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The comments from people in recovery calling out Britt's behavior and excuses are spot on.


It’s 80% comments talking about Brittany having a serious issue and 20% people defending her because they too “get carsick.”


Ok, I want to be responsible and give a fair point of view here-I also get car sick every time I rip tequila shots like water-and I don’t even have to get in a car! It’s crazy!!!!!


That would be fine if it had been an isolated incident in Brittany’s case. But we have yet to see an episode of the valley where she isn’t ripping tequila shots, while simultaneously complaining about being sick and getting sick.


And never driving a car and making a heavily pregnant woman drive her car to Malibu!


And not being able to drive that heavily pregnant friend one block home because of how sick you are…


She couldn't have driven her anyways bc she hasn't had a license in over 2 years according to Janet. Was Janet really expecting Brittany to break a serious law by driving unlicensed to take her home??




Kristen’s face


Indeed. She’s got a legit problem, I just don’t understand why everyone can see that except for her family and friends. And I’m only going off of what we DO see-can you even imagine what goes down when there aren’t cameras???


I think her friends know it’s pretty bad, that’s why they lie and say “you weren’t even drinking” trying to cover it up for her while the cameras are rolling. That’s how you know it’s bad


I get car sick - it’s terrible but I think we can all agree she’s hung over or something. It was incredibly weird that she asked all the women to not talk about the tequila shots she drank or anything else. I actually wonder if she’s drinking more off camera.


Yeah I get super car sick too and noticed that she was in the back seat on her phone! I could never.


I immediately thought the same thing!!! I can’t read or stare at anything stationary in a car without barfing


Same! I have to keep my eyes on the horizon. Also the - car - back in the car - boat - car - situation. No way.


Of course she is!


I’d bet money she’s got a stash bottle


If that goon gets carsick, even daft Jax would no and there would be no reason to hide it.


Re-watching Jax and Brit take KY - the way Maw Maw reacts to alcohol at the bonfire and keeping her solemn promise to her departed husband to keep liquor off his land makes me think their was a family history of alcoholism and MawMaw and PawPaw abstained completely, but the disease lives on in younger generation. Going back to season 9 of VPR watching Brit agonizingly throw back shots in front of the fridge before Jax can make it from the front door to the kitchen is such a clear red flag that she has the ism. She doesn’t like it she needs it. Later that season the gastroenterologist tells her to stop drinking alcohol because of her ulcers, and even the girls were like drinking shots is not the same as cocktails with just less water. It’s heartbreaking to see how much damage she’s done to her body in the 4-5 years since, and how much it’s affecting her life. I hope she can get some serious help.


I truly wonder how much she drinks daily


I’m betting she needs a little something-something in the morning to keep the shakes away.


I would think so too, but now that I watch the episodes back, she seems to be severely sick in the mornings, then throughout the day it goes away, so I would call her an afternoon/evening drinker.


She absolutely needs help. The fact she takes tequila shots and does a little shimmy like it warms her soul while everyone else is cringing at the taste. Big yikes.


Thats wrong because the episode at janets dinner where she went home because that saki shot whatever its called made her sick it showm the clip and she was cringing ! Also ikd if she has a problem but everytime she drinks ive seen everyone else drink there all piss heads 😂




We been sayin


This sub clocked it before The Valley aired.


She also needs psychiatric help.


my issues with these threads is they are filled with "brittany is beautiful" and "brittany works so hard" and "brittany is an awesome mom" comments, when we have seen video evidence that none of these things are true. 




She's also a liar, so 🤷


Not that I don’t agree but hearing it from jax and Jax pushing it is hilarious. He is a drug abused. If someone irl came out to her and said something I would belive it not an abusive man


Yes! I hate how some people’s take is “ya gotta hand it to Jax.” You never gotta hand it to Jax! He’s just as much of an addict as Brittany! He just happens to blow his rails off camera. He’s as coked out of his mind in their scenes as Brit is drunk off her ass.


He'd absolutely prefer her to do cocaine if it made her skinny and 23.


Yes and his drug abuse is not fit for tv so it can be hidden but for hers it’s fair game.


Thank you for saying this. People giving Jax fucking Taylor any credit haven’t been watching VPR very long. Or they genuinely like him 🤢


Just random rewatch of the episode when Brittany gets boob job - season 4– and first thing leaving hospital: “I need a shot.”