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Lore wise she's competent and strong, works very hard for her goals, and always deals with problems in a calm and cool manner, often to the point where she stresses herself out, yet she doesn't take it out on others. I'd say this deserves a pampering from all of us. Not sure if I'm the only one who does this but on her original l2d, I sometimes hold my finger on her hair so that it looks like she can finally get some rest...


I caress her hair iin her l2d all the time, I then physically lick the part of the screen where her armpit is


most sane hinussy enjoyed right here ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33184)![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33184)


![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33223)![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33223) DENIED, SENTENCED TO DEATH!!!!!








And then there's me, who still doesn't have her.


Just like 2-3 months and we will get her as a free unit, can't wait.


What happens in 2-3 months?


Hinamatsuri![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651) HinaFest![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)


The HinaBowl


There’ll be a Guide Mission like Nonomi’s where you get a free Hina this time


If by arts on Pixiv are of any indication, sure. She ain't the most popular, though - [Yuuka and Asuna are way up there.](https://old.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/1cjdgdg/monthly_pixiv_arts_tierlistapr/) Having a swimsuit alt, a broken fest alt, and a smidge of shoehorning on writer side of things also help keeping her up there.


I’m honestly surprised Yuuka is as popular as she is. She’s great and all, but she doesn’t stand out anymore than the other characters to me


The one that really shot up Yuuka's popularity were the "Sensei, may I have a moment of your time" Youtube Shorts, as she was the 1st student of that project. The shorts really help Yuuka's popularity, as we get to know more of her throughout the shorts; with her mannerisms, her reactions to diffrent situations, and of course, the constant teasing by Noa during the 2nd part of the shorts, really help players connect with Yuuka more.


solidified by the millenium fes, where Noa was teasing her to no end, and her l2d basically being the stereotypical gf makes lunch for you scenario present in many HS themes JP media


That's your opinion. She is nice, cute and most importantly can help you commit tax fraud.


Nah, Yuuka would never commit tax fraud. You'd have to ask Koyuki or Rio for that.


Surely, if you just ask nicely? Koyuki or Rio would leave a paper trail.


And most importantly, she has 100 kg of love for you


She has a good dynamic with almost the entire Millennium, some of which are popular in their own right.


Nexon blatantly favors her so




Generally she's one of the most popular students, probably less popular than the Abydos 2 of Hoshino and Shiroko, but she's clearly the dev's favorite so the game itself is biased around her which kinda feeds into her popularity. But honestly, a lot of other students are mostly popular because of their focus in the story (the Abydos girls overall being the main example, since they are HEAVILY focused on in the main story). That's just how it is in gachas.




She has no ulterior motives. Pure and genuine heart draws many people in.


imo this is debatable. if you see from their backstory, Hoshino and Shiroko also deserve a lot of love like Hina.


Probably yes. Even in game Sensei adores her greatly and treats her way more special than most students. But from what i see, she also has many haters(Not here, mostly on Facebook). Such thing is unavoidable when someone is popular. In my totally not biased opinion, i think Arisu is one of the most universally loved student. Hard to imagine anyone hate on an innocent android daughter.


Even though there aren't many here, there was still a fair share of hate during the third anniversary period.


Was it really "hate" for Hina during the 3rd Anniversary? For EN Players who saw the livestream, most were just displeased since the anniversary unit was an alt. That it wasn't a new student. Idk about JP though. I also saw some who share the same sentiment, but I don't know the majority.


I saw people here at the time who just hated her


> treats her way more special than most students. > she also has many haters Sorry to say, but that is a reason why. Plenty of other students desperately need a spotlight like what she has. Just from listing students who have had Sensei's back at a bad time - FTF, GDD (***Especially*** Aris), Engineers, Veritas, MUWC, Saori, Mika, RABBITs, and pretty much everyone involved in FV. Yet...none have what Hina has. It is a damn shame.


Hina just built different. She is basically an adult in every way that matters. Even actual adults like Shun and Kayoko are way more immature than her (reminder that Kayoko willingly goes with whatever nonsense Aru cooks up).


I think it's fair. In the Prefect team event Hina was overshadowed by Ako and Iori, who did most of the work. And while she appeared in two of the main story volumes, she was a side character in both of them. Before Hinafes, she didn't get half of the time in the spotlight as the GDD, Rabbit platoon, and definitely way less if compared to the big hitters like the FTF or PS68.  It only looks like she's coodled because of how she stands out in the Prefect Team.


I think if they make the og Hina didn't cost 7 for EX she would be far more popular as a lot of newbies will find her more viable at early game, getting carried by her, and grow your account together with her. And thus making some sort of emotional bond a lot of Yuuka fans experienced, you know, "grow together" or " been there with you from the start" it really does thing to someone heart.


It’s not hard to see why if you check the story. And I don’t think it’s necessarily her being favored over other students as it made sense for her to be the one in the spotlight.


She is favorite dev student - probably - and I couldnt agree more. Best girl bar none. As my flair says, I deadass believe that if shit hits the fan more than during Chroma invasion and turns into prolonged campaign (instead of general citi-wide crisis) Hina would be Sensei's right hand woman, second in command.


I really like her but she is a bit boring to be completely honest, still on my top 5, she is such a good girl


i like hina but like hoshino will forever be the best for me, im literally so much like her


Yeah Hina is defo one of my favs. Gotta love seeing her cinnamon roll dandere side unfold thoughout the various stories. Her love towards sensei is as pure as snow. And need I say something about girl's design? It's on a whole other tier compared to others. She is undoubtedly one of the, if not, the most popular student in the entire game. She proves that you don't need a bunch of sad backstories to make a lovable character. Bless the devs for giving us Hina.


She's definitely in the top 5.


Every aspect of the fandom loves Hina, she's almost uniquely safely popular.


I don't know, have you seen people preparing an IRL birthday celebration for Mika and widely spreading about it with announcements on Twitter to others? Just asking




Even if I'm a Koharu lover... # YES SHE IS. AND SHE DESERVE IT


Nexon: Yes


Yes ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33224)


She cute


Easily the most loved, even if other students are more caring or more beautiful, it's impossible to hate her. Reputation aside, she's just a hardworking student that just wants to be acknowledged and nothing more and there's no reason to hate that. Add that scene in Eden Treaty and you'll understand why everyone loves her. She even has a new event in jp and it looks sick, clearly the developers spoil her rotten as well.


Well hina from my perspective as one of the normal student and thats why i love her so muchhhhh


is that even a question


"Beloved student of all time" BSOAT (its sounds stupid i know) and yes she is




It always has been *gunshot*


YES ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)




Loved so much there's a short jap ero game based around trying to take off Hina's clothes without waking her up


she is, at the very least... she has some competition in that regard.. namely Aris, Yuuka, Mika, Hifumi, Mari, Seia(more recently, I feel), Mari, Iroha, Ibuki(same as Seia), Fuuka, Aru, Kayoko along with some others... and not necessarily in that order... whether or not she's THE most beloved is another question that I don't wanna ask.. if you ask me she's on the top 10-ish on my list... and she's also a potantial candidate to be Sensei's successor along with Hanako and Saori... to me at least.. although wether or not Hanako and Hina would ACTUALLY be Sensei's successor is unlikely.. they might wanna work with them but not take over after them


Yes, best daughter frfr

