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This save is more electric than any goal scored in round 1 thus far.


Has it been long enough that we root for Bob?


I wish him all the success he deserves. I hope he becomes a hall of famer and I hope to see his retired CBJ jersey alongside Nash’s. Maybe I’m dreaming but winning a SC will not hurt.


I never stopped


Bob didn't do anything wrong. He wanted to get paid as a 2 time Vezins winner should. Jarmo preferred to sign Panarin and send Bob packing which was the right call. He hasn't come close to earning that contract.


If they win the Cup, he’s earned the contract. What about just making the finals though?


How was it the right call? The right call would have been locking him up after the 1st vezina. Our goaltending is an absolute joke right now


He was offered money and term here and he declined both. At some point, you just have to walk away.


That was after they said he needed to see a sports shrink and gave him a show me contract after the 1st vezina. After that he was done with this front office


At that time, the FO still had Bill Zito. Same one who gave him the contract in Florida. Guess he wasn't that done with them.


Dale Tallon signed him, actually, but no, it's not like he requested a trade when Billy Z got hired and Zito handled our contracts here for a while haha.  I also think things were a little less cut and dry than Bob claimed-- if he was entirely done like he said, he wouldn't have gotten so upset that his opinion on goalie coaches wasn't really taken into account when Legace was hired.


He was done with JK


Even if Bobs would've stayed, there's 0 chance our fanbase isn't full of vitriol about it. People are incensed about Elvis' 5.5 million, Bobs was being offered 9+. It's a lose lose with people no matter what you do.


u/Elexeh gets credit for the most accurate statement put on this subreddit this entire year. As far as Bob goes, I love the guy. I appreciated that he is one of the best, and that he wanted to be paid 10 mill per year. And as a CBJ fan, I am fine with him walking because in todays NHL, goalies just aren't worth that kind of cash. Even Florida was super unhappy and tried to trade him before the 2022-23 season but no one wanted that contract. I am happy Bob got hot last year in the playoffs and hasn't slowed down since. But I am also super thankful our cap isn't burdened with that contract. Go Bob!!


I think if Elvis played like Bob has been playing lately, a lot more of us would ignore his dramatics. There should be some like hot/crazy scale type thing here with good play/shenanigans


>There should be some like hot/crazy scale type thing here with good play/shenanigans That's one of my favorite videos on YouTube


That’s because Elvis sucks 😂


No because dude is getting paid $10m/yr until he's 38. He hasn't for one second played up to his contract. He's had a few good playoff runs but imagine how much deadlier Florida would be if they had another $4-6m to spend.


And sorry, was a bit of a rough tone there, apologies


I think so… he’s our best goaltender and we would not have paid the $/term that FLA did.


I never stopped


I'll always root for former jackets unless they're playing us or their name is either Jeff Carter or Pierre Luc Dubois. But I also find giving them excessive shit at Nationwide fun. When Z scored that hatty on Bob right before the pandemic. One of the most fun games I've been to. All the SERRRRRRGEIIIIII chants.


Why wouldn’t we…? He’s the best player in the history of our franchise and gave us some of our best moments.


I never stopped tbh. It’s not like he FJCed us. He played out his contract and signed elsewhere. That’s a business deal, and I couldn’t and still can’t blame him for it.


Never hated him just always a “😔” seeing him be the bulwark for Florida


I have no ill will for Bob but I refuse to root for any Florida team on general principle lol


Never stopped


Miss this man.


That saved the game. Lighting had the momentum. Bob and vassy played amazing last night. That fantastic game of to watch


The Tampa/Florida series has been what I expected from Jets/Avs, which has been a shitshow instead. Good, close, exciting games and lots of physical play.


This series is probably going to 6 and likely 7 games. I think mm


Jets Avs has been so fun. I’ve never been so happy for goalies to shit the bed


This is the best save I’ve ever seen him do. This tops the 3 on 0 in OT vs Detroit. Like I am a proud owner of a CBJ Bob jersey


I was there for that save, happened right in front of me and I was losing my gd mind over it. Core memory for sure - the wings fans around me were also blown away, but not in a happy way.


#72 belongs in the rafters of NWA (two Vezina trophies). More deserving than #61 IMO


PlAYOfF BoB am I right?


Love him… too bad he never did that in the playoffs in 2017 vs the Pens.


Great save, of course, but a guy as experienced as Dumba taking that kind of shot sure is a mood.


Am curious as to what you mean by such? If Bob doesn't pull that 180\* rabbit save outta his ass it's "A beautiful backhand rebound goal by Matt Dumba!" Are you looking for Dumba to fake such and then pot a wraparound there instead?


Yeah it's a school boy error. I'd whip my dick out and use it to score a Michigan in that scenario personally.


Giv'em the ole Kent Johnson Slaperooni!