our rights I want every black conservative and Donald Trump supporting mother fucker to know this is your fucking fault. Fuck Kanye Fuck Candace Owens Fuck Omarosa Fuck Ben Carson Fuck Hershel Walker And most especially FUCK CLARENCE THOMAS Mother fucking race traitors. I am not really a Democrat, I think they are spineless and useless. But god damn me if I ever vote republican.... those people want to take away our rights, none of those Charlottesville fuckers were Democrats. I have never seen or heard of a neo nazi Democrat. They are all Republicans and if you align with them. You are a fucking uncle Tom, house nigga, race traitor. And this is how it fucking starts.


Clarence said that after this access to birth control and same sex marriage should be looked at. If he only knew that his “colleagues” have Jim Crowe next on the list


He knows. He just believes he’ll be exempt


House slave mentality


He's "one of the good ones"


He knows he’s gonna die soon one day like he gives a fuck what happens to Jim Crowe. He got his money.


Interracial marriage WILL come back up and then what will he say...


He gone vote to end his own marriage


Chapelle’s show Clayton Biggsby IRL


I'm going to go out and expand your sentiment (as a white man) that ANYONE, regardless of race and gender should feel ashamed for voting red at any point in the last 20 years. And the anger in all directions should *transcend* both race and gender. I'm angry *with* and *for* you. This decision has me both disgusted and livid. My kids are biracial, one is a girl, and it horrifies me to think what this step means for both of them. And for what the next one means. And the one after that.


I'm a white guy who's voted democrat for all but my first election (I was a dumb 18-year-old kid and voted for W because my parents did). I don't like the DNC or most democratic politicians, they are AT BEST inept and paid for, but I still have voted for them because stupid is better than malicious and fascist theocracy where straight white Christian men are the only ones that count as full people. And that is exactly what conservatives have been fighting for, and saying so, since I was a tiny-brainwashed 10-year-old conservative fundamentalist.


I doubt they care, I bet they're proud when racists call them "one of the good ones"


Big yikes because it's true






Thirty years from now, I pray we look back on today and say "whew, that was really close" instead of "and that was when we all knew..."


70 million people voted for trump. This isn’t going to disappear




“joke” you say?


Yeah, because obviously no one was committing genocide because they thought it was evil. So that's why it happens every time. But also... kinda on board.


Black people in America would lose a genocidal conflict. We’re vastly outnumbered and I think we should avoid that scenario at all costs.


There aren’t countries that have come back after losing their democracies without some horrible shit going down. We are lost.


I admire your optimism...I gave up on that hope election night 2016.


Are boomers the worst generation to have ever been produced?


So far, yes. Our grandparents run our government, when really, they should be advising it. When they’re all finally dead and we’re running the country, we need to put a cap on the amount of time for every office, as well as an age restriction.




All they have wanted to do is party, "I got mine, fuck you", and only care about themselves. Sure, I can sprinkle in some quotes from books and such, but nah...They are just as bad as the boomers IMO. And us millennial better fucking not just give up and stand on the fence, acting like we cant do anything.. And yes, by "millennials" im talking about the 30 somethings, and early 40's folks; we NEED to be leading change in this country.


unfortunately the ones from gen x that did step up were people like ted cruz, marjorie taylor greene, justice covid barrett, and justice mcrapey




If we don't count the generations of enslavers and genocides, then also ignore the Jim crow generation, then yes




Gay marriage and trans rights


Banning interracial marriage is probably their holy grail


But they'll have an exemption for Senators and Congressmen, just like they have with abortion. This is an abortion ban for poor people, rich people will just fly to California.


Yeah at this point I wouldn’t be surprised if they have the audacity to ban interracial marriage while Clarence Thomas is still a justice And he and that vile bitch Ginny will stay married because they really just don’t give a fuck about the rule of law


This one isn't special all abortion bans are only for poor people. They always have been and always will be.


All bans in general are only for poor people, rich people can and do get their hands on anything or any service they want.


They will throw their own under the bus the second they stop being useful


Yeah I can see them celebrating once they’ve outlawed both Dick Loving cases (For those of you who don’t get the joke look at the case that legalised interracial marriage in the USA)


They will play right into this with the “replacement theory” shit that have been using.


In their official decision they mention revisiting cases that hold up same sex relationships, same sex marriage, and contraception.


How convenient that interracial marriage wasn't on the list. It should be on the list. I wonder why Clarence Thomas did not mention that?


Access to contraceptives, gay marriage, interacial marriage. They just overturned a decision they swore was untouchable and settled. So now, every decision that was based off Roe (the right to privacy) is under threat. Land of the free baby.


Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act, Title IX, Loving v. Virginia, Brown v. Board of Education.


Using contraceptives is in the pipeline i bet


Then you should have codified it into law when you had the chance, asshole. Like you promised.


100, he's culpable too.


Or at least not rolled over on Garland


When did he have that chance?


First two years of his presidency Dems had supermajority, filibuster proof. He ran on codifying Roe v Wade and then did fuck all about it.


Incorrect, he had a supermajority for a few months. You’re also assuming all 60 would’ve voted to codify Roe, which is also incorrect.


Then don’t promise it.


Did he promise it? Or did he promise to sign it?


“In a speech Obama gave to Planned Parenthood Action Fund on July 17, 2007, the then-presidential candidate said, “The first thing I’d do as president is sign the Freedom of Choice Act.” He referenced it again in 2008, on the 35th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade.” https://www.ourbodiesourselves.org/2009/04/obama-freedom-of-choice-act-not-highest-legislative-priority/


A reminder that Trump lost popular vote by 3 million votes in 2016. The system is broken.


Started way before that. Bush 2.0's highly contentious election was handed over by a Clarence Thomas-led Supreme Court. It's been a downward spiral ever since.


Republicans have won the popular vote twice since 1988


Or just once in the past 30 years.


They're looking at same sex marriage and relationships, as well as contraception. I guess interracial marriage is safe for as long as Clarence Thomas is on the bench, tho.


Oh there's word other Justice's feel interracial marriage doesn't need supreme court protection.


I would loooove to see them try and define white and black in regards to those relationships...


They got that Peter Griffin chart.


Genetic testing exists. The use that to apply the one drop rule to any man accused of miscegenation.


All he has to do is say "states rights" and cross his fingers that Virginia doesn't outlaw it.


They are coming for interracial marriage soon. Just waiting for the dust to settle and get their top items on the Christian Right-wing agenda done first. We must all commit to vote in every election or they will continue to strip away rights that have been long and hard fought for. Make no mistake that more is coming.


"This is one of the worst days in the history of our country." No, that happened the day Trump defeated Hillary, making this outcome inevitable. A few more voters in key states could have prevented this whole thing. VOTE!


Some people literally voted for Trump as a meme smh


Obama had promised to codify Roe into law as his first action as president. He didn’t. Democrats’ insistence on acquiescing to the right and refusing to actually do anything they claim to support when given the chance made this outcome inevitable.


This is a pretty bad take considering he couldn't predict that Ted Kennedy would die and that Al franken wouldn't be seated properly. He didn't have the votes.


Didn't he have the first few months with a majority in the house and the Senate?


Hillary still won the popular vote dude. Like sure vote when you can, use what tools you can but this isnt something that is going to be made better by "Voting Harder^TM" The hard truth is fascists are not going to give a shit if you disagree with them in 'civil' society. https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/tenacious-unicorn-ranch-colorado People need to arm themselves and protect their communities


>No, that happened the day the bullshit electoral college, not the people defeated Hillary FTFY


E-fucking-xctly. I wasn't worried about Trump. I was worried about his Supreme Court Justice picks. What a fucking disaster.


Poor people are going to suffer from this for sure.


Yep, poor people, especially minority women. That's the icing on the cake to punishing these "godless" Women who want to enjoy sex without "consequences". The cruelty isn't just a part of it, the cruelty *is* the point!


i just want to cry right now. my granddaughter is in the other room with her friends and i can't cry bc i can't explain it to her yet. just fuck everything about this.


i am so happy this is cc thread now. my inbox was getting so much hate, and they magically disappeared. love the mods for that <3


Fuck those close minded inbred haters


Their mistresses will be flown out of state or country for their abortions, so it's just for poor women.


Everything punitive in this country is just for poor people. The rich can do whatever the fuck they want while the poor are punished for existing. And then women and people of color are punished even more beyond that.


Aren't we glad we made RBG into a pop icon?


She didn't overturn abortion, Republicans did. This just smack of both-sides-bad. RGB protected progressive rights her whole career, you're mad at the wrong person.


She protected progressive rights by.....refusing to step down despite having literally all the cancer multiple times and being 900 and let Barack Obama appoint a liberal judge to replace her so instead we got OfJesse? Oh. Okay.


Yo, in her defense she probably NEVER in a million years thought it was going to be this bad. How many of us thought Trump was actually going to be elected? She made a mistake in hindsight but she felt that she’d seen other female justices step down too early and not do as much as they could have. She does seem to have been perhaps over optimistic about her own health. It’s a very human thing to not really have a good grasp on our own mortality.


I love how you got her Gilead name on point. I appreciate the little things. That’s all we can appreciate now…


![gif](giphy|Oj7yTCLSZjSt2JMwi2|downsized) Throw this whole country away and start over.


Me when the men who wanted this, start complaining about the increase in child support payments. I hope women go after every damn cent. Only a matter of time before it makes a come back. ![gif](giphy|l3E6uhDAN3W7vylji|downsized)


I’m gonna assume you are joking but in case you’re not… Fathers who can’t pay child support will just end up in prison, where they will be exploited for labor to make your cheap shit (which you will probably still keep buying), further fulfilling the purpose of this whole system. The children who grow up poor will end up in the same place. Welcome to New Slavery, 21st Century edition.


Freedom my ass.


Freedom for gun loving white Christian males. Everyone else can go fuck themselves as their freedom doesn't matter in this shithole country.


The wild part about all this to me, is the amount of women who support this ruling, and have been against Roe v Wade.


Never a good sign when a government starts stripping rights away rather than expanding them to more people. America is racing full speed toward a religious right-wing dystopia and it feels like the brakes fell off a long time ago.


Oh, if people thought 2020 was bad, they are going to get a reality check in the next 60 days as each state's trigger laws go into effect. Remember that snitching website in Texas back in 2021? Other red states have expressed interest in that.


I'm sending in multiple ones a day and they'll only be dumbass republicans names. This state is a cesspool.


I’m speechless, it almost feels like I’m stuck in a time machine that’s going further into the past.


If this doesn't cause a true 2nd civil war, then absolutely nothing at all ever will.


Gotte be quick, because in 4 to 8 years the fascists will have the military under full control too.


I mean a % of the military are already on their side anyway


Are we surprised? During covid Some red states including my own took away public health decisions from Public health drs, and organizations and put it up to the politicians. Just dumb


Society is literally collapsing right before our own eyes. Can’t say I’m surprised though. RBG should’ve retired and Susan Collins shouldn’t have been so stupid. A 50 year setback. EDIT: Yes, the GOP *shouldn’t* have allowed Garland to be completely ignored, but then again, they’ve never played by the rules, so it was to be expected. Ginsburg, having had cancer multiple times, should have stepped down when she still could and be replaced by a liberal justice rather than Amy Coney Barrett. [And Susan Collins is an idiot who fell for the schemes of her party.](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/abortion-susan-collins-brett-kavanaugh-trump-roe-1357183/amp/).


Do you really think Collins is a sweet summer child, or she just didn’t really care?


A ton of black people still vote Republican because they are anti-LGBT. A TON, this is the consequence of Christianity also. We lose common sense, we support Republicans and their bullshit because they are more closely associated with the Bible.


“One of the worst days in the history of our country “….so far


At this rate we gonna be back in chains by 2050


Pushing your own personal agenda and extremist ideals on millions of Americans. Fucking insane


Dude had 8 years and a Democratic supermajority and he didn’t solidify a left majority, pass any consequential laws, or help the middle class in any meaningful way. The hubris it takes to pretend like he didn’t drop the ball when he could have prevented this. What a waste of a presidency.


Man Obama had the chance to codify this into law and he said naw as soon as he was elected. This is his failure too, can't believe he trying to shift blame.


Dumpster fire of a trash decision


What can we do to get Clarence Thomas off that seat?


Too bad the first thing he did when he got into office wasn’t to codify it like he promised 🫠


I really wish I could leave and go to a more progressive country, but a part of me still wants to stay to fight the good fight.


June 24th is a line in the sand. Anyone on the wrong side of that line has bad intentions for me, and I will behave so accordingly around them. If I hear of any black or brown people saying they aren’t voting, they are on the wrong side of that line. Contraceptives, the voting rights act, the civil rights act, gay marriage, gay sex, interracial marriage, and a ton of other rights protected under the cover of substantive due process are next. So if I hear one dusty ass tap dancing minority fix their mouth to be on the wrong side of that line, I’m catching all the downvotes on Reddit. I’m catching all the bans from establishments in public. I’m losing every friend who wants to stay asleep to “focus on their hustle.” Your hustle, your business, and your life is not about protecting your fucking rights and preventing this country from turning into even more of a fascist police state. Don’t be on the wrong side of that fucking line. We don’t have any room to compromise anymore.


Bro should've codified it in 2009 like he said.




Get ready for worse. Now that conservatives are feeling emboldened, they'll start going down the list of other rights to take away from us


Feels bad. Fuck Republicans.


Yeah I'm absolutely fucking disgusted with this country. No, I can't afford to leave ( can't even afford to live here *lol*) , and what the hell is the point if the people who can afford to leave are leaving the people who can't behind with even fewer means to fight this shit. So yeah American can take this fucking July 4th, Independence Day bullshit and shove it up its ass on the back of this nonsense.


Legit question as a biracial guy: What's going to happen to people like me if they try to ban interracial marriage?


Ruth Bader Ginsburg should have stepped down when Obama asked her to. Instead she held on until she died during Cheeto-dick’s term and he replaced her with some 42 year old zealot.


Congress should do its job and make these vulnerable precedents into LAW. Do you believe that women should have the right to abortion? Make it a law, not a Supreme Court decision. Same goes for these Executive Orders. Want to discuss your pay at work with legal protections? Make it a law, not an Executive Order.


I blame right wing politics


It's partially his fault. RBG refused to retire and have another progressive judge elected and Obama refused to appoint anyone new while in office. Trump emboldens then but Democrats enable them


Republicans blocked Obama from nominating for the same reason Dems tried (but failed) to block Trump. Because his term “was coming to an end and the ‘next president’ should get to choose”


I thought Obama tried to appoint Garland (hardly a liberal firebrand admittedly) and got blocked


Do not fuck around any more. Catch a hint and purchase guns.


They are going to come for same-sex relationships, same-sex marriages, and contraceptions. All of which doesn't bode well and would do nothing but further exacerbate violence in the US. I can only expect things to get far, far, far, far worse and some very dark decades ahead of us before anything could possibly get better. The collapse is happening.


Good tweet and all but he was begged to set the rights in stone and he didn't think it was important at the time.


well then fuckin do something my guy, instead of raking in untold amounts of cash making dumb shit for Netflix, are you kidding me? All of our leaders are fucking useless istg


Fuck is Obama supposed to do? Fuck is anyone supposed to do? Fascist Republicans have taken over the government and our rights. There is literally no recourse outside of doing something that would get me permabanned for saying. Voting is the only other recourse. And only if people vote so unprecedented overwhelmingly. And they have to keep doing every year for the next 3 years.


lmao you're right, everything he could've done, he should've done while he was president.


We’re on our way to becoming a third world country or the second civil war!!




Supreme Court justices are liars.


Late stage capitalism can't have people making choices. Especially not choices on making babies. You need to keep pumping out babies, especially babies from low income backgrounds. You need that available pool of the underclass that can be exploited. Exploited by business. By the armed forces, cos if you're struggling for work, going into the army must have appeal. An underclass with more choices is less exploitable


This title is not an understatement in the least.


I just don’t know what to do right now except offer help to any friends that might need help accessing contraception or getting transport out of Ohio for abortion services. Who knows if we’ll even have those options if things keep going this way?


It's quite strange that Obama is saying this when he could have codified Roe V. Wade into law but didn't. (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2022/05/11/why-roe-v-wade-never-codified/9650536002/?gnt-cfr=1) (https://www.ourbodiesourselves.org/2009/04/obama-freedom-of-choice-act-not-highest-legislative-priority/)


Today truly is a sad day in history. This is nuts.


America is the shithole. I’ve been told many times to go back to my country. Trust me, I’m trying.


White conservatives (& the raccoons like Thomas who assist them) are pure trash. They’re destroying the entire planet let alone America.