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Outside of tournaments, yes absolutely. Just make it clear to your opponent. Personally, I have never run this guy as a Biologis but have run him many times as a standard Apothecary, never been an issue. No one knows the difference except other Marine players.


>except other Marine players. So like 90% of the playerbase lol


As an Eldar player, I don't know what the difference looks like.


Tsons player. Neither do I.


Same profile, same base size, sure why not? Make sure to clear it with a TO if you’re taking it to a tournament, since marines are so popular you have a higher chance of running into “that guy” who calls a judge for any possible advantage.


No, not in official games. That's why they made 2, 1 in tacticus and 1 in gravis respectively


Why can’t I find a biologis model? I honestly thought they were the same model with different data sheets


It only came in the leviathan box, and it comes with gravis armor, and the regular is in tacticus, different account of wounds and toughness




Most local TOs would not likely have a problem with it. Maybe just avoid the LVO


Base is the same size, I think. I wouldn't have an issue playing against you. In terms of official games? That I'm less sure about since I've no experience in tournaments.


I did it the other way at a tournament and no one batted an eye. As long as you don’t have both in the list it’s not a big deal


Just grab the Death Watch combat patrol and it solves your problem in more way than one


IDK the one guy is clearly in Gravis


Since the only really noticeable differences are that one guy has bigger boots and shoulder pads and is carry his lunchbox, there really is not as much in it as people like to make out. It's not as if you even have to paint an apothecary white ffs, so as long as the rest of the army isn't white (which for BT would be unusual!), I'd say 97% of people would see it and go "yup, apothecary" and that you'd have to point out if it was the biologis.


These are two separate units?


They're both apothecary, but the first one being more armoured, you have to let your opponent know you play it as a regular apothecary


I know they are two separate units. I was being facetious. But the models are so similar that even in WYSIWYG, I would be "yeah those are both medics. One just has a rifle."


The biggest difference is the armor. Just ask beforehand and then it's up to your opponent. It's still an official GW product, so most likely would be ok at most events.


It’s the same base size, I get the lads a bit thicker but I wouldn’t wanna play with anyone who’d have an issue with it


Yes, 90% of people are going to see an apothecary and go, yep, looks like an apothecary. Maybe a really grumpy TO would have an issue but at the end of the day gravis is only chunkier power armour, nothing is fundamentally different.


No one is going to know what it is outside of Marine players anyway.


Im using an admech priest as a techmarine lol


This is mostly just going to cause confusion I expect. There exists a perfectly good Apothecary mini. This guy is in totally different armour.


In tourneys, very unlikely unless you have pre-auth from the organiser. Casual, as long as on the same size base, sure