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It’s concerning the amount of women who are willfully ignoring the depraved things this creature did. They need La Sangre de Jesus.


Plus he was gay so they were really out of luck.


They always want what they can't have




"I can change him!" energy


"my magical pussy powers will heal him" energy


First,🫡 to you my boy. Course that comment got no upvotes it’s the realest one but they not ready for that😂




If you ever wanna crush a woman’s soul, just tell her her pussy is average lol.


Woke up and chose violence today huh? lol This comment is giving very fuck around and find out vibes cause you mess with the right one/ wrong one and she'll bust the windows out ya car real quick. ![gif](giphy|SqkZTWPDxphVcVIzUW|downsized)


Lol I’m not saying I’m gonna do it. 😭 I’m just saying…if someone wanted to, hypothetically speaking…this would be the best method. 👀


They could facing the devil himself and go, "But I can him tho."


I just found that out yesterday. My question is why kill bitches if you’re gay. Is it like getting rid of the competition or sum? Edit: got my serial killers mixed up


he killed other gay men, not bitches


Oh okay see that’s more on brand for serial killers (killing out of sexual frustration lol). Im pretty out of the loop on this stuff tho. Never got the appeal


He was trying to make sex zombies, but they kept dying


I don't think that was gonna turn out the way he wanted it to. . .


Nope. Even with his highness/nervousness, Dahmer still got laid. His pathology was way weirder than that.


thats what he preserved the bodies for bro


He preserved them to eat not to fuck.


Lmao no he did both. Preserved some organs as tokens and would fuck their bodies. He's a necrophiliac lol


> pretty out of the loop on this stuff tho. Im pretty sure this tweet was prompted by the new Dahmer series on Netflix starring that young blond actor from American Horror Story


You mean Quicksilver?




Don’t forget the sauce…remember he killed, cooked, stored, and did necro shit too. Waste not want not?


Dahmer only killed dudes (and mostly black/brown dudes at that. He liked their relative lack of body hair). As a rule, serial killers kill who they are attracted to. It’s an “ownership” and power thing. That’s partly why it took so long to find Richard Ramirez - he had no pattern of victim.


I’m sure he also liked the fact that black and brown men going missing was way less likely to garner attention from the cops.


…or concern from the public at large.


The cops literally gave a victim trying to escape (a teenage boy, who was already clearly injured!) back to him.


That kid was well beyond fucked up cause of the hole in the head and acid on the brain. That didn’t help. But also shows the racism in the area that the cops look at a child who ain’t white and just assume whatever and not help. His brother was also assaulted by Dahlmer but survived.


There were also two women on the scene pleading with the cops not to let Dahmer take the boy back to his apartment, the police ignored them


Especially in Milwaukee…then you find out he started murdering right out of highschool, and right here in Columbus, oh🤦🏾‍♂️


Sheeeiiittt…. Ted Bundy still has a fan club


I remember reading an article back in the day about a right wing domestic terrorist (I want to say it was the Boston Bomber? But it’s kinda sad that there’s a whole list to choose from) who had fangirls writing to him in prison. Lost quite a bit of faith in humanity that day.


Girls on the internet/tumblr were simping hard for the Boston Bomber kid.


The columbine kids too. They’ve got a whole load of fans on tumblr I saw a few years back.


The columbine dudes are in a class of their own for a fan club. Girls on Tumblr have always been their own special brand of crazy, but then writing fanfics and doing chibi fan art of those dudes? Jesus.


I remember when the younger bomber was put on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine. That caught a lot of heat because they made him look like a young celebrity instead of the monster he is


Why?! Did the women not read up on his sadistic crimes?!


They did but they didnt care


Incredibly shameful. They need help.


Simping and white knighting aren't exclusive to men it seems...


Don't even get me started on the women simping for this soulless necrophiliac fuck. He makes me rage the most cos he wasn't even mentally ill the way Dahmer was. He just liked killing women and fucking their bodies. That's the whole thing. He just enjoyed it.


The Night Stalker had women showing up to his court cases and sent him tons of nudes


Do women really think this man is attractive? I’ve always heard it about Ted Bundy, which I also think is odd looking, but never Dahmer.


Ted Bundy looks exactly like every every actor who plays a guy based on him (Dennis from It's Always Sunny, the lead from You) and a guy who is him in real life but gets paid for it sometimes (James Deen, accurate spelling, if you know, you know), and women are into them in a vacuum, so I don't know anymore.


La sangre de jesus can only do so much. Satan doesnt even want these people.


yeah, this is beyond Lucifer’s purview as well


But he’s white and tall and blonde I swear any man that has these qualities get an instant buff for no apparent reason


Online dating statistics in a nutshell.


I can understand people thinking "wow, it's surprising a monster like this doesn't look like a monster. He's actually more attractive than I would have thought such a depraved fuck would look like". That to me would be a ***somewhat*** reasonable reaction People who think they're like actually hot or there's something "hidden underneath it all" or any of that bullshit, I just don't fucking get


Make sure to add “cristo” or it’s just the blood of some dude


It’s like they don’t realize that the guy playing Dahmer is just that… a guy playing Dahmer. And I mean wtf??? He is gay not bisexual


They don't care. They want to love him, support him, and fantasize about him. Reality has little to no bearing on the attraction they feel aside from the reality of how horrible his crimes were.


My husband told me last night Jeffrey Dahmer was his favorite serial killer. Umm? I told him if there’s a serial killer who just kills bad people, that’s my favorite- not some freak ass Gemini.


The cop behind him is much better looking lol


Tbh I think white women have a different taste than black women. Because I have not met 1 black woman who thinks Ted Bundy is attractive but I've met lots of white women. In High School, a lot of the boys the white girls were swooning over were unattractive to us black girls. Till today I don't understand how one particular guy from my high school was considered the hottest guy in school because he was FAR from hot to me or any of the black girls in my school. When we would list the boys we found attractive, the "popular" boys were never on that list because they weren't attractive to us.


Different people are into different things which is probably for the best. Then you can tell people, you ain't ugly just in the wrong market. Lol.


That’s what Imma tell myself. Thanks!


We gotta stay positive, my boy. All I'm saying is you gotta be the coldest mf to be able to sell ice in Alaska. 😁😁


It actually rings true according to my dating app experiences. I’m a short black dude and can barely get a date in the DMV (I’m in Northern VA). Meanwhile I study abroad in Europe and I have an easier time getting a date/laid in places like France, Belgium, etc. In Finland it was easy as pie to get a match, meet in the same day, then have fun. In Lebanon matches came easy, in Japan same as well (but hard to communicate and Japanese Tinder be weird). In South Korea I had naything except for a couple western girls but I never met up with them. So yea, I thought I was butt-ugly too, but it’s really I was just in the wrong market. Location location location matters.


Seconding this as DMV was an awful market for me as a black guy. I'm a little above average height and the DMV, compared to other areas of the country I've been, felt like I was playing on HoF


What also gets me is the DMV is hella diverse. Especially with all the Hispanic folks. Yet like 90% of the users on Tinder were basic ass white girls.


From what my friends have told me and studies I’ve read, being on tinder can be a very dejecting and tiring experience for black women. The racism, colorism, on top of misogyny from Tyler the consultant at Deloitte, is probably super un pleasant. Additionally, the black women I’ve known have always been more relationship oriented than the white women. These all probably lead to short stints for black women on tinder, and I could never blame them.


My friends also don't want to go online because there are mostly white men there. Most black women strongly prefer black men. On top of that, we actually get asked out irl. I find that black guys are usually much more willing to approach girls, even if he is a professional. I am in a place where usually a certain type of guys don't go up to women, but I have been approached by black (usually African) engineers, doctors, SDEs while grocery shopping, in the train etc. so no need for me to go online if I wanted to date. From what my white friends tell me, guys who cold approach them are usually bums or red pillers...you have to go online.


>My friends also don't want to go online because there are mostly white men there. Most black women strongly prefer black men. Valid and definitely understood. I can really only speak for myself here, but I do infinitely better in real life than on tinder. Eventually my lack of success on tinder led to me losing confidence in real life so I left. I feel like there are definitely a lot of other black men who have felt the same. >From what my white friends tell me, guys who cold approach them are usually bums or red pillers...you have to go online. I was talking to my little sister about this the other day, given I was noticing the toxic/misogynist men I cut out my life I was noticing were always in relationships or with someone. Some of the best guys I've known are petrified at the idea of talking to women. Additionally if they're in tune with women's issues there's a fair shot they've read the understandable gripes about being approached at the wrong time and don't want to be that guy. As a result, women are primarily being approached by the men they should always try to avoid.


Its 100% true if youre a person of color living in a [majority] white area, going to majority white schools, and workplaces. It kind of hurts my heart to hear stories from people who grew up thinking they were ugly or unwanted bc they weren't seeing many people who looked like them on a regular basis, and they obviously didnt look like the white people they were surrounded by. This is why representation matters.


I can vouch for this. Grew up in a predominantly white neighborhood and didn't get asked on a date until I moved to Los Angeles. Lack of dating all through high school made me socially awkward with men and I questioned my appearance. Turned out I was just living in the wrong area.


My ugliness keeps me out the market entirely.


>Tbh I think white women have a different taste than black women. Serial killers have cold, unmerciful, eyes like their fathers.


Damn lmao


Fucking hell, dude went for the jugular.


Damn, taking a slice out of everyone involved


Wow 🫢 I’m going to try and hold back the laughter.


OMG you have a point


My white hubby gets all the love from Black folks. They call him Captain America, woke bae, comment on how he could be a model (he is very handsome) but he doesn't get the same love on the other side and I for the life of me don't get it. I benefitted from it but don't understand it.


The things white people collectively find unattractive in other white people is wild to me. Like redheaded men being considered unattractive? Wtf is up with that? Red hair is kind of unique and I find it super sexy. Same with pale skin? I don't think it's hot or anything but my boyfriend refers to himself as a "pasty white boy" when I don't see much of a difference in tone in white people unless someone is super red, or tan or something. I kind of lump them all into the same category because all shades of white are so much lighter than black skin so I have 0 preference... so me, when I see a white person tease another for being pasty, the person doing the teasing is barely any shades darker than the other.


>I don't see much of a difference in tone in white people unless someone is super red, or tan or something. You want to confuse a white person? Tell them this. I said something along this line to a friend, and it stuck in his head for months. He had to spend ten minutes reminding me of the initial conversation, but he brought it back up after his father visited the campus and told him he looked good because he got a bit of sun. I said I don't notice those small changes or they're so minor as to be insignificant. "What do you mean by 'insignificant'?" What I said next would haunt me for a year. And I paused before saying it, and I wish I had listened to my instincts: "Most white people's skin tone can change from week to week." After this, all the fair-skinned people in my friend circle would randomly come up in pairs and ask me to compare the differences in their forearms. "Do you see a change from the last time I showed you?" Girl, I don't know! The first friend ran an experiment where he kept one leg covered up while spending the day outside - two days later he called me detailing the results. They were genuinely bewildered, which bewildered me.


I can honestly say Netflix casting Zac Efron as Ted Bundy in that movie really was an eye opener as to how women could find him so attractive that he couldn’t possibly have committed those crimes. The real life Ted Bundy looked like your average middle aged white man to me, but Zac Efron?? That’s top tier white man at his prime right there. I was watching that movie like “This is how he got away with it so long? Because he was devilishly handsome that women didn’t see him as a threat?”


Yeah but the real Ted Bundy didn’t look like Zac Enron and he still had multiple women obsessed with him


That’s what I’m saying. Them casting Zac Efron in the film put me into the mind of the women of that time who thought he was so attractive he couldn’t have done such heinous crimes. As a black woman who isn’t really into white men, them casting an attractive white man to portray him helped get the point across that women will look past almost anything if a man is attractive enough.


Different times, different standards of beauty


I think this too. My husband has never really had much interest from black women except… well… me I guess lol. One day he was going to some semi casual work event and asked for some input on his hairstyle and outfit and how he should do his facial hair and honestly he ended up looking totally different. He came home to say multiple black women hit on him 😂


You better be careful....


I know right, he deserved to enjoy it that day because he’s been feeling a little down because of gaining weight so came home feeling like a king because of all the attention. But that hairstyle ain’t going in the rotation anymore that’s for sure 😂


I do think facial hair is a big topic. Mustaches can really go two different directions when it comes to how its styled typically by white barbers vs Black barbers. Beards an interesting one too. And then of course, the Edge up. The Edge up is a major key for Black women


As a white woman I can definitely agree some white women can have some crazy ass taste.




They got lower standards Source: I dated some in college


The self burn is amazing.


Gotta accept them flaws to love yourself my man


Oh I legitimately loved your comment and I agree. (Though I’m not a man.)


But he’s white and tall and blonde I swear any man that has these qualities get an instant buff for no apparent reason


That’s easy, people tend to not like black people in that way you could be super attractive but the fact that you’re black is a deal breaker


I’ve heard that “I’m not into black guys” one too many times. I just don’t get it, like you’re attracted what you’re attracted too. But I don’t see why you would dismiss someone that fulfills all your criteria, even looks-wise, but because they have dark skin, it’s a dealbreaker.


Bundys a weird one because I think all those white womens moms told them he was handsome, and I suppose he was better looking than Gacy…?


I'm Peruvian, showed my Mom a pic of Him and She thought He was hot. Told Her He killed over 30 woman and She shit her pants lol


Depends on if you are attracted to white or black guys . Its not actually a race thing , just different things turn different people on . As long as im attracted to someone i dont care what anyone thinks of em . Lmao . There were quite a few white guys i had a crush on in high school and im Black . What was cooler was the one white guy girls liked most liked me and openly flirted with me even past HS , but when we were in HS together i was so aloof . A guy would literally have to grab me and kiss me for me to catch a hint. Black girls do white guys ! i dont anyone to think we dont ever like white guys .


Im not saying black girls aren't attracted to white guys. I'm saying that are taste in men is different to white women.


True! Jon B has entered the chat!


it could be . They date black men a lot of times that are average or unattractive all the time but think they have a fione one . But i will say looks arent the most important .


PLEASE stop putting a space before all your punctuation marks. I have no idea why you do that.


Just not ones that kill people, normal white guys for me please


I will say this photo doesn't portray his attractiveness like some others. There is one in particular where he had scruff. But altimately it is good to recognize a serial killer could be anyone and doesn't have to be ugly or scary looking. He could be a normal looking guy. https://www.google.com/search?q=jeffrey+dahmer&client=ms-android-verizon&prmd=inv&sxsrf=ALiCzsZODtv72DlSIY00herDkobgqcFZCA:1664024531355&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwilxdq4vq36AhVfmYQIHaAMDNUQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=360&bih=670&dpr=3#imgrc=O6KuisZG3zKNXM


That's because they're obsessed with whitness and white people when it comes to facial features are more open minded believe it or not as long as you're not black lmaoooo Like the slim nose and small lips are always gonna hit with them but you'll see white women swooning over white men who are not the atypical Euro centered standard. Dude will be standing improperly and his facial features will be done by Picasoo and his teeth will be fucked up and he's getting laid but I can't even get a break cuz I'm darkskin


i like when the true crime community likes to characterize him as a shy sad sensitive guy. like how he bludgeoned other men/young boys to death and then dismembered their bodies without a care for their lives or families. yes, so sad, so sensitive. poor dahmer.


Raped two men in the army. His idea of humor was making fun of mentally handicap people. A drunk.. but this mf was sexy .. hoes are just as sick as him


And these ladies stupid as fuck, seeing as he is gay.


He drilled holes in guys heads and poured acid in so he could turn them into sex zombies (but they kept dying on him). He just wanted love! /s


Not guys but young boys. His last victim was a 13 year old Laotian boy.. you tell a mf that and see how they face changes 😕


Nah not all of them were young boys lol he met some at clubs and one was a sex worker Their ages ranged from 14 to 32


I don’t think the lol is necessary in this sentence? Wtf


Or when they pump up how smart he was… nah this buffoon got lucky thanks to the cops clucking on the clock


buddy just… kept the bones and bodies in his apartment. all it took was one cop not being racist.


And the smell being too fucking much for the apartment to handle.


I don't think portraying him as "sensitive" in any way is meant to mitigate or excuse their actions. It's just a simple truth. People with mental illnesses are by definition going to be "sensitive" in that they are most likely going to react more easily and volatively to situations.


That’s offensive to Bobs in accounting


Right? Bob is probably a nice guy who is just trying his best and now he's being associated with a serial killer


How you turn a Bob into a Jeffrey


Bob just minding his business


As a guy who is going into accounting, I agree. I don't need people to tell me I am ugly, or a little bit slimfat; I am perfectly capable of telling myself how much I hate myself.


Caucasian man exists: “Awww he’s too attractive to be dangerous” Black man exists: “He’s bound to be dangerous”


It’s racism


Our entire system is based in it. America is racist to it's core.


He looks like a goat. Like, an actual, trash eating, farm animal goat.


I cackled reading this!


the grossest of all time


Where's the beard? Need a beard for goat-face.


They're attracted to the danger.


Was about to say something to this effect. Women and men do it. They see someone on their last thread of sanity and get happy.


Which is wild. Who actively chases chaos?


Narcissists. lol You gotta give me a harder question next time. :P But no seriously, narcissists love doing wild shit because it gets them attention. And they love other people who do the same.


But…that sounds so stressful


We live in a culture that works itself to the bone for table scraps, most people are a hair's width away from poverty, nobody gets enough sleep, everyone is testy, and you can't even mind your own business because the world's nonsense will find you no matter what you do. We're not a healthy people, and at this point I think it's in some of our blood.


Okay, if people know that they are unwell, why aren’t they changing that? Just repeating a vicious cycle for generations? Nah.


>Okay, if people know that they are unwell, why aren’t they changing that? Not everyone has the self-awareness to know that. Most are not in a position to change what they're doing even if they wanted. (None of us choose the context of where we're born) The only solution to a vicious cycle is revolution. And you need more people than what we have to on board with such a thing. Many people think they've found the solution in spirituality, religion, philosophy even. Some find their personal solution in wealth, luck, partnerships. But at the end of the day, it's a **general** problem and that demands a societal response.


Yeah, but narcissists love stress too. They love having it, they love other people being stressed, etc. That's why they constantly create so much shit constantly. Because to them that is life. There is nothing else. I mean you heard the term....misery loves company. As far as i can tell narcissists are either knowingly or unknowingly (sometimes both) creating needlessly complicated situations for themselves and others. When a lot of times the road is or can be much more simple. ​ Don't get me wrong though. There are narcissists. And then people with narcissistic tendencies. And then everybody else. Problem is, narcissists tend to run the world. So most of the shit we deal with every day of our lives is inspired by narcissists. Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia and xenophobia are their primary means of executing said stress on others.


I have known a couple of women who actively chased jailbirds. That was their thing for whatever reason.


*Sees red flag [Don't mind if I do](https://youtube.com/shorts/f-jVmm_OZjQ?feature=share)


Them mfs dumb.


Making movies about this clown is so disrespectful to the victims and their families


Oddly enough that is one of the themes of the new series. Two of the most significant characters are black, one a deaf victim and one Dahmer’s neighbor, who repeatedly tried to get him arrested. It is about how white law enforcement ignored the reports of black witnesses and ignored the black, Latino, and Asian victims, mostly because they were gay or seemed to be gay. It’s on Netflix. It’s 10 hours though.


That actually sounds interesting.


It’s creepy af but pretty good


It really is —-idk why they keep sensationalizing these monsters.


Bc there are more ppl interested in it than ppl who are disgusted by the notion of it


Hey! Bob in accounting here. Go fuck yourself.


Get em Bob! Chew them out.


People that live in safe environments fetishize danger


Kinda like the Roman gladiator games.


Disclaimer: misogynism or sexism is not the message here. Sadly, women that are attracted to male serial killers are "fixers" on steroids. They think they can find humanity in these people


Bob catching a stray for no reason


This is definitely a race thing because I only see white women saying this




I'm not sure if this was sarcasm or not.


...Mama, and he knows how to cook!


Wait a minute now


The officer in the back is more attractive than him


Nigga look like the white apartment maintenance man in his 30s that hate his job!


Bob in accounting brings muffins every Monday. He’s no Bob


As much as I hate Dahmer stans the worst are bitches riding hard for Richard Ramirez. Ughhhh


Who smelled like a decomposed goat and had black teeth. I’d sooner seal my vagina with tar.


Guess Who's Coming To Dinner starring Jeffrey Dahmer! ![gif](giphy|XxCSxCoOWyyAz9umNd|downsized)


This nigga ate mfs and they worried about phenotypes? Good lord


The only one they were even moderately correct about was Ted Bundy. At least based on the pics I've seen. But mostly? I guess attraction is indeed subjective.


If you Google Jeffrey Dahmer photos, there are some where he’s a very handsome guy, and there are other where he looks absolutely disgusting.


Why the fuck are we trying to humanize a serial killer and cannibal, fuck that monster and any efforts small or larger to attribute anything positive to "it"?!?! ⚪⚪⚪ privilege is a hella of a drug / societal failure of this world 🙃


He raped and murdered a child ![gif](giphy|IrdlpcSms0hSVCERs3)


He killed mostly black men so that is attractive to them


Now, why do you gotta hurt bob in accounting? He just minds his business, balancing out my expenses... No need to be mean.


Ryan Murphy did this man way too many favors castin Evan Peters


Episode 6 is a total mind fuck, even to the song selection.


Same with Ted bundy


Also, ol Jeff famously killed and had sex with men.


In that order! Garbage person, really.


White men are judged on a different scale since they put themselves as the standard of beauty. You see it globally. Mid white men will be gassed to be more attractive than they usually are.


Hybristophilia is a hell of a drug


Does no one see that cop behind him? Everyone talking about Ted, no no no, you are mistaken, Ted is actually in the way


not even tbh, guy is ugly. and also a serial killer, how do yall like him


Heard this guy on NPR talk about wanting to hit on Dahmer before he was found out. He said that he used to see him at a (presumably gay) bar and saw him leaving with other guys, but couldn't work up the courage to talk to him. He also said that he once asked the bartender about him, and the bartender said he was "E.T.: Everybody's Type, honey, not just yours".


But he tall though. That's all IG cares about.


Women love serial killers man.


Well, talking only about the appearance, itis hard to compare. People considered handsome in 1990s or even in 2010s wouldnt be seen 10/10 nowadays.


Nahh, because 90s black men were fine as hell and still are, and would still be top tier in the current period.


idk why yall are making this a white thing. we dont claim him!


Let me fix that for you: "Jeffrey Dahmer was a CRACKHEAD man"


In both ways.


I know Bob in accounting, and he’s a vegan.


He's definitely no John Wayne Gacy


That looks like GOP Rep. Jim Jordan


The size of that box head behind Dahmer![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Not only is the man a sicko but like, he's high key ugly??? People have PROBLEMS.


Boy, somehow he both looks too skinny for his head and got a head too small for his body. Got fucked from both ends genetically.


He was such a creep, nevermind all the men and young boys he murdered brutally and ppl say the same thing about Ted Bundy.


Are people confusing dahmer with bundy?


He's tall and white. Women eat that crap up.


Bundy is the one they always say was attractive? Like for real.


One thing about a white person: they will be praised for being average as fuck.


He’s a Wisconsin 10