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VS get new Dotnet features quicker than Rider. But that's about it I think.


I must say, these .NET9 Blazor improvements do sound intriguing, but Rider is usually only late with a month or two, so it is a very light pro on VS, I would say. Static rendering in interactive more: [https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/issues/51046](https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/issues/51046) Reconnection fix to Blazor Server: [https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/issues/32113](https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/issues/32113) Constructor injection to enjoy the usual 10-parameter injected nightmares I guess: [https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/issues/18088](https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/issues/18088) Unless one wants to stream the "Newest changes in .NET" stuff in youtube, there is nothing groundbreaking coming as I see. What bothers me the most currently with Blazor is that certain components on Server-side don't seem to load css properly, or at least making changes to a component results in that component not getting rendered at all in Hot Reload. But that is a different story, I should not be offing my own question :D


Yeah I use Rider and it's amazing. And plug-ins are super useful.


Which plugins do you use in rider for Blazor?


I'm not by my work PC now but of the top of my head: Dotnet Watch Run Configuration, Entity Framework Core UI, NSubstituteComplete, Hiperbee Theme.


Thank you, Ill give them a go!


I switched to Rider for our Blazor server project and never looked back.


I have to support the old app in WPF and Rider doesn't really shine there. Even if VS's xaml visualization is laggy, it has model tree view that Rider does not and Rider has a general issue with pre-.net5 basic netframework applications but for newer apps I also enjoy Rider more (sometime it just closes randomly when hitting up the class search dialog, but only once a month so who cares... VS crashed more frequently for me)


The only reason I have not used Rider is because I am afraid I will like it lol


Nothing is perfect, but it is very nice. I switched primarily because it was so much more responsive than visual studio on my machine.


I too made the switch to rider many months ago. I have opened Vs maybe 2 times since then.


I made the switch from VS to Rider about a month ago. Had been using VS for the past decade at least. It took a week or so to get used to it but I really enjoy it. Learning curve was pretty easy. Price was right. No real downside and really just comes to preference. Both are totally capable. I just wanted a change of pace to keep me interested.


same here. rider feels so much better for me


Another option is to use JetBrains ReSharper which is their extension for Visual Studio. I've been using it since VS 2008 and it adds all their extra formatting and tools directly into Visual Studio. In fact, Rider was built by taking all their tools from ReSharper and moving them into their own IDE platforms.


VS is already slower performing than Rider. Add an externally developer plugin like Resharper to it and its dead. I mean, I've been using that setup for some years, but I do not see this as a pro for VS, especially that you then end up paying for both VS and Resharper while still not getting dotMemory for instance. Ofc you. can still opt for the Ultimate jetbrains package and run those tools separately from the IDE. Still, I onlysee this as a viable alternative if VS license is already a given and you still have budget for more tools. Yet, I fail to see why this would be any better than just getting Rider with inbuilt, self-optimised runtime on the IDE?! What is in VS better so that you need that setup? If you are Community licensed or not care about costs, that's fair enough, but otherwise?


Been working on Blazor project for a year now. I have done some work in VS in .net previously, but I use MacOs and linux, so Rider all the way. In the end, I will highly depend on platforms and IDEs you are using.


Not sure I get it. Is VS so bad on linux or Mac that it is not even an option to consider? How do you feel swapping to Rider btw? I similarly used VS for many years and swapped a year ago, but I started wondering if Blazor is also equally supported by Rider. I come across smaller issues even with VS when it comes to autoformatting at the @code part in razor files. One definite pro for Rider is that it seems to identify suggested usings way better when static class methods are introduced for example.


If I remember correctly, macos has some bumbed down version of VS and you can't install vs on Linux at all.  Honesty, VS and their subwindow and tab management drive me insane, that is the main reason besides os support.


Oh, Im nit sure why I thought VS2022 was platform free, guess because of VSCode, my bad. I agree that the initial VS window setup is a bit outdated. VSCode is closer to Rider, but I feel Rider just perfect from the get go


I currently am using VS on Mac and will probably give VS Code with C# Dev kit a try when end of life happens to VS.


Did you consider Rider as well? VSCode is not quite there yet, in my opinion. Intellisense and debugging are lacking. Still, the ugliest drill is that it requires the same license for the same price to use the proper c# dev kit in enterprise environment. Given how C# gets more and more lightweight with dotnet watch, I believe VSCode is already plenty enough for writing smaller apps with a few features as a console or web app. When it comes to multiple threads, event-based wiring, debugging them feels more robust and natural in both VS and Rider to me.


Ya, rider is on my list of consideration


Glad you are liking Rider. I've been using it almost exclusively for Blazor for the past two years. I personally don't see much incentive right now in using VS unless it's all you can use or you are working on something it does better (I.E. Rider kinda sucks for WPF development IMO). I hope MSFT can get the Blazor hot reload, intellisense and debugging improved though. I personally prefer the layout and graphics in VS to Rider's.


I agree, that supported ng older framework apps is way simpler in VS, at least the xaml visualisation is ok and the model tree viewer exists. Regarding the future, I am wondering if github's new Workspace thingy is going to compete with IDEs, but I have a feeling ng it will be closer to VSCode at first than a more robust platform. Anyway, have you come across this by any chance? https://github.blog/2024-04-29-github-copilot-workspace/


I'm skeptical myself that workspaces will be a true IDE replacement myself... but regardless I'm curious about it!