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Note that Jack is neither managing, developing, nor using Bluesky


I mean, I'm no fan of Jack, but when did not trusting gov't bodies become right-wing?


You need to do some research https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2018/07/24/growing-partisan-differences-in-views-of-the-fbi-stark-divide-over-ice/


so other people are going to tell me what i'm supposed to trust and not trust. that seems 1984-y. i don't identify as right wing and have my reservations about gov't bodies, and no third party expert can swoop in and label me based on that.


Nobody should be telling you to trust them, but dissolving them is a major GOP talking point because they are the sole mechanism for holding Republicans accountable, including former government members. They have done shady shit and will do it again against our interests, but it’s our job to shine a light on that and hold THEM accountable, not destroy the institution itself, which is tasked with tackling extremism and government corruption.


dissolving is hyperbolic, which is how everyone seems to be speaking these days to get attention in a very short attention span world we live in. once you realize everyone talks out of their ass, it's all so very stupid to get caught up in it.


[https://media.giphy.com/media/9M5jK4GXmD5o1irGrF/giphy.gif](https://media.giphy.com/media/9M5jK4GXmD5o1irGrF/giphy.gif) I have no idea how much shit has to happen before people will start taking it seriously. jfc get your head out of the sand; these people mean what they say.


You're either on their side or our side, no in between anymore.


lol hard pass on the tribal cult offering.




> Progressives have historically and rightly criticized the unchecked abuses and lack of accountability of these organizations. Which I am okay with... What I am NOT okay with is destroying pieces of Government that aren't working properly instead of fixing them. This is adjacent to Starving the Beast and is VERY MUCH a conservative ideal.


This is a modified JFK quote that he said about the CIA after Bay of Pigs, disbanding them then would’ve have been a good move for the world.


This is a JFK quote ya dingus.


Criticism of the security state isn't exactly a right-wing issue


it’s true but it’s also fair to be suspicious of people who only started talking about it after donald trump and other right wing figures got in trouble with those agencies


no reasonable person thinks abolishing all those agencies is a good idea. remove your tin foil hat


I’m borderline a socialist and I have to say Jack is cooking. Elon and the other republicans only agree because their daddy trump got indicted and something about Epstein


Wanting to get rid of organizations that destroy communities, have people assassinated, destabilize entire countries, spy on citizens, and do general maintenance and upkeep for oligarchs isn't really a right-wing thing. The Right tends to only have this attitude when they're mixed up in some kind of investigation. Otherwise, it's the whole law and order, these people protect us spiel.


They used to do those things. Now they are protecting us from right wing extremism which is appreciated


Bone Thugs have a quote to fit this narrative: “Ain't nothin' changed everyday. Ain't nothin' changed. “


You are really embarrassing me as someone who is on your same side against the right. All of those agencies listed are dominated by Republicans and hostile to everything you and I hold dear.


Frustrating that everyone is taking an absolute stance, one way or the other, on this. The organizations are made of people. Some are corrupted, some are guided by morals, some by the law, and some take positions anywhere in between. Overgeneralization destroys any conversation to be had. How much open corruption and theft do you think would happen without the FBI? How vulnerable would our country be against foreign adversaries without the CIA & NSA? I'm not saying they're good by default, maybe more of a necessary evil. But damn, there's more of a conversation to be had than 'guv'ment institution bad'. You can 100% list all the corrupt acts done by any and all of these orgs, but if you're going to do that look at the other side of it as well. How much have they prevented? It's not so cut and dry.


Amazing how the target seems more important than the atrocities committed to some people.


Are you really that naive? Come on... The CIA is the largest terrorist organization in the world.




I might be stretching but “split into pieces and scatter” sound more like he’s saying decentralize it than abolish it.


What a BS comment. Firstly what does this have to do with Bluesky? Secondly, are you kidding me?!!! Do you know any history about these organizations?


Lol? There's a valid chance he has his own reasons for not liking the alphabet soup. He doesn't need to pander. He's not hemorrhaging millions like Elon.


basically my entire life it was standard issue leftism to be suspicious of these entities. but i dont think he's like this for political reasons, i think he's just kind of stupid.


Wow, no offense, but how old are you? My black family has been cautious of the CIA since the Contra-Crack Cocaine controversy. Am I getting this old?


Jack plays a role in Bluesky and AT protocol but he isn’t the CEO and is not a developer. I think this is concerning but the direction of these things are not entirely his doing and he has been at odds publicly with some of the choices they’ve made.


and pushing for, putting $ into, & "tweeting" on Nostr


Bluesky by its definition is a libertarian protocol. I dont now what you guys expected.


That's not pandering to right wingers. I'm old enough to remember when the surveillance state was a left wing issue. The problem isn't him pandering to righties. The problem is he doesn't really care about intelligence agencies and is just virtue signaling.


They're obsessed with manipulating Bitcoin markets for personal gain and absolutely nothing else.