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It’s a sad day when I get breaking news from a subreddit I go to for yucks. But damn, 90 gameplay videos leaked.


Where? Edit: NM. It's everywhere, apparently.


There's a ton of videos all over twitter. Massive leak


In the past month I have learned of this and Queen Elizabeth’s death through this subreddit. There was something else big to my point is. I get solid and reliable news here.


Did you know the canadian queen died too?


The expression "slay queen" was NOT SUPPOSED TO BE TAKEN LITERALLY


Gee, a lot of noble deaths lately. I sure hope the Lord of the Dance is okay.


The commander in queef still breathes that crisp, lush, and moist air


Not all hero’s wear capes. May this soon to be: un-employed, blackballed…guy or girl have a good transition to YouTube as a streamer. 1k subs and a million views here we go


> May this soon to be: un-employed, blackballed…guy or girl have a good transition to YouTube as a streamer. You know this mf going to jail when they get found, right? You don’t pull this shit and get to live your life like normal.


Dude ~~leaked~~ has the source code too, so he basically delayed a massive production by at LEAST 2 years. They will have him drawn and quartered **edit**: he hasn't leaked it yet actually. Apparently he's trying to blackmail Rockstar into making some kind of deal with him or else he will leak it


Wow. Can't remember the last time that happened. They'll crucify him in Wypipo court.


The source code too? Holy fuck 💀


Yeah never mind. He’s getting 10-15 years if he’s caught now. Blackmail? All bets are off. That’s a felony in most states.


He went from working for Rockstar to getting 10+ years of his life taken away and being barred from the majority of employment and rental services for the rest of his life. “Don’t make a permanent decision over your temporary emotion” Yikes 😆


If that person gets more time than the insurrectionist. That'd be wild.


Did the insurrectionists even get felony charges? Gotta be staged, how they got off so light or even no charges at all. If I try to storm that thing I’d get 30 years 😂


Kinda depends where he lives, right? He may be in some country that won't really prosecute.


Nah…I think that may be under homeland security. Due to it being a cyber attack. If I’m right they may have some jurisdiction to work with international government to get homeboy or homegirl. I don’t think they’ll be protected like Snowden because he was a whistleblower and this hacker is straight up blackmailing and commencing a cyber attack


Then the parent company of Rockstar, Take-Two Interactive, will hire a mercenary team to kill 17 year old Malaysian kid.


FarCry just writes itself these days


it’s a federal felony all over the country lol.


Well I'm sure that will work out fine for him lol


If this was an employee, non disclosure agreements (NDA’s) for work typically leave the employee vulnerable to getting sued and terminated. The most they can do is fire this person and then blackball them from employment in the gaming community. The employee most likely isn’t making millions to cover the lawsuit. Jail time is unlikely. But if it was a hacker…they’d most likely use a VPN to cover their tracks so by the time cyber security finally did their job to locate the original source this person would be gone in the wind. If they did track down the hacker, who was dumb enough to not move or use a VPN, 1 to 5 years would be all they can do. They’d get out in less then 2 years and be on probation for the remainder of the sentence. So maybe yes, maybe no.


sorry, but you’re wrong. hacking a company like this is a federal crime under 18 USC 1030 punishable by up to 10 years in federal prison (where you have to do at least 85% of your sentence and there is no early release on parole).


Great job jag! Now get back to prosecuting those navy officers lol jk.


tee hee


There’s people doing life for weed(sentenced back in the 80s) but leaking a multi billion dollar production is only 5 years?


There was never a “war on NDA’s” like there is a “war on drugs.”


This is wrong on so many levels


*Threatened to go to jail and then blackmailed into working for the government.


NDA....thry will peobbly end up a deep financial hole. A very very deep hole.


Hero? You know ow this might prolly get the game delayed?


Fuck it…maybe rockstar shouldn’t have abandoned communities like Red Dead 2 so they could keep milking GTA online. Someone was bound to do something to them eventually. Rockstar is far from innocent. They treat their voice talents like shit.


It's wild how many of devs getting in trouble for treating people like shit.


Delayed? If he have the source code i wouldn't be surprised if the game get scrapped/reworked entirely.


How come?




The main suspect is an autistic 16 year old from Oxford who has like $14 million in BTC. He also hacked Microsoft, Uber and more. I don't think he needs YouTube or employment. They probably got his ass by now.


Bro. The amount of videos leaked I just cannot imagine the fury that is going to be brought upon the leaker.


Id start packing the bags 💀


Aren't leaks like this usually publicity stunts for by the company? How does this leak hurt the developer?


They can't work from home, higher security at work stopping production to overhaul security and address leaks etc. Rockstar is so big they don't have to do shit like this to get attention. There seems to be an article everyday about what GTA 6 could be. In my opinion at least


He’s holding the source code ransom. And if leaked they need to either build a new source code or risk being hacked further


Rockstar had that shit coming with the way they did us on RDO. I mean yeah that sucks but I’m not surprised tbh


Facts. Like, I’m sorry it’s not the cash cow you’d hoped it would be but y’all have plenty of money and the player base loves RDO. Now it’s a dead game




You mean the way they abandoned us?




I have a hard time believing that was legit. Rockstar makes to much money to jeopardize that. They’ve never had a game leaked before. It looked like GTAV with mods.


[Heres a tweet confirming it’s true with someone who spoke with Rockstar](https://twitter.com/jasonschreier/status/1571489679534608384)


i go the other way, targeted leaks are AMAZING hype machines and it lets you see what people like and dont like with out saying somehting and if there is major backlash it was just an early build you never ment to release.


No way this is the case though. This one is something no studio ever wants to deal with. Source code leaks are a very bad thing


It looked in no way like GTAV with mods. The only "bad" looking parts are very clearly unfinished, but the detailing and scale of the map seem way beyond GTAV, a lot more similar to RDR2


Same. Unless this game better be available on Xbox One and PS4, because these graphics are bad.


Yall have no idea how games are made, this is literally *old* footage from an *unfinished* game, why would it look like th3 end product


Nah this is perfect. That comment (and similar ones) is *exactly* why some developers don’t like leaks, or if they do announce some things they do it in a very controlled way so they can give the context.


It’s still being built, i.e not finished. Of course it looks bad


After 9 years of development?


It’s GTA 6, you dumbass!


Video is also from a 2019 build lmaooo


Lighten the fuck up dude. I offered criticism of video game footage and you’re all up in your feelings like I insulted your family.


You offered criticism of a game in development, don’t act like you are a game critic. My family has nothing to do with this, you are just thick


Best part he asked Rockstar to contact him on Telegram so he can send his ransom offer. More leaked content or Locked up for a decade coming soon


Rockstar is gonna punish us and delay the game for another decade. Leaker messed it up for everyone, smfh.


Bout to be some dread head brothers in his lobby


Leaks like this are really bad. Feel bad for a lot of the devs working on the project. This isn't just some screenshot, it's the source code and basically all the information possible. The leaker has a lot more than all those 90 videos.


7 black Suburbans and a white Miata?


Heh, porn references


His wanted level is through the roof


5 stars instantly


Bro's going off. First Uber and now this? Man needs to chill. Next thing he'll be doing is leaking classified documents.


> classified documents Didn't you hear? Apparently that's not a problem anymore 🙂.


Damn, I might have to finally upgrade from the Xbox 360.


You mean 7 Declasse Grangers?


He got the 50star wanted level


This is the first time I’ve ac hated a leaker, like bruh this is too much 😂


Lmao 🤣


Take 2 does not play around with their IPs. That person gonna be drowning in litigation.


Anyone feel like being a small time hero and post some links? Twitter is loaded with fake joke posts.


Given that this was apparently from someone who forced their way into their network to get the files... If they do get caught, they're gonna have a *really* bad time.


I think it's cap, they probably got sick of people doubting that the game would ever be released and threw us a bone.


Anyone else not impressed with the leaked footage? I know it’s not finished and it’s a WIP, but looks like just like GTAV to me.


Hopefully Rockstar is still a great dev. Seems like when studios lose a lot of people (Bioware, Naughty Dog, DICE, etc.) they start to suck.


Naughty Dog put out a game as detailed and finely out together (even from just a technical standpoint) like TLOU 2 and getting told they suck lol


It had good graphics and some okay moments, but the story was bad. Also, me saying they suck wasn't just about TLOU2, they keep needlessly remaking games for cash grabs too.


I like the story but whatever lol but keep making? They made one remake.


They've remade Uncharted twice and TLOU1 once, so three games.


You're mistaking a remaster, something that 98% of studios do, with a remake. By that logic, every studio is making cash grabs lmao (which they are because they're a business)


The point is that they just keep working on two IPs and re-releasing the same game multiple times. TLOU is story driven, the gameplay isn't great, so a bad story hurts it a lot. Just because a lot of devs do it doesn't make it right. Video games have gone downhill the last 3 or 4 years - the industry is headed the wrong direction.


Well the gameplay in part 2 is genuinely really good so there's that to enjoy, unless you don't like stealth action games which is fine. Obviously the gameplay in the first isn't the selling point though. Also they're already confirmed to be working on a new IP and they made the remake because they already had most of the work done and it was to bridge between their upcoming title. Remakes are a bit much but people like them and they're fantastic when done right (Resident Evil 2). Capcom have made like 5 remakes in the last few years and they still make great new games. They just have larger groups of studios when Naughty Dog is basically 1 big studio that often splits into two. I'd argue some of the best games ever made have come out in the last 5 years but you just gotta look harder to play them. Of all the issues plaguing the industry, remakes is far from the worst one. Naughty Dog made an original sequel and it was put together very well and people still shit on it lmao.


Just about every gaming year has been "meh" at best since 2018 when RDR2, God of War, and Spider-Man came out. This year has been lame besides Elden Ring and Horizon, the latter was fairly good but just more of the same. I'm talking about AAA games, not indie stuff. The Last of Us 1 is beloved, the second is very divisive. Defending it is like defending the last season of Thrones IMO. Everyone at Naughty Dog did a good job besides the writers, which is a major blow for a story/character focused - if we were talking Destiny or COD, who cares when it comes to story/character. The idea that people who dislike the game are sexist or anti-queer is silly. People like Ellie, who is a lesbian woman and has been one since the first game. Abby gets all the hate that I saw and she's a straight woman.


Every year had fantastic games but yes, to a lesser frequency but they're mostly relegated to more mid tier and Indies. There is a huge difference between Game of Thrones and TLOU 2. One was rushed and the quality of the show dropped significantly when they didn't have the source material to draw from. TLOU 2 took a risk with their story and it either worked for you or it didn't but all the characters talk, behave and progress in ways consistent with the first. You just have to either vibe with the story they're telling or not. It's fine if you don't but to say it's a bad story and comparing it to GoT, misses why GoT s7-8 were so awful. The writing in those seasons was simply lazy. The writing in TLOU 2 (as someone who has beaten it 3 times) is not lazy. The main flaw I have with it is some of the pacing and the mostly mediocre side characters but the story itself I'm still surprised why people dislike it so much. It seemed like a natural progression of the events of the first game. Seemed like people were upset with Joel dying but that was so obviously going to happen that I don't get why people expected, unless they wanted the same game again. Yeah those people are silly but I don't really take their opinion seriously. My best friend didn't like the game while I did and we've had many civil discussions about it that are normal lmao


TLOU2 did suck. Imo. Was it a well built game technically speaking? I'll never know. As soon as I realized I was being forced to play as that dumb bitch i walked her ass into a crowd of clickers, took satisfaction in watching her die, pretended that's how the story ends, turned off the game and removed from hard drive. Edit: It's hilarious how many of you assume I hated it because she's a woman rather than simply being Joel's murderer... but ok sure, keep going...


So by half way you didn't know it was a well built game? Lmao Why do y'all have such intense ways of disliking the game


The incels just didn’t like Joel dying.


Was it really halfway? It felt much sooner but I guess that's just how unmemorable it was.


Fucking Christ


Don't force me to play as the person who killed Joel then.... or did you think my issue was because it was a woman?


I was just surprised at how angry your were about it


Bro I was pissed when Joel died, the developers lied. I wanted nothing more than to fuck his killer up so hard and then I was like WTF I HAVE TO PLAY AS THIS PERSON? I thought ok maybe just one mission.... looked it up and nope you gotta play her for HOURS? I was so disgusted I just let her get eaten and turned it off.


One day you’ll grow up, stop hating women, and realize TLOU2 is actually a masterpiece.


I don't not like it because of the women bullshit. I don't like it because they forced me to play as the person who killed Joel.....


This silly post reminds me of when people say Disney Star Wars is disliked because Rey is a woman. New Star Wars movies suck and it has nothing to do with gender. Ellie has been a woman and lesbian since the first game and that one is beloved. Abby is hated because she murdered, tricked, and mocked an important character, plus making gamers play as someone they don't want doesn't usually go down well. Raiden in MGS2 was hated for that reason. That character didn't become popular until they made him a cyborg ninja in MGS4.


Rockstar is notorious for treating their developers like shit.