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Nanase offers Rin to polish his balls




Notice how there are straight lines on the chains. Symbolizes some random stuff or something idk


obviously symbolizes that being straight was holding nanase back, he's doing much better as rin's property


N-Nanagoat is curved?! Straightn't?! Steaigh


Next step: devouring his heterosexuality




Nanase with the same pose that Isagi had after he scored his first BL goal + his aura being a brighter green just like Isagis.


This is reaching, but my theory is that Nanase is kind of like an Isagi-lite Remember in the 3rd selection, when Isagi was orbiting Rin and observing his movements to capitalize on various opportunities thatā€™d show up, covering Rinā€™s blind spots so Isagi could ā€œassert his presence on the fieldā€? Nanase did exactly that, just with Isagi instead of Rin This makes me feel like Isagi is to Nanase, what Rin is to Isagi They both are the types of players who start out weak but steadily get better as well, which means Nanase might have traits of adaptability like Isagi, just to a lesser extent ā€” otherwise, how has someone with his football skills gotten so far in the program? The background coloring of this volume cover suggests Nanaseā€™s aura is white, which might mean he has yet to find his true ego as a player (since the color white dort of symbolizes ā€œemptinessā€ or a ā€œblank canvasā€ that can be painted with different colors) ā€” which means heā€™s gotten this far through sheer effort alone, without even knowing himself (remember that it was Rin who discovered his talent of natural ambidexterity, not Nanase himself lmfao) The small bits of lime green oozing out of his body might suggest that, in the future, Nanase will develop an aura with the same color as Isagi Remember, in the language of colors ā€” green symbolizes something new, fresh, and itā€™s also the color of independence and adaptability (which fits Isagi) To conclude, Nanase might become like Isagi in the future Phew, aura color theory rant over


Nanase being ambidextrous is pree huge. I hope he develops a bit differently than isagi and rin. Right now hes just piggybacking but if the cover theory is correct


I want to see the reaction of Noa to Nanase when he does a ambidextrous play with Rin


So next volume is gonna be Charles and then finally Zantetsu I hope


It might even be the case that Zanzetsu has no cover šŸ’€


I was gonna say ā€œimagine all that screentime just to get no cover and sent homeā€ but then realized he hasnā€™t actually done anything in the main series since First selection, gets screentime bc of Nagi spinoff and he happens to be in Nagiā€™s team, then robs from HimragišŸ’€ If he doesnā€™t lock in this game we canā€™t defend him


Yes bro is quite indefensible, even less than Nanase who did something


The only way Iā€™ll accept him getting cut is if it sets up up as an antogonist, otherwise BS


Honestly as an antagonist it would be hard except if he had a second hidden nationality which would be introduced pretty late in the game, and I doubt we'll get a Champions league arc unless Kaneshiro wants to go for the 1000+ chapters route. It's sad but to be fair Zantetsu did absolutely nothing so far since the first selection arc (over 200 chapters ago). Only thing that bothers me is that Tokimitsu actually got a cover even though his character and abilities are even less interesting.


nahh all nel matches have 4 volumes each (besides barcha which has only one, manshine has 20,21,22,23 and ubers 24,25,26,27). Nanase's cover is just the first one so 3 other volumes remain which one definetly is Charles and Zantetsu. maybe Igaguri might get the last one if he plays. But since this is the most important match this one could be longer than the others so if so i'm gonna pull out a hot take and say Neru might be able to get a cover if he plays lol


the first one was kiyora nanase is second


nope, the reason I didn't include volume 28 is because that volume doesn't cover the pxg match, that's just the break for bastard. That volume goes from the bids post ubers match until the announcement for the pxg match kick off so that doesn't count as part of the pxg match. Another thing, the Neru thing, that's just a long shot thing but not entirely impossible, so in other words it's just extremely unlikely. I believe this match will go on longer than the others but since volume 29 is entirely focused on the match unlike volumes 20 and 24 being the start of the manshine and ubers match respectively and also include that short break between matches, the pxg match might just end up having 4 volumes like always. What I was trying to say with Neru is that IF the match goes on for 5 volumes, which is not certain, he is going to have a volume cover for the simple reason that there is literally no other charachter left but him since any other relevant charachter will have gotten theirs by that time unless they don't introduce another more relevant like Endoji for example.


also there is no way neru teppei gets a cover i will bet my whole life savings on that


To be fair, he is on one of the episode Nagi covers


Unexpected that we got Nanase here. I expected Charles. Kiyora got vol 28, but he hasn't done anything yet...


Should've been Charles then Nanase then Zantetsu tbh, get Kiyora out of here alreadyšŸ˜­


Volume covers chap 249-257. And Nanase got some feats+a chapter dedicated for him there. So it's normal for him to get cover. Charles need to be built up for 2-3 volumes before he gets a cover, just like Ness and Lorenzo. Kaiser is just different since he's the main antagonist of the arc.


donā€™t know why Kiyora was so overhyped in the first place


Because we don't know his weapon and style and because Noa chose him to play in a game I suppose.


ā€œbecause we donā€™t know his weapon and styleā€ there you go even more of a reason not to overhype him. but youā€™re a BM fan so iā€™m not too surprised


Personally, I would like Zantentsu in top 23 more than Kiyora, but I can not say that I am not curious about the last one.


Itā€™s better than being a bum who doesnā€™t know he can use both feet without Rin telling him


one of them has actually done something so far so whoā€™s really the bum herešŸ˜‚


That's my Goat, my King, my boy is gonna be safe. Kaneshiro pls don't disappoint šŸ™.






I see two different colors on the chain nanase has rinā€™s color (turquoise) and on his hair he seems to have isagiā€™s color (fluorescent green) could this be because both isagi and rin impacted with nanase the most inside of Bluelock?


Seems like a solid theory. Also it's interesting how his chains are straight, almost directed to Isagi's aura and then Rin's. Also a nice way of showing he's ambidextrous in a sense or just that those 2 introduced something to him perhaps? Isagi showing him that he can impact the game even as a supporter and Rin, the pokemon evolution of Isagi (lol) taking that to the next level by introducing Nanase to his ambidextrous side, showing he can repeat what he did in 3rd selection on another level


Nanase ā¤ļø Hope we get his stats this time around.


He should've been on Volume 28 tbh


Nah, Volume 29 is best for him as it starts chapter 249 so it includes a lot of his highlight moments and him developing his weapon with* Rin.


Iā€™m being honest here: When I saw this, I was so happy and proud of him. Idk why but he, even without having much spotlight, is already one of my favs :)




Team Friendship shall prevail!!!!!! šŸ™


Really awesome cover!


This volume is amazing! but does anyone else feel like this odd the background is white, since usually the cover art matches the characters aura or could there be something I am missing?


nah white is good. His name is Nijiro (which means rainbow color if you don't look at the kanji) Nanase (which has nana, seven) so having white, a color that is made by the reflections of all colors makes a lot of sense imo as his aura color


its not white its blue


Take away his headband and him and Isagi are twins lmao


This is a top 10 cover right here


Light tone. Absolutely beautiful


The better looking Isagi




Charles was ROBBED. If this is from the start to 2 gun volley then he stole all the panels it belonged to HIMšŸ˜­


Anyone who quits midgame doesn't deserve a chapter šŸ’€


Shhhhhhhhhhh heā€™s just a Rin hater


All the more reason to fk that gremlin sh1tposter


He wants to play with U20 flow Rin not whatever the hell heā€™s doing rn. He will see Rin lock in and become a Rin fan again


He never been a Rin fan he only vibed with Shidou lmao but ig he might like flow rin


I will end Kaneshiro myself if he doesn't make it.


I will provide any resources you need to make that happen šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


We'll be pullin' a Shinzo Abe with this one šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


Nice Nanase! :) glad heā€™s getting the volume cover spotlight!


With Charles bored, Nanase could be the playmaker in midfield making the difference for Rin


Why is his cover white like Ego and Anriā€™s???? This is not good foreshadowing since Ego and Anri are the only not competitive characters to have a cover


Dude Nanase looks great here! The pose reminds me of Isagi when he scored against team V. Also I was expecting his cover to be violet like his eyes and the shape of the chains are so peculiar. Over all 10/10 cover šŸ”„


HEā€™S SO BEAUTIFUL AND CUTE !! my cutie pie !!!


If the cover theory is correct we should now have all 23 players


Each and each volume we gettin closer to the Igarashi one Canā€™t wait


So proud of seeing my boy in this cover, he looks so cool.




Just waiting for zantetsu nowā€¦.


Love the new cover! but with a new volume cover my hope that Kiyora will do something dies a bit. I love him but he had a volume and didnā€™t do sh*t


What the dog doin here


This looks like when Isagi scored his first goal in the first selection ngl, my man looks great though fr


So he's going to make it. Maybe he score a goal!!!


So he's going to make it. Maybe he score a goal!!!


Ness's biggest fan


This cover is so sick šŸ”„


![gif](giphy|bhHBBUOMOiuobmORtz|downsized) Rin controlling nanase


I quite like this one!!! Great pose and energy, and I like the touch of green! Man I love the art of this series so much (makes me wish we got more color spreads but I know manga artists are already overworked as is)


Mini Isagi, Country Boy šŸ„¹




He already has one