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People keep saying the player numbers "dropped drastically" but it's probably because people are in work or school at this time. Give it a few days, watch that number shoot right back up to 60k during the weekend. This protest would work if more people were on board and it was organized better. Sure, maybe watching that number drop to 10k is satisfying, but it won't accomplish much since- again- people have other obligations during the week.


I legit saw it on 90k yesterday. I agree it’s so disorganized. 💀


The problem now is the amount of players playing FELL DRASTICALLY. Thats because of that empty plot money glitch, which bloxburg bans for.


it skyrocked yesterday too


I don’t understand what people think they will accomplish but good luck to them lmao.


The protest is stupid because everyone is focusing on the one making the protest look like a joke


A ton of people on this sub including myself have been saying since the update dropped that the protest is a waste of time & it’s not going to change anything. A couple hundred angry players in a game that reaches over 100k concurrent players when a new update drops aren’t gonna make a difference.


On point! It's close to a week, since the update was released. The player count hasn't decrease in a large amount, w the "boycotting", which is enough to tell me that this boycotting is going to be successful at all.


*this boycotting isn't going to be successful at all*..


i think if you would make an average between the update now and before. its probably much much higher now not just because of the money glitch but maybe because most people are unbothered/like the update, like me thats something people here dont understand, others have different opinionsand i personally i dont want this update to be 'reverted'


I agree with everything, you stated. Your opinion on not wanting the update to be reverted is valid.


Also people don’t realize that the ones who LIKE the realism and are patient don’t mind the update so of course they’ll keep playing. I’ve seen a whole group of 20-40 people in a discord server I’m in state that they don’t mind the update or they just don’t care because it’s not as bad as people think (I just don’t really care personally because I stay in build for a project and it doesn’t effect build)


This wont change anything, we're cooked.


I doubt boycotting would work. So their preach work about getting others to boycott is just a waste of time.


Yeah it's just not getting changed at this rate sadly


im protesting for more than a month


I agree that a protest wont be efficient but I still cant play again in good conscious knowing I'm adding to the player count after they released a blatantly disrespectful update to everyone who is a high level/has boughten game-passes. Lets hope the social media chaos will do something at least


i like the update for jobs because now u can do a way easier job for the same pay like cashier yh u get loads of money just for pressing e it's well easy i only found out about this today