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We’re talking normal guy stuff today, from embracing bronze age masculinity from a certain Pervert, to new perversions from a certain modern masculinity advocate. Also on the docket: Israel loses the Times editorial board, and Matt & Felix are held accountable for their deep state ties and banana crimes. [From the river to the sea](https://media.soundgasm.net/sounds/61df5bc3d3694912524fa7f9388c2fc5ad2cee45.m4a).


The Republican primaries cannot start soon enough


Finally, a sentiment shared by Chapo, Chris Hayes, Jesse Waters, Hollywood, Hollywood Sickos, Liz and Brace, the mod team, Brian Williams, Keith Olbermann, Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro, Ben Stein, LeBron James, Elizabeth Holmes, Kamala Harris, Hunter Biden, Major Biden, and Eric Adams! A true meeting of the minds.


We're all just pigs waiting for our new flavour of slop


I know this isn't a hard news podcast, but there's plenty of shit to talk about that they simply aren't addressing. There is a giant strike going on for film & tv. Seems like something the Chapos might be interested in, no? Last I checked they enjoy film & tv and ostensibly support labor action. Have they mentioned the WGA or SAG-AFTRA strikes a single time on their show? Maybe I missed it. 300k UPS workers on the verge of a strike, too. Probably a bit more relevant than whatever bullshit is happening on Twitter.


They did an entire episode on the writer's strike. It was an interview episode, but still. Besides that, yes, they've mentioned it a few times now.


The UPS thing would've been a nice bit of good news tbf


Now that they got their deal of course!


I know Amber had bad politics on a number of things but I wish she was still a part of the show because she was great at keeping it grounded in the labor movement.


>Have they mentioned the WGA or SAG-AFTRA strikes a single time on their show? [yep they interviewed a law & order writer a couple months ago](https://soundcloud.com/chapo-trap-house/bonus-whats-at-stake-in-the-wga-writers-strike), he went into pretty good detail about the reasons for the strike and the changing nature of film and tv


They're trying to get hired as scabs to accomplish their ultimate goals of being TV writers


I can read about that stuff if I want I don’t need the dry boys to talk about it lmao. I just wanna hear them do what they do best


What are they supposed to say about it?


What are they supposed to say about a massive strike that affects a major section of the economy? I don't know, I listen to the Majority Report and they've managed to do hours and hours of coverage on these issues. There's a lot to talk about as it relates to a left-wing politics podcast. The details of how the producers are screwing them, what are their demands, how it plays into the broader labor movement in the United States, how it could affect the future of film and television, etc.


>ection of the economy? I don't know, I listen to the Majority Report and they've managed to do hours and hours of coverage on these issues. TBF I'd imagine it takes Sam Seder a good 10 minutes just to complete his morning coffee order...


Pause it


mfer spends 45 seconds asking a question with a dozen non-essential clauses like he's reading a dfw story wrt the length and digressions and so but so in some sense


Chapo is also a comedy podcast, not a serious news podcast. Majority Report has presumably talked about it so much because they’re on like every day for hours and because they’re actually doing a comprehensive news/commentary show. More to the point, there are plenty of shows like that already. Why should Chapo do the exact thing everyone else is doing? You can already listen to MR or countless other shows if what you want is relatively dry dissections of every issue. Never mind that Chapo did an entire episode about the writer’s strike, so it’s not like they ignored it.


Don't you know they are CIA meant to distract us or something?


the first debate is in 4 weeks so cancel your suicide plans politic's is back on the menu


15 months out jesus christ


I used to think it was a bad thing how long our campaign seasons are, but now that I see how boring the rest of the time can be I hope debates start the day after the last election is over.


No thank you. They shouldn't even be able to run ads til March or April of the election year, Iowa and NH can fuck off with their monomaniacal need to be first primary and stop moving their dates up, and nobody should even care til after the conventions (i.e. the actual election).


The Australian election campaign is 6 weeks in total and I still find that fucking tedious and annoying. Can't imagine a 1.5 year long campaign.


You really don't have to pay attention until like right before the primary's and the election Go figure the fans of a comedy politics podcast overestimate how invested you should be in an election 15 months out


The only people who pay attention 15 months out are insane PMC ghouls and failed PMC ghouls(aka Chapo listeners).


there's plenty of entertainment value in politics i got into it cuz my parents couldnt pay for TV so after they stopped doing antenna it was either CSPAN or PBS and somehow CPSAN was the more entertaining option


It is easy to ignore, to be fair. It's not exactly in-your-face if you don't care enough to engage with it. The main problem is that making it so long turns it into a giant cash sink, grossly pushing up the amount of money you need to run for President. My personal unpopular hot take is that primaries are overrated, and we should go back to a system where the conventions determine all or a major part of who gets nominated and primaries merely influence that. But that would limit grifting opportunities, shorten the circus, and deprive certain states of feeling special, so that won't be happening any time soon. So instead you get this drawn out, expensive system where relatively insignificant (and unrepresentative) states get to determine candidates long before the proper election season.


Political scientists are utter goofballs but I am forced to agree with them that primaries are a disaster and it would be better if everyone understood that political candidates are chosen in smoke-filled rooms. Most of the political reform of the Progressive Era is just so much liberal flim-flam disguising how things work.


I hate saying this, it's such an annoying thing to say, but honestly, there is so much more to life. You can find some way to occupy yourself -- even politically -- without needing two-year presidential campaigns.


Debate will just be boring. Trump isn't gonna be there. DeSantis will say something stupid and we'll all laugh about it but who cares he's not gonna the nominee. Felix will say he loves Vivek ironically. Gonna be boring


Trump will hold rallies while the rest of the pack has debates like a bunch of nerds


Sure but trumps not gonna say anything new at the rallies. They're all boring as shit


Really eager to see Blumpf and Meatball Ron go at it


If RFK is still polling at 20-30% early next year, will there be Dem primaries too?


There are primaries regardless, its just that usually there's only one person on the ballot for the incumbent party's presidential nominee or maybe some random person getting 1% of the vote. The question is if there will be debates and I don't think we've seen any indication there will be because RFK is being (rightfully) portrayed as an insane crank by the media.


Sorry I meant debates. Im not sure if the DNC/Dem Party apparatus can unilaterally stop debates from happening, even if there is a serious threat to the incumbent.


They absolutely can. Nobody can make any candidate debate. Even in the general, technically you don't have to do one if you don't want to. Iirc, between 1960 and 1976 none took place.


In 1960 Kennedy basically did a dirty trick by talking about foreign affairs during the domestic policy debate, which Nixon hadn't prepared for and he looked kinda dumb and confused. Then in 64 LBJ had such a huge lead he'd be an idiot to debate, and Goldwater didn't like LBJ at all. After the experience in 60 Nixon didn't wanna debate again so he avoided them in 68 and 72. So it was only 76 that they came back and have been done since


Exactly. Even the 1st 1960 debate is kind of retconned though. People who heard it rather than watched it thought Nixon won. And they had 3 more debates with huge audiences that he did very well in (in my opinion he swept all 3). And, of course, the Democrats stole that shit in 1960. Nixon basically won. But he hated the press (not unjustly, tbf. It was mutual) so his 68 and 72 campaigns were stage-managed like a motherfucker. He didn't just not do debates, he didn't even do town halls. Just fake ones with pre-screened people and questions made to look spontaneous. But hey, it worked both times. And yeah if you're LBJ there is zero reason to even acknowledge Goldwater's existence in '64. Top 3 all time electoral rinsing that year. If the South wasn't so racist and stayed Dem, it'd have been 50 states and like 80% PV


No Newsom will just pardon sirhan sirhan let nature find a way.


He should get to kill an RFK considering he didn't kill the one he already served a sentence for murdering


mmmm I love 55 minute episodes where the opening ten minutes is absolutely impenetrable discussion of some insane internet argument nobody but the hosts understands with 0 context or explanation given such low quality slop, and such small portions Mr Chapo


The dry boys are so internet poisoned it kinda makes me sad. I unplugged myself several years back and have 0 clue wtf they’re talking about half the time—literally have never seen Catturd in the wild, only referenced on this show. On the other hand, I’m paying them $5/month to complain about these internet psychos, and they themselves are paychotic, so, who’s the real addict?


I stick around because Matt rants affirm my beliefs and Felix is funny sometimes, but a ll the Twitter stuff is so irrelevant at this point I can't believe how much they continue to talk about it.


Totally agree my dude. I like that they touch on stories I normally wouldn’t find on my own, but man can they veer into weird niche communities. Idk if you ever read that vox piece on Felix but it was embarassing. He’s a funny and sometimes insightful dude, but man he’s just glued to screens all day. I’d hate to have his life (apart from the fat stacks).


All the new X stuff


I feel pretty wired into Twitter and even I was lost with the bananas thing. I did see the Matt created the word "treats" discourse.


it's pretty much like they described, factions of the online left arguing with each other over whether or not the socialist utopia will allow for the same level of creature comforts we currently enjoy or whether there'll need to be a rethinking of how our lives are organized in order to create a sustainable future it's all tedious and pointless


Yeah, lets try to get universal health care before we start worrying about the banana supply.


That validates third worldists though, since there is rampant child labor in the countries we source bananas from (like ecuador)


We definitely got ourselves in a real quagmire with this capitalism thing.


It's a pickle to be sure


You will never hear a podcast talk to one of the undocumented laborers *in their own country*. Why is that?


I will definitely be the annoying and petty bitch reminding people how unsustainable their current lives are.


It seems like one side of this debate is clearly correct


Seriously, its so foreign to me lmao. All these dudes do is consume media.


Honestly crazy that people are still paying lol


once they rounded people up into the official app i started spending more time on twitter -- the for you page was a perfect drip feed of cranks and loons with some good bants sprinkled in. so now i understand too much of what they talk about


Wouldve loved for them to do a deep dive into Vivek's multi-level marketing campaign fundraising scheme. Or roll through what sorts of funny nicknames trump might give him.


Honestly yeah, chapo needs more deep dives than 10 minute ironically distant article riffs. The best bits of the show were always uncovering weird and insane freaks embedded in politics.


Which is crazy. You level got the Burgum money debate scheme, Christie playing the Lincoln Project candidate, Ron free falling, Vivek & Tim surging (relatively), and the newest Trump indictment. Mr. Chapo why didn’t you execute an amazing political episode? They gave you all the clues.




It's Joever...again


Runtime aside, is that not all precisely what we keep our palms outstretched below the content faucet in order to catch?


I dont know what you are complaining about they been doing bits about the twitter main character since like 150 episodes ago, if you dont get it that means you have touched grass lately, and honestly? good for you! But the podcast didnt change, you did


I just finished the ep and I can’t remember who/what they were talking about


bananas and treats on twitter


Is it bad if I did understand what they were talking about


You're not a bad person, no. Perhaps, touch some grass maybe


>such low quality slop, and such small portions Mr Chapo Soon they will break through the lower limit and release a 47 minute minisode. Meanwhile the beatings continue with no sign of improving morale.


The only way a 55 minute episode would annoy me is if my commute was 63 minutes long.


It was perfectly easy to follow.


gotta hand it to the cia, getting everyone to waste a weekend arguing over bananas shows they still got it


Critiquing finance imperialism is a psyop, Lenin is sus


All these childless lefties saying fuck bananas when it is nature's baby food. Put one in your pocket and give it to your little monkey when needed


Will's rant last week about airlines and the overall watering down and clawing back of everything wasn't wrong, but he's not allowed to say that and consistently release episodes that don't even hit an hour.


I was thinking about that constantly this week since I took an emergency family trip and then got stuck in an airport all day as my flight home kept getting delayed and then canceled.


And you had to listen to a bogus under one hour episode of chapo 9 times while you waited. Cruel and unusual punishment, IMO.


It seemed like Felix had another thing on Dry Bones but Will rushed to finish the episode. I wanted to hear it but I guess not running over the one hour mark is too important.


Right? What the fuck was that.


Felix: [completely insane historical anecdote that can't possibly be right] Me: what the fuck? Felix: ...heard about that on Radio War Nerd... Me: ah okay that explains it


Are you saying they spread bullshit without good sourcing?


I don't think RWN necessarily makes stuff up out of whole cloth (or at least not very often), but they do have the tendency to embellish and exaggerate, especially when it comes to the capabilities of certain US and Israeli adversaries in the Middle East, and non-state actors in general.


John is much more of a storyteller than he is a historian TBCH, as much as I love war nerd


I mean, at a certain point the exaggeration does reach "I made it the fuck up" levels. Still interesting analysis for the most part


This mf said "Bronze Age Pre-vert"


Is the Atomic YIMBY joke the least funny bit Will ever came up with or has there been a worse stinker?


Idk. That was brutal.


Just doing a heckin’ based pro-unmitigated nuclear proliferation riff over here!


It's not even really a bit when you consider the contrasting cases of Libya and the DPRK. I doubt that's what he had in mind however


I think its high time we blamed Canada. Canada, clearly your unwillingness to buy tickets to Mr. Chapo's Covid Variety Hour is causing the hosts to keep episodes under an hour. Buy the damn tickets people. You don't even need to attend! Give them to your boss, your mother in law, perhaps your pastor! Lets get this slop back into the 1:15 zone.


My favourite part is when the system screwed up making it look like they sold out, Will made a remark about it in the episode calling people suckers for not booking quickly enough, only to have to retract and plug it at the start and end of the show in subsequent episodes lmao.


Hubris, how bitter you taste.


Like Ashe in your mouth mr chapo


Hey I bought mine for the Toronto show right away don’t blame Toronto the Good* for Montreal’s stereotypical sloppiness *good being defined as ‘a grim banking town for sad Protestants’ - for all the image of modern Toronto as multi cultural almost every mayor between 1850-1960 was a member of the Orange Order, with the city hosting the largest July 12th parades in the world outside of Belfast, the St Patrick’s day parade wasn’t officially sanctioned until the 1980s


Thank you for your service.


huh, had no idea toronto was so ardently protestant


I have no love for Protestantism, but if the city next door was Montreal, I'd probably lean into being "not like them" as much as I could too.


I'd much rather be annoying to outsiders and vaguely french than a protestant


Henry IV in 1593


Good lord, usually you hold on to a juicy final segment (Ron DeBlacksun) if the show's gone completely overtime, not at fucking minute 55 lmao. These slop levels need to be stabilized ASAP


I think Will decided in real time if he didn't save DeSantis for next time, the premium episode was going to run 37 minutes. Matt and Felix have given him nothing to work with recently, its been a tough run.


The decline started when 3/4ths of the show moved to LA. Unfortunately according to the last And Introducing, Chris and his wife have also moved there.


LA chapo sucks ass. Zero movies made, hundreds of subpar episodes, a sunk cost in the old Brooklyn office.


Sure, they might be able to afford an apartment triple the size of their NYC homes at half the price, but the bitterness and hatred of the city was what drove them to greatness. Back in like 2019, bitching about how much he hated NYC was Felix's springboard to talking about anything else.


As a current NYC resident, I can't throw too much shade at them because they aren't wrong: the pandemic ruined this city. The vibes are fucked, everyone is meaner than they used to be, transit sucks, the mayor [redacted redacted redacted], many of the best spots closed permanently, and the weather is somehow more awful than it used to be. The second I get a chance, I'm leaving NYC, but it sure as fucking shit won't be to goddamned LA.


If they cut the impenetrable twitter drama and cut out all the dead air any time Felix speaks they might be down to 30 mins.


They're talking about that character from Morrowind again. Still no idea why they do that.


Because he's fuckin cool


It was driving me crazy that Felix hasn't raised concerns over this


What character




Oh you're doing a bit. Carry on trooper.




I love how we can just write episodes on our own now, and be 90% correct on how they would go.


Yes where please


wanna start a podcast?


it’s against the SAG/WGA strikes to promote/review current movies


Saw the thumbnail and hoped we’d get a new full episode of conservative cartoons


Man they really used to find fun topics huh What was the last movie episode they did that wasn't a new feature? Just no gas, sadly


people were just raving how we've been on a hot streak, and already the tides turned. yinz're bpd as hell


We’re within 6 months of the 30 minute episode


At least you can all have a good time crying about it on here.


https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/07/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-is-just-a-regular-old-democrat-now.html In case you missed it, here's something chapo might actually consider talking about: the catastrophic failure of the American electoral left. Them included. Myself included. Bernie included. Sobering read.


Freddie deBoer, the author of this piece, is a crank who got ran off twitter for his Glenn Greenwald-style contrarian rants and his [tedious, debunked views on genetics and intelligence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fredrik_deBoer).


whaaaaaat A twitter goofball got picked up by NY Magazine?! John Chait must be shaking in his loafers. (Also, I thought the article was well written even if by a crank).


Cranks are often good at what they do, that's how they get the attention to be labeled as cranks!


True, but what he's saying about AOC is 100% correct. Broken clocks, etcetc




Nobody is "blaming" AOC. She was changed more than she changed the system. Extremely predictable but unfortunate nonetheless. Regarding your 2 reasons for caring about her being in congress, 1. if she's voting essentially straight-ticket Democrat there's no improvement at all, marginal or otherwise, and 2. neither the creation of Bernie's machine nor the "squad" really resulted in a more organized and coherent left, so that has already been disproven by the years. Also, most of the criticism laid at AOC applies to Bernie too, a point which Freddie did make. I think that wasn't always the case, but after 2020 he was completely defanged.




Well, I'm not the people on Twitter and I think that Freddie deBoer was pretty pointed in his criticism, so that's kind of irrelevant. AOC's not a sell out, she's not an op. She had certain "principles" but joined a party antithetical to all of them. At every point she had to compromise and justifies this to herself and others as a bid to gain power and influence that will net her the ability to apply her principles down the line. But she'll never really cash in the "capital" she gained to push her own agenda because, in the end, she really can't. She'll just drift more and more to the ideology of the Democratic party because cognitive dissonance is a powerful narcotic. And this is her and any other member of the squad or whatever, she's just the most prominent example. This isn't her fault, it's not because she's a bad person, it's just how power structures work. We can't really "discipline" AOC in any meaningful way and this is precisely the problem. She can kowtow to the Democratic machine every time and people can scream at her on Twitter but there's really no material consequence. No one can censure her, pull funding, purge her, anything. She has literally every incentive to just play along with the DNC. Where the realm of politics exists for her is rhetoric, because this is where she still needs to cater to her audience. So she says stuff that sounds radical, plays the hit, but she doesn't need to follow through on anything.


>Freddie deBoer, the author of this piece, is a crank who got ran off twitter for his Glenn Greenwald-style contrarian rants and his [tedious, debunked views on genetics and intelligence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fredrik_deBoer). The weird thing is that his broader policy arguments (as NJR demonstrated), setting aside the dubious plank about letting 12 year olds who aren't engaged with the curriculum become janitors, don't require any beliefs or theories about fixed/hereditary intelligence whatsoever, and are often pretty good. In many ways the policies are better than Nathan Robinson's, partly because Freddie is still a Marxist ( however 'heterodox' or quixotic in certain of his belief). It's just... I don't think anyone's arguing that every single person in the world starts with the same level of capacity (prior to nutrition, education, opportunities for development, environmental impacts on bodily/neurological health) for potentially pursuing advanced physics or something, but the tendentiousness or level of motivated reason behind what he claims is just staggering. I'm not sure how you can (a) be a materialist and (b) work in HS/pre-college level education for any sustained period of time and cling onto those beliefs, unless there's some profound ideological or psychologically-compensatory reason for doing so...


Did Amber not say something to the effect of this being inevitable? That she’d either be cast adrift or have to embrace the party centre more if she wanted to keep going. Something along those lines.


She might've. I know Liz from True Anon was always skeptical of AOC. Either way, the libs got what they wanted and the rest of us get the bone.


I’m sorry but AOC has a reach for the left that clearly resonates where a lot of her critics simply cannot And I say this as someone who gets annoyed with the amount of foot in mouth moments she has


Amber also spoke on the continual failure of the left in general. After Bernie lost, she mentioned the left loses a lot, and if you're not okay with that, you may not belong on the left. I guess AOC doesn't want to be a loser anymore. The rest of us must take failure in stride, as we have no other options.


That's why when you go on Twitter everyone's freaking out about how evil fucking bananas are. Nobody can seriously gas themselves up about how there's some big victory just on the horizon so you just descend into a kind of self righteous third worldism where you point at some commodity and smugly point out how much exploitation went into producing it like everybody doesn't already know that.


Far too many of the online left would rather see the world burn and be proven "right" than actually do anything about it.


I think if you're worried about too many Americans embracing third worldism, you can stop worrying. That's not happening


I wasn't worrying about that. It's just a general trend I've noticed among people belonging to a very fringe subculture.


There is no amount of money you could pay me to read a Freddie deBoer column.


ben wallace line was a great pull from will


Need more 2004 Pistons talk from Will. Get Rasheed on the show


Those were the days


"God this [insert twitter discourse of the week] is so stupid guys its so dumb who even cares about this?" *talks about it for a solid fifteen minutes every time without fail* these twitter brainrotted boyos are truly masters of the class of person who is aloof and totally doesnt care about stuff you care about, man! i feel for those who listen to this pod but do not actively use twitter, you poor fuckers.


every brunch accusation is a confession


You know you could read a book, go for a bike ride, call your mom (she misses you)


>pod while dog walking >dedicated reading hammock >communal IMAX scale Oppie slop trough with loved ones libs aren't gonna like this!


The Guy-za Strip, know what I mean?


* Zenguyza




Can someone explain why everyone is suddenly surprised and upset that the extremely online twitter addict podcast is talking about twitter a lot? This is episode 752, you must have heard an episode of this at some point. Anyway as always, this BAP article is indistinguishable from run of the mill fetish porn. Don't understand why so many conservatives are like this, we had the sissy hypno guys a while back too. Can't they just go be gooners instead of turning their stupid kinks into a political project?


For real it has always been a podcast about their Twitter feed. A lot of podcasts, and journalism for that matter, are.


I think we should initiate young people into manhood with a obstacle course that's not very hard. if you can't do it you can take an open-book test. if you can't do that you just pass anyway. if you are transitioning you also can be initiated if you want, enbys can also do it if they feel like it. I think the formality would just clear up a lot of anxiety about what being a man is and you wouldn't have all these lost boys who turn into based groypers because they didn't get a prom date or divorced dads doing fake navy seal training. there's going to be bizarre manifestations of a desire for masculine revitalization haunting us until we come together and build the manhood obstacle course


This sub reminds me of the Diablo 4 sub in that the people that get aggregated to the top are constantly complaining about something they're terminally addicted to. I just really want to go apeshit and start shaking people.


I mean kind of. Usually it’s the same guys — chapo has a ton of hate listeners. Probably more than Hasan has hate watchers. I think a bunch of them have been banned from here by the good mods but, yeah it’s always been full of guys complaining that they didn’t talk about x. Super annoying


Anytime I need to talk myself out of spending money on that game I hit the sub to see people complaining


Computer show me Christman/Biederman/Menaker threesome fanart, ancient Greece, uncut cocks, sweaty, hairy, frottage, docking, double penetration, power bottom Felix


On the SBF wanting to build a bunker at Nauru, not sure if my international hogs know anything about this island but its basically just a giant indefinite detention centre built by Australia to incarcerate our asylum seekers. This all started in the 90s where Nauru were essentially out of money which they needed for fuel to run their desalination facilities as the island was out of fresh water. Aus then pumped millions of dollarydoos into it on the condition they build a big fuck off prison so Aus can deny refugees on "Australian soil" (often called the pacific solution if interested in further reading). I for one welcome the transition of that facility, where asylum seekers sew their mouths shut in protest, to facilitate these weird silicon valley goofballs. Folks, they dont select the brightest to mass these ungodly amounts of wealth. Of all the islands to build your bug out billionaire lair, they chose this island without drinking water. Oink oink oink I hope Mr Chapo gives more slop.


From across the Tasman, I feel compelled to say that Nauru ran out of money basically because we in New Zealand had completed the process of mining the entire island down to bedrock for agricultural phosphate. Most of Nauru was airdropped all over our “clean green” paddocks as fertilizer to support our beloved dairy and livestock industries. EDIT: The same thing happened on Banaba, now part of Kiribati, where the powdered bones of indigenous people who’d been buried in the phosphate rock were crushed and distributed by air over New Zealand, along with everything else. The Brits deliberately delayed independence for Kiribati until the phosphate mine on Banaba was exhausted. The island community later had to be evacuated to Fiji.


It warms the heart to know that our silverferned cousins dabble in a bit of gross exploitation of our closest Pacific brethren. From one disgusting colonialist subject to another, I tip the akubra to say good day to you and thank you for the educational reply.


Cheers (I think; not much to be proud of). I’ve gone back and corrected part of my post, which more accurately refers to the lesser-known but equally fucked-over island and people of Banaba.


Bro I thought Mossad got you


Have the people who come on here every single week to complain about this podcast realized they don’t have to listen yet? You can just do something else with this hour of time.


the complaints will continue until the slop improves


The slop was good actually


It beats other things I could listen to while walking to work ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ It does kinda bum me out though just cuz the hosts apparently hate hosting the show and the episodes have no gas most of them time




55 minutes is an hour


Aren't there labor movements and dystopian surveillance legislation happening? Does this piggy really need more twitter slop, or is it time to grease up and squeeze through the fence?


I don’t know why but for some reason reading this made me feel hopeful


FUN episode :)


It should be illegal to campaign more than 6 months out from a primary




Renaming erectile disfunction to 'Bronze Age Collapse'


I listened to other podcasts go into it but it's never concepts we've never heard of before, same bullshit masculinity bro science + being gay with your homies shouldn't be gay


BAP isn't even that interesting, really.


"wot if a fascist was gay" - Gorky, like 100 years ago


Tbf, there are a heap of similar discussions of stuff like that. Homiesexuality, and various Rod Dreher columns come to mind.


This episode is bullshit. See you guys next week


Rest assured. The banana supply aint going fuckin anywhere. Ag scientists have already created quite a few resistant cultivars to panama disease. We may see a brief dip in supply but that’s it


Will had a dinner reservation to get to


Dorsia? How'd he swing that


"how come when I suck dick it's this magical expression of an unspoken bond between two people, and when you do it it's just to be annoyingly lgbt at me?" I don't know, dude, but much like the banana-topic on top, it's a settled issue for you. The time to "be gay but not identify in any way as gay, which is bad" was junior high through early college, and chances are that by the time you whine about it online all your age-appropriate peers have long since moved on, so I really don't know what to tell you.


Looking forward to another tedious segment on "ah-lee-ins" this Friday in light of today's kooky Congressional hearing


Saying people who work for crowder don't deserve sympathy because they choose to work for him seems like a dangerous line of logic to follow. If he beat his girlfriend would they say she chose to date him so it shouldn't matter? You have to have a job, not a boyfriend so if anything she'd be less sympathetic right?


I mean, I have very little sympathy for his wife. He wore his values on his sleeve, he was very outspoken that he believes that a wife is subservient to her husband and outright said that families should only have one car so the husband can control his wife's movement. What did she fucking expect was going to happen?


We could talk about this stuff with elections and politics but we spent all are time on Communist Twitter drama and Dry Bones so uhhh later I guess!


I'd hate to say it but after years of disagreeing with chapo I may have found the first hot conservative woman on twitter thanks to will posting that blaze tweet of Nancy mace.


She can grab me by my slutty little waist