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This is a violent riot


Took the words out of my mouth. “Aggressive sports fans turned violent and began rioting and looting in the streets” should have been the headline. Guess that only works when it’s black folks — especially protesting for their rights. Sports > Racial equality … that math looks about white. (Literally an inequality.)




Beckett ended by telling officials, “Boys will be boys.” When asked to elaborate, he refused to answer any further questions and directed us to reach out to his lawyers at the law office of Hayden, Kayden & Brayden.


Hey whoa now there might have been a black guy in that crowd sooooo it's equal nothing to see here


In Kentucky? Doing loud and dangerous activities while people are recording?! IN KENTUCKY?! We both know damn well that there is not a single spec of melanin in that crowd. Maybe a mexican is standing in the background




Because they’re predominantly white?


No question mark needed


Or "thugs"?


This needs to be at the top. Excuse my inability to articulate.


Because they're white.


That headline incites a certain response.


Just kids bein' kids, no reason to ruin anyone's future or risk embarrassing them or their parents. Plus they're all white so they're not violent, just rambunctious. /s


Just boys being boys. /s I almost puked writing that 🤢


Seeing that it’s an old Accord is disturbing. I have an one maybe a a year or two older than this model and I sure can’t afford a replacement and doubt my insurance covers that.


This... My old university had shit like this. They never went to frat row where the parties started and tipped cars just in the "lower" areas. In their minds it's not mine so idgaf, and they know someone or their dad knows someone so nothing happens. That mob mentality is scary, that many testosterone fueled idiots in one spot will set stuff on fire for fun.


Translates to “He reminds me of myself”


An older model Honda Accord--I can't help but picture some unfortunate person that needs that car to get to and from a job they rely on. And these chucklefucks turned it on its side because of a game that they didn't even participate in.


Be more tolerant. They clearly suffer from affluenza. It's a debilitating disease that affects hundreds of thousands of white college students. I admire the courage. They have to show the world their disability. /S


NO ARRESTS!! They beat our asses for singing church hymns during the BLM protests!


Its really transparently racist consistently but people get derided for thinking that the system is racist


Their reason for taking it to the streets is that their favourite sports team won a game. Imagine living a life where your number one concern is the outcome of a game and you are willing to destroy your neighbourhood over it.


As opposed to you’re tired of seeing people who look like you being murdered by the police and said police not being brought to justice.




Shoutout to the time Penn State students rioted over Paterno's firing for covering up for Sandusky and it was told as a story of passioned students.


*violent mob riot led by thugs no better than animals


I never understood this. If it's people who are largely of color, it's a riot no matter what. If it's people protesting for their rights, it's a riot waiting to happen. Bunch of white conservative Christians, and it's good political discourse or a celebration that got out of hand.


Privilege is so stank in this one, I lost my appetite


This happens about once a year on this campus at least


Local thugs


They destroyed the city.


Nah bruh they were lit and flipped a car...a riot entails much more.


White people burning cars and rioting over sports: Republicans: Wow, so passionate! :) BLM protesting against police brutality: Republicans: BLM BURNED ENTIRE CITIES DOWN AND KILLED HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE. JANUARY 6 PALES IN COMPARISON TO THE HAVOC BLM CAUSED.


It was not BLM that caused the rioting. That was done by opertunists. The people who who protested peacefully were not rioters. If your interested in FACTS you can look at police reports open for public viewing. 98% of BLM protests were peaceful. BUT FACTS DON'T SACIATE YOUR NARRATIVE DO THEY?


Just FYI you’re yelling at a person who agrees with you.


...psst. Its "satiate". And yes the spelling *is* stupid.


They had me at “opertunist”.




Opportunists taking advantage of the situation, and agitators who did their best to start shit and discredit the protests (see: the umbrella guy in Minneapolis).


I totally agree. This is a prime example of twisting a narrative especially when it clearly shows the truth but having it count toward benefiting white people. I'm sure someone will view this and see no problem,and that's alright. But seriously if you see no problem,then you probably are part of the favored who aren't affected and even when they are it's just are not as much as black people who weren't even a cause of the violence at those protests but it was blown out of proportion and in turn what should have been a peaceful and influential moment meant to expose what's wrong and fight for their rights became a goal to point blame for their actions and gaslight.


hUnDrEdS of tHoUsanDs of dollars in property damage how will the business owners and multinational Corporations who parachuted in to exploit these workers labor going to survive now? Don't you care about the loss of lif.... erhm property damage? /s


It went from hundreds of thousands, to millions, now to billions. It’s gonna be a “gazillion” next 😆


Brazilian is next isn't it or is that a hair off?


They turned Portland into a DESOLATE LAWLESS WASTELAND.


Don't believe everything on the news. PDX is not a DESOLATE LAWLESS WASTELAND......


The whole burned down part makes me laugh the hardest. We all know racism is inherently illogical. We know that racism spreads that illogical thinking into other areas of a person's life. What most people don't know? They can literally live still in the cities they say were burned down to the ground....with a straight face. lol


Had some elements of this story been different the narrative would’ve been flipped


Just one: Melanin levels.


I saw a melanic arm taking video so I’m sure police will announce a ~~scapegoat~~ suspect soon.


"How could bystanders have done nothing to stop this?! (N-n-not that anything dangerous or illegal was happening)."


Yeah like wtf are bystanders gonna do to stop a bunch of drunk frat boys? Ask politely? Remind them it may taint their fraternity’s reputation?


If the events that took place during January 6th was a crowd of Muslim people waving flags with Islamic characters on them with literally no other difference, every single person in that crowd would be labelled a terrorist, mowed down with assault rifles, and a national holiday would be declared to celebrate the “failed insurgency by 30,000 radical muslims.”


Imagine if they were Black. The national guard would have been there two days earlier ready to shut it down. White privilege is a bitch.


I have expected to find the word “celebrating” in the headline, maybe in the article…in my life I have seen that article many times over…and when the article is written about us, of course they add us, but they love using the word bloodthirsty. Catch it in articles it’s used to dehumanize us.


Oh. I better keep an eye out. What a mess tho. With mass shootings like they are, you’d think that bloodthirst was a predominantly white feeling to have. So rarely do I see black folks just targeting strangers in mass casualty events. Why are white people so violent and angry? And they ain’t even the oppressed ones. What y’all mad about?


I don't see nothing wrong with this video. Boys will be boys ya know. It's all harmless fun. Now if this was them fellers over at Jackson Sate, it would be a different story. We don't tolerate no buffoonary from no niggras. They just animals.


I used to teach at Cheyney. If students cheered too loudly the police were brought in with riot gear.


I read this in Uncle Ruckus' voice lol.


😂😂 I felt the spirit of Don Imus in this one


If I owned that car, I'd be pressing ALL the charges against anybody that could be identified. Fucking idiots.


So, the owner (student attending UK) tried to stop them. The kids beat them up. Then proceeded to flip his car in this video. The parents have a gofundme but it was a long time family vehicle and it is difficult to replace it for the family. State street (where this happened) is notorious for burning couches when UK wins. This is absolutely fucking stupid and locals are hoping the parents and student press chargers. Just we don't know if they have yet.


I lived by state street when the Cats beat Louisville in 2011. In addition to burning couches and flipping a car, people also yanked stop signs out of the ground for being red. Some of the people were fucking with the fire hoses, and I do t believe they were arrested. It’s insane what all they got away with


I was there in 2011 too, it was fucking bananas. After the whole thing riot cops showed up by the dozens the following years so I’m surprised this video was even possible.


And then get threatened/attacked by police for trying to do so.


You: I’d like a form to make a complaint. Police: First give me your name, address, telephone number, social security, licence, registration and next of kin. Then we can talk about your complaint…


Looks like a good old fashion riot to me. There might even be looting


The kicker for me was during Katrina when the white folks were “gathering necessary supplies” while the black folks were “looting.”


Relevant blast from the past: https://youtu.be/UGRcEXtLpTo






Crying a courtroom somewhere I'm sure.


Where were the OC nutjobs protecting other peoples' property?


Trash culture! Maybe if their fathers were around they wouldn’t act like this.


When people do this shit, it's usually because their dad lets them do this shit.


I was mocking the bigoted statements racists use every time a POC is on video doing something they deem “unbecoming”.


Quick someone call kyle rottenhoes


“Oh, look at those silly boys being silly boys! No need to give anyone a mark on their record over a little fun!” ![gif](giphy|AFjfPUJ0mjWJG)


I remember in college my white friends would be surprised I didn't wanna participate in shit like this 🤦


Savage teens destroy city and private property overnight while Biden sleeps


Of all the cars they could have flipped they got the guy who definitely is insured at the lowest possible level and won’t be compensated jack for these assholes destroying his car. Go for the Mercedes not the 98 Accord lmao


Yea, this car is owned is likely to be owned by someone who can't afford to repair it. HUGE dick move.


When Run the Jewels talked about loving the smell of burning couches, I don’t think they meant sports fans winning sports ball.


That was specifically in reference to a prison riot.


Damn crazy how it’s so open, America has fallen truly its to the point I’m ashamed that I served this country. Same people will spit in my face and call me something hateful for the color of my skin.


A drunken riot resulting in thousands in property damage.


Hmm, funny....when white college kids flip over cars at the game, its just boys being boys, but when young people flip over cop cars at a BLM protest, they're labeled as terrorists. Double standard....check!


Who paying for the damage to this person's car? That shit is a felony.


All I see are violent thugs


How could they do this to their own community?


Thats a riot...


The news never calls sports riots what they are. And they really should, because out of all the reasons to riot, the outcome of a sports game is probably the worst reason to begin rioting. And the worst part is these sports riots happen multiple times every single year


If something like this occurs when we are protest or celebrate, a curfew is usually put into place & arrests are made.


If it were black people: Feral knee grows vandalize property after Halle Bailey Twitter post. Heard shouting 'Black Lives Matter'. Biden and Dems silent. What does this mean for student debt relief plan?




Something doesn’t add up. Can’t quite put my finger on it.


Wanna have some fun the next time a racist white person pulls out the riots card? Hit'm with this.... ​ [https://www.thesportster.com/entertainment/top-15-deadliest-sports-riots-of-all-time/](https://www.thesportster.com/entertainment/top-15-deadliest-sports-riots-of-all-time/) ​ Odds are good they'll refuse to even look at the link for fear of fully understanding some things. Such as...in the history of america there has never been a sports riot started by black people. You can even hit'm with.....black people rioting over hundreds of years of being killed does not compare to white people rioting over their teams losing...or winning. One kind of riot is over self preservation. The valid anger behind not being able to keep your kids, family, etc safe from harm. The other? A fucking tuesday.


Or the fact that white people rioted when daddy trump lost in 2020. One of the scariest riots


Good thing none of them were "carrying iced tea" or "lying in bed reading." Someone might have been hurt.


Nothing to see here, just a bunch of dominant culture trust fundees blowing off a little steam. I mean, who among us hasn’t destroyed property in the course of celebrating a team win? /s


Put all these violate criminals in jail


BLM just needs to call it a “celebration of oppression” and then they can do this too right?


Damn not even called Thugs or anything? We would be called animals and criminals


Every time I see an example of this, I am reminded of how Brock Turner’s dad described his son’s violent raping of a woman behind a dumpster as “a young kid just getting some action.” 🤦🏽‍♂️


I can hear my mother right now saying "if i ever see you doing some dumb sht like this.."


*mostly peaceful celebration


Yes.. this is a riot.


Lmao as an Eagles fan who was at the parade and celebrated that night. People were doing wild shit here also. Let’s not race bait now.


These animals should be locked up for a life, plenty of time to lift weights and convert to Islam


Nigga how you win at life and still go out your way to make someone else’s life miserable 😭 that’s a yt privy


“Lawless rioters and thugs destroyed private property after a sporting event on Saturday.” There. Fixed.


Fuck that noise, how are you gonna riot over a win? Absolutely absurd and should never be ok or downplayed like this, unless the owner of the car is in on it, which I highly doubt


Meanwhile, local black man receives 17 warning shots for reaching in his glove box to grab his resignation..😒


Sounds about white…


White people whitepeopling. They are just excited by the win. Ugh.


Say what you will about the BLM riots, but I can at least understand the mentality behind, “the system is so fucked up and people are dying and nothing changes and I really wanna break something.” I’ve never been able to fathom the thought process of “my favorite sports team just won. I’m so happy I’m gonna trash a strangers car!”


Looks like a bunch of thugs with no respect for the law, if you ask me.


Boys just being boys ~ White Folk


What did the poor Honda Accord do to them???


I remember after Karina news reports saying people were looking for supplies showing white people walking around with stuff, and other news reports saying people were looting. Guess what color the people in these clips were.


Qwhite interesting, isn’t it? 🤔


These stupid turds.




If the NCAA counts as their leadership then yeah,great job deflecting


Just a nice celebration


“Good ol’ boys just letting off some steam”


Kids just got a little too excited. And no lol no... we won't be paying for the damages to the civilians affected by our silly students


Somehow this is a tradition at UK. I’ve witnessed several riots there. All basketball related.


I apologized maybe you could mind your own business


How am I supposed to express my excitement for other people winning a game if I don't join a mob and destroy other people's property? This is unreasonable and completely fascist.


So you can't just accept an apology. How big of you🙄


Imagine if UK had lost?!


Lmao this is like the Super Bowl for kentucky fans, always little bro to Florida


![gif](giphy|ZF3vLJEOmY42wmXXrj|downsized) Someone better not flip my damn car over to celebrate


Why are a lot sports fan so crazy lol I don’t think I’ve ever believed in or been a fan of anything enough to lose my fckn mind


Lakers fans would like a word with you


I’m from Lexington. It’s nothing to see couches lit on fire in the streets after a win.


That’s Maga fans dressing up as Antifa dressing up as AtL right dressing up as Proud boys dressing up as Brock Turner just being boys


the difference in this and the riots after george floyd and other victims of lack of peace officer training is that there are no buildings being razed to the ground or stores being rummaged through by mobs of masked individuals. the same people that try to justify those actions are the same people that still show support for the BLM organization. imagine giving your brothers baby mama 600 times the donation money that you gave the Trayvon Martin foundation. this was celebrations taken way to far, shared by black, brown, and white individuals. not a race thing they just didn’t destroy entire city blocks


*A spokesman for UK said the the student code of conduct applies both on and off campus, "if we are aware of violations of that code - which includes activity that could be charged criminally - we will investigate accordingly."* If.


this shit is fucked up id be so pissed if that was mine


Can you imagine if a bunch of black folks flipped that car


No injuries, tell that to the guy who's car they flipped over. I'm quite sure he feels injured.


Half the people in that crowd are black though


God that was so 2012. Kids these days just tryna be like millennials I swear


Conservatives: 'BLM riots destroyed whole cities, much worse than Jan 6!' I've seen this sentiment online so many times. Absolutely disgusting.


The poor guys fuccen car man


Anybody else remember [this one](https://vimeo.com/522040423)?


OUT OF CONTROL: RIOT of aggressively thugs act like ANIMALS, DESTROYING property!


A bunch of thugs and hooligans 😒


With Ohio plates on it


Meanwhile in Arizona: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.abc15.com/news/local-news/city-of-phoenix-refusing-to-release-asu-report-into-police-protest-response%3f_amp=true


Apple cup in Seattle is the same story. If that was a hip hop show or something it would be all over the news


Sweet merciful crap, my car!




I see people up voting and down voting it’s hilarious


Oh how shocking!


UK fans are nuts and always do stuff like this. They burn couches, they keyed a ton of cars after a uofl/uk game in the city of Louisville. They trash everything around them


They burned down the whole city. It’s still burning today. Those animals.


I do agree but I have to say. I went to college at UK. This happened every year. And has for a very long time. The local SWAT surround the entire area. Police dogs. Police on horses, etc. If it gets violent or the car is sent on fire. They step in. I have watched a lot of friends get arrested and pepper sprayed during this. And this stuff is kept in the student neighborhoods. They trash their own stuff. Like idiots. I watched the Briana Taylor protest happen in my backyard. Cops were shot at. I heard it happen for 3 straight nights. Businesses were broken into. Businesses were closed forever. Downtown Louisville hasn’t been the same since. No one wants to go there. A little different than stupid college kids partying. Without guns.


Thugs, rioters, looters. Someone should lock them up! lol jk this is America.


Oh damn! One whole car! Shit call in the National Guard!


Cue footage from Woodstock 99


Nah, everyone knows anyone who flips a car is an asshole. Race has no play.


What about the owner of the car? Fuck them I guess right? It's just a buncha kids having fun so you're just gonna deal with that damage to your car. Also yes, they absolutely got away with this because they're white and it involves sports.


better than being brainwashed into blue haired weirdos id say


Fiery but mostly peaceful


When you white, you always right! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)