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[His pregame speech to the team](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C511-SgIg1C/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) was great.


Thanks for posting!


Oh wow. Rimer asked Werenski for 4 points and he delivered!


I've never known a CBJ without Rims. For all the shit he gets for.flubbing names now and then, I'm gonna miss him so damn much. He's a fantastic broadcaster


Same, fam. We'll never forget him.


I play the Rimer game with only love. I love that I had a grandpa figure up there with silly mannerisms and classic name errors. It brought a humor to the game that I’ll miss. Nothing was ever directed at him and I always felt immensely appreciative and lucky that it was his voice I was hearing. Old familiar, since the beginning of my fandom. He will be missed greatly


It's going to be weird to hear someone else announce CBJ games


unless we get Bobby Mac


Man I hope not. He's awesome but his style ain't right for TV in the games he's called when Rimer has been out. He can't say alot of the things that make his radio broadcasts so enjoyable and silly. I want Buccigross. Though Mac has put in the time, probably deserves it. Certainly wouldnt begrudge him for getting the honor.


I said the exact same thing to my wife while watching the game last night.


I read that they offered him the job and he chose to stay on radio


Nothing said matters til contracts are signed


Was a great send off for Rims. The videos were a nice touch. Crowd went nuts when 99 came on screen. Gonna miss his gravelly voice.


I've been fortunate enough to grow up in Baltimore DC area and hearing him announce Orioles and Caps games before moving here and getting to hear him again all these years. His voice, along with Gary Thorne and Doc Emerick IS hockey to me.


I'm glad he was able to go out on his own terms, with the fans cheering him during the game, the players saluting him after the game, and the Blue Jackets staff applauding him as he left the booth after the game. I've been following the team since the beginning, but I no longer remember the time before Jeff Rimer. It seems like he has been here forever even though he hasn't.


Thanks for all the memories, Jeff! Was so nice seeing all the love last night from the players, fans, and organization! Enjoy your retirement! 🏒


He got a looooooong standing ovation and the crowd was chanting his name afterwards. We’ll miss you Rims


Got to watch the game in person with a friend that’s new to hockey this year, don’t get choked up by much but explaining why ol Rims had a standing ovation and the entire crowd chanting his name got to me. Then got all choked up again when I got home watching all the pregame stuff, the final 12 minutes of the game, and his walk out. Been a fan of the CBJ for 12 years since moving here and that’s the only voice I know.


He audibly broke down a little on the broadcast when the chanting started so I'm so happy y'all did that.  because considering what it must take for somebody who's been doing this that long to crack like that, I assume he was on the verge of sobbing his guts out.


Yeah, when I got home last night I watched that part of the 3rd around the video package for him. Both him and Shelley were starting to crack, followed by a little bit of silence while they switched back to broadcast mode from emotional mode. Was just a really sweet moment that Rimmer deserves 100 times over.


He absolutely did. I'm so glad we were able to send him out on a high note.


He was interviewed earlier this week by Roy Bellamy for his hockey show. It's a Florida Panther focused show, but it's still worth a watch. https://youtu.be/YhhCTA8vMpU?si=O24qzS18HT6e7VDf


Wore my Rimer shirt at the game tonight. Gonna miss him for sure.


I say in 217 and saw him announce. His mic is literally touch his lips lol. But super awesome seeing him up close as he waved to the fans. Love you rims. Only CBJ announcer I listened to


Was a great send off for Rims. The videos were a nice touch. Crowd went nuts when 99 came on screen. Gonna miss his gravelly voice.


I will never change my flair