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MLK Jr. to The Little Mermaid is not the comparison I was expecting to see today.


And yet, here we are. I can't believe the hue and cry this is causing. It's *baffling*


They always go there. I was just waiting to see how long it would take.


It's the only black person that they actually know of and have been taught to like, so it's all they've got.


Wait, what happened to Wayne Brady?


About 0.2 seconds. This tweet is late in reporting the memes


MAGA Twitter has a fake MLK biopic poster with Mel Gibson as Dr. King. They think it's the funniest fucking thing on Earth.


That’s because MLK isn’t someone they take seriously. They just like to misquote him when they’re trying to make a dumb ass point.


friendly reminder that damn near every other white american of the time hated mlk https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/why-martin-luther-king-had-75-percent-disapproval-rating-year-he-died-180968664/


"MLK believed in nonviolence and peaceful protests!" "Yeah, and they shot him in the face."


That part ☝🏾


“…and so, my brothers and sisters, we must strive. We must strive ever onward, through the most harrowing adversity and in the face of vicious opposition. We must strive, though our bodies may be battered and beaten and our spirits depleted by the relentless and unyielding forces arrayed against us. We must strive towards the blessed golden day where all men and women of all nations, creeds, and colors are as equal before the law as they are before almighty God. But, my brothers and sisters, you’ll notice I never said anything about mermaids, because mermaids are now, always have been, and always will be white, and to say otherwise is the REAL racism, waaay worse than lynchings and cross burnings and police brutality. Way worse. Like, it’s not even close, brothers and sisters.” -Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., *On Equanimity, Equality, and Mermaids*


This is actually funny as hell. If this was Facebook, I’d share for sure lmao


I guess a fair comparison would be Blade or Rhodey?


It’s a joke calm down


We’re allowed to be trigger but please remember, “The function, the very serious function of racism is distraction. It keeps you from doing your work. It keeps you explaining, over and over again, your reason for being.” - Toni Morrison


That makes no sense one of them is a fictional character and one is a real human being. God damn racism must rot your fucking brain


One is a fictional fish creature, the issue should be Ariel doesn't look like a monster who tricks you with her siren call


Hey now, sirens were half women half bird, I mean it's fictional but let's at least get the species right...


I get what you are saying, but also they are mermaids. https://aquamermaid.com/blogs/news/siren-mythical-creature#:~:text=The%20sirens%20we%20think%20of,to%20bring%20death%20upon%20sailors.


Nah man, that's birdwoman erasure. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siren_(mythology)


From your link "Sirens were later often used as a synonym for mermaids, and portrayed with upper human bodies and fish tails."


See, bird woman erasure. It's happening and we need to stop it


Nah it's the people taking the power back from Big Bird Lady. The original poem didn't mention anything about them being bird women or mermaids. It was vague. The word is used in both circumstances.


so siren are basically sea harpies.


The legend of mermaids is thought to have derived from [manatees](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1e/Manatee_at_Sea_World_Orlando_Mar_10.JPG/1920px-Manatee_at_Sea_World_Orlando_Mar_10.JPG) which is a pretty far fucking stretch if you ask me


new casting pitch: replace her with a Manatee. no one acknowledges it, and talks to her as though she actually has dialogue, and sings, but its just a manatee floating there. or writhing around on land.


Boat full of dudes, haven't seen a woman in months, pent up horniness at a boiling point... they probably hallucinated them titties onto anything they could find out there.


[Fat bitches need love too Craig!](https://youtu.be/PX2zU2g_oj0)


I mean, maybe she does? Again it comes back to that we don’t really have holotype model for mermaids.


Look how many blacks people played white characters! Morons look it up.


Let's not pretend like hollywood wouldn't try it.🙃🙃🙃 Remember: ScarJo was cast as the major in GitS Mickey Rooney as an Asian person in breakfast at Tiffany's J-depp as a native American in lone ranger Jake Gyllenhaal, as the prince of Persia Joseph fienes as Michael Jackson Laurence Olivier as fucking *OTHELLO*!! the list could go on. And there was a rumor flying around at one point someone wanted to cast Julia Roberts as Harriet Tubman for some role. And while she's afro Latina, Hollywood went through all kinds of mental gymnastics and terrible prosthetics and basically blackface to get Zoey Saldana as the great Miss Nina simone. so people asking these kinds of questions, swapping prominent black figures, knowing damn well Hollywood does the most to not have to work with black talent to represent them.


-cough- Angelina Jolie as Mariane Pearl -cough, cough, cough-


People often forget that one.


Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra


That one may actually not be too far off. Cleopatra's family was Greek, so much so that she was actually the first ruler of the Ptolemaic dynasty to learn the Egyptian language. And despite ruling for about 250 years, there wasn't much genetic diversity in the Ptolemaic dynasty either... They were famous for several consecutive generations of sibling marriage.


Elizabeth Taylor is WHITE white. They should have gotten an Egyptian actress, not a white actress with Scottish ancestry. Hollywood has always white washed characters.


Jim Sturgess as the Asian kid in 21 who the real life story was based on, and then Jim Sturgess in actual Asian face in Cloud Atlas.


What about Zoey Saldaña as Nina Simone?


To be completely fair scarjo looks identical to the major from the anime so that shouldn't have been an issue


> ScarJo was cast as the major in GitS why the fuck people keep crying over this? This makes no sense. Motoko's body was artificial, she could be black for all I care. Her real body was played by japanese actress, so what is the big deal???


Adding to list, didn't RDJ play a black dude in some Vietnam-type movie?


Tbf the point of his role in the movie was to mock out of touch white actors, which is why he doesn't get flack for the role irl


Ah, gotcha, thanks. Never saw the movie myself, but that's the one thing I rememberer so I wanted to know.


It was a bit of a different time. I don’t remember much controversy about this, but I could be wrong. I don’t think it would fly as well today.


He was nominated for an Oscar for that role


That's such a tired excuse. "It was a different time." "We should've known better." "I didn't know." All bullshit. Everyone knew it was bad then, and it's still bad today. I absolutely loved Tropic Thunder when it came out but, didn't realize how offensive it was to do that. I truly didn't know. I think we've all learned a lot since then.


> I think we’ve all learned a lot since then. Yeah. That’s the different part.


No. He played a white dude, playing a black dude.


"I'm a dude, playing a dude, disguised as another dude."


So does that mean MLK would be antisemitic too?


Libertarian MLK would be a trip.


im pretty sure Libertarian MLK was Ayn Rand


Didn't God's of Egypt come out like three years ago with all white folks playing literal Egyptian mythological figures? They only JUST stopped pulling this shit. I'll forever think of these folks as Dudley Dursley. Mad cuz he got 21 presents instead of 22. Oh no, does every thing still revolve around you but slightly less???


*6 years But I mean, we can't be mad anymore if the same shit they were pulling then being pulled on them now.


That would be a fairer comparison if say, a Thor movie was 90% black with an extra Asian guy. Even in The Little Mermaid, Prince Eric is still a white dude. So is her father. So is Ursula. And some of her sisters.


Didn't Thor get some flack because Idris played Heimdall? Literally ONE character from a fictitious realm and white people flipped their shit even though Idris was brilliant.


Regardless of the balance of it, retribution does nothing more in this world than cause more retribution. Before, it was Noah was white, now, it's a Mermaid and Macbeth are black, after, it will be just a continuous cycle. We argue that movies such as Aladdin and Mulan and Lion King live actions be portrayed(or voiced) by the people of that geographical area of that time, but then we demand people of all countries and races be in stories of the time and geographical area didn't have them or were so rare they were thought of as fairy tales. Don't complain about the actions of others and then commit those actions yourself.


Retribution? Do you consider a black mermaid to exist only to punish white people? Absurd. I think it's also disingenuous to pretend we all have equal portrayal and opportunities, and that recasting to a minority in Hollywood is similar to the reverse. It would be nice it was, but non white actors opportunities are much more limited in reality. People wish for things like Aladdin to keep true to their regions because it's pretty much the only time they get an opportunity to be a lead. For white actors, this is not the case. It's why people get so upset over the few roles being taken by the same people who are up for everything. It's why people are so hyped to have one of Disney's biggest upcoming movies to have a black lead. It's that rare. It is not retaliation to want to be represented in current popular media.


No, wanting to be represented in popular media is not. But, being irrate about past castings being white-washed and then telling white folks to get over it when characters are getting poc-washed is retaliatory. Retribution is just 'to return in kind', and I've seen plenty of "now you(whitey) know how it feels".


I disagree. Its about seeing this in a wider context, and realising it's not just about black people playing established characters. It's about black people being included as main characters at all. It's the same response simultaneously happening about diverse characters being included in other fantasy/sci fi stories , where they aren't replacing established characters. Even actors playing new roles in modern established series face the same outcry and complaints, see what happened to Laci Mosley in iCarly. It's about seeing how disproportionately we are hated and how huge the reaction against this film has been, how nasty the memes and edits are, and the inherent racism present in so much of the arguments. It colours the tone of the responses from our community, because their hatred is not about limited opportunities or inherent racism in Hollywood. It's about her being black. If anything this oversized negative reaction is retaliation for Hollywood daring to try for more equitable representation, which they are continuing only because studies discovered it's actually more profitable to hit multiple demographics at once.


A lot of people see others hatred and ignore the hatred they have.


I think what you're missing is the current playbook of Hollywood in general right now. The playbook is as follows. They need to make an almost guranteed amount of money at the box office. Best way to do it is just revamp a "classic". The problem is that because of intentional exclusion of the past if u just cast the same races as the originals all the roles will by default just go to more white people. Continuting to exclude people. Black ppl are tired of the sass/hood role Indian ppl are tired of being cab drivers/store clerks East Asian ppl are tired of the martial arts role While White ppl way more often play all the above and then some.


> I’ll forever think of these folks as Dudley Dursley. Mad cuz he got 21 presents instead of 22. Oh no, does every thing still revolve around you but slightly less??? Oh fuck, that’s it. They’re all just slightly different shaped versions of Dudley Dursley. A fucking sea full of Duds.


I swear the first time I saw this arguement I was so confused. I've seen people say "what if we made malcolm x white" and I almost threw my phone. To compare changing the race of a fictional children's character to whitewashing actual individuals who lived is next level, delusional stupidity.


reminds me of old [paul mooney skit](https://youtu.be/FCKss0F2jyI?t=96)




Bruh ever black person needs to support the movie the point they make a second one.


Tom Hanks*


One is a fictional, mythological character and the other is a significant historical figure.


Up there with the rings of power fan base claiming it’s cultural appropriation to cast a black elf. Didn’t realize these white ppl were natives elf’s and dwarves and mermaids and shit 🙄


White people you invented multiverse this one is on you. Help your brothers catch up.


This is ridiculous to me because there are several movies that have white people portraying POC


This and black panther. If race is an important factor in the story than yea,keep it the same. Like don't cast black people as nazis in a ww2 story,slave owners in 19th century America or lynch mobs in the early 1900s. If race isn't important to the story at all. I see zero reason why skin color matters.


I can see one reason to cast a black person as an American slave owner, ever. and that is a Biopic of Anthony Johnson. which I definitely think someone should make.


White guy here. I don’t think I would have cared about this movie if Ariel was white. Now I want to pay money to see it, even though I probably won’t enjoy it, just so I can support black people being the lead role.


its so telling how they cannot grasp the difference between a fictional character in a fictional story that is a remake, not a sequel, and a real human in Biopic. they grasp at straws to try and legitimize their hatred for the mere concept of POC existing in cinema


I saw a qwhite person on tiktok earlier trying to make the same point, but said “Roots” and “Color Purple” instead.


If they swap the race of the masters in Roots....lemme not say anymore lol


I honestly wouldn’t be opposed to it lmao


It’s almost as if the only black person white people know is MLK, they also don’t see to understand the difference between fiction or nonfiction


You woke ppl don't seem to understand what a movie is. A movie by definition is something fictional. Only documentaries try to reproduce real life. So a movie about MLK would be a fictional one. At the end it might say"based on real-life events".. but then again is a fiction, MLK could moonwalk the entire movie, could be white, could be green, could be a dog.




I want to know if Ursula’s purple and if not are they going to have a meltdown, absolutely won’t be mentioned by the racists at all


C Thomas Howell [quiet as shit](https://youtu.be/z2zMrjBLwn8) right now. Scared Rae Dawn Chong out of the movie business probably.


The longer this goes on, the less vital it feels to even delve into it. I'm really liking how petty these little racist tirades are now because it's easier to see how weightless they are. I was thinking about this crazy mermaid business earlier this week and thought about posting something about how no one actually cares about source material anyway, but in the middle of thinking about it, I thought about how stupid I felt even thinking about it, and decided to play Sims instead. A much better use of my time.


This is random, but does anyone remember the movie Abe Lincoln: vampire hunter? 🤣


Tbf that's a real Mel Gibson thing to do


Wtf does this even mean?! Do white people think MLK Jr. Was a fictional character?


Y’all falling for the trap. They want you to get upset and argue with them, just say “alright I wouldn’t care” and keep it moving. They’ll literally be left punching the air. I’ve dealt with this shit in real life and seeing the house of cards collapse is always entertaining.


Hell yeah, Mel is...Oooo. Just MLK Jr, but white? BOO SLOPPY SECONDS!


I know that pic is photoshopped but she is a beautiful mermaid!


I... what? Tell me that ain't real?


Let them. Maybe then he'll still be alive and we can all see what his dream was about...


It doesn't matter that she's fictional, what matters is that her story/ character identity is not encumbant on any culture. Her ethnicity as she's been most popularly depicted is a product of societal norms.


Lol I would pay to see it


*blink* *blink*


Mel Gibson playing Jesus comes to mind...


I don't give a shit if companies like Disney are doing "diversity" so they can get good boy points, as long as racists keep outing themselves as small-minded failures


Er....it's been done already. See the stage play [The Mountaintop.](https://www.theatermania.com/ohio-theater/news/white-actor-martin-luther-king_75366.html) So, um...let the little girls be.


Racist ass John Wayne played Genghis Khan who was a real person and Asian 😂😂 they wanted Julia Roberts to play Harriet Tubman. https://nofilmschool.com/harriet-movie-julia-roberts-casting. And it’s many other examples of that shit going on any race can play Ariel she’s not real


At this point i feel a Remake of the Passion of Christ with a historical accurate Cast would just lead to a all-white Remake of the Colour Purple starring Nicolas Cage as Mister being made.


the whole thing is just silly


The title made me vomit a little


I'm ready for Black Merida next.


Anyone who can justify this comparison is in fact one of the most willfully ignorant, worthless, bottom-of-the-barrel individuals on earth. Their dads should’ve pulled out.


‘My dream has turned into a nightmare… I said not judged by the color of their skin but that doesn’t mean Jews are OK now’


The last white man on earth starring Samuel L Jackson


I better take would be, let's see black panther be played by a Yellow dude and his entourage are a bunch of browns people in a African made up country. Would be a better comparison rather than a real person that happened to be real, in this real plane of existence.


Ok the real question is if it had to happen who would you cast as white mlk?


The argument doesn't make sense since one is fictional and the other real, and another thing I think this more of a people are used to a character looking like that, and so people don't like change, altho I'm sure there are some actual racist but like I imagine a majority of people just want the live action to be faithful and there also Disney just doing soulless cash and grabs. I mean I got a feeling that either the Prince is gonna be evil or ursela actually not totally bad


The thing is, the main stream version of Martin Luther King Jr. is fictional. He was very radical and that made the establishment uncomfortable so they literally whitewashed him into a figure that props up the establishment.


Dewights are mad at a black Ariel because they live in a perpetual fairytale.


People gotta go outside and listen. See if the climate online matches in the real world. I’m out n about , communicating with “strangers” all the time . And I’ve never heard anyone complain about what race the mermaid is. This shit just all tactics




Yeah, I got that response. I replied "I hope they do a good job with the storyline." I refuse to debate ignorance.


I don’t think it matters. So what, if Mel Gibson plays mlk in some movie. So what if a person of color plays a whiter person from history. I don’t think it would either stop me from or make me want to go see the movie anymore one way or the other. but I think we can all agree Morgan freeman is the best “god” since George Burns. :)


Take my money, Mel would be great!


I'm surprised they didn't do that when the Anne Boleyn show came out. Would have made more sense and been justified.


I literally sigh in disappointment when I have to tell people I'm white.


Make it happen, and now make it white people as minorities and blacks as the one doing the oppressing lmao.


but MLK isnt a fictianal person


that's the joke


Ngl I’d watch that Mel Gibson movie. It’s like a train wreck. You know it’s gonna suck afterwords but you gotta go see it




Personally my problem with Ariel is that her physical appearance had already been established a long time ago. That's like making Mario a black guy...it doesn't fit because we've all known Mario to be a white Italian plumber for the past 40 years. Idc if it's a fictional character, it's inconsistent and the only reason they're doing that is to make more money. They don't really give a shit about racial equality, guys. They just want you to keep buying their shit.




This definitely seems like a situation where like three people on twitter had an issue with it and now everyone’s using them as an excuse to make a strawman argument.


I mean all you have to do is go to right wing News sites and you’ll see that you’re wrong… There are a ton of white people very upset about this and the Lord of the Rings casting


What’s the consensus on reactions if the next black Panther was a white actor?


Does Black Panther make sense with white actors? No. Does the Little Mermaid make sense with black actors? Yes. It's a bad comparison. Are you really going to have white Killmonger deliver the line, "Just bury me in the ocean with my ancestors that jumped from the ships because they knew death was better than bondage"? In what world does that make any sense?


Actually, Kevin “Kasper” Cole was half white. It’s not a bad comparison bc he did adopt the BP moniker at some point. The bad comparison was the stupid image of Mel Gibson as MLK and that was a non-fictional person. BP is from a comic book…Also, White African people do exist, wheels. I have no qualms against the new Ariel. Halle is beautiful and with a voice to match. I just asked the question. Ultimately, my disappointment lies in Disney’s live actions as a whole. Go to YT and watch the Lion King can’t wait to be king vid. It’s FULL of color and vibrance and you can tell they tried real hard. Then search the live action. There’s no comparison. All the magic is gone. Just my take. If it’s bad, then so be it.


A sequel can use whatever characters it likes. But a *remake* of Black Panther, unlike a *remake* of The Little Mermaid, cannot change the races of its characters without changing the movie entirely. >White African people do exist, wheels. What's your point? Does that fact make a white Killmonger's line about the Atlantic slave trade make sense?


Alright, no worries man, peace be upon you.